The Song [F34] [M38] [F32] [Sentimental] [Fingered in Public][Threesome] [Masturbation]

The first time I met them, my favorite band was playing – and she knew all the words. He smelled of whiskey and desire. It was an instant connection. (We laughed a lot.)

The second time, we went together – to a music festival near the coast. After those three days of camping outside and dancing the nights away, I felt so close to both of them. (The sunsets were breathtakingly beautiful.)

But it is the third time I met them that I will always remember in incredible detail. Every second of it. Every moment of that night at the sold-out venue, pushed up against the barrier in the front row.

It must have been two years ago now. I still think about it every time that song comes on to my playlist. You know, the one they were playing when I came all over his hand there in the front row, surrounded by 2,497 other people – and her.

It was such a good show. The sound engineering was on point. The crowd was energetic. And we had the best view: right up front. That’s why we arrived so early. I’ve wanted to see this band for more than seven years. None of my other friends cared for the music. But the couple I met at the concert a few months prior, was instantly keen to join – it was one of her favorite artists too.

We took turns going to the bathroom or fetching drinks; there was no way I was giving up our front view. I wanted to see them sing to me and only me as I screamed my fan-girl heart out, holding onto the railing separating me from the band. I had no idea just how hard I would be screaming.

The pills were timed in sync with the line-up. Exactly an hour before the headliner, we washed down the halved tablets with whiskey. We danced around to the opening act, forgetting we even took anything until half an hour later. I always felt it in my jaw first – that tingling feeling, almost a tightness, followed by the rush of warmth and contentment that only grew as the time passed.

Hugs felt good; all kinds of touching did. I felt so connected to them; a part of them, our bodies swaying to the music as we laughed loudly. I remember the closeness of them, the proximity at all times. I remember holding her hand for most of the second opener’s set; I remember not even noticing that fact until the song ended, and I needed my hand to clap my appreciation for the music.

It was his turn to go fetch us drinks before the much anticipated band took to the stage.

The two of us who stayed behind continued dancing to the interval music keeping the party alive in between sets. I can’t recall what we were talking about – probably music. I just remember how beautiful she looked when she laughed; the sparkle in her eye that seemed to grow even brighter as the night went on. I just wanted to hold her, and I did. When her partner came back, we were slow dancing on the spot to a song that had zero potential for slow dancing, but we did anyway. I just wanted to be close to her, to feel her head on my shoulder and mine on hers, to smell her fresh perfume.

I don’t know when he came back or how long he stood there watching us with that smile on his face. The song eventually ended, the lights dimmed, and the crowd started clapping to welcome the band they were all here to see, on stage. He handed us each a bottle of water, kissing us on the lips as he did so. It felt nice.

The ecstasy was kicking in properly now and I was almost overpoweringly happy – the perfect set and setting.

When the band struck their first familiar notes, I was completely overwhelmed, tears of happiness streaming down my face as I shouted the lyrics at the men on stage. She knew the words too. We held hands and sang our hearts out. From time to time we kissed; I kissed him too.

I lied when I said I remembered every detail. I don’t remember what happened between that song and seven songs later when she untangled her fingers from mine and took his hand, guiding it to my crotch. Even though he only touched me over the fabric of my pants, it instantly sent a jolt of fire through my whole body. I looked at her deeply for answers, for consent, but I received only the latter as she nodded, smiling with that devilish grin on her face. I never knew what looks they exchanged between them before – my eyes were closed in the song, but I knew that all parties involved were completely onboard with what was happening.

He had shifted his position from standing behind her to standing behind me, spooning his body with mine as the crowd pushed us into the barrier. I could feel his erection pressing against my ass as he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed the side of my neck. She was smiling broadly, still singing along; she put her hand back in mine, not pulling away – even when the other people started clapping.

He slipped his other hand into the stretchy fabric of my pants; under the long top I was wearing. Right there, in the front, our backs to the entire crowd, my face an open book to the band who were none the wiser.

The moment his fingers found their way under my panties, my whole body shivered. It felt so good! I arched my body against his, pushing back into his erection to show my appreciation for his touch.

As his fingers dug into my folds to find the peak of my clit, she grabbed my face and kissed me deeply.

There were too many sensations to focus on all at once. My mind was toggling between them – each more erotic than the last. From the powerful music blasting from the stage, the magical energy of the crowd, his hardness pressing into my back, her lips, her taste, and oh god the feeling of his fingers on either side of my clit, circling in time with beat of the music.

I lost my grasp on the world at this stage, floating in an overpowering sea of almost painful pleasure. If I wasn’t on ‘E’, I would’ve cum instantly but it always delayed that final release beyond a point of reason.

The song ended, a new one started, two more. Our long kiss ended and started again, who knew when. Time was only measured in song lengths now and even then, I might have forgotten to count a song. Who could blame me?

I held onto the barrier with both hands to steady myself when the feeling finally came; the rush that made my knees weak and my other senses shut down completely. The surge of my climax started from my center and powered through every cell in my body under the comfortable blanket of the familiar music. It was the perfect song too. I could never have imagined its potential when I heard it before, but every time since, I could think of nothing else.

He held me tightly as my body shook and shivered. I moaned loudly as I came, but it was drowned out by the cheering crowd.

There are no words to describe that orgasm – except that it was one of the best orgasms of my entire life, standing there, pinned against a barrier at a live concert, fingered to completion in a room full of unsuspecting people.

It took me so long to come to my senses again.

I remember how sweetly she looked at me after, kissing both of us…

It feels so long ago now, but like yesterday at the same time.

I turned the song up louder, closed my eyes, and reached my fingers down to my clit…
