Oak Spring College – Chapter 2 – First lunch at an all-nude college [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity] [Teasing]

[Originally posted by me here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xdwhdg/chapter_2_first_lunch_at_an_allnude_college_mf18/)

Link to [Chapter 1 part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xewt55/oak_spring_college_chapter_1_part_2_first_class/)

Olivia was enjoying her lunch, the school lunch restaurant actually made really good food. However, her appetite was spoiled by the events earlier with Jonas. Why did he call her a ‘bitch’, I wasn’t like she had done anything wrong, right? Yeah maybe she was teasing her a bit too much, but the girl wasn’t following the regulations! Besides, why did she go around being all shy about her body? She was really cute, why hide it?

Olivia has always enjoyed being seen naked by men. At high school she had done streak a couple of times and it was so exhilarating to be naked where you shouldn’t be. She especially enjoyed seeing men’s reactions to her when she was naked, their gluttonous eyes trying to eat her up. That was why she had join Oasic, it would basically be streaking everyday and she would be exposed to the greedy eyes of boys all day long! She especially enjoyed it when the uniformed male students looked at her. Somehow the contrast between them being clothed and her being naked reinforced her own nudity and made her feel even more naked, which made her feel even more exhilarated. It was especially fun because they often became more flustered than she did!

But that shy girl had ruined it for her. She made her feel as if what she was doing was somehow wrong, as if she should be ashamed too for her nudity. Why couldn’t she just enjoy being admired too? Then Jonas had come and defended her behavior and called her out! Did he think she should be ashamed of her nudity too? She had thought that he would be a fun plaything, a clothed male student in her class to play with, but then he did this…

Her friends, Becky, Amanda and Clara, were talking amongst themselves about their experiences during the morning, but they had noticed the absence of Olivia from the conversation. Becky was the first to speak up.

“Hey, Olivia are you okay, is the thing that Jonas said still bother you? Come on he is just an asshole, don’t let him get you down!”

“I know, it is not that, I am trying to think of how to get back at him.”

“Ohh, yeah what are we going to do? He is being all superior, we should take him down a notch!”

You could always count on Becky when it came to pulling pranks. She was from the same high school as Olivia and had joined Oasic because Olivia had wanted to go there, even though she was not quite so comfortable with her nudity as Olivia was. She had even had a freak out this morning from seeing one of the guys getting a hard on. Admittedly it was creepy when they lost their control like that, it was just pathetic when they didn’t even try to restrain themselves. However, Becky had lost her cool and shouted at him in a way that had made Olivia cringe.

“Oh, I have got an idea,” This time it was Amanda, she was always eager to do things, but she sucked at coming up with good ideas. She and Olivia had met during Lacrosse practice and was always eager to join Olivia in pulling pranks, including once ‘accidentally’ showering in the boys changing room during a Lacrosse camp. She was also perfect at seducing boys using the ‘ditzy innocent girl who doesn’t know what she is doing’ play and had caused more than one scandal by stealing boyfriends, only to dump them. “We should push his lunch into his lap and ruin his pretty uniform!”

“Come on Amanda, what are, middle schoolers?” Olivia said disappointedly.

“How about we make take off his uniform?” This time it was Clara who spoke. Clara was a bit… Scary. Olivia could swear that one day Clara would become a criminal mastermind and dominate the world. She was the only one in the gang who had scored high enough to be allowed to wear the uniform and she was often the mastermind behind their pranks. If she wanted she could easily have taken the lead in the gang, but she preferred to stay in the shadows and instead let OIivia take the lead.

She was the most recent “recruit” to the gang, but had quickly gained a central position. Olivia had met her during an information meeting about the college a few months ago. Since then she had hung out with Olivia’s gang after school and planned out some of their best pranks yet. Olivia suspected that Clara intended to form her own little harm of naked boys, but Clara had been quite tight lipped about her intentions to join the school, simply stating that the privileges and reputation of the school and its state-paid tuition fee was the reason. But Olivia has seen how Clara had looked at the particularly handsome naked male specimen, like they were candy for her to devour.

“What do you mean?” Olivia said “Like make him lose the uniform privileges?”

Becky and Amanda let out an “Uhhhh” in chorus at the prospect.

“Exactly. It is obvious that he is very intelligent and prides himself on that. Most of the uniformed students, including me, applied for this school because we knew that we could get higher than 90 on the test and thus knew that we would never need to be naked. Thus even if one is shy one could join this school and enjoy the privileges that comes with it, without having to expose oneself. I suspect that the girl we caught trying to cover herself had the same intentions, but clearly failed.” Clara said.

So that was why she was so shy, Olivia thought to herself, because she actually never intended to attend the school naked, so she was not mentally prepared for it. Olivia snorted at the thought. Meanwhile Clara continued explaining her plan:

“If we are able to make him fail to get over 90 on the next midterm exam, he will have to face a reality he never intended to happen and one he almost certainly fears. If you look at him closely you can tell that he does look as much at the other girls as the other guys do, even the other uniformed male students. Probably because the sight of them turns him on a lot and he doesn’t like people seeing him all flustered. Now imagine him all flustered and turned on, but also naked. He would be humiliated.”

A devilish smile formed on Olivia’s lips. “That’s brilliant!” Becky and Amanda said, again in chorus.

She realized that the reason she enjoyed playing so much with Jonas was not because he was clothed, but because he got so flustered and had such strong reactions to her naked body. He probably had a huge hard on when she leaned forward on his desk, practically shoving her breasts into his face. Making him flustered and turn on while being naked and forcing him to display his arousal to everyone around, would make him a much more fun plaything. The thought of him naked with a massive hard on from having stared lavishly at her body, got her really turned on.

Wait, why did the thought of him devouring her naked body with his eyes make her feel turned on? This was about satisfying her revenge! He was her plaything, he didn’t have any rights to make her feel flustered, it was supposed to be the other way around!

“Okay, but how do we do it?” Olivia finally said.

Clara pouted her lips and continued.

“It will take some effort, after all he is likely already well prepared. However, in order to stay over 90, he will need to spend everyday after school studying and so if we can simply steal that time away from him, he will be unable to study enough.”

“But how do we make him not study after school, should we steal his notebook?” Amanda suggested.

“No, we will make him tutor you three. You see, one of the rules of this school is that a student must accept a request from another student to tutor them. One tutoring session is two hours and the maximum number of hours a student can be made to tutor in total per day is 4 hours and the tutoring sessions are standardized to occur from 4 pm till 8 pm, after lecturing hours, and has to take place within the school building. So basically, we will rotate between the three of you for two slots per day. This should only leave him a few hours each day to study on his own, unless he sacrifices sleep, which should also anyway impact his performance, and those hours he will also need for chores.”

“Why just the three of us and not you as well?” Asked Becky.

Clara slowly turned her head toward Becky and looked at her rather condescendingly.

“Because it would take away time from me for studying too and I have no intention of losing my uniform privileges. Besides, the three of you spending time with him every evening, naked as you are, will surely make him unable to keep his hand from his dick once he does have free time. Especially if you, you know, use your natural charms to ensure that he cannot look away from you.”

Olivia felt giddy with anticipation. Making Jonas tutor her every evening and flustering him in every way she knew how using her body, sent sparks of joy all through her body. When she saw him enter the lunch room with the shy girl, who now seemed to have managed to calm herself and walk around uncovered, she couldn’t help but to flash a giant lion’s grin when he looked her way. The predator had found its prey.

Link to [Chapter 3 Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xeww9p/oak_spring_college_chapter_3_part_1_first_time/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xewup1/oak_spring_college_chapter_2_first_lunch_at_an