Messi Jessy – Fuck the World [>18][M/F][solo][cheating][gangbang][public][sex addiction]

Jessica and Eddie got married two months ago in front of the Justice of the Peace at the Chatham County courthouse. It was Jessica’s idea, she said if her parents weren’t going to be there it didn’t matter if anyone else was, so why waste the money. She and her parents had some kind of falling out right before she went off to college, they never spoke, but the marriage had done a lot to repair that, and they had been talking frequently. And now, Jessica and Eddie were going to her hometown, to meet her family, and attend some kind of Christmas party. Eddie wasn’t excited about the trip, but he did want to make a good impression with his new inlaws, which he felt was going to be difficult, as he is white, they are Korean, and he married their daughter in a courthouse, without their consent. 

Jessica was a nervous wreck. Eddie had never seen her so worked up. Some people stress eat, others drink, or isolate themselves, Jessica fucks her stress away. It’s not sex, and it’s certainly not making love, it’s not emotionless, but the feeling is not love, it’s rough fucking until she feels calm, then she’s back to her normal pleasant self. Eddie woke this morning to Jessica pulling off his shorts. She was naked, she usually slept with very few clothes, if any at all. Eddie was hard, he always woke up hard, and if he hadn’t been, the sight of Jessica licking four of her fingers and rubbing them on her always freshly waxed pussy, and sliding two, then three inside her, would have gotten him there. She squatted over him, her feet flat on the bed, hands on her knees for support, and came down hard right on his throbbing cock. She bounced up and down on him, sometimes coming up so far that he slid out of her, then back down, with as much force as her petite 98 pound frame could deliver. She was looking right at him, but her thoughts were somewhere else. 

“Tell me before you cum, I want in my mouth.”

None of this surprised Eddie, they were flying out later that afternoon, Jessica’s stress level had been off the charts, and even during regular sex she liked the jizz to be on her, or in her mouth. 

“I’m cumming, now, now, now!”

Jessica spun around, and impaled her head with Eddie’s cock, simultaneously straddling his face. She was grinding her pussy against his whole face, sucking every drop of cum she could get. Eddie finished, and she had swallowed her mouthful, but she just kept riding his face, he could barely breathe, but she was close, and he was getting used to almost blacking out from being smothered. Jessica’s thin legs tightened, she sat down with all her weight on Eddie’s cramping tongue, and orgasmed. She let out a long sigh of relief, and loosened her grip on Eddie’s face so he could take a much needed breathe, and was still, for almost 30 seconds. 

“Let’s get moving, I don’t want to be late for the airport” Jessica said as she sprang up and into the bathroom. 

The drive to the airport was quiet, Jessica’s anxiety was building up again, and it was palpable by the time they got to security screening. When she stepped into the body scanner, she looked at Eddie and winked. Here we fucking go, he thought. The wink meant one of two things, she had put the stainless steel bars back in her nipples, or she had a butt plug in. This time, is was both. The security officer asked her step to the side, and wait while he found a female officer, she would need a special screening. 

“We don’t have time to wait, you can do it.” 

Jessica was not turned on by getting patted down by strangers. What she liked was how awkward, and shy, and embarrassed the officer would be. But reluctantly he continued. Jessica is 4’11, not even 100 pounds, and is wearing an old pair of highschool shorts and a loose tank top with absolutely nothing underneath, except, apparently, nipple rings and a butt plug. The pat down can’t end soon enough for the poor security officer who will probably recount this moment every time he jerks off from this point on. 

“One day you are going to get in serious trouble for that.”

“Not today, did you see his face when that wand thing beeped at my tits. I honestly thought he was going to cry.”

That small show of sexual dominance calms her down, but the weather has Eddie worried. He’s not afraid of flying, but he doesn’t like it, and there is going to be turbulence. 

The flight is mostly empty, so they take up the last row, where they have some privacy. The turbulence starts as soon as the plane leaves the ground. Refreshment service is cancelled, just sit there and don’t die until they are safely back on the ground. Eddie is so caught up in his own terror that he doesn’t even notice Jessica unbuckling his belt. She gets on her knees in her seat, sideways, ass up towards the window, head in Eddie’s lap. He isn’t completely hard when she puts it in her mouth. The plane is bouncing so much it is doing most of the work, Jessica finds her rhythm, and is soon very happily slurping cock. 

“Can you reach my plug?”

Eddie pulls her shorts off her ass, and locates the jeweled button sticking out of her ass, “yeah.”

“Fuck me with it.”

Eddie slowly, gently, pulls the plug out of Jessica, looks around, and then puts it in his mouth. He lubes it up as best he can with his saliva, and then pushes it back in. And out, and in, and out. Jessica has had enough of this foreplay, and sits down on Eddie’s lap. His cock dripping from her spit slides effortlessly into her ass. She rocks her hips, and gyrates on his cock. It feels great, and Eddie has forgotten all about the turbulence, his mind focused on not cumming to quickly.

“I’m close, where do you want it?”

Jessica rolls off of him and into her seat on her back. If she weren’t so small she wouldn’t be able to fit in that position, but she is a tiny woman, and lays on her back with her shirt lifted up. She has very small breasts, not even A cups. The silver bars keep her nipples permanently hard, Eddie has to stand up to turn enough to aim his dick at her. He shoots just as plane bounces hard, most of the jizz lands on Jessica, but some is lost. The fasten seat belt sign flashes, and the flight attendant gives Eddie the look. He sits back down quickly. 

“Well, that was a first, not as hard as I thought it would be.” Eddie’s words are lost on Jessica, she stares out the window, absent mindedly holding a butt plug, semen running down her chest, soaking through her shirt.

They landed at the tiny airport, in the middle of nowhere, in a state that Eddie would have had a difficult time locating on an unlabeled map. Jessica ran to the taxi, she was underdressed for the cold. Eddie noticed the driver noticing Jessica’s bar bells, but he adjusted the mirror so he wouldn’t be distracted, and asked where to. 


“Yes ma’am.”

“We need to hurry up and get showered and changed, we are meeting my parents at 8.”

Eddie thought there was something wrong, the car was already stopping, but apparently the Fairmont is only two minutes from the airport. 

The room was nice, big enough, the bathroom had a shower and tub. Jessica was out of her clothes before Eddie could find the light switch. She stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror, she was trying to unscrew the ball on the ends of nipples rings, but her hands were trembling. Eddie stood behind her, reached around her slim frame, and helped her take the bars out. He took the opportunity to pinch her nipples, and she bent over at the waist, reached back and spread her ass cheeks. Eddie dropped to his knees, and buried his face in her ass, sticking his tongue as far in as it would go. Jessica fingered herself as Eddie licked the rim of her asshole, but they both knew this wasn’t going to make her cum. 

“Sorry baby, I need one more, and we don’t have much time.”

“That’s alright, go ahead and take care of yourself, I need to shower anyway.” 

Jessica climbed into the oversized tub, and laid on her back. She positioned her pussy right underneath the faucet, and turned it on high, her left hand reached down, and slid her pointer and middle finger into pussy, and her ring and pinky finger into her ass, she came in less than a minute. 

Eddie was showered, and changed into his dark suit, Jessica was sitting naked on a towel on the bed, doing her makeup. 

“Why don’t you go downstairs and have a drink, I will come by to collect you when I’m ready?”

“Now that’s a good idea.” 

The sex may have calmed Jessica nerves, but Eddie was still very anxious. A nice stiff drink would mellow him out. 

The bar was nice, really too nice for this place, in this town. There were two other guys sitting at the bar, they were laughing and talking loudly. Eddie didn’t sit so close that it would be weird, but close enough to chat if the opportunity presented itself. He order a gin and tonic, and tried to remember how to greet someone in Korean. His thoughts wouldn’t sit still, so he gave up, and took out his phone, but he was really just listening to the two men talk. 

“…was that here?”

“Yeah, up on the ninth floor.” 

“The whole team?”

“I don’t know how many people are on a soccer team, but there were at least 10.”

“All of them together, or one at a time?”

“Mostly one at time, sometimes, the guy that was on deck would put it in her mouth while he waited for his turn.”

“And you watched this?”

“Yeah, not just me, what’s that guy’s name that runs the tire store on Second street?”

“Tommy, something, yeah I know him.”

“He was there, and some kid from the grade below us, I don’t know him though.” 

“Is that when you fucked her?”

“No, I was before all that, before the nickname, we fucked in the back of my dad’s car down by Riverfront Park. She was fucking tiny.”

“Messy Jessi, I can’t believe they got that picture in the year book.”

“I can’t believe she let them do that, all over her face like that, and take a picture!”

“Yeah, I can’t believe she’s coming back, for the Christmas party no less.”

“You gonna try to fuck her again?” 

“There’s not much trying involved, but I heard she got married.”

“I can’t imagine that’ll matter too much” 

“No, I don’t reckon it will. You should, give her a go. Don’t wanna be the only person in Jasper county that ain’t had a turn.”

“Maybe I will, but I’m sure going home to find that year book.”

“Yeah, I got to get going too.”

Eddie watched the two men leave, and his suspicions about his new bride vanished as soon as they turned the corner. He was about to order another drink when he spotted Jessica crossing the lobby. She was wearing a black dress, high heels, her shoulder length hair was up, she never wore her hair up, and she had her glasses on. She was almost unrecognizable, stunning, very sophisticated, and very unlike herself. 

“I dropped my fucking contact in the toilet, and I can’t find my spares.”

“There in the little bag, with the bandaids and stuff.”

“It’s too late now, let’s just go.”

“How far away is this restaurant, it’s 10 till already.”

“It’s right up there.”

Jessica pointed at an enormous staircase that towered over the lobby.

“Good, that’s easy. Hey, I was just wondering, has anyone ever called you Jess, or Jessi?”

“Yeah, when I was still in school, they called me…”

She trailed off, her eyes fixed on the older Korean couple standing at the hostess stand.

Jessica gripped Eddie’s hand a little tighter, and he pulled her forward, towards who he could only guess where her parents. Jessica stopped short, it felt too far away, but her parents seemed to expect it. Jessica bowed, not just with her head, but her whole upper body, low, and she stayed there, until her father spoke. Eddie didn’t know if he was supposed to bow, he started to, but by then Jessica was standing up, so he stopped, it looked like he was doing a terrible version of the robot. Jessica’s father addressed her in Korean, and Jessica, bowing again, responded in perfect Korean, complete with an accent. Eddie looked at her, amazed. He had never, in their entire relationship, heard her speak her native language. It reminded him of the day in courthouse, when they were filling out the marriage license forms. In the space for name, Jessica had written Soo-Jin. 

“What’s this?” 

“It’s my name.” 

“Your name isn’t Jessica?”

“My American name is Jessica, that’s my legal, Korean name.”

“We’re about to get married, and I am just finding out that your name isn’t Jessica.”

“My name is Jessica, no one, except my father, calls me Soo-Jin. It’s not a big deal.”

The conversation between Jessica and her parents was still going on in Korean, but Eddie snapped to the present when mixed in with all the Korean, he heard Eddie. He looked at Jessica’s father, smiled, tried another bow, abandoned it, and kicked himself for not remembering how to greet someone in Korean. 

“Eddie, these are my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Park.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Sir, Ma’am.”

Eddie tried to figure out why he was speaking to them like they are deaf. 

“Pleasure to meet you, Eddie. I think we could all use a drink,” Jessica’s father read the situation perfectly. 

They sat, and politely chatted, Jessica’s father kept ordering more rounds of bourbon. He was on his fourth, Eddie on his third, and they hadn’t even order dinner yet. 

“So, how did you two meet,” Jessica’s mom asked, perfectly innocently. 

Jessica and Eddie met in their last year of college, in a library, both trying to cram for the same History of Western Civilizations final.  They realized they were in the same class, and Eddie learned how Jessica deals with stress, twice, the first time before they even got out of the library. 

Eddie excused himself to the washroom while Jessica finished the boring version of that story. The washroom only had two urinals, both were occupied, so Eddie waited by the sink, realizing he was more than a little buzzed, now that he was on his feet. 

“… remember when Jasper hosted the regionals for soccer. Bremer County lost to us?”


“When their bus showed up, we were still having practice. The coaches decided a warm up match would be fun, and played shirts and skins.”

“Yeah, so?”

“She played, skins, for like 30 minutes before anyone noticed. Hell, she scored two goals.”

“No way.”

“I’m telling you,  I was on the field, she’s that flat. They didn’t even stop her because they realized she was running around topless. They thought she was one of the middle school boys.”

“Was that the same time as the rumor about the hotel room?”

Eddie was not even pretending that he wasn’t ease dropping. The two men looked at him with deserved suspicion. They finished up, and didn’t resume talking until they were out the door, but Eddie was sure he heard one of them say Jessi. 

The rest of dinner went as pleasant as it could. Eddie sobered up, but he was still uninhibited enough to let Jessica squeeze his dick under the table every now and then, which calmed her just enough.  Jessica’s father thanked him repeatedly for marrying his daughter, he was drunk, and his accent had gotten to be a little much for Eddie to follow, but all in all it had gone very well.

They waited with Jessica’s parents until the taxi showed up, and both let out a huge sigh of relief as the car pulled away. 

“That wasn’t so bad, I think your dad liked me.”

“Mom too, I think. God, I haven’t been that nervous in a long time. You know what I need right now?”

“I was thinking the same thing. You go on up and run a bath, I’ll grab us some champagne from the bar. Maybe limit yourself to just once before I get there.”

“I’m gonna go once in the elevator,” Jessica said as she was walking away. Eddie knew her well enough to know that she probably wasn’t joking. He was smiling, thinking about Jessica all dressed up, jilling herself in the elevator, staring directly into the security camera as she did it. 

“Can I get a bottle of champagne and two glasses, to go please.” 

“Sure thing buddy.”

Eddie sat down, the bar was now full of people, he saw the two men from the bathroom, but tried not to let them see him. Two women walk towards the empty seat next to Eddie, he stands and motions for them to take his, they give him a thank you smile, and continue their conversation. 

“Can you believe she’s married?”

“I know, who in their right mind…”

“No one from around here, that’s for sure.”

“And for the Christmas party, why?”

“I don’t know, but I told Terry he better not get close to that bitch.”

“Did Terry, I mean, did they…”

“Yeah, Spring break, senior year.”

“Weren’t y’all already dating then?”

“Yeah. Why did that bitch come back here?”

“Here you go buddy,” the bartender sets down a tray with an iced champagne bottle in a bucket and two flutes. Eddie is already getting hard as he makes his way to the elevator. 

When Eddie enters the hotel room, the lights are already dimmed, and Jessica is soaking in the tub. He pours them both a glass, and starts undressing. Jessica watches him, eyes lighting up as he removes his boxers, and his already hard dick springs out. He climbs into the tub behind her, and massages her shoulders while washing her back. She sips champagne, and the stress and tension roll off of her with the bubbles. She’s back to herself, the madness of the day behind them. 

“That security officer did look like he was going to cry,” Eddie says with soft chuckle. 

“I know, I thought you were going to be mad. Then all that turbulence, I hoped I calmed you down.”

“I really enjoyed that, but it wasn’t calming, I was so worried we were going to get caught.”

“Yeah, I can’t believe you stood up.”

They continued to laugh as they relived the events of the day. The overheard conversations were like lights in Eddie’s mind, and now that everything else was calm, and peaceful, those lights got brighter. He was about ask Jessica something, but before he could form the thought into words she stood up. Eddie was sitting in the tub, Jessica was standing, her feet outside his legs, and she bent over, at the waist, and placed her hands on the edges of the tub. Eddie spread her cheeks, and licked her in long slow strokes from clit to ass. Her clit plumped up, and Eddie sucked it, rolling his tongue around, and inside.  He french kissed her soaked cunt until her knees started to fail her. Eddie stood, and with one arm, picked her up and carried her to the bed. They held each other, and kissed passionately. Eddie laid on his back, with his arms and hands behind his head. Jessica gently slid down onto him, rubbing her clit up and down his cock, softly, then just a little faster, just a little more force, just enough to get her over the edge. Her face was streaked with tears by the time the orgasm ended. Eddie knew that whatever was stressing her out now wasn’t going away anytime soon. He grabbed the champagne bottle, and intentionally made a mess of pouring it into her mouth, covering her face and chest with sweet sticky bubbles. It was cold, and it took her breathe away, she was already tensed when he rammed his cock up her ass, only relaxing when he was pounding her as hard as he could. Fuck the stress away. 

Jessica is on her back, legs spread wide, bent at the knees, her hand grabbing her thighs from underneath, holding herself open. Eddie is kneeling in front of her, thrusting his hips, driving himself deeper into Jessica’s tight ass. His right thumb pressing against her raised clit, sliding into and out of her. He pours champagne into his mouth, warming it before he lets it spill out onto Jessica’s flat chest and tight stomach. She loves the sensation, being filled, being sticky with sweat and sweet wine. They fuck like this all night, Eddie doesn’t remember falling asleep, much less ordering the second bottle. 

It was mid afternoon when Eddie woke, and Jessica was still sleeping beside him, looking calm, and content, a sight he hadn’t seen much of in the past two days. He took a hot shower, and washed away the grime from the night before. When he came out Jessica was awake, sitting naked in the middle of the bed, staring blankly at the far wall. 

“Hey you, how are you? Get enough sleep, sorry if the shower woke you.”

“No, it’s fine, I need to get up anyway. Do you know it’s after 3 already?” 

“I know, I haven’t slept this late since I was a teenager. Where is the Christmas party? How early do we need to leave?” 

Jessica laughed, “it’s in the ballroom, downstairs.”

Eddie laughed too, “does everything in this town happen in this hotel?”

“Pretty much,” Jessica’s voice trailed off, she lost a little bit of her color, and her breathing grew shallow.

“What’s the deal with this party anyway, why is this such a big deal?”

“This is The Event of the year. People come from as far away as Bremer, and Carroll county. Everyone is going to be there, people I haven’t seen since…since before I left ”

Jessica was staring off again, lost in an emotional memory, trying to figure something out, or maybe just wiped from the past day, Eddie couldn’t tell. He went about his routine, brushing his teeth, shaving, paying attention to his hair for once, he wanted people to have a good opinion of the man Jessica married. 

Jessica was standing in the bathroom, naked, shiny from dried sweat and wine, sticky, she would have looked gross if she didn’t look so frightened. She was trembling, barely able to brush her teeth. Eddie brought a chair into the bathroom and sat her in it, in front of the mirror. He sat down on the floor in front of her, plunged his face into her filthy crotch. He licked and sucked and tongued and slurped until Jessica’s breathing relaxed. 

“Thanks, I couldn’t do this without you.”

Eddie continued his dirty work while Jessica did her hair and makeup, she was too focused on her task to cum, but unwilling to let him stop. Finally, she stood up, and grinning from ear to ear asked “what do ya think?”

Eddie looked at her for a long moment. She was wearing her hair like she did when they had first met, parted on the side. Eddie smiled, she somehow looked more like herself. Jessica, now growing excited, began putting on her dress. 

“I haven’t seen this one before, new?”

“No, not even close, I brought this out of retirement especially for tonight.”

To reach the ballroom from the elevator you have to pass through bar that Eddie had been to the night before. Jessica was right, there were tons of people, everywhere. As hey walked through, Eddie recognized one of the men he overheard talking the night before, he was with another guy that Eddie hadn’t seen. When the man that Eddie recognized saw Jessica, his jaw literally dropped. 

“Oh my god, if it isn’t…”

Jessica cut him off “…Dwayne and Tommy. Guys, this my husband, Eddie ”

Dwayne, the guy Eddie recognized started speaking again “Holy shit, the rumors are true then, you went and got married.”

Tommy said “Girl, I haven’t seen you since…” He didn’t finish, he just looked at Eddie. 

“Yeah, it’s been a while. Eddie, you see my parents over there? Can you bring them some drinks?” 

A round of bourbons had materialized on the bar in front them. 

“Sure, no problem.” Eddie awkwardly picked up three glasses and started walking off. 

“Nice to meet you guys,” he said almost over his shoulder. 

Jessica was looking at Tommy, a lean, muscular man, with a hard jawline and slicked back hair. 

“I remember the last we saw each other,” as she said it, Jessica stepped closer to both of them, standing almost right in between them, they instinctively each put an arm around her. 

“As I recall, you didn’t get your turns.”

Their faces lit up, their eyes sharpened with lust, Tommy traced the line of her spine all the way down to her ass.  She smiled at him, then at Dwayne. 

“See who else you can round up,” and Jessica placed the key to her and Eddie’s hotel room into Dwayne pocket, checking to see how hard he was as she slid her hand out.

“Two bottles of champagne, don’t bother about the glasses.”

“Sure thing Jessi, it’s sure nice to see you again,” the bartender winked as he said it. 

Eddie was making small talk with Jessica’s parents, when another couple their age approached, giving him an exit route. He saw a small circle of people huddled around something, laughing and talking. He walked over and saw the other guy from the bar, as well as the two ladies he had given his seat to. He walked up, and was immediately asked

“What year did graduate?”

“I not from here, I’m here with my wife.”

“What year did she graduate?”

“2015, I guess.”

The all looked at him curiously, “that’s our year, what’s her name?”

“Jessica, Jessica Park.”

They all kind of stopped, and shifted their eyes at one another. 

“You married Jessica Park?”

“Yeah, two months ago, is that her highschool yearbook.”

“Yeah,” and he handed Eddie the book.

He flipped to Seniors, and there she was,  smiling back at him.  He noticed almost immediately that she was wearing her hair exactly the same as it was in the picture, but because it is only from the shoulders up, it took him longer to notice that she was wearing the exact same dress. He turned the page, and there was a collage of candid photos from school events that year, football games, dances, something involving tractors. A small, black and white photo, the size of a quarter, showed just the face of a young girl. The face was covered in something, it almost looked like egg whites in the black and white photo. The girls mouth was open, her tongue out, upturned, a pool of the liquid dripping from her face gathering in it. 

It seemed to Eddie that he realized who he was looking at, at exactly the same time as he realized what he was looking at.

“…I can’t believe she let them do that, all over her face like that, and take a picture!”

Eddie heard the words repeating in his head.  He closed the book.  

Dwayne went immediately over to Mike, leaned in, and whispered something to him, and handed him the room key. Mike drained his drink, and took off for the bar, having to catch himself from running. When saw Jessica standing there, he couldn’t resist, he picked her up, and threw her over his shoulder. He carried her off like conquering soldier, and Jessica, a bottle of champagne in each hand, did not resist. As they got closer to elevator, Mike pulled the back of Jessica’s dress up, revealing her bare ass, he jammed his hand in between her miniscule ass cheeks and found her plug, right where he expected it to be. 

“You ain’t changed a bit, girl.”

“I think you got bigger,” Jessica’s voice now unable to contain her enthusiasm. 

Eddie noticed that room was getting less crowded, and saw a group of guys heading for the elevator. He walked, driven by fear, and anger, and desire. The elevator stopped at his floor, and he got out with the rest of them. The door to his room was partially open, and they headed for it, before he could say anything the door was open enough to see that there was already a crowd inside. 

When he stepped through the door all of his senses were assaulted at once. The smell of booze was strong, most everyone in the room was either drunk or getting there fast. Sweat, from many different men, mixing together like a locker room, pungent.  Cum, Eddie had never smelled anyone else’s cum, but each person has their own powerful scent, distinctly different from everyone else’s.  Grunts, and moans, from more than one man, cheering, skin slapping against skin. A gagging sound, followed by the heavy gasp for air a person takes after they’ve been choked and are finally able to breathe.  

Mike was flat on his back, Jessica was riding him, reverse, her back to his head, her diminutive stature made even smaller by his bulk. She was soaked, her jet black hair looked even darker when it was wet, cum, champagne, and spit dripping off of her face. A man stood on the bed in front of her, holding her head in position with a handful of her hair, fucking her face as hard as he could. Shoving this cock down her throat until she gagged, then pulling her off. She reached up for it, and jerked him until came, her mouth open trying to catch as much as she could. Mike flipped her off of him, and tossed her on her back like rag doll, he picked up her hips and brought her onto his dick, before she had time to react, another dick plunged into mouth. Two, then three men jizzed across her chest. 

Mike was still thunder fucking her ass, Tommy had just shot his load onto her face, when Jessica looked directly at Eddie. They made eye contact, and held it for several seconds. He didn’t know if she didn’t recognize him, or if she was too hopped up on cock to think, but she didn’t acknowledge him at all. She just kept right on fucking. He had never seen her so happy. Fuck the stress away.
