The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 4: I Bet Her Pussy Tastes Like Sea Salt and Caramel [FM]

*Author’s Note: Sydney and Ms. Chen, hmmm? Those names sounds familiar. Check out The Executive if you haven’t read that series yet. All my work can be found at* r/KellyBoomErotica

**- Chapter 4: Kelly -**

Tracy had already exited the ladies room, but before I went back into the bar I gave myself a once-over in the mirror – straightening my tie, finger combing my hair, and brushing off my shoulders while winking at my reflection in self-congratulations. I pulled the door open, looked down to confirm that my zipper was zipped, and bumped right into Farrah Fawsett.

“Oh shit,” I blurted out in shock. “My apologies.”

“No, it’s my fault. I thought this was the ladies room,” Sydney replied in an earnest tone. Too embarrassed to correct her I just smiled and nodded, sliding past her towards the party. I took a few rushed steps towards the bar, desperate for a drink, then I heard her chuckle and that’s when I knew she realized I was the one in the wrong restroom.

With a fresh beer in hand I spotted Tracy chatting with a young woman in a far corner. I sidled up next to her, not too close though as I wasn’t sure how she wanted to introduce me to her coworkers. I extended my hand to the woman, “Hi, I’m Kelly.”

“Hi Kelly, I’m Erin,” she replied, giving me a firm handshake and strong, direct eye contact.

“Do you work with Tracy?” I asked, this being the first person at the party I’d actually talked to… besides my short exchange with Farrah Fawsett.

Tracy jumped in, “Ms. Chen is my boss. The founder and Executive Director of the non-profit.” I was taken aback. When Tracy talked about her boss, how highly-esteemed she was and how much respect she commanded around the world, I incorrectly assumed she would be older and ornate. Ms. Chen, Erin, didn’t look a day over thirty, fairly short in stature, and quite petite. She was dressed in a plain gray business suit, no fashion accessories except a thin gold ring on her right ring finger. *I should’ve known better, I just studied inherent biases in class last week.*

“Tracy, please,” Erin said, snapping me away from my internal monologue. “Call me Erin when we’re out of the office.” Tracy gave a nervous smile to which Erin sensed her discomfort. “I know I’m stern and, for lack of a better term, bossy in the office, but you don’t get respect in our world without having a cutthroat air about yourself. Especially being a young Asian woman. You being a young black woman will have to do the same, which I already see in you.”

“Thank you Ms…. Erin,” Tracy relied, standing straighter with the boost of confidence.

“Now you, tall white male,” Erin eyed me. “You get whatever you want.” I shifted nervously on my feet, blood draining from my face. “I’m just fucking with you Kelly. Relax, it’s a party.” I exhaled audibly while emitting a flustered laugh. “But it’s true,” Erin concluded while I drained my beer so I didn’t have to respond.

Desperately needing out of this awkward conversation I said, “What I need now is another drink.” Erin smiled at me knowing she’d made me uncomfortable and not giving a damn. As I backed away towards the bar, and as soon as Erin wasn’t looking at me, I wide-eyed mouthed an “I’m sorry” to Tracy. She slyly winked, taking pleasure in me being uncomfortable.

With one more step backwards I bumped into someone. “I’m sorry,” I said while spinning around. Sydney was glaring at me with a look of disdain. “Oh shit,” I repeated to the beautiful blonde.

“Do you ever look where you’re going?”

“Normally yes,” I shook my head dejected. “I’m making a fool of myself to everyone tonight.”

“I was just trying to razz you man, it’s all good.” Sydney glanced behind me, “Oh I get it. You were just talking to Ms. Chen. No wonder you’re frazzled.”

I perked up, “Seriously, is she always that intense?”

“Oh yes, but I also think she hates me. She loves Tracy though.”

“Well I’m glad she’s not my boss,” I sighed.

Sydney chuckled, “Ha, yeah Ms. Chen is fierce. She used to be much worse. I mean, she’s still scary, as you clearly saw, but there was an edge that chipped away last year.” I nodded and looked over to Tracy, still in conversation with Ms. Chen. “Tracy’s helped, those two get along much better than I ever did with her, but something else changed her before Tracy started.” Sydney got lost in contemplation. Clearly, whatever happened to Ms. Chen last year was an itch that Sydney had yet to scratch.

While Sydney was thinking, staring off at nothing in particular, I took that moment to truly appreciate her scintillating aqua blue eyes. *Just like Farrah.* “You’re Sydney, right?” She nodded while sipping a rosy red cocktail through a straw. I couldn’t help but admire her puckered lips, the shade of her lipstick almost matching the color of her drink. “Tracy told me you were Ms. Chen’s intern before her. I’m Kelly by the way.”

Sydney delicately shook my hand. “Yeah, Tracy’s roommate. She’s told me about you and your other roommates.” *Hmm, I wonder how much she knows?* Noticing my mental gears turning Sydney continued, “Don’t worry, she only has great things to say about you.”

“Tracy is a good liar,” I quipped.

“However, she didn’t tell me you like to use the ladies restroom.”

I felt my cheeks flush a little. “I eh… Yeah, that was an honest mistake.”

“Tracy may be a good liar, but you certainly are not.” *Fuck, did she see Tracy and I go in there together? Is Sydney going to gossip around the office? Tracy’s going to kill me!* Before I could retort Sydney added, “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” and gave me a wink. Her tone assured me she wouldn’t tell anyone about the ladies room, no matter if she did see Tracy and I go in together. Her wink assured me she was flirting and I couldn’t help but get an ego boost. *Farrah Fawsett thinks I’m hot!*

At that moment Tracy walked over to us. “Hi Syd. I see you’ve met Kelly.”

“Yeah, he’s been trying to chat with me all night. He keeps *bumping* into me,” Sydney replied, using air quotes.

“Twice is not all night, and they were accidents,” I flirtatiously sneered at her. Tracy gave me a pondering look. *Shit, I’m pretty buzzed. Stop flirting in front of Tracy.* “Ms. Chen seems…” I trailed off trying to change the subject and not finding an appropriate word.

“Intense,” Tracy finished. “Yeah, she is, but I admire that in her. Anyways, I’m exhausted. I’ve had my face-to-face with the boss, so I don’t feel guilty about leaving. You ready Kelly?”

“Yup. I should probably leave the open bar. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough tonight.”

“Aww, too bad. I was hoping you’d *bump* into Ms. Chen and start hitting on her,” Sydney gibed. She gave me a cute, thin smile, winked again, then looked to Tracy, “Good to see you outside of the office Tracy. Let’s hang out sometime. Do you surf?”

“I’ve always wanted to but never have. Can you teach me?”

“Totally, let’s do it after work this week. Kelly, you should come too.”

I shook my head, “I doubt it. Southern boys are no surfers.”

“Your loss,” Sydney grinned. “We’ll chat about it on Monday, Tracy. Nice to meet you Kelly.” And with that she turned and walked away, swaying her hips as she did.

“Are you going to tell me now that you don’t have the hots for her?” Tracy said while lacing her fingering into mine. “Because I have the hots for her and I’m going to see her in a bikini.”

As we walked towards the exit I confessed, “I can’t lie, she is hot. But I already have a girlfriend. Three of them actually.” I squeezed Tracy’s hand trying to reassure her, and myself, that I didn’t need anyone else in my life.

We walked the few blocks to the lightrail station hand-in-hand, but in silence. I didn’t know for sure, but I thought we were both thinking about the same thing – what Sydney looks like in a bikini. Thankfully, the train pulled up right when we were arriving at the stop. As an added bonus, the car we climbed into was empty. As soon as we sat, Tracy said, “She likes you, you know.”

“Sydney?” I asked rhetorically. “I’m flattered, but I’m happy with what I’ve got.”

Tracy continued like I hadn’t said anything, “I bet her pussy tastes like sea salt and caramel.”

“You’re not satisfied with the dick and pussy you already have at home?”

Again, she was oblivious to my comments, eyes closed, “Can’t you just imagine the taste. Yummy.” She started rubbing her thighs together.

“Fucking hell Tracy. How long have you been fantasizing about her?”

Her eyes burst open, her pupils wide with desire. With a deadly serious tone she said, “Kelly, use me. Right here. I need it.”

“On the train?” Before I finished my question Tracy was hiking up her dress.

“Use me please,” she moaned. She pulled the spaghetti straps off her shoulders and her tits fell out. No matter how many times I’d cum these ladies could always get me hard. Blood flowed from my brain to my cock and I no longer cared that we were on the train.

“Suck my cock. Get it hard,” I whispered in her ear. She shivered with delight and frantically groped my pants button and zipper. I kneaded her breasts as she engulfed me into her mouth.

“Mmm, I can still taste myself on your cock.”

Within a minute I was stiff as a board and breathing heavily, “Sit on me and ride me.”

Tracy lifted her leg over my lap, lined up my dick to her entrance, and just before dropping herself onto me she hissed, “Think of Sydney while I fuck you.”

“What?” I managed to say while tight ecstasy gripped my shaft. She was so wet she slid all the way down with one fast, smooth squat.

“Imagine this is her salty caramel cunt wrapped around your stiff cock.” The plastic train seat squeaked rapidly with her every squat. “Her blonde hair flowing over your face as you suck on her neck.” I buried my face into Tracy’s neck, her curly black engulfing my head. But I did as told and imagined it was Sydney’s. “Tell me you like her tight, pink pussy.”

“Her pussy is so goooood,” I moaned into her neck.

“Tell me you want to fill her little pussy.”

With the image of Sydney perfectly formed in my mind, I hooked my finger into Tracy’s mouth. I didn’t want to hear Tracy’s voice anymore. “Fuck yes, Sydney. I’m gonna cum deep inside you.” Tracy didn’t try to speak, knowing I’d slipped into the full fantasy, and sucked on my finger while moaning loudly. I began thrusting up in rhythm with her squats. The train car echoed with skin slapping against skin. “You want my cum Sydney? I’m gonna cum in your cunt.” She moaned her approval. I gripped her tits and used them for leverage as I burst inside her with everything I had. Sydney’s screams of pleasure drowned out the screeching of the train breaking for the next stop. Panting heavily I said, “Fuck Sydney, that was amazing.”

Tracy’s voice shook me out of the fantasy, “People are boarding.” She quickly lifted herself off of me and a pool of cum leaked onto my crotch. She sat in her seat just as a couple of visibly drunk guys climbed into the car. They both shot us a glance, turned to each other whispering, then started laughing loudly. I looked over to Tracy, not at all embarrassed, just dumbfounded. Chuckling, she said, “I knew you had the hots for her.”
