Cheating Confession : Part 1

I’m Linnea Rimi Olsson (F 37). I’m Swedish by birth. Have moved to America with my husband in 2017.
Pardon my grammatical mistakes. English has never been my 1st language.
Being from a conservative family I’ve literally no-one to share my life story with. I’ve been cheating on my husband since 2018. He doesn’t know about it. Finally gathered some courage to tell the story.
This is not gonna be like a basic hardcore sex story. Ignore this post if you’re looking for just hardcore sex story. Sex will come slow here. Don’t waste your time if you’re not into detailed incidents. I’ve tried to keep the conversations as real as possible.

Chapter 1 : Shifting to Oakland.

My husband (Gustav) was working in a bank until 2017. He’s 42 YO rn. 5’8 height and an average body but has a great sense of humour and he’s a caring husband. He’s like a perfect lovable person even though he’s a bit orthodox.
Benjamin (41 M) is an old friend of Gustav. They were in college together. Benjamin owns a chain of grocery stores in Canada and is planning to start his business in California state. Gustav was also thinking about business ideas. He has earned enough to invest by now. So here starts my story. 16th January 2018 we shifted to Oakland. Gustav and Benjamin are starting a new business of cutlery. I was pretty happy about all this. I’ve always wanted to visit the states.
Benjamin had made good arrangement for our accomodation. He helped us getting a good place to live for a considerable rent.

The first few weeks were pretty difficult when it came to communicating with my neighbors. It was difficult for me to understand the American accent but within few weeks I got used to it.

3 months have passed and my husband’s partnership business was having a dream run. He even gifted me a heavy set of jewellery for our anniversary.
Life’s pretty good. What more can you want? A loving and successful husband, a good place to live and a glass of red wine.
Our sex life wasn’t very bad either. We’ve a son named Clarence. He’s 6 years old. Anyone of my age group would agree that sex life kinda changes after your first child and as marriage matures sex life kinda becomes monotonous.

April arrived with the arrival of of Clarence’s grandmother (my mother in law). It was a boon. Though she’s very old fashioned but made sure that Clarence is looked after pretty well.

Clarence had morning school and he would return only after his Piano lessons. I get a good amount of free time everyday and get bored easily. I’ve always wanted to work but never could. As said earlier my family is extremely orthodox and kinda Patriarchal.

16th May 2018 (21:47 Pm) : Gustav just had his dinner was lying on the bed and reading a Aghata Christie novel

Linnea : Hey sweetheart. How was your day at work?

GUSTAV : It was pretty good honey. We’re trying to get in touch with the local hotels.

Linnea : Wow! That sounds really good (I kissed him on his cheeks and he kissed me back)
Honey can I ask you something?

GUSTAV : Sure. Is everything alright?

Linnea: Yes nothing to worry about. I was just thinking that I really get bored now a days so you think there is some work for me in your business or maybe I could work somewhere else like a part time job.

(Gustav went silent for few seconds. He was a caring husband but also an orthodox one I never thought that I would go out to work some day. Linnea wasn’t really sure that how he would react to my question)

GUSTAV : Honey I am so sorry that you feel this way. but I don’t think that there is any error in my business that you can help with. Not do I know any part time jobs nearby.

Linnea : I saw an advertisement on local newspaper that there is a part time job opening in Walmart Central. Do you think I can apply there and work.

GUSTAV : Are you sure that you want to do that work?

Linnea : Yes honey I have always wanted to work somewhere.

GUSTAV : it’s your decision honey if it makes you happy then I think you should work in Walmart.

(Honestly Linnea wasn’t expecting such a cool and calm answer from my husband. but somewhere he understood that Linnea need my own social life as well. And he trusted Linnea with all his life he always believed that I’ll never cheat on him)


The interview was pretty simple it was just a customary think nothing difficult about it.
I was assigned a billing counter ( Counter E) from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on weekdays with 30 minutes lunch break.
Beside me on counter number it was Vincent ( M 28). He was 6’2 and was pretty athletic. He was a man of beard and biceps.
I was pretty nervous on my first day I didn’t talk much the work pressure was also pretty low.
I just exchanged smile with my new coworkers and with Vincent of course
On my right in counter number F was Helena (F 32).
She seemed to be pretty sweet person. After first day of work we had a good chat in a nearby cafeteria. She was separated from her husband four years back and had a 7 year old daughter.
Just as we were going to leave Vincent appears on our table and waives at Helena.


HELENA : Vince darling you seem to be a bit salty today. Was Richard (M 48 Store manager) an ass to you again? Come sit have coffee with us. We’ll have a refill. Oh I’m sorry meet your new neighbor Linnea.I hope you noticed her. (chuckles)

VINCENT : Yes I did! Hope she isn’t deaf. I’m pretty sure that she can’t speak.

(I was now sweating out of anxiety. I’m not a very social person)

ME : No. I can speak. (Pretty sure I looked dumb)

(Both of them laughed)

VINCENT : So Linnea. That’s a pretty cool name. Are you originally from here?

ME : No. I shifted from Sweden few months back.

VINCENT : Ah! Europe. So what are you doing here? In Oakland?

ME : My husband entered into a partnership business with his college mate. He currently based in Oakland.

(He stared at my wedding ring for a moment)

VINCENT : Ah! Lucky man. Hope you’re having a good time here.

ME : Yeah it has been good till now.

HELENA : Hey! Linnea. What are you doing next Friday? Would you like to join us in a small house gathering? You don’t know many people out here. It’ll help you socialize. Why don’t you bring your husband too.

ME : I don’t know. He isn’t a very party kind of person. Nor am I and Fridays are generally busy for him. Thanks for inviting though.

VINCENT : That’s sad. It would have been a good addition to our group. I hope you can at least join us for dinner.

(I didn’t know what to say. America is pretty friendly unlike European nations. Random people smile at you and wish you. Honestly I wanted to have a social life and I didn’t wanna sound rude)

ME : I don’t know. Maybe I can try.

HELEN : Okay! We’ll let you know about the location. Vince take her whatsapp and her to the stores group. I gotta run pickup Sophia (her daughter) from her drawing lesson.

(Helena left and the waiter came with my refill and Vincents dark coffee. It was pretty awkward for me. This was the first time I was sitting with a man other than my husband or a man from my family in a cafeteria. Being a housewife for so long has really hampered my Social skills)

VINCENT : So Linnea. What’s your story?

ME : My story?

VINCENT : I mean you seem to be pretty caught up with finance. I mean you seem to be financially stable. So what about this part time job?

ME : Oh! I was looking for some work during my free time. I’ve too much time to waste.

(My phone started vibrating all of a sudden. It was Gustav’s message I don’t why my heart just skipped a beat. The message read – sorry honey too busy with meetings… couldn’t call you. Hope you had a good first day. It was already 4 Pm and I had to rush)

VINCENT : Everything all right? You look a bit flushed out.

ME : Yes. I’m late. Need to reach home by 4:30.

VINCENT : Don’t worry about it. Let me give you a lift in my old tin can.

(I had to get home before Clarence got home with his grandmother so I hesitantly agreed)
Vincent had a old car. Looked like some vintage American model. Inside his car it smelled like his musky colone. A pretty good driver he is. We almot reach my place within 7-8 mins. As I got out of his car and rushed towards my place….

VINCENT : Hey wait give me your number . Gotta add you to the store group.
(With heavy breaths I gave his my digits) . Pretty sure he was confused that why I had to rush like that.

VINCENT : Bye! See you tomorrow at work.

ME : Bye.

Vincent left and I rushed towards my place. It was a good first day. I’ve made few colleague friends.This was pretty new for me. The American social culture was new for me.

Same night (22:53 PM). Gustavo had an extremely tiring day. He slept soon after his dinner. I was still thinking about my first day at work. I was happy. I have made some friends out of my family bubble.
My phone vibrates. Vincent says Hello! on Whatsapp.

