A Little Trap (Pt2)

His eyes fixed on her, watching her every movement, making sure that she was fully aware that he was looking her up and down, taking her all in. His gaze lingers as she straightens her skirt and brushes the hair from her face.

The sweet smell of her natural scent, mixed with her perfume suddenly fills his inhale, stirring his cock further, a little more swollen, a little thicker in its lust.

Bravely and with a little forward intent he puts his hand on her thigh, feeling her warm porcelain flesh through the holes in the fishnets. His grip is firm but not indecently high and he doesn’t move beyond the hem of her skirt. Holding her firmly enough that if she pulled away she’d have to move the rest of her body while this leg stayed put and she’d be forced to spread a little.

Moving in closer, his face only about an inch from hers, staring into her eyes as they widen with panic or arousal or both.

She can feel the warmth of my breath as I whisper.

“Don’t worry, she can’t hear us, she’s just being her usual goofy self.”.

Releasing his grip and sighing, he momentarily looks down before re-engaging their eye contact.

Holding a moment and then slowly looking over her doll-like face, framed by her brilliant blonde hair. Then taking his time as his eyes drift over her body and back up slowly returning to her eyes.

“What makes you think I am joking?”

A devious grin spreads across his face as he awaits her reaction and reply.

The touch of his hand sends a feeling of electricity jolting through her body and she shudders slightly in anticipation. Her entire body begins to heat up as he moves closer and closer.

She can feel his breath on her face as he whispers to her, her eyes widen with a mix of fear and excitement as he speaks those words.

The rational side of her brain is telling her to tell him no and to stand up, but her baser instincts are desperately crying out for this to continue. The taboo thoughts of going all the way with him, an older gentleman almost twice her age and her friend’s father no less, excite her to no end.

Feeling his grip release, she instinctively reaches out towards him, pulling his hand back to her thighs.

Finding herself staring back at him, as if in a trance. Mustering the energy to mumble weakly, while subconsciously leaning in closer towards his face, her eyes downward.

“But you’re Caitlyn’s dad… W-we can’t…”.

He allows her to guide his hand back to her thigh and once it’s placed there he slides it a little further up, pushing her skirt up an inch or two. Squeezing firmly, he can see and feel that electricity fire up inside her again.

Leaning forward again, maintaining eye contact.

His lips almost touching hers.

“Well, it looks like we are doing something Sarah, my little doll.”

As he whispers his breath dances the rhythm of his words across her lips.

He moves that fraction closer and presses his lips firmly against hers, feeling her little pout collapse and then reform as he slowly pulls away.

A door swings open upstairs with a creak on the hinges.

“You guys okay down there?”

There is a brief moment of motionless silence between them before some footsteps are heard, one door closes and then another opens and is slammed shut and then locked. Some muffled rustling and then the distinct rush of water against metal and ceramic as the shower is turned on.

With that Sarah finds a rush of confidence and a need, an urge to make something clearly known before they go any further.

She takes his hand once again and brings it up under her skirt and places it firmly in her groin.

Excitement and fear collide as she awaits the outcome.

Surprised by her sudden brashness he is eager to match it but then he notices something undeniable. Tightly packed under lace and cotton panties are a cock and balls, from what he can tell, they’re completely smooth as is the rest of her, a little swollen and the panties are a little damp, from where a little pre-cum has been seeping out.

He leaves his hand in place and gently massages them a little.

A smile spreading across his face.

“Oh, Sarah the little doll with extras…I wonder what this changes?”.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xcdoq5/a_little_trap_pt2