Slut Training Chronicles: Co-worker Strip club

I recently got out of a long term relationship of 2 years and a girl from work approached me saying that she’d been waiting for me to be single. She sort of knew that I was into bdsm and overall pretty kinky and I think that’s why she was interested. We started talking and eventually started fucking.

During one of our conversations she confessed that she secretly always wanted to be a free use fuck toy and was hoping I could help train her to be the best whore she could be. We made an arrangement that I would provide a safe environment for her to explore her sexuality while pushing her towards her goals of being the dirtiest little slut.

We both agreed that we would journal or document her training progress and this is my documentation of the events that took place Aug 25-27, 2022.

Little slut has a degradation kink and these notes were written for her. We have safewords and established limits that are always respected and we’ve worked up to some of these scenes.


**21:40 approx**. I arrived at her place and texted her,

“I’m here”.

She quickly responded, “Coming now”

and her dog excitedly ran out the door when she opened it. My dirty little secret looked like she was vibrating as she restrained herself from jumping up on me. She ran to me after putting her dog back inside and I told her that we had a schedule to keep so hugs and kisses would have to wait. She obeyed with a frown and got into the passenger seat of my car.

She’d asked prior if one of her treats for the night could be to hold my hand while we were driving and I had said yes, so long as I got to rest my hand on her inner thigh on the way home. But as we were driving to our hotel the opportunity presented itself and she hesitated. It was as if she reluctantly reached out, searching with her fingers at first watching my reaction until she overcame her trepidation and curled her fingers into mine. If she didn’t take a deep breath when she did it her body certainly seemed to relax and decompress like she’d accomplished some task and could now rest.

We drove with the windows down. It was about 18-20c and comfortably cool for me. I played playlist I’d made up earlier as we drove the 58min from her house to our hotel. On the way we talked about the bright city lights and why I love them. We didn’t know where to park and I asked a man in an alley for directions. The conversation thus far had been lite and friendly with a good pace from my perspective. We pulled into the underground parking lot of the hotel and I saw an e28 m5. I stopped to admire it and little slut just listened patiently as I rambled about chassis codes and paint color options for the e28 in the North American market.

After parking we made our way to the front desk and little slut stayed near me as we checked in even putting her head on my shoulder at one point. We made it to our floor and settled in admiring the view once we figured out how to turn the power on. There was a master light switch that controlled all the power to the room in a very random location.

I watched her stare out the floor to ceiling windows of our corner 18th floor hotel room. The view was spectacular except that the side windows faced an apartment complex that was so close I could see the artwork hanging on the walls in the various living rooms. I like being reminded how good of a girl she is and without warning said,

“Take your clothes off and show everyone in those apartments your body.”

She stripped naked almost immediately and stood in front of the window.

It did not appear that our hotel had mirrored glass on the windows as I could see into other rooms in our same hotel and being that it was almost midnight it was completely dark outside. So I left the lights on our room off to make seeing her more difficult. This was a moment I didn’t want to share with anyone but her.

“Put your hands above your head and press your face and tits against the window while you arch your back.”

She obeyed instantly and I slowly refreshed my memory of what my little whore’s ass felt like. I gave has ass a slap and thanked her for keeping it fit for me. I ran my fingers down her thighs and her breath became erratic….

**background Info**: Two days prior while texting I’d poked about fucking her in a dirty porta-potty and she responded in a disrespectful manner because she was having a bad day. She then felt guilty and assumed I was mad at her so she hid from me for 6hrs. I chose to use that bit of miscommunication as a teachable moment and chose to educate her via a punishment.

The lessons:

1. You’re always allowed to say no but how you say things matter.
2. Changes in behavior that are based on negative assumptions are not becoming.

The punishment to reinforce this lesson was that little slut:

1. Didn’t get to feel anything inside her pussy all night
2. Was to wear a butt plug for the evening
3. Will place a remote controlled vibrator in her panties to remind her how empty (and therefore worthless) her cunt is\*

… as I passed closer and closer to her now dripping pussy. I put my fingers against her gushy hole and for a moment let her think that I’d penetrate her. She took a deep breath and waited as I instead slapped her ass hard enough to make her jump. We took a small edible and did three shots before we hopped in the shower. The shots were a Miami vice, Sex on the beach and a Pornstar shooter. I brought 12 shots (4 each) to the hotel.

**23:00 approx**. The warm water of the shower ran over us and for the first time that night I let her really embrace me. The weight of her body collapsed into my arms the moment she realized that I was there to hold her up. We kissed and I ran my hands over her slick soft body. Her eyes closed as I did and I could tell she was slipping into her happy place.

“We’re going to play a game. You’re allowed to touch any and every part of my body with your hands and lips. But you must keep your eyes closed and you’re not allowed to touch my cock. I want you to explore feeling every muscle sinew and joint, appreciating the strength that Daddy has.”

I watched her run her hands over my shoulders, arms, ribs, down my legs and back up my abdomen to my chest. I did everything I could to flex and highlight each muscle group as she explored them.

**23:47**Now out of the shower we both started getting ready to head out for the night. Little slut had gone shopping with her sister and bought gorgeous strappy high heels, hoops, a leather skirt and a shoulder-less black top to impress me. It worked. I love when she puts in effort to excite me.

**00:13** Before we were about to leave I asked her if she had the plug in yet. She said no and pulled up her skirt as she bent over the bed. She reached back and held it out for me.

“I need your help.”

I applied some lube and slowly pushed it in. She already had the vibrating clit toy in place though it wasn’t yet on. She stood up and looked unfazed as she walked about the room without issue. I remember feeling kind of shocked / disappointed that she didn’t look uncomfortable.

**00:34** We walked the 600m from our hotel to the strip club and during that walk my pretty little slut told me she’d never worn a plug in public before. She also said she’d never used an external vibrator like this. Her only experience was with internal eggs. She was such a good girl and handled her punishment with grace communicating an understanding as to why she deserved it.

“I was bratty.”

*There is a picture of the butt plug we used on my profile.*

After a couple hundred meters she began walking more carefully calculating the placement of each step. She was starting to become more aware of the plug in her ass and I began feeling the satisfaction I was craving. I gave her my arm to help her balance on the broken concrete sidewalk.

When we walked into the strip club we were immediately exposed to a large room of roughly 150 people. 95% of the people in this room were men in various states of sobriety and 5% were women of a variety of ethnicities either fully nude or mostly nude walking around touching the shoulders and arms of every man that gave them eye contact. We stood at the back taking in the moment and I began rambling to my cumslut about the history of this building. I spotted two seats 4ft back from perverts row.

As we took our seats I asked her if she wanted a drink.

“Yes a gin and ginger ale”.

Before I left for the bar I told her to take in her environment remembering that tonight was about learning to be a better slut.

“While I’m gone I want you to watch the faces and eyes of the everyone lusting at the dancers. Watch how the power dynamic of the moment shifts when they pull out their money. Watch how the dancers gravitate to it. Everyone here is a predator coming to hunt for something. I want you secretly observe everything that everyone does to get what they want.”

I left, grabbed the drink and returned. A dancer was finishing her set and little slut and I chatted as we took in the energy of the club. The young men drinking and laughing, the strippers in lingerie walking around trying to sell their sexuality to ensnare a lap dance. I asked little slut which girls she thought where the sexiest and we talked about why.

**01:17 approx.** A new dancer took the stage. A tall white girl in a white lacy teddy that exuded playful energy. I turned on my tight little brat’s panty vibrator and from that point on in the night the toy was on whenever there was a girl on stage and turned off when there wasn’t.

We watched our entertainment slowly take her clothes off, teasing the crowd as she did and we talked about what made Daddy’s cock hard. How it’s a whores jobs to identify what makes a person excited and to slowly tease them with that excitement so that the whore too get’s what she wants.

“Everything here predicates on an exchange of power. Let me show you.”

I walked to the front of the stage and pulled out a stack of five dollar bills out of my back pocket. $225 of $5’s to be precise and I held it in front of me as the stripper crawled on all fours towards me.

side note: I found out later that she’d grown up in a strip club as her Dad owned one. She herself had been stripping for 15 years and in that time she’d become an expert at coaxing money out of men and women.

She was a clever whore and when she saw my eyes briefly glance to her ass and she quickly spun around and pressed it up against the pipe/bar on the edge of the stage that separated us. I slowly threw $30 of fives one by one at her as she shook her ass for me. As long as I stood there with that handful of cash she was content with me completely consuming her attention. As the sixth bill hit the stage I folded up my money, put it in my pocket and sat down.

“What did you see little slut?”

I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly turned to see a drunk man sitting next to me. He was tapping me on the shoulder and upon looking over picked up his glass and said,

“Cheers to you for bringing your lady.”

I responded with, “Yes, little sluts need to learn.”

He looked confused at first but quickly shouted “yea man!!!” and tried to high five me.

The music stopped and the stripper began gathering up the cash off the stage. I always find watching them pick up their cash to be so fascinating. Little slut and I quietly continued chatting.

“I saw her fixate on your money. I saw everyone else wait patiently for her attention as she gave it all to you.”

The dancer that had just been on stage approached us and asked if we wanted a private dance.

“Oh… um… I don’t know. It’s my first time at a strip club,” my suddenly bashful slut stammered.

“Why don’t you explain to us what a lap dance is about.” I said to the dancer.

“It’s $40 a song. I’ll take all my clothes off and shake my body all over you,” she said with a smirk.

I looked over and my dirty girl was visibly overstimulated.

“Sounds great, let’s go.”

I said while pointing at my cumdumpster to follow our new friend. We followed her to a curtained off area that was not really at all private but there were two leather chairs for us to sit in. As we sat I asked the stripper.

“What is your name?”

“Holly Hart”

*There is a picture of Holly in my profile.*

“This dance is just for her, ok Holly. And make it special, she’s a good girl.”

My dirty little slut sat motionless breathing heavily as Holly gave her a lesson in seduction.

Holly wasted no time. “Ok then, why don’t you spread your legs for me so that can see if you’re wearing any panties.”

Like a good girl my trainee obeyed showing Holly the toy that was buzzing away. Holly then looked at me with a smile and stood up.

“I’m sorry I’m so sweaty dancing is a lot of work.”

She used her hands in an attempt to wipe herself down without success.

“I wouldn’t want to get my stink all over you.” Holly said to my still paralyzed good girl. “Why don’t I use his shirt instead.”

Holly straddled herself onto my lap as she dragged her sweaty tits across my chest while intensely analyzing little sluts face as she did it.

That was the first moment my pleasure slave saw another naked woman on top of me. She told me later that she just stared at Holly’s tits while she did it. And we both concluded after the fact that Holly created that entire moment to suss out little slut’s kinks.

Holly wasn’t don’t yet. She crawled off me and knelt between little slut’s skirt putting her hands on her knees and forcing her legs apart as wide as she could. Holly ran her nails from my dripping slut’s knees, up her thighs, across her stomach, grazing her breasts and then finally slowly wrapped her fingers around little slut’s throat.

My dirty little slut left her body with a shutter and the quietest moan and Holly looked at me as her jaw dropped.

“I can tell you’ve done that before.” Holly said smiling at me, never forgetting to stroke the ego of the man with the cash.

“Of course, I told you she’s a good girl.” and part of me really wanted to tell Holly to kiss her in that moment. I opted not to as it was already a lot.

After the song was over Holly asked if we’d like another and I could tell that little sluts head was spinning with all of these new experiences so I thanked Holly for how great she’d been and gave her the $40 she earned.

Little slut and I then returned to our seats to take in the rest of the evening. We moved to the front row of the other side of the stage when two seats opened up and from that vantage point we watched Sailor Moon take her clothes off.

Little slut lost her shit when the theme song came on and a life size sailor moon came prancing out from behind the curtain.

“IT’S LIKE THEY KNEW I WAS COMING!” she screamed at one point.

Later we saw a young man with face tattoo’s surrounded by an entourage reach into a suspicious black bag and throw handfuls of cash at a very skinny stripper with fake tits. That same stripper came and took our money we’d left out for her on the pipe which bordered the stage. She apologized for not giving us any attention and took the money as she said it. It was a good reminder to not give a slut what they want until they’ve earned it.

**02:20** Holly Hart returned to the stage for another set and she focused on the tattooed kid with the bag full of cash also but bounced back to us a couple times. Across the stage from us was a very drunk man who kept putting money on the stage to get Holly’s attention and then taking it back when Holly focused her attention on the young bag man instead. I yelled at him and Holly came over to thank us.

“You like her don’t you?” I whispered to my slut.


“You’ve seen almost every part of her tonight. Would you like to see her pussy?” I asked.

“I’ve never seen a pussy up close”

I waited until Holly only had on her bottoms and held out $25 worth of fives to get her attention.

“I’ve got $25 here for you to take your bottoms off.”

I don’t know if Holly didn’t hear me over the music or if she was making a point but she walked to the center of the stage and said to everyone in the club,

“I want a $20 bill to take them off.”

I imagined later a younger Holly sitting in the backroom of some dive strip club where some mentor stripper told her something like, “Honey you don’t ever show your pussy for anything less than a $20 bill.

“Right here”

I yelled and threw the $25 on the stage. Holly winked, gave us the middle finger and did not show us her pussy. I looked over at my little whore and she looked crushed. I riffled through my wallet and pulled out a $20 and held it out above the stage.

“She wants to see it.”

Holly bent over in front of us putting her ass and still covered pussy inches from our faces. She reached between her legs with an outstretched hand for the $20 bill and said,

“Give it to me.”

I obeyed and watched Holly stare intently at my dirty little slut’s face as she dropped her panties and spread her pussy lips apart with her fingers at a distance close enough for my curious slave to smell her. Which reminds me, I never did ask little slut if Holly was wet, she certainly acted like she got off on it all. I was too busy watching Holly’s face intently stare at my good girl.

**02:40 approx.** Once Holly was done her set I called us an uber and told little slut that we could wait outside. While walking out of the club we passed the thick Asian stripper with the contact lenses that little slut found attractive. She was standing next to a drunk man at the atm assisting him in emptying his bank account. She looked completely emotionless and guilt free as she took advantage of him.

While we waited outside on the street I lit up a joint and talked to my fuck toy about the metaphysical concept that our physical body leaves scars through space and time. That we were together occupying this space and time and that the more significant a moment is in history the larger the scar it leaves. I told her about different moment’s years ago that I’d walked down the opposite side of the street and how I’d left various scars through this very location. I told her that we now share this space and that she’d never forget this moment for the rest of her life.

I slid my hand up her skirt right there on the sidewalk and began slowly fingering her as she gripped my shirt to stay standing while her knees buckled.

“You’re such a whore.”

I whispered as I pointed to the nearby people watching me finger her. I put my sticky wet fingers in her mouth to clean them off as the uber showed up. We hopped in and talked more about how beautiful the city can look at night. Our driver Faisal dropped us off at the hotel and we made our way up the elevator to our floor. As we were walking down the hall I pulled out $20 from my wallet,

“I’ll give you $20 to bend over and spread your pussy lips for me little slut.”

I could see a rush of heat pass through her body as my personal cumdump bent over in middle of the hotel hallway. Standing in her heels she pulled her skirt up over her ass, reached back and spread her lips with both hands. I walked closer and knelt down to admire the view I’d just purchased. I took the $20 bill and slapped it onto her pussy. It stuck in place and I walked her back to the room with it making crinkling sounds between her thighs as she moved.03:00 approx. After debriefing a bit about the strip club my pretty whore moved to the bed and spread her legs. I rubbed some weed lube into her and put a suction pump on her pussy, pumping it up as hard as it could and then pulling it off as she winced in pain. Looking at her in the glow of the city lights was too much and at one point I couldn’t wait any longer. I broke my own rule, contravening her punishment for the day and sunk my throbbing cock into her swollen pussy.

She moaned out, “God I love that cock,”

as I slowly let my body weight force the tip of my head against her now twitching cervix. I’ve never met a girl that loved the pain of getting her cervix slammed this much. It’s as if she craves feeling me fill her completely, that pain confirming the fact. Often her pussy will even queef out the air as I press in. She’s such a tight little dumpster for me and it can be incredibly hard to not lose myself in the pleasure of it.

“I don’t want to cum yet. Let’s do more shots”.

We took 3 more each and I asked if she wanted to be tied up facing the wall so that I could fuck her from behind or if she’d like to be tied up facing me so that I could whip her and harness a hitachi onto her clit. She said she wanted the bdsm option so I did the opposite and tied her facing the wall, cuffing her hands above her head so that she couldn’t move. I fucked her roughly from behind grabbing her hips and lifting her off the floor with each slamming thrust.

“Tell me how you want my cum tonight.”

“I want you to cum on my back like from the movie.” She was referring to “The Secretary.”

I felt my entire body tense and I pulled out to explode a massive load up her back. Completely empty but now covered in her treat she came in a fit of seizures and then went limp.

I let her hang, as I grabbed my camera to take pictures.

*One of those pictures is in my profile.*

Moments later I realized she may have blacked out when she came and was now potentially dangerously hanging from her cuffs. Her hands were turning a shade of purple and I tapped her face with my hand.

“How are you doing?” I asked.

“I… I think I need to come down,” she murmured.

I held her body up with one arm while uncuffing her with the other. I carried her to the bed where for me things began to get fuzzy. I vaguely remember fucking her one more time as she lie there but we could have fallen asleep too. I can’t remember in this moment which it was.

**10:00 approx.** I woke up with little slut stroking my cock. She rode me for a while and then went down on me. My mind and body was still very tired and she was not providing enough consistent stimuli for me to cum in that state.

“Are you trying to make me cum? Or are you just playing?”

“Well… I’m really tired.” She replied with a laugh. “So I guess just playing.”

“That’s totally understandable. Why don’t you get your tired good girl ass to the edge of the bed.”

I grabbed the thick massive curtains in that corner hotel room and flooded the room with sunlight as I pulled them apart,. The apartment complex directly across from us was now illuminated in the morning sun and there was no darkness for my little slut to hide in.

“I wonder how many people are going to see you get filled with cum? If I lived there I’d look at the hotel all the time. What an interesting fish tank it must be, all the different people staying in these rooms for whatever reason. I wonder what I’d think if I saw you getting fucked in this hotel. I’d think you were a prostitute for sure. Who else would be on display like that? Any respectable woman wouldn’t display herself like this.”

I chuckled as I taunted her, plunging into her from behind. I can proudly say that it was not very long at all until my tight little dumpsters pussy milked my morning cum into her breeding hole.

“Do you also want to cum?” I asked.

She nodded yes.

“Perfect, then I want you on your hands and knees on the bed with your pussy exposed to the window facing those apartments.”

She looked so happy to do it. I love how much she yearns to please me. I handed her the wand and then recorded her as she made herself cum while frothing my morning jizz with the wand as it leaked out. I told her that she was a good girl as she came.

*There is a video of that moment in my profile.*

**12:10** We then packed up our stuff and headed out for a well-deserved breakfast. Afterwards I dropped her off at her place so that she could pick up her dog and her vehicle. I then made my own way through rush hour traffic.

**15:00 approx.** We met back up at my place where we mostly hung out with her dog for the afternoon / evening until she had to leave to pick up her Mom from work. I had been feeling ill the past couple of days so I used the time she was gone to rest.

**23:15 approx.** When she arrived at my place I informed her that I’d be using her to cum before falling asleep.

“You’re so sick! Why don’t you just rest.”

I slowly moved towards her and wrapped my fingers around her throat while she sat on the couch. She immediately stopped talking, laid back and spread her legs. I kept my left hand around her neck as I peeled down her pants and then spit on my whore’s cunt before sliding two fingers into her.

“Ok, you can fuck me” she whispered.

“Prefect! Have you ever been to a silent disco?” I asked with a smirk.

I handed her a pair of Bluetooth headphones and helped her get them connected.

“Play any music you like but make sure it’s loud.”

I put my own headphones in and blasted a soundtrack for debauchery as I used her like the onahole she so desperately wants to be. Once I was finished I told her we were going to sleep. She curled up on me and fell asleep.

**09:00** Little slut woke up horny and started to touch me.

“You’re leaving me alone until 10:30. Are you actually already awake?”

“Yes” she replied.

“Ok, well I hope you can find something to do until 10:30” I groaned as I rolled over.

**10:30** My alarm went off and I awoke to see little slut sitting up in bed next to me with a grin on her face at the sight of me waking up.

“I’m going to make us breakfast, are you hungry?”

“Yes” she said while nodding enthusiastically.

I made us eggs, hash browns, toast and coffee. She ate while I buzzed about the house getting ready for work. I didn’t end up having as much time as I’d hoped for her that morning and I could tell that she was disappointed about it.

**14:00** I left for work and little slut followed me out to head back to her place.

**23:20** I arrived home from work and little slut drove back to my place arriving shortly after me. She immediately asked if we could play and I told her that I just needed to relax for a bit.

**00:25 approx.** I was ready to play and told little slut that she was going to wear fishnet stockings for me tonight and a fancy faux diamond collar that I’d picked out for her. I also informed her that tonight I’d be training her throat. She took an edible and sprayed in some throat numbing spray. She laid on her back with her head over the edge of the bed and for the better part of an hour I fucked her face until I hit her limit for the night.

“Are you done?”

“Yes” she choked out. “But just my throat, I still want to play.”

“You’re such a good little slut.”

I grabbed her hair and threw her forward on the bed jumping on top of her while I drove my entire cock into her pussy. It was the exact position she’d asked me to rape her in all those cum’s ago. I wondered how many liters of cum I’d put in that pussy in the past 2 months. I kept moving her around fucking her in different positions changing it up every time she got comfortable until finally I put her face down on the mattress with me standing behind her so that I could have full control of driving my cum right into her stomach. I know how much she loves being bred and she deserved a treat for being such a good throat slut. I don’t remember what we did after I came but I remember sleeping like a rock with her curled up in my arms.

**11:30 approx.** Is when I think we got up. It’s a bit blurry. I remember making her eggs easy over and toast. I also remember her thinking that she was going to get bacon and then being upset when there wasn’t any. I think we watched Family Guy while we ate.

As we were about to walk out the door she pushed up on me and whined like she was still horny. I reached my hands down the front of her pants and fingered her until my palm was full of cum which I then pulled out and let little slut lick up before telling her we had to leave. I went to work and she followed me out.

The next couple of days we were both at work and both noticed that we were individually agitated. We’d had such a great time and it’s always never enough. She’s such a good girl though and we were able to pretty easily talk through the agitations. I’m hopefully seeing her again soon. I just can’t cum hard enough on my own anymore.

She told me that she wants to spend more time learning about BDSM when she comes over next so we agreed to not watch Netflix but instead listen to music while we work through some of the curriculum I’ve created for her. If history repeats we’ll likely just fuck though. It won’t hurt her to appreciate the moment we’re living. It’s not often someone is as desperate to fuck you as you are to fuck them. Plus she needs to learn patience anyway.

She’s always in a rush to get to the destination and forgets how much she enjoys the journey.
