[C] Yandere Possession, x5 [Part 1] [Rape] [Yandere] [Possession]

[Features: Rape, Yandere, Possession, femboy & crossdressing]

Sometimes in life, you just have to admit that things are weird or unusual. For example, I was surrounded by hot women seemingly all the time. At least this is the thought that squirmed its way through my mind as I went about my day.

“Michael. Zoey’s doing a chat stream after 9pm this Thursday. There shouldn’t be any issues but in case there is you’re scheduled up to 11pm. Will that conflict with anything?”

“Not at all Boss.”

“Good, now let’s talk about the upcoming stream on Wednesday. It’ll require…”

The first beautiful woman in my life, or at least the one I usually interact with first on a day to day basis, is my boss, Yui. I work as tech support for streamers, well, one streamer as of right now and Yui is their manager. Beautiful, rich, Japanese, and I’ve only ever seen her not wearing a suit once. She’s tall for a woman, especially a Japanese woman, and breathtakingly beautiful. She’s also usually absolutely no nonsense at all and judging by her suit, office building, and car, Rich. Honestly, I can definitely understand why people find power or status attractive. I got to see it every day after all and my attraction hadn’t waned. Not that anything was ever going to happen, obviously.

I got up to leave after our meeting and grimaced. I hated her door. It was incredibly heavy to me. I had been born with muscle atrophy and it had been, overall awful. I hadn’t been able to walk till I was 5 and I was incredibly physically weak. Gym class was especially terrible growing up. Thankfully, being physically fit or strong is practically unnecessary in the modern world. I almost forget about the fact as I don’t usually go on long walks or need to carry heavy things. Her door, however, was an annoying reminder that I couldn’t lift a 20 pound bag without getting winded.

I left, heading to the *next* business meeting I had today.




I watched him leave her office. Watched him struggle with the door as he always does. Watched the ***evil whore*** smile lightly behind him. Kill kill kill. No, no no no no. No killing. Calm, calm. It’s not fair, not fair at all. I wanted him. I *needed* him. Need, need, need, need, need. He’s **mine. MINE!** Calm. Calm. Look at me that way! Calm.




I felt my heart beat faster as I saw the person waiting for me. Calli. She was an up-and-coming streamer, just beginning to get popular, and I made sure everything was set up for her before, during, and after the show. I was also a massive fan and would have watched all her streams even if I didn’t have to.

“Michael! Is everything going to be ready for Wednesday? Oh! And are you going to be staying longer for Thursday?”

“Yes and yes. Me and Yui already discussed it and…”

God. Calli was beautiful. She was asian and unlike Yui, she was a more typical height. Gorgeous brown eyes, about a head shorter than me, cute and dainty, my heart beat faster just being near her. I didn’t get to actually talk to her in person a lot, there wasn’t usually a lot of reason to. So whenever I got the chance I had to hold myself together while trying not to freak out. Calli was right in front of me! But no, gotta stay cool, calm, and collected. Our meeting took a while but eventually, it was sadly time to leave.

It was Sunday after all and that meant game night.




**Kill. Rage.** No, No. Calm. Calm. Michael will be *mine.* **He is MINE.** AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. He likes her, he likes her and not me! How dare he! No, no, keep it together. Time, time time time time time time time time time time time time time Time Time TIME! Takes. Time. Slow. Calm. He is mine. I will have him. He is mine. Mine. Mine.




Game night was my favorite time of the week, hands down. It was also, usually, the only time I saw my ‘Rival’. Her words, not mine. Every Sunday night I’d go down to the local Gaming cafe and play against some people. They had over a dozen TVs and systems, along with food and drinks. I walked in and immediately heard my name be called.

“Oi! You finally showed up Michael! Now get over so I can beat your ass!”

I lightly chuckled.

“I’m coming Alice, I’m coming.”

“Pfft, always did have problems lasting. Now get over here! I got Smash Bros on already.”

Alice was a bit rough and tumble. She was also an esports player, well, kinda. She played in tournaments and placed well, but she hadn’t exactly been featured on youtube or anything crazy yet. Still, she was always hard at work at it. Most people made the mistake of “If I play a game enough, I’ll get really good at it.” Sure, but not esports good. That took more. I had known that and taken the time to get really good at exactly 1 game, smash bros. Alice had been playing and gotten beat by me that night, despite almost winning a local tournament, and ever since I’d been her ‘Rival.’

“No items, fox only, final destination.”

I rolled my eyes and while she set all that up, looked at her. Alice was hot. But not in a cute way or a foreign powerful beauty way. She was a tomboy through and through. Short dirty blonde hair, freckles, wearing baggy light clothes, and with no fucks given about appearance. She wore what she found comfy and that certainly led to my eyes struggling not to look at a certain part of her body. They weren’t even big but most women didn’t wear no bra and lean forward like that. It had even lost me a game once but I’d sooner die than admit that.

“Come on twink! I got things to do!”

I grimaced. I hated that ‘nickname’ so damn much. Being born with muscle atrophy doesn’t exactly give you a manly body and god must have been laughing a little when he created me because I couldn’t grow facial hair to save my life. Alice had immediately figured out a way to get under my skin and was ruthless about it. Still, she was absolutely beautiful in her own way.

Still kicked her ass.

“No fair!”

“Yeah yeah, cry more.”




In the back of the cafe stood a woman. She showed up every Sunday night and would quietly drink her sprite. She never talked to anyone and no one much noticed. The server did but a regular was a regular, it wasn’t unusual.

They might have thought differently if they knew her thoughts.

‘Mustn’t. Show. Self.’

The woman in question was wound so tight she might physically explode if someone were to touch her. Every Sunday night, she would have to use her will to not only not jump Michael but also not kill the person he played games with. Spying through a window was easy but spying in person, right next to her crush and his friend, was much, much harder. And her control slipped a little every day.

‘Must. Stay. CALM.’

Michael didn’t even spare a glance at her as he was leaving.




I headed home, went to sleep, and woke up still thinking about how crazy my life was. Working with two beautiful women and seeing one on Sunday was already a lot but there were two more I saw regularly. I didn’t see them *every* day but I did sometimes.

Today was one of those sometimes, as I went to college part time. I only went for two days out of the week and it was really just for the sake of learning. I had noticed that I got scholarship opportunities through work and had decided to take advantage of it.

The classes as of this year were the basics, a social class (history), math, and science. And that was it. Still, no reason not to get smarter right?

As I was leaving, one of my friends started approaching.

“Michael! Like, it’s so good to see you!”

“Same Beth. How’s it going?”

“Great! Like, you should come over to the sorority sometime! All the members would totally like to meet you!”

I just smiled and chuckled.

“I don’t think sororities are huge on guys coming over Beth.”

“Nonsense! Like, let me tell you, Jessica and Tiffany just last night were…”

Beth was fun. I had met her when I started college and she was just bubbly and nice. Blonde hair, pretty face, and a bit, not dumb, but you could be excused for thinking she was. And she talked about her sorority almost nonstop. She was the biggest gossip around. She practically bounced up and down with sheer enthusiasm and her breasts were… well, she definitely needed the bra for support.

Eventually, I said goodbye and smiled to myself. The last beautiful woman in my life was coming up, even if that fact was a bit bittersweet. I headed to the basketball court.




Sitting in the back of the class, having watched the entire affair, was the same woman. The same woman that always followed Michael around, that knew his life back and forth, that was always a constant mess of madness and stress. Her control was slipping day by day. It was a minor miracle she had lasted this long but perhaps it was because her obsession had grown. Either way, her mind was practically blank as she followed after Michael.




All of the beautiful women in my day to day life is a recent thing, except one. I made my way down to the basketball court. Already there was a tall, latino woman shooting hoops. She heard my feet hitting the gravel and hit with me a 1000 watt smile.

“Hey. Ready to lose?”

“Ha! You never know.”

Sofia. I had known her since I was a child. Despite what people say, you don’t have to be taught racism to think ‘different things are bad!’ as a child. She had been picked on and I had stuck by her, thinking it was dumb that everyone was being mean. Now we were both adults and whenever I would spend time at college, I’d shoot some hoops with her. Not that I had any chance to win. She played basketball all through high school and was doing college basketball now. I had no idea if she was going to go pro or not but at the very least she was spending her scholarship getting a degree, just so she could have options. She absolutely crushed me.

I’d known her my entire life. But now I paid attention to her looks. Tall, athletic, wearing sports wear, dark brown hair, darker skin, sweat pouring off of her. She made my heart skip. I didn’t know how I felt about her fully. And I was afraid to find out, to possibly go too far, ruin a friendship, that type of thing.

“Come on Michael! What, fallen in love with me?” She laughed.

I opened my mouth. I wanted to say the first thing that popped into my head.


And then said something totally different.

“I don’t have long stick legs.”

“Ha! Come on noodle arms, you can at least throw a ball a few more times.”

By the time we stopped playing, I was utterly exhausted. My body was weak and having it play a sport for more than 5 minutes was a way to get really tired, really fast.

I watched my friend drink some water and smiled.




The woman watched, her mind blank. It had to be. Calm was no longer an option, thoughts would lead to a bad result. She looked down, surprise flickering through her. When that- when words had been said, she had taken a step forward, involuntarily. That was too close. She was slipping. She walked away.




There was a woman nearby. She looked familiar for some reason but I couldn’t place where I had seen her before. She just had a bit of a plain look. The type of person you could see a million times and never remember passing by. I shrugged. Maybe I’d remember later.










She watched and watched. The events repeated themselves like clockwork. She wanted to do so much, so so so so much. Every night she found her thoughts filled of **Fucking** Michael, of making him submit to her, making him hers. She wanted, *needed,* to do so much to him. Her thoughts were a complete mess these days and it was because of *Them.* All the fucking women in his life! And yet, had he ever noticed her? Looked at her for more than a few seconds? NO! Never. Never never never never never never never. If only she could be them. With bodies like that Michael would be all over her.

She watched through the office window, in the parking lot, as Michael had another meeting with that damn Japanese woman. She reached a hand out, wanting to be her so, so, ***so bad,*** at that moment. If only, if only she could be HER!

At that moment, that singular moment, she felt something and then she gasped. She was in two places at once, no, in two *bodies* at once.

“Yui? Is everything okay?”

Her love, her Michael was in front of her, but also not. She was still watching, staring, at Yui and Michael from inside her car. She focused and most of her attention was on Yui, on herself. She was still there, still in her car, still in two bodies, but it was like focusing on one hand over the other. She had become Yui. Had, had taken her body. Possessed her.

And Michael was in front of her.


Life had become perfect.




Life had become weird as hell. Yui had been discussing work with me and then suddenly gone still and stopped talking. I’ve never heard of someone having a seizure standing up but I was starting to get worried. After a few seconds though, she seemed to return to normal. Well, maybe not exactly. She smiled wide at me. Too wide.


Something about the way she said my name made me- that was- something was wrong.

“Y-yes Yui?”

“Would you like to come home with me?”

I blinked. What?


“Come on, we could get up to… all sorts of things.”

Her smile grew even wider and the way she was moving, the way she was talking, it was scary. Really, really scary. It was completely different than how Yui had ever acted and the way she *looked* at me. There was, something, crazy in those eyes.

“Y-Yui, are you feeling alright?”

“Of course Michael. I’m doing, perfect. And you could be doing me if you’d like. Right here even.”

My jaw dropped. What on earth was going on?! Yui had lost her marbles! I was attracted to her but suddenly asking for sex in broad daylight?! This whole situation was creeping me out.

“Yui… I think… we should get you to a hospital.”

“Come on Michael, don’t you want to ***fuck me?***”

Yui ran her hands down her body and looked at me with a lewd and insane smile. My heart did skip a beat but this was just, no. I’d have to be crazy if I said yes right now. Yui was clearly having some kind of, mental breakdown maybe?

“Y-yui, I, don’t think we should do that kind of thing. L-let’s go to a hospital okay? Something is, wrong here.”

Yui’s smile vanished like it never was and it felt like I had just stepped on a landmine.

“You’re rejecting me.”

Her voice didn’t sound human. More like a marionette. I looked at Yui and I saw something snap inside her.




*“Yui, I, don’t think we should do that kind of thing.”*

No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. No. No. NO! NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

“You’re rejecting me.”

It wasn’t, it wasn’t fair! I was attractive now! Why?! WHY?! Why is he saying no?! I love you Michael. I love you so much it **Hurts.** So why? Why why why why why why why why?! Why won’t you love me?! Why won’t you fuck me?!



Ah. Ahhh. Ahhhhhhhh.

I was doing it wrong.

Michael was mine.




I didn’t know I had anything resembling a danger sense but I was getting the sudden and extreme urge to run. Yui had stared at me with eyes full of madness and now she was, smiling. Not a wide crazy insane smile like earlier. Now she was smiling as if she had found nirvana. Had found inner peace.

My terror was only growing.

There was a desk between me and Yui. She walked around it and I had to resist the urge to flee again.


“Yes Yui?”

“You’re mine.”

Before I could parse that, Yui fucking *tackles* me to the ground and begins pulling off my shirt. Before I even know what’s happening my shirt is already off and she’s working on my pants. I panic and try to kick her and back away on my hands but my kicks don’t even seem to slow her down. She pulls my pants down, exposing me to the world and I try to punch her in the face.

She catches it and smiles at me, her other hand reaching for my cock.


Screaming is all I have left. It’s broad daylight, it’s a one story office building with glass windows, someone, someone has to be seeing this right?! Someone has to help me!

Yui frowns and the hand holding my fist starts to cover up my mouth. I grab her hand with both of mine and try to push it off but it doesn’t work. I don’t have the strength. I start to throw punches at her face but she raises the hand reaching for my cock and stops it. I try to move my legs and notice only now that she’s pinned them underneath her own.

“Stop struggling slut.”

I punch at her, I try to move, to do *something.* I’m not even thinking right now, just panicking. Her hand covers my mouth.

And then her fingers pinch my nose.

My eyes widen and if I thought I was panicking now, past me would have never imagined the current me. I flail and struggle and heave and push and fight and try to scream, but it doesn’t help and I can’t breathe and help help help help help help me help me help me help me.

I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.

My struggles are weakening, my muscles, my body needs air. Black. My vision is going black. I see Yui smiling as she kills me. It’s a lewd smile. Tears stream from my eyes.

And then everything is gone.




Yui’s body gets up. The woman possessing her is not stupid. She wanted to ***rape*** her slutty whore Michael right here and now and would have, other people be damned, but she felt a thought. It was her thought but it seemed different somehow. More, intelligent. Colored. She didn’t notice at first but she felt smarter since becoming two people. Her original body had been watching, staring transfixed. The thought was simple.

*‘Not enough’*

She had *so much* she wanted to do with Michael. So many ways she wanted to see his face. She could do better. So much better.

She grabbed Michael and put him over her shoulder. She put him into the backseat of her car, got in with herself, and drove away.




I woke up with a gasp, coughing, desperately letting air into my lungs. I could *breathe!* I was alive! I quickly looked around where I was and my mind blanked. I was in a large… room was too small a word. Area. It had white walls and a white ceiling. It looked hard, whatever it was made of. It definitely wasn’t drywall. The area or room was about the size of 2 or 3 living rooms combined. It was a giant square of nothing. I looked at where I’d been laying and there was a bed underneath me. Then I blinked and noticed myself. I was totally nude and-


I had forgotten all about her for a second! She had suffered some kind of mental breakdown and gone absolutely crazy and tried to kill me! Or, not, considering the room. Capture me? Kidnap me? I still remember her crazy eyes, how she had torn off my clothes, how she had been reaching for my crotch… and how she had offered to have sex with me at first. *Shudder.*

I looked for the door to the room in a panic and eventually found it. It was white like everything else but it had a handle at least. I ran for it, only to slow down near immediately. My body was tired. I had tried to fight off Yui and then been choked out. It couldn’t have been more than a few hours then, if I was still so tired. How did she already have this place ready? I walked over to the door and tried to pull the handle. Locked. Fuck.

At that moment the door started to crack open and I tried to run through, thinking about nothing but escape, when I felt a hard shove and nearly fell to the ground. Yui had entered the room, with a bag, and had shoved me back in. She was also completely naked.

There was a brief war in me. Despite everything, and the craziness, Yui was still drop dead gorgeous. Seeing her naked was incredibly attractive but earlier memories banished any lingering affection quickly. Not too quickly for Yui to notice, however.

“Oh it’s so good you like how I look my cum slut.”


“No more waiting.”

Deja vu hit me like a storm and this time I tried to *dodge.* I didn’t succeed. The positions were far worse now. We weren’t anywhere I thought my cries for help could reach and already Yui had grabbed my arms and was holding them down, while her legs were pinning mine. Yui was naked and on top of me and I hated how the major two things I was feeling was horny and terror.

She positioned herself over my crotch and began grinding against it. Fiercely. I tried to ignore it, tried to get out of her grip, to move my legs out from under her, but it was pointless. She wouldn’t stop rubbing against my cock. I couldn’t prevent my cock from eventually…

“Oh, you’re such a slut. Getting turned on from being raped? You must really enjoy it.”

“Shut. Up.”

It was all I managed to squeeze out. I was gritting my teeth, trying to keep my cock down. It worked, for a while, but Yui was relentless and so much stronger than me. I couldn’t stop biology and as soon as my dick was hard enough, I felt Yui slip me inside her.

And then everything went to hell.


“Yes! **YES!** Moan for me bitch! You slut! Cum, cum, tell me you enjoy it, tell me you love me, tell you want it!”

My mind felt like it had exploded. Yui was riding me so *fast* and hard. I felt like I was getting pile driven into the ground repeatedly, over and over, and it felt… amazing. So amazing. But it was all wrong, wrong, wrong. I was being raped. I was being used and I was powerless. Helpless.

Yui was crazy, absolutely crazy, and she was fucking the life out of me. I tried to stop, to not participate, to not cum, to make my cock go down, but it was like a leaf trying to stop a hurricane. I barely lasted a minute before I couldn’t hold back any longer and cummed deep inside Yui, repeatedly.

She didn’t even slow down.

I couldn’t prevent moans from escaping at the sheer intensity of pleasure that was coursing through me.

“More, More! Your body can’t resist me! Tell me you like it, tell me you love being raped and violated, tell me!”

She was completely fucking insane! But she wouldn’t stop! It was too much, way too much, it was like my brain and dick were being electrocuted. More moans were forced from me and she rode and rode and it was, too much! Ahhhhh!

“S-s-stop! S-stop!”

I looked up at her and a visage of pure madness and pleasure looked back at me. That terror in my heart grew.

“Say it. Tell me you love being raped. That you love being violated. Sell me you whore, say it. Say it. Say it.”

Anything to get her to stop. It was too much sensation, I had just cum and my dick felt raw and almost painful from her fucking me so hard. I couldn’t take it anymore, I needed her to stop.

“I- I love being raped and violated. Are you happy now?! Stop!”

And she did. Still having her wet vagina wrapped around my cock but she stopped. Ah, ah. My dick. I tried to escape but Yui was still on top of me. Still holding my arms down without any effort and pinning my legs with her own. The smell of sex was already starting to permeate my nose and the mental pain of what had just happened to me was already starting. No, happened? Was happening. I was still stuck inside her.

Yui smiled down at me and it was vicious.

“Well if you enjoy it, I should continue right?”

My eyes widened in fear and she watched me struggle and then began to fuck me again. My dick wasn’t even that hard anymore but it didn’t seem to slow her down at all. It hurt, it was too sensitive but she just kept going….

And going…

And going…

My dick eventually got hard and came again and then the feeling ramped up to the point I felt like screaming. I passed out soon after that.




I woke up groggily, slowly. I looked around the room and my heart sunk. My dick felt sore. I felt someone on top of me and-


I tried to back away, but it was useless. Both my hands were tied to the bed behind me. Yui was on top of me, laying with me, sleeping with me. I felt disgust and hatred, but mostly fear.

Sadly, my scream woke her up.

She smiled at me.

“Good morning. Did you have a good nap, my whore?”

I was shivering I realized.

“Oh it’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid my cum slut. You did such a good job.” She said that while reaching up and running her hand through my hair. It made me want cry or scream. Even if I could get out of this tape around my hands, I would still be powerless. Yesterday(?) had proved that. I had been kidnapped. That realization made my eyes widen in horror. Kidnapped. I could be, trapped here for…ever?

Yui was still stroking my head.

“Why?” I croaked out. I had no idea what was going on, but I wanted to know. Why? Why was she doing this? What was happening?

“Why?” Yui got on top of me and stared straight down into my eyes. Her fervor, her madness, her insanity were all easy to see in her eyes. It was so intense I tried to physically recoil from it.

“Michael, you are mine. *Mine.* My whore, my bitch, my slave, my slut, my good little toy, *mine.* **Mine.** I want you, I wanted you, I wanted you so much it *burns* and then I realized you already are mine. To rape, to use, to fuck, to play with, to force you to love it, to force moans out of, to force your body to betray you, **MINE!** And what’s wrong with using what you own?”

Something finally clicked in my head.

“You aren’t Yui.”

Her smile spoke volumes and her rant made me nauseous and sick.

She got off me and went to the bag she had brought in earlier. I had completely forgotten about it. She brought it over and walked towards me, standing naked beside the bed.

“I got you some clothes! Put them on.”

She undid the tape around my hands. I wanted to run away or fight her but both options seemed useless. Clothes, clothes would be, good. Yeah, yeah actually. I didn’t want to be naked around Yu- Not-Yui ever again.

She took the clothes out.

“What, what the fuck are those?”

She looked at me with fake innocence on her face.

“Your new clothes. Wear it. I want to see.”

“No. No way! I, you can’t just, NO!”

She smiled and walked closer to me. I backed up against the wall.

“S-Stay away from me!”

She didn’t, till she was only a few inches from me. I had never hated that Yui was taller than me, but I was very much not a fan right now. She loomed over me, inches away, as I pressed myself against the wall. She leaned in close and whispered into my ear.

“You are my bitch. You do what I say. If I have to tire you out and then put it on you, I will.” She grabbed my cock and began stroking.


She didn’t. She kept going. Until my body wouldn’t listen to what my brain was saying to it, and my dick rose.

“P-please stop. I’ll wear the stupid outfit.”

She didn’t stop. At all.

“I said stop!”

I tried to push her away but she just grabbed one of my hands with her free hand and faster than I expected, grabbed both of my wrists in one of her hands. She then pushed my arms above me and held me there, while she continued to stroke my cock. She didn’t stop until I came.

I felt shame and hatred and anger and terror. Shame was the emotion winning out. I was useless, helpless. I hated my weak body.

She let go of my hands, not even paying attention to the cum now on her crotch.

“Put on the outfit.”

I did. I hated myself, but I did. It was a schoolgirl outfit, with a skirt, thigh highs, and a wig. No underwear and I didn’t know if that was better or worse.

“You look just like a girl! Now you really are my bitch.”

My pride was wounded. Which was really bad because it reminded me of all the other way’s my pride had been wounded and I felt like I was collapsing inside. I needed to escape. I needed to get out of here.

The look not-Yui was giving me made my adrenaline spike in horror. Her next words only made it worse.

“Tell me you want to be raped and violated.”

I remembered the last time.

“P-please, no.”

“Come on whore. Say it. Tell me. Tell me you want to be raped, that you love it, that you wanted to be thrown to the ground and forced to like it, forced to be my bitch. Say it.”

A sense of stomach churning despair was overtaking me but the lesson of five seconds ago hadn’t left me. Saying no wasn’t an option. She was, she was going to rape me again. Whether I said it or not. I gritted my teeth.


So what? Huh? So she’s going to rape me if I don’t say it? She’ll just do it I *do* say it. I’m not gonna give her the satisfaction.

She frowned, hard. And then smiled.

“We’ll have to train you properly. I’ll be back with your food and water in a minute.”

My heart dropped. Food and water. For the first time where I was truly set in. This room was my *prison.* I had known, but now I understood. She wasn’t going to let me leave this white room.

She walked towards the door and I was tempted to attack her. But the recent failings of anything I tried had taken my spirit from me. It would be useless and then she’d rape me. No need to rush that horrible fate.

I sat back down on the bed, hard. I was still wearing the stupid clothes but I didn’t want to take them off. They made me look like a girl, sure, but they were the only barrier I had from Not-Yui. The bed didn’t even have a sheet or a pillow. I looked around my room aimlessly, just trying to get my head to work again. It felt like everything had been happening too fast ever since, god, was it yesterday or today? How long had it been? I was going to go crazy in here.

I saw the bag near my legs and desperation to focus on anything else led me to look inside it. And there were some things.

A few dollars, some change, a receipt and, was that a key? I looked towards the door and noticed a lock I had apparently been blind to this whole time, right above the handle. I was truly not okay if I had somehow missed that all this time.

There was… no way this key led to that right? Yu- Not-Yui, had clearly bought the stuff and just shoved it into the bag and forgotten about it. There’s no way this key was to my door… right?

I picked it up and an ember of hope began to burn within me. It was stupid, there no way it would open the door, but I couldn’t stop myself from hoping. I grabbed the key and began walking to the door. I was going to be devastated when this failed but, I had to try.

I slotted the lock in the key, hope rising in me, and turned…

The lock clicked open.

I was so shocked my mouth hung open and I didn’t move for a few seconds. I shakily reached for the handle, and opened the door.

Oh my God. It worked.

The smart thing to do would have been to calmly sneak out. My mind and body saw freedom and I was running as fast as I could, speeding down hallways, searching for the way outside, making turns, before I found one and pushed open the metal door.

To the outside. There were trees around me and a dirt path.

I didn’t think, I just ran and ran, even past where my body was exhausted.

I, I had escaped.

Freedom! I was free!




The woman’s name was Lily. Her body was currently not her own, well, not just her own. She stood outside the ‘in construction’ hospital that she knew was being built. She had remembered reading about it, about how it was half abandoned because construction did happen on it, but only so rarely, and how it was a giant corrupt scheme. It had been over the news a bit but that was it. Nothing else had come of it. It had been the perfect place to keep Michael.

She watched with four eyes, in two bodies, as he ran down the dirt path. As his skirt flew, exposing himself just a bit. She smiled.

Chasing him down would be fun.

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions open! Parts 2-5 have not been commissioned yet.]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xarb3g/c_yandere_possession_x5_part_1_rape_yandere