Mali’s descent into depravity Part Eight [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [control] [tpe] [humiliation]

Seth and Freya sat propped up against the headboard of their bed. They’d deliberately saved listening to Mali’s audio file until the mundanities of the day were well out of the way. Putting his phone between them Seth hit play. Twenty five minutes later and they stared at each other in disbelief… “Well, that was unexpected.” mused Seth, whose shorts spectacularly failed to hide his erection. “Quite” giggled Freya whose right hand had strayed into her pyjama bottoms and was firmly between her thighs “Who would have thought that she’d have cum while being waxed. I think the little task for our filthy girl sort of back-fired.”

“Nah, I don’t think so. Quite the opposite.” said Seth. “We wanted her to feel humiliated, we certainly achieved that! She sounded so embarrassed.” “Still” replied Freya, “I think we should punish her for having an orgasm without us being there. I know we never stipulated it but I sort of feel cheated. You know, we never did decide what we wanted to do with those used waxing strips we made her embarrassingly ask for.”

“Oh, I think I have a good idea” said Seth, rolling in to kiss his wife. “Why don’t you and I talk it through while we have a little fun!”

Three days later Mali was once again making her way to Freya and Seth’s house – the instructions she had been given so far, while giving little away, had left her feeling intoxicatingly nervous. Whatever the evening held she hoped it was as least as intense as the first session with the couple. A couple she was increasingly seeing no longer as close friends but as her owners. It was weird, there was no denying it, and who knew how things would go at the end of her six month ‘trial’ but at this point Mali already couldn’t imagine life without some sort of control being exerted by Freya and Seth over her.

A control similar to that being exerted on her as she uncomfortably drove her car through the dark, rain drenched city. The instructions had caught her unawares, with Freya calling her earlier in the week while she was at work. Upon seeing Freya’s name on the screen, twenty plus years of habit had seen her answer the call with a breezy “Hey Freya, how are you doing?” Freya however had quickly asserted control “I beg your pardon filthy girl, do you want to try that again?”

“Sorry… hello.. mistress?” cringed Mali, ducking down low over her office desk and giving silent thanks that her company’s post-pandemic work policy meant that the desks closest to her were empty. “That’s better” said Freya “I’m calling to give you your orders for Friday, but first lets talk about your waxing appointment. How did it make you feel? Seth and I really enjoyed listening to it… especially the part where you lost control.”

Mali really didn’t want to reply, not here at work where she was the one normally giving orders, where any sign of weakness and vulnerability was exploited by career-hungry colleagues. She was sure that some of her female colleagues had already noticed she wasn’t wearing make-up, that her greying hair had gone undyed and that she’d swapped her normal skirt and blouse combo for an unflattering grey polyester trouser suit. As for her male colleagues, well she didn’t imagine she was high on the list of office eye-candy at the best of times (thank god), but the misogynistic buggers certainly weren’t going to be paying her any undue attention now.

“Can I call you back later please?” she asked timidly. “Fuck no, how dare you even suggest that” Freya replied curtly. Taking a deep breath Mali did as she was told “It was awful, I was so nervous going in and it only got worse. I tried not to cum, I really did but it caught me completely by surprise… it was so humiliating. I still feel so ashamed of myself.”

“Good” retorted Freya, her inner sadist increasingly coming to the fore “What about the rubbish you took away, I very much hope that you’ve still got it?”

“ Yes mistress” Mali muttered quietly, fearful of being overheard “I’ve still got the bag.” She heard Freya chuckle on the other end of the phone.

“Well, Seth and I had a very interesting chat about that. So, here’s what you’re going to do. Between now and Friday night you’re going to apply sudocrem twice a day between your legs to bring down any post-wax rash, we want that part of you at least to be smooth and soft. You are not though to play with yourself.”

“On Friday you are to go straight home after work and have a shower. Again, don’t you dare pleasure yourself. Your job is to get here clean and desperate, our job is to make you filthy, degraded and ruined. You will not get dressed after your shower or dry your hair but you will plait it while still damp. A single tight plait with hairbands holding it in place at both the top and bottom of your plait, your frizz, like you needs to be kept under control.”

Mali thought Freya might have finished but she was just pausing for effect “You may wear a dressing gown but there can be nothing underneath. You may go to the toilet and you should eat some dinner, but no alcohol. We want you to arrive at ours at 9pm, but just before setting off you will do the following.. first drink two pints of water but do not go to the bathroom again! Then put on your biggest, most unattractive pair of knickers but don’t pull them all the way up straight away. Take the used wax strips from earlier this week and line the gusset so the disgusting, sticky pube side is against your waxed pussy… like a hairy sanitary towel” Freya chuckled “ then you can finish putting them on. Likewise, line your oldest bra, the one you’d be embarrassed to ever get caught wearing, with the rest of the strips, again pube side against your skin and put it on. You may wear a pair of flat shoes to drive in and a coat, but it must not be zipped or buttoned up. Your pale, chubby body needs to be on show to any drivers or cyclists who might pull alongside you and want to take a closer look at the saggy woman in the car next to them.”

“When you arrive at our house you are to come straight in, the front door will be unlocked, and go straight to the guestroom. Take your coat and shoes off and put them neatly on the desk. Put on the blindfold that will be hanging on the bedpost and stand facing the end of the bed, legs apart and your hands on your head. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress” Mali replied breathlessly, her mind racing almost as fast as her heart was beating. When she had propositioned Freya and Seth all those weeks ago it was because she felt they would be the ones she could trust implicitly, above all others. Not because she thought they’d be the most perverted… she had underestimated how inventive and twisted they were proving to be. When she had signed over body and soul to them asking to be degraded, humiliated, broken… and of course for her pussy to be ruined in the process, Mali had anticipated having to give them the odd cue and offer a few suggestions. Freya in particular however seemed to have fully embraced her role and it appeared needed no encouragement. “Louder” Freya demanded “Say it louder and follow it with ‘I’m a filthy girl’… don’t think I don’t know that you’re trying to make sure you’re not overheard. Say it louder.”

“Yes mistress… I’m a filthy girl” declared Mali loudly, her nearest colleague looking up puzzled from his laptop. Mali quickly turned away blushing, a wreck of embarrassment, excitement and emotion, as she heard Freya hang up.
