[Mild Erotica] Paralyzing interest (quadriplegic story) Pt 1&2

*This is a commissioned story about a disabled guy just trying to find love like everyone else (mildly nsfw). Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!*


“Class of ‘15” read the banner Zoey found herself staring at for the past… how long had it been now? Maybe it had been long enough to politely excuse herself. She checked the time on her phone. Not even an hour had passed since she arrived at her high school gymnasium for the class reunion. She rolled her eyes and instead proceeded to stare at the beams in the ceiling. Why had she even bothered coming? She’d debated with herself about it all week. She had nothing else going on… and it’d be good to at least show her face. But she didn’t care for anyone that would be there. Just like when she’d attended the school back in ‘15.

Zoey examined the room of faces she hadn’t seen in seven years. Many of them looked the same as the day she left that dump. The phrase ‘peaked in high school’ came to mind. Sure, the girl hadn’t updated her wardrobe much. She’d clung to the alt girl fashion. But now it was more in style, she leaned into it, no longer ashamed of her visual choices. In addition to her tongue bar — which she was able to keep hidden from cruelty-fueled bullies — she’d chosen some more visible piercings after graduation. Her face now bore 2 nose studs, one on each side, and 2 thin rings in her bottom lip. She also recently got a bridge piercing on her left ear. The black metal bar matched her other piercings. She loved each and every one of them.

On her examination her eyes stopped mid-scan, landing on the only exception in the crowd. He was only really recognisable from his chair. The past seven years had done wonders for Dominic. Though his chair-bound body seemed largely unchanged, his face had matured. Teenage acne had cleared, in its place — a newly formed sense of confidence. The time away from this place — filled with its angst, ego and hormones — allowed the boy once seen as the school cripple, to morph into a man. Of course, he still didn’t have true independence, but with the acceptance and clarity that came with age… he was owning it. A neat moustache and well-maintained chin beard aged his face to be that of a handsome mid-twenties adult.

Zoey was grateful to see a fellow outcast. She wondered if she should say hi to him… It’s not like they ever hung out, but there was a sense of kinship among rejects. She smoothed down her pleated tartan skirt, suddenly nervous. She folded her arms over her large chest, then put them back to her sides. Not sure what to do with her hands, Zoey fiddled with the clasps of her suspenders that attached to her skirt. Then her booted feet started walking for her. “Dominic,” she said when she got to him and his nurse. She gave a purple-painted smile to the professional-looking woman at his side.

Behind his glasses, his dark blue eyes looked up to meet her green ones. After a moment, recognition sparked in them. Zoey had been that emo kid who couldn’t afford to shop at Hot Topic. When they’d attended high school, she hadn’t quite nailed the ‘look’. She’d been awkward and overweight. Seven years on and Zoey had finally created herself. Having lost most of the unflattering chub or grown into it, she was left with wondrous curves and an ass and thighs you could bounce a quarter off. Her generous proportions were fitted into a beautiful outfit which was a cross between new style e-girl and classic grudge.

Dominic was all about it. Trying not to be too obvious with his staring, he quickly checked her out. She was about 5’4″, pale-skinned with purple-dyed hair. It came down to her shoulders, was wavy with 2 buns on either side of her head and some straightened bangs that framed her face. Her makeup consisted of lipstick that matched her hair, some heavy black eyeliner, purple and pink eye shadow and darkly shaded eyebrows. The colours matched with those of her outfit — black combat boots, a pink and black striped knee-high sock on one leg, a purple and black one on the other. Through both the fishnet tights and netted undershirt, he spied tattoos he couldn’t quite depict.

Attention back to her stunning green eyes that sparkled like flicks of emerald, Dominic initiated simple small talk, “hey Zoey, how’ve you been?”

From there they proceeded to catch up, forgetting about rekindling with anyone else. After making Zoey laugh for the third time a thought came to mind that made her scorn herself. She began her train of thought with ‘this is so weird — how normal he is’. Immediately she identified how unfair that was. Of course he was normal! Just because he’s paralysed doesn’t make him a monster! He’d graduated with her, gone to college — had a life just like her. Really, they weren’t much different. In fact, it occurred to her that she was rather enjoying their conversation. More so than the average person she’d conversed with lately. He was funny and witty and really quite charming.

Time flew in comparison to when Zoey was by herself at the event. So much so, that she was genuinely disappointed when Dominic’s nurse quietly told him it was about time they headed home. Whether it was the guilt for her initial thoughts, or the enjoyment of bonding — most likely a combination of both — Zoey was eager to see Dom again. With some uncertainty she plucked up the courage to ask, “i-if I give you my number… a-are you able to text?”

With a smile that lit up his face, Dominic replied, “yeah I can, and I’d love to.” He was not at all offended by her question as she had worried it would. A visual look of relief washed over Zoey as the nurse produced Dom’s phone so she could program in her number. She smiled like a giddy school girl and they parted ways.

That evening, Zoey failed to acknowledge how long she’d been staring down at the black rectangle in her clammy hands. She almost jumped when the screen lit up and a tune chimed. Dominic had texted her. She quickly saved his number before replying, taking a moment to regain the confidence she was suddenly lacking. When she pulled herself together, they texted all night.

It was a mostly unassuming Thursday afternoon. Zoey could be found in her room, in front of a mirror, on the fourth set of clothes she was trying on. Around her were strewn the disregarded outfits she deemed not good enough for the evening planned. She was meeting Dominic for… what was it exactly? A date? A friendly get-together? It wasn’t the clearest. At some point during their days of texting, the suggestion of drinks was mentioned. Her outfit, therefore, had to be somewhat casual whilst still showing effort had been put into it. Like she often did, Zoey had got into her own head about it, overthinking and stressing over the most minuscule of things — like how to style her hair. After much tinkering, she kept it the same as the reunion — recognisable and effective.

The outfit she settled on consisted of a baggy shirt under black denim short overalls. It was scheduled to be a warm night so she left her legs bare. This left her black-inked illustrations on both her arms and legs visible. The solid lines of the geometrical animals contrasted with her pale skin. Then on her feet over some colourful socks, she laced up a pair of chunky purple Doc Martin boots. The eager girl was ready a whole hour early.

At the bar they chose to meet, Zoey didn’t have to wait long. There was an awkward moment while she was still on her own when she felt the eyes of a burly man on her. When he strode across the room — presumably to talk to her — Zoey shamefully hid in the ladies’ room in order to avoid being hit on by the beefcake. Ten minutes later, with comers and goers giving her dirty looks, Zoey poked her head out and scanned the room. Captain Steroids was chatting up some other hapless girl, leaving Zoey in the clear. She walked back to the bar to witness the momentary frown on Dom’s face morph into a bright smile.

“Thought you bailed on me!” he teased, but there was evident relief in his expression. His ever-present nurse shared his solace. Dominic had been so looking forward to this night that if Zoey didn’t show — which he guiltily thought could be the case — it would crush him. Despite his growth and acceptance of his condition, there was still the odd nagging sense of never being good enough — he’d always be less desirable than fit and able men.

“Wouldn’t dream of it!” Zoey replied, a little breathless. Neither of them knew the eagerness of one another. Dominic’s self-consciousness melted away as quickly as it had bubbled up.

The nurse introduced herself as Amy and the two women shook hands. “Let me get the first round, what will y’all be having?” Zoey looked from Dominic to Amy with a smile that could launch a thousand ships.

Dom was grateful for his nurse’s immediate response as he found himself momentarily speechless, “nothing for me, dear, can’t be drinking on the job you see,” she gave them a wink. Zoey responded with a sympathetic smile. Dom looked down sheepishly.

Trying not to let the mood slip, Zoey turned her full attention to Dominic, “what’s your poison, Dom?” The glint in her eyes revealed her intentions, Dom smiled gratefully, immediately cheered up by her impressive optimism.

“Jack and Coke, please,” he said, polite and still smiling with hints of admiration.

“Gotcha! Oh, barkeep!” she called, then instantly cringed at herself when the bartender gave her a weird look. Visibly shrinking in on herself, she asked in a more reserved manner, “two JD and cokes please…”

With their order — the first of a few — the pair settled at the end of the bar so Dom’s chair wasn’t in the way. Zoey sat on the stool next to him, Amy a few seats over with her water. With clear hesitancy, she gave them some space, still within earshot if they needed something. Zoey reassured her she was more than happy to help Dom with taking sips from his drink. She silently blessed the creation of straws — especially when they both became a bit tipsy and it took Zoey a few attempts to swing the straw into his mouth.

As the night went on, the alcohol loosened them up. Zoey gradually became more daring with her questions about his disability. Being quadriplegic, Dominic had no feeling or ability to contort anything from the neck down. Being the inquisitive type with her usual shyness pacified, Zoey found herself asking, “are you able to have sex?”

They both blushed at the question. Dominic opened his mouth, closed it in order to blush harder then proceeded to say, “I… mm, in theory, yes… I, well, I haven’t actually — you know…” if he could, Dominic would have fidgetted, “b-but there’s nothing stopping me really..”

“So…” Zoey leaned closer, hungry for information, “you can feel something in…” she bit her lip, the shyness coming back in order to prevent her from saying the word. Instead, she pointed at his crotch.

With a surge of confidence at Zoey’s interest in him, Dom beamed, “no, it’s all mental — like how you can get turned on just by visual stimulation?” Zoey was nodding, inching closer, “the only physical sensation is in my face which is uh… pretty sensitive…” he gave her a coy smile, almost like an invitation. She accepted. With a nail-polished finger, Zoey stroked the length of his cheek. Eyes locked with hers, Dom let out a shaky breath. Then he asked without missing another beat, “do you want to come back to mine?”

He realised not a moment after the words left his mouth that the answer was going to be no. Why would a beautiful girl like her want to spend any more time with him? What could he give her that any other better-equipped man couldn’t? What –

“Yes!” came her delighted voice, cutting through his negative thoughts like an axe-wielding valkyrie. He mirrored her excited grin and they headed out of the bar in no time.

Conveniently it didn’t take long to get back to Dom’s house. They piled into a minivan — Zoey helping the nurse push Dominic in his chair up the ramp into the back. Zoey parked herself tipsily into the passenger seat and with a motherly smile, Amy drove them back.

With both of the women’s help, Dom was manoeuvred into a large armchair. It didn’t make any difference to him comfort-wise but it did eliminate the potentially unnatural and unnerving sight of him in the chair. It also presented the chance for him to make the suggestion for Zoey to sit on his lap. She looked uncertain at first and Dom cursed himself for being too direct.

Then she said, “I’m heavy I don’t want to-”

“Zoey,” He cut her off and raised an eyebrow.

Taking a moment to catch on Zoey laughed at herself and visibly relaxed as she remembered, “right, no feeling,” she shook her head, smiling to herself, then perched sideways on his lap.

Wanting it to look more natural for him, Zoey carefully repositioned Dom’s arms. She put one around her back and the other on her thigh. He looked sad for a moment as he looked down at his hand on her leg. He admired the artwork, wishing he could trace the lines of the leaping origami fox. “I bet your skin feels really soft…” he muttered.

Zoey nibbled on her lip a moment before she had an idea. Gently she tilted Dominic’s head up by the chin to look at her and proceeded to brush her cheek against his. Dom stopped breathing of his own accord until his ventilator forced him to exhale. Her cheek was so unbelievably soft against his own. Zoey smiled as she watched his reaction.

She did it a second time, seamlessly transitioning into a kiss. Her lips on his surprise Dom in the most pleasant of ways. A small moan rumbled in the back of his throat as he had the most amazing kiss of his life. Unsurprisingly her lips were subtle and full. She’d swapped out her lip rings for studs so luckily the piecings didn’t get in the way. Their kiss startled slow, sending tingles through his skull. Then Zoey got hungry for more and tugged on his bottom lip with her teeth. He gasped and opened his mouth slightly at the heightened sensation. Using this to her advantage, Zoey pushed her tongue past his lips and began exploring his mouth. She was careful with the bar in her tongue. Unknown to her, it was only adding to the experience of the kiss. He still tasted like the drinks from earlier. He made another moan that rumbled into her mouth. She met the sound with her own gentle mewl of enjoyment.

Amidst the intense makeout, Amy was sat on a couch unsure whether to dismiss herself. It seemed Zoey had completely forgotten her but Dom would occasionally take himself out of the moment to catch her eye. The fact that Zoey wanted to do this with him was enough to blow his mind. Then there was the addition of her being carefree enough with an audience.

His mind was then dragged away from his exhibitionism as the girl in his lap kissed up the length of his jaw. She stopped at his ear to whisper, “does that feel good?”

If he could shiver, he would’ve been a trembling mess. He nodded with the intensity his neck muscles would allow. Then he identified the feeling of her lips curving into a smile. Zoey never thought she was one to crave power, but having Dom under her control like that created a dominant fog in her brain. His pleasure was solely up to her. She could give it at will and alternatively take it all away. Deciding to play with the latter she drew back, watching intently as Dominic’s blissful expression morphed into disappointment.

Giving him her best wicked grin, Zoey teased in a voice like silk. “Oh sorry… were you enjoying that?”

Instead of sinking into submission, Dominic challenged her with a growl, “kiss me. Now.”

Zoey’s stomach clenched at the shift in power. Despite his inability to act on it, Dominic still held lust and demand in his eyes. This turned the girl on more than if he could grab her by the neck and force her into a kiss. He knew his limits as much as she did, yet he trusted in the power of his words. Zoey gave in. With a desperate moan, she crashed her lips to his in a needy and passionate kiss. Dom immediately deepened it by pushing his tongue past her lips. A lustful battle raged in their mouths as they fought for control. During the intensity Zoey repositioned herself, completely straddling Dominic. She moved both his hands to cup her ass, sitting down on them slightly to hold them in place while she ran her hands through his hair. Even through the jean overalls, she felt something poking her crotch. She broke away to look down. A triumphant smile erupted across her face as she witnessed Dominic’s erection.

Oblivious, Dominic followed her gaze, not quite managing to angle his head enough. “What is it?” he asked, heartbeat throbbing in his throat.

Knowing he wouldn’t feel it but still wanting the sensation for herself, Zoey pressed herself against his erection. She leaned down and whispered huskily in his ear, “I’ve made you hard, Dominic…”

Blushing a deep crimson Dominic made a low rumbling moan. The hot breath in his ear, her words… they drove him crazy. His brain was flooded with feel-good chemicals. Although unable to recognise the internal workings of his body below his neck, it was still preparing itself to be ravished by the voluptuous beauty on top of it. To his dismay, but semi-relief, Zoey began to show signs of backing off. They shared the same thought. There was a connection here, something that shouldn’t be rushed into a one-night stand.

This was also to the relief of the nurse who had sat quietly in the room the whole time. She was too shy to watch, yet unable to look away. There was something wondrously deviant about witnessing the intimate relations of her patient. She’d likely get away with staying present for their making out. But if things got any more heated her continued company would likely be questioned. As the intensity between the two proceeded to subside, Amy sighed in relief. She wouldn’t have to make the decision between letting them have their privacy or staying to enact her duty of care.

Sobering up from both the alcohol and adrenaline, the pair smiled shyly at one another. Zoey breathed out in a hushed whisper, “I… really enjoyed tonight… would you want to do this again?” She nibbled on one of the studs in her lip suddenly uncertain of herself. This came as a surprise to Dominic. Was she serious? Of course, he would! It had been the best evening he’d had to date. He’d be beyond foolish to turn down the opportunity to do this again — and hopefully more.

“Definitely!” he said, not adding what he continued to think — that he’d be counting the minutes until he next had her like this.

Both relieved and excited, Zoey got to her feet. A little unsteady she swayed a bit and blushed. Looking down at Dom she said cheekily, “not gonna walk me to the door?”

He gave her a playful glare in reply. When she leaned down to hug him, her large breasts unintentionally pressed against his face. Dominic failed to notice his erection prop up again but it didn’t go unnoticed by Zoey. With a knowing smile, she gave a little wave and turned to leave. On the way to the door, she spotted the timid nurse and blushed deeply. “U-um…” she began but Amy quickly got to her feet, cutting in to save the girl from embarrassment, “was lovely to see you again Zoey, take care.”

And with that, the girl breathed out a relieved sigh, smiled gratefully at Amy and said goodnight to them both. The smile remained plastered on her face as she headed home.



After their successful first date, Dom thought he had peaked with Zoey. They’d had a great time – even kissed a bit! He had used up all his luck for the year, surely? That thought was what had him freeze up in disbelief when Zoey called a few days later. She wanted a second date! That couldn’t be right… Had the alcohol not worn off yet or something? A second date – with him! Of course, he agreed immediately. Failing to maintain his cool over the phone, he just about managed to offer to have her over for a movie night.

Dominic spent a good portion of the morning shrouded in self-doubt. If he could pace, he would be doing laps around the house. His mind did the running for his unusable legs. Would she enjoy his company when alcohol wasn’t involved? Had that been the only reason she tolerated him? Could he be as charismatic in a sober state? His faithful nurse was quick to swoop in and sweep away these thoughts, “she likes you, honey, is that so hard to believe? It’ll be obvious tonight – you’ll see.”

Amy was a straight talker; she didn’t butter things up for him or treat him any different because of his disability. He really appreciated her for that. Slapped out of his sorry state, Dom, with plenty of help from nurse Amy, prepared for the evening. Microwave popcorn, plenty of soda and an assortment of horror movies (Zoey’s favourite genre) to choose from. What more could a girl want?

Right on time, the doorbell rings. Just kidding, Zoey was way too nervous to be as forward as that. So instead, she called Dominic from outside. He answered on the first ring, thinking the worse. Was she calling to cancel?


“H-hey! It’s me – um I was just gonna text, but I didn’t want you to miss it and I didn’t know if I should just ring the doorbell and um well anyway… I-I’m outside.”

Dom simply laughed at the girl’s frantic explanation and with Amy’s help, let her in. Though her attire was a lot more casual today, Zoey was still stunning. She wore a white summer dress that fitted her curvy frame wonderfully. It was light and flowy and came down to her mid-thigh. On the front was an imitation of a corset – meaning it had the look but not the function. On her feet, she had simple black flats with lacy, cute white knee socks. Her purple locks sat loosely in curls on her shoulders. She pulled out a few strands that were stuck in the black choker she had around her neck. Overall, she was stunning in a very simplistic way.

Dom was lost for words at the sight of her. Amy came to the rescue, inviting Zoey into the house. The women exchanged sympathetic smiles. When Zoey wasn’t looking, Amy flicked Dom on the back of the neck – one of the few places he could feel the sensation. He flinched – well his head jerked slightly and was snapped out of it. He cleared his throat and said, “I got things set up in the living room.”

“Awesome!” Zoey said cheerfully.

Her initial stress had dissipated. This had a calming effect on Dom, and they all made their way into the living room. As Zoey’s eyes lit up at the sight of the prepared room, Dom’s heart swelled. He smiled softly to himself as she leafed indecisively through the selection of movies. The way her face was scrunched up in concentration added to her cuteness. While she made her selection, Amy got Dom out of his chair and onto the couch. By the time he was set up, Zoey was ready, she beamed at him in excitement when she declared her choice.

“But! Before we get to the spooks… um… I have a present for you,” Zoey was suddenly shy as she held her small black satchel bag to her chest.

Dominic was blushing already at the sentiment. He didn’t know what else to say other than, “o-oh?”

There was a flick of confusion in his eyes as Zoey revealed the gift. As she constructed it in front of him and explained it, it all came together. It was a straw that was made into segments you can keep adding to make it longer and longer. Dom was confused but was too polite to ask its intention.

Seeing this, Zoey quickly rushed out an explanation, “s-so you can put it in a drink that’s on the side a-and drink from it yourself without help… Um is it no good?”

Dom had never felt so wonderfully lost for words. He was stunned by her consideration. She really was delightfully thoughtful. He finally got some words out before Amy could prod him again, “it’s perfect! Stick it in a bottle of soda and shove it in my mouth!”

Zoey laughed, instantly relieved. Then she constructed the straw for him, making it stable between the bottle of soda on the floor and his lips by balancing it on the arm of the couch. After a few tests, the two confirmed Dom could reach the straw and have it out of his mouth when it wasn’t needed. Zoey couldn’t be happier at the success. Her joy as well as his gratitude for the gift had him buzzing. The fizzy soda only added to the sensation.

With a bowl of popcorn between them, they started the movie. Lacking a contraption to feed himself, Dom relied on Zoey to offer him popcorn. As she got invested in the film, her feeding became careless and she was all but shoving handfuls in the vague direction of his mouth. The pair laughed when she finally realised, looking to see a mess of popcorn had formed in his lap. She picked up the pieces and playfully tossed them into his open mouth.

Later into the film when there was a lull in scares, Zoey said something unexpected, “My hand is on your dick.”

“What-” Dom looked down only to see popcorn, not a small pale hand.

“Heh heh, made you look!”

He sighed and smiled, if he could, he’d jab her in the ribs. Alas, his hands sat uselessly at his sides. Zoey being Zoey didn’t mind. He wished he could wrap an arm around her.

As if reading his thoughts, she snuggled up close to him and manoeuvred his arm for him.

As the plot thickened, the jump scares were more prominent. With each one, Zoey ducked into his chest with a squeal.

Dom mused down at the cute, cowering girl, “It’s not fair you get to hide! I have to be the big strong one hmpf!”

Zoey giggled, “you can still close your eyes!”

Dominic was quick to rebuttal, “then I wouldn’t get to look at you…” he said smoothly.

Zoey blushed turned towards him, leaned over slightly and used a hand to cover his eyes.

Dom continued, “this doesn’t solve the problem.”

“Hmpf!” The girl huffed.

Zoey removed her hand. Then she was suddenly straddling him. She sat on him, perfectly obstructing the TV. Everything else faded away, everything but the sight of the beautiful girl in front of him. There was a far-off sound of someone being murdered or something. It didn’t matter. Everything melted away as Zoey pressed her pillowy lips to Dom’s in a soft and gentle kiss. It lacked the hunger of their last intoxicating kiss but still sent fireworks flying. She tasted like the salt from the popcorn with hints of cola coming through.

She wore the same black studs in her lips as she did on their first date. It was weird for Dom to think he had missed the sensation of them lightly poking his sensitive face as she kissed every part of it. Right now, though, she was using her hand to stroke his cheek and then glided her fingers through his soft hair. Suddenly she stopped as if a thought had occurred.

“Where do you want your hands?” She asked in a hushed and bordering on sensual tone.

Dom only needed a second to think, answering almost without skipping a beat, “your boobs?”

He said this as a joke, not expecting her to – oh my! Zoey was happy to oblige, taking his growth-stunted hands and placing them on her chest. His breathing hitched; his mouth suddenly dry. Of course, Dom couldn’t feel their softness, unfortunately, but he still got butterflies from seeing his hands on a beautiful girl’s breasts. He could only imagine the physical feeling of the generously plump fun sacks in his not-really-a-grasp grasp. Dom was grateful enough for the sight which alone had signals firing in his brain and releasing those horny hormones.

“C-cool…” he said, his voice cracking slightly.

Thank God for that handy straw. He took serval long gulps. Zoey laughed and placed his hands on her thighs which were fully on display thanks to her dress riding up a little. At that point, Dom had no way of telling if he was physically hard, he was too embarrassed to ask the girl who was obstructing his view. If he was, Zoey didn’t mention it. Instead, she leant in for another kiss. This time a lot more eagerness and passion were involved. They teased each other by pulling away when things were getting heated – denying the other of tantalising kisses. Dom experimented by gently tugging on her piercings with his teeth. She seemed to like it.

Then Zoey was grinding on him. Dom didn’t notice at first, what with his eyes closed like a proper gentleman as they kiss. But as they broke for air, he saw her moving on top of him – on top of his erection that he caught sight of for a slit second every now and then. A deep red formed on his cheeks. Zoey simply smiled wickedly. He didn’t know how to proceed from there, only knowing that he wanted more.

Alas, the pair were snapped out of their little world and brought back to reality when Amy the nurse – who was still watching the movie – cried out at something scary happening. She cleared her throat when the two looked at her and mouthed an apology. Dom and Zoey chuckled. The girl demounted and when back to snuggling up next to him. They watched the end of the movie they had completely lost interest in in silence but with smiles on their faces. It was a perfect night and an even better second date.


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*Thank you for reading!*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/x8htej/mild_erotica_paralyzing_interest_quadriplegic

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