Mali’s descent into depravity Part Seven [FMf] [fsub] [mature] [control] [tpe] [humiliation] [waxing]

Mali took a deep breath, opened up the ‘voice note’ app on her phone, hit record and pushed open the door to the beauty salon. Seated behind the reception desk was the antithesis of herself, the very opposite of what her owners Freya and Seth were intent on shaping her to be. The receptionist was young, slim to the point of skinny, heavily made-up, a tan that definitely hadn’t come from sunshine and hair so straight and lustrous it almost defied belief. Mali’s self-consciousness went up another notch and she felt herself blushing as she stood there dressed in a shapeless smock-style linen dress, flat shoes, frizzy hair brushed but not styled, face free of cosmetics and her chunky, pale, hairy, lower legs on show.

Before Mali even had a chance to speak the receptionist called out “You’ll be here for the bikini waxing appointment then. Shannon’s waiting for you in Room Two, second door on the left.” The couple of other women waiting in the front of the salon looked up from their phones as Mali walked past, her face reddening further at the receptionist’s lack of discretion.

“Hi” Shannon breezily greeted her as she entered the treatment room. “Get yourself settled and ready on the table. Keep your panties on and I’ll just work round them.” God no, thought Mali, this is getting worse by the second “I haven’t any on” she muttered, before adding “I haven’t ever had a wax treatment before so I wasn’t sure what to do.”

“OK… “ replied Shannon a little less enthusiastically. “Just hitch your dress up above your waist and lie back.” Mali gingerly did as she was told, still clasping her phone in her hand and conscious that it was recording everything said.

“So, just in for a bikini wax? Are you sure you don’t want me to do your legs too while you’re here?” asked Shannon as she noticed the woman’s hairy legs. If Freya and Seth’s plan had been to ensure Mali was thoroughly humiliated, well they’d achieved it. But far worse was to come.

Mali tried her best to sound assertive and confident but her voice wavered as she replied “Err, can you just wax between my legs please, nothing else. And, and please can you save the used waxing strips for me to take away?”

Shannon had had some odd clients but this was a new one to her, “Really? I guess I can if you really want?”.  “Yes please” murmured Mali. Well, it takes all sorts Shannon thought to herself as she looked down at the half-naked, fleshy, middle-aged woman lying before her and checked the small bin placed next to her had a fresh liner.

“Ooow” yelped Mali as Shannon got swiftly to work between her open legs. Mali had felt pain before but by the second strip she was questioning why any woman would put herself willingly through such an experience. Maybe other women weren’t as hairy as her, maybe their pubes weren’t as long as hers? A “Fuuuck, fuck, fuckedy fuck” escaped her clenched teeth before she realised this is exactly what Freya and Seth wanted when they’d instructed her to record her appointment – to hear her having to endure and suffer through this painfully humiliating experience. But the very thought of them and the recollection of her first ‘therapy’ session was enough though to trigger a response beyond her control. As Shannon took a few minutes to get her next set of strips ready Mali alarmingly realised her pussy was getting wet.

No, no, no this couldn’t be happening, please no – not here, not now, not with a woman half her age and size. What if Shannon thought it was because she was touching her… albeit very professionally? Rip. The next swiftly applied and removed strip brought forth a different sort of involuntary groan from Mali’s lips as she lay eyes shut tight and now unable to force the idea that it was Freya inflicting the pain from her imagination.

Rip. “Oh god”. Rip. “Fuck”. Rip. “Yes, fuck yes”. Rip “I, I, I’m sooo soorryy” and with that Mali’s traitorous body conspired with her mind and erupted into an orgasm.

Clutching a small bag of used wax strips, thick with her pubes, Mali shuffled out of the treatment room and back to the reception desk to pay. To say she was mortified was a gross understatement. Shannon had done her best to ignore Mali’s orgasm, the visible wetness between her legs (and the damp patch spreading onto the towel placed under her client’s backside and thighs) and had valiantly finished the job. When Shannon had very politely handed her the bin liner to take away and wished her a “Have a good day” she had been unable to look Shannon in the face. But Mali was under no illusions, she’d be the talk of the salon for months to come – the only saving grace, and it was a small one at that, was that she’d picked a salon across town from her home.

As Mali reached the street she had to prise her phone from her own grasp, it never having left her right palm through the whole experience she’d just endured. She hit stop on the recording and sent it as ordered to Freya and Seth… Lord only knows what they’d think of her now!

Parts 1 to 6 posted on r/bdsmerotica and r/erotica for anyone who wants more.
