Losing Virginity to Biker Neighbor

I like to write short little stories just for fun, I hope you guys enjoy.

Feel free to leave feedback. Negative or positive.

Here we go again, another day, of me arriving to school, followed by that ridiculous bike. We go to the same college, and it seems like we have the same class start, as well, because every time I arrive, there he is on the obnoxiously loud bike. Why? Why does it need to be so loud? I spot some girl steal glances of him as he takes off his helmet, showing off his perfect tattooed biceps. I roll my eyes, let out a heavy sigh, and move on with my life. If only all these girls knew what it’s like to live next door to him. How I mentioned I live next door to the asshole.

He has parties at his house almost every weekend – why bother even go to school at this point?

He is annoying.

I hit my locked with my foot with frustration – it is stuck again. I have asked the administration for a new one five times already, they keep saying they are working on it, but I am not seeing any results.

“Mm, hit it one more time and it will magically open for you.” I hear his annoying voice – he doesn’t usually talk to me, in fact this is the first time he has spoken to me in school.

I look up at his charming smirk, and my annoyed levels jump to one hundred. I turn back to my locker, hit it with my foot again, and pull extra hard at the lever.

“Is that all you’ve got in that five foot tall ball of furry?” He picks at my height.

“I. am. Not. Freaking. Five. Feet. Tall.” I accentuate every word as I pull hard at the lever again.

“Okay, fire-cracker.” He leans over me and pulls at the lever opening my locker for me.

I grab the things out of my locker, slam it hard, and stomp away – this doesn’t make up for all the miserable nights I had to listen to his loud music.

“You are welcome.” He yells after me.

Whatever, I have too much on my mind to be dealing with him.

Rent is due, class fees need to be paid, my mother has told me she is never going to speak to me if don’t go back to medical school, and on top that my ex-boyfriend who broke up with me because I wasn’t ready to have sex with him keeps calling me. Last few days have been shitty. Oh, and it’s finals week. I’m frustrated and annoyed.

One day one finals is over. I suppose I should be relieved, but now I stressed out second guessing all of my answers, as I haul myself and the rest of my books up to my apartment. I miss a step tripping up the stairs, all of my books flying down, my shin aching in excruciating pain.

“Fudgy Muffins!” I let out my version of profanities, “Mother effer.” I hold on to my leg as I take sharp deep breaths – it stings and burns.

“You are just not having a good day.” I hear that familiar voice – it just got worse.

His light chuckle got my attention, so I look at him, only to find him picking up my books from the stairs as he makes his way up. Sad thing is, as much as I hate to admit it, this is the most kindness anyone has showed me even since I moved here. It’s not easy to start fresh when everyone knows your mother.

I have a strong urge to cry and just break down – nothing seems to be going my way.

Don’t loose your shit. Don’t loose your shit. I keep repeating my myself. The last thing I need today is to break down in front of this asshole. Okay, he picked my load of books, maybe he’s not that much of an asshole.

“Thanks.” I look away, trying to force the tears away – I am not crying, nope.

I hear him set the stack of books on the step and take a seat next to me.

“You okay?” He bumps me with his shoulder.

“Yup!” I turn to give him my best happy smile – swallowing the heavy sadness.

I wish I could say he was ugly, but he is God damn perfect, and he knows it. Charming smile, wide shoulders, solid packs, abs like a washboard, tattoos covering his arms. It was easy to be mean to him when he was always annoying and a selfish bastard, but now I will be the asshole if I am rude.

“Thank you for picking up the books.” I continue smiling my best, as I get up to hide inside my apartment and cry – I am not the spoiled brat everyone thinks I am.

“You need help with those?” He eyes the stack of books.

My ankle hurts to bad, and it is a huge stack of books.

“I’m okay, thank you.” I manage another polite smile.

I limp over to my stack of books and pick them up with all my might – I will get a hernia from these.

Don’t cry. Don’t cry. You are an adult. You don’t need no one. I lean drop the books on the other side of my door – am safe here.

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me?” I grunt rubbing the temples of my head.

The music again? Doesn’t anyone else get bothered by it. I bang on the wall with all my might – of course the music doesn’t turn off. I wait a few more minutes, hoping someone else will complain, while the music irritates my brain like it is being beat by a hammer. Ten minutes pass and no changes.

My feelings from the past few days boil to this one point – I am livid. I am going to lose my shit on him, he is going to get a piece of my mind. I bust out of my chair, almost knocking it over, as I stomp out of my apartment in my pajamas. At this point this rage is starting to boil into a strong urge to cry, break down, and let everything out.

I bang at the door fiercely, ready for violence. I will put up a fight.

Don’t you dare break down. I yell at myself internally.

There is no answer, so I hit the door again, harder this time – I can’t keep feeling the rage of everything going on anymore, so tears pour out like a water fall, as I continue to dang on the door. At this point I think he is doing this on purpose.

“Just make it stop.” I sob as I lean myself into his door, but instead I stumble, as the door opens and my forehead lands on his well-built chest.

He takes me by the shoulders and pulls me away slightly to look at mt face.

Holy mother of dear Jesus. My heart jumps to my throat at the sight of his half naked body – all he has on are grey jogger sweats, and his black hair are soaking wet.

“All this over music?” He cups my face in his hands – I have no choice but to look into his brown abyss for eyes.

This is so embarrassing. I take a shaky breath in and purse my lips in silence – I am not spilling my heart to him.

“For fuck’s sake, you stubborn chipmunk.” He lets go of my face, leans over me, and closes the door behind me – such profanities.

“I am not a chipmunk!” I cross my arms under my chest – he looks down at my cleavage and smiles.

I drop my arms as soon as I see the smirk on his face – asshole.

“Why the waterwork, chipmunk?” Now he’s doing that to irritate me.

He turns around and makes his way into the kitchen – I watch his muscular back as moves away, the apartment is small so I can still see him lean against the counter- top. I contemplate stomping away, now that the music is gone, but I am sad to admit I am not strong enough to walk from him just yet. So, I take a few careful steps into the kitchen to stand a few feet away from him.

“So?” He takes a bite of his apple – I am trying really hard not to stare at his body.

“Nothing.” I mumble and give him a polite smile – that one smile that you master so well to hide your pain.

“So, your locked got a beating for nothing?” He glares at me, “And all these tears are also because of nothing?” He points at my face.

His words stung for some reason – everything over the past moth washing over me. I swallow a hard lump in my throat as a layer of water form over my eyes. I have been angry and irritable. I have been hurting, pretending to be okay.

“Yup!” I clear by throat, force a smile on my face, as the layer of water breaks leaking onto my cheeks.

“Hey.” He grabs me before I can run away – he wraps him arm around my waist, pressing me into himself, as his other one is wiping away the tears rolling down face.

I can’t stop myself from crying – why did he have to ask, why does he care? All I needed to do, was keep being angry and put on a brave face.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything.” He tries to calm me down, but the dam has broken and I have lost the battle of pretend.

Next thing I know, his lips are on mine, sending electricity throughout my body, shocking my brain to forget why I was crying. I stop crying as soon as his lips touch mine, my eye shut closed, and by heart starts me beat wildly. He moves away slowly watching my face, as I open my eyes to stare at him wide eyed.

“I didn’t know what else to do.” He defends himself, “It seemed to work.” He leans his head against mine, our lips just centimeters away again – my chest suddenly can’t contain enough air for me to breathe properly.

I wait for him to kiss me again – I want him too.

He carefully places his lips on mine, and my mind goes numb, as all I can think about is the touch of his lips – gentle and careful, not all like that rough exterior. I want more, so I move my lips against his, want to get lost in this intoxicating bliss. After months of mental suffering I finally feel happy and free. His hands grab my hips and he lifts me on the countertop, evening out the height difference.

“Ah.” I gasp from surprise, but he doesn’t waste any time – his lips are on mine again kissing me hungerly.

I return his hunger, following his movements. I am not experienced in such things as he is, but I am a quick learner – I follow his enthusiasm. I want this. I want to feel good. His hands start to wander from my hips to my ass, giving it a good squeeze. I moan into his mouth, embarrassed by making noise, but he pushes me closer into his crotch. His hands then start traveling under my pajama shirt to my breasts – my heart starts hammering in my chest with anticipation and fear. What if he doesn’t like my boobs? Because I can stop the action his palm is on my breast, kneading it without complaints, more electricity spreading throughout my body, collecting into my clit. I reach my hands over his neck and arc my chest into him, running my hands through his went hair.

His other hand leaves my face and he starts to hurriedly unbutton the buttons of my pajama top. I realize where this is going and I do want it, I just never done this before, so panic settles in and I start to hyper ventilate a little.

“I’m a virgin.” I blurt out before this goes too far and I don’t communicate something like this – my heart is now is my throat, waiting for refection.

“Do you want to stop?” He breathlessly asks me, his forehead on mine.

“No.” I mumble into my chest, “I just don’t know what the right things to do are.” I force myself to look up at him – he is clearly trying to refrain a laugh.

“Don’t laugh at me!” I remove my hands from his neck and place them on my lap, and neck I see it – his erection under his sweats standing tall half an inch from my hand.

Dear mother Mary. My throat suddenly goes dry, and I don’t know what to do with my hand or my eyes.

“What are you afraid of the most?” He lifts up my chin to look up him, “And if at any point you want to stop, just fucking say so.” He gives my lips a gentle kiss and my heart melts into a puddle.

I bite my lower lip in contemplation, contemplating on what do say not to sound whiny.

“Fucking words.” He moves his thumb to my lip and plucks it out from under my teeth, painfully slowly.

“It would not feel good.” I manage to answer truthfully.

“Baby, trust me, I will make you feel good.” He kisses my neck – I shiver at the touch of his lips on my skin, “Real. Fucking. Good.” He keeps kissing me down into the unbuttoned shirt.

“I want to feel good.” I place my palms on his bare chest – he takes that is permission to proceed because he continues to unbutton my shirt until there are no more buttons left.

He moves the shirt to the sides exposing my breasts to him – my heart is beating wild again. His lips are on mine again, soft and careful. I push myself into him – I want more. His hands massage my breast again, stimulating every fiber in my body, while his kisses become eager and hungry again. Then his hand travel under my pants, his palms under my bare ass, he gives it a good squeeze, and I moan into his mouth again. I am not sure it I should be moaning at such simple actions, but it feels so amazing when his hands caress and massage such private parts of my body.

Pulling away from my lips he slides my pants from under me and pulls off my ankles, leaving my pussy for him to see, my heart beats faster, my cheeks start to burn. He ignores my burning red face and lean down to kiss the side of feet, ankles, calf, inner knee then the inner thigh. Loosing my ability to use my brain, I grab his hair and inhale sharply, as he continues to go higher to my groin, now licking around my pussy lips, which are hiding my throbbing clit.

He then slides his tongue in between my pussy lips lightly gliding against my clit – static pleasure runs into my tummy, making my brain fuzzy, and body difficult to control.

“Mm.” I moan louder than I care to admit and roll my head back – my breathing is now labored and ragged.

Leaving my pussy, he runs kisses up my body, until he reaches my breasts. He grabs one in his hand and the other one in his mouth, his hand kneads as his mouth sucks on my nipple.

“Ah!” I squeal from his bite on the tip of the nipple, the sharp pain shoots into my vagina making it spasm as pleasure erupts – Who knew pain could make me feel so good?

“Are you okay?” He grabs a handful of my hair and brings my head back to face him – I breath heavy, my face hot, probably red, and nod at him.

I want him to keep going. I bite my lower lip down and wait for him to keep going, my pussy begging for his attention. He pulls out my lower lip from under my teeth and kisses me again with passion, I kiss him back, hungry for him to touch my body, make me feel good.

While his right hand in holding my head, his other one slides in between my legs, his fingers spreading my pussy lips.

“Ah.” I try to take a controlled breath in, but it comes out sharp and desperate.

“I barely touched you.” He pulls his lips away to smile at me – I am burning red, trying my best to do the right thing, so I don’t look up at him, “This is a good thing.” He whispers into my ear, as his finger touches my clit.

“Ah.” I breathe to let the pleasure pass through my body, as I land my face into his neck.

He slides his finger to my soaking wet entrance and runs it back up to my clit. Everything that is mighty, this feels so much better than when I do it myself. My climax is building fast, my body over stimulated by his touches, my mind completely hazy, my eye completely shut – I couldn’t open them even if I wanted to, as I hold on to his neck for dear life, trembling for the sweet release. He continues to move his finger on my clit, down to my entrance, around the clit, until I can’t take it anymore. The pressure explodes. I wrap my legs tightly around his waist, my toes curling, as I press myself into him and hold on tight as I ride out this wave of ecstasy.

“Breathe, baby.” He coos into my hair, as I continue to cling on to him, my lungs finally gaining control of my lungs.

After I relax my hold on him, he lifts me of the counter-top with my legs still wrapped around him.

“Where are we going?” I look around a little frantic.

“To the bedroom.” He smiles at me.

“Why?” Isn’t this over, why are we going to be bedroom now?

He chuckles at my question, but keeps walking.

“For more.” He winks at me, “Unless you don’t want more?” He stops to look at me with a knowing soft smile on his lips – the asshole knows I want more, he is aware how I respond to him.

I don’t say anything, but hug his neck and rest my face on his shoulder – for some reason I feel safe in his arms.

“Remember to use your fucking words.” He encourages me.

“I want more.” I whisper as I smile lazily into his shoulder – he will make me feel good.

“Good girl.” He kisses the top of my head.

He places me on the bed and hover overs my bare body, just the pajama shirt loosely hanging on my arms, my breasts completely exposed to him. He stares at my body, running his eyes from my neck, to my breasts, down to my hips. Suddenly I feel very naked and ashamed of my body, there isn’t much to look at, so I turn my face away, trying to get over the discomfort as a swallow a lump in my throat. He grabs my face by my cheeks, forcing my lips into a pout and points me to look at him. For a moment I think he is upset, but he crushes his lips on mine.

“You are hot.” He manages to say in between the vigorous kisses – the insecurities and discomfort vanish into thin air and return his kisses.

His hands start to roam my body again, kissing, kneading, nibbling, my tummy pooling with warmth again, desire for him growing again. His finger go in between my pussy lips again and I arch my back from the jolts of pleasure caused by his intrusion. He circles the clit a few times making me moan in response, then he slides down to the entrance of my vagina, pushing his fingers until he reaches my hymen. I pause, panic rising, I think I stopped breathing for a moment.

“We don’t have to keep going.” His finger circles the walls of the vagina at the hymen — my breathing turns fast and sharp again, as the simulation fogs my mind.

I try to nod my head for him to keep going, as I grab the sheet for some control – he adds to fingers into the entrance, barely touching my unbroken cherry, as he stimulates my walls.

“Remember,” He spreads his finger apart as he watches my face, “Words.”

“Keep going.” I manage to speak as clench the sheets in my arms – his touch overring all of my sense.

His finger leave my entrance, I can think again, but I miss his touch, I want more. I open my eyes to see him next to the bed taking off his pants, his erection standing tall as the pants fall to the ground – holy shit, that is one perfect cock. Not that I’ve seen any in real life. I watch him in awe as his beautiful body moves over mine again. I feel his cock touch my bare skin, I swallow, but continue to watch him carefully. He hasn’t disappointed me yet, so I trust him to do right by me.

“It will hurt at first.” He hovers his face over mine and peppers my face and neck with light kisses, “Give it a few minutes.” He locks him eyes on mine, “Are you okay with that?” He asks.

I nod nervously. Honestly, it doesn’t look like it will fit, but people have sex all the time, so it has to fit, right?

“Words.” He reminds me again.

“Yes.” I give him a nervously stary eyed smile, but my heart is hammering.

He kisses my chest while he puts my arms over my head, holding them in places firmly, the ability to be able to escape his grasp is slightly terrifying, but he has so considerate of my consent – I trust him. The other hand is holding my face, while he spreads my pussy lips with his cock. His smooth cock glides against my wet clit and I moan in response. As soon as he arrives at my entrance, I have the urge to touch him, to hold on to him, but he holds me put.

“Fucking hell.” He grunts into my neck and enters my vagina swiftly, as his hand goes over my mouth.

I scream into his arm as stinging pain shoots into my tummy. I try to free from his grasp, but he leans his body on me to keep me still.

“Shh.” He whispers into my neck, “Breathe baby.” He stays still inside of me, as tears start to well in my eyes, “Breathe,” He repeats.

I stop fighting him, when the pain subsides, and I feel the stretch of my walls from his cock take over. I start to breathe letting the subtle pleasure grow.

He lets go of my mouth to wipe away the tears from my eyes, kissing my lips tenderly as of afraid to break me. His kisses send tingles throughout my body, as the pressure of his cock in me forms into bliss. I move my hips up slightly to feel more of him in me.

“Ease, baby.” He hisses, “You are tights as fuck.” He grunts as he lets go of my arms, letting me free.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into me, kissing him, desperately wanting him to move – to fill me more. He moves deeper the stretch and friction intoxicating my body, my clit growing with pressure. He moves out and then goes back in faster – this time there’s just a hint of the burn, but the pleasure is too great to notice such minute details.

He lifts us into sitting position, my legs wrapped around his torso, and pushes me into him as he squeezes my ass—his cock hits the back of my vagina creating a euphoric pain. My eyes shut as my brain is not longer functional, my body vibrates in ecstasy, and my pussy is being is being fucked into oblivion. He keeps thrusting into me, my climax growing with every stoke. One more thrust and my body can no longer take it – my walls spasm around his cock, my clit burns, sending the orgasm throughout my body. My legs clamp shut around him and my toes curl so hard, they start cramping.

“Holy shit!” I moan into his chest as I ride out my wave of euphoria – he swiftly pulls out of me, lays me flat and squirts his cum in my cleavage dragging it down to my belly.

I am riding a high – I feel good. Happy. Content. Satisfied.

“Do you feel good?” He lays down next to me, his cum still on my chest and belly – I don’t seem to mind.

I turn to look at him, his face illuminated by the light on the nightstand, and smile a with giddy.

“Words.” He reminds me again.

“Yes.” I continue smiling at him.

“Good.” He plants a firm kiss on my lips and reaches over his nightstand for some napkins.

He hovers over me again, his form tall and dangerous, as he cleans the cum from my chest and belly. Such caring action makes me feel exposed and vulnerable. The sad reality is, no has ever cared for me like this before. I look away as a tear threatens to escape – I can’t cry after such a wonderful night.

“Do you want me to make you feel good again, chipmunk?” He drops his body next to mine, winks at me, and wraps me into his arms, creating a safe haven.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/x7zkiy/losing_virginity_to_biker_neighbor


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