The OnlyFans Girl, Part 11 (MFF, Slow Burn, Lots of Tease, Ongoing Story)

*Part 1 can be found [HERE](*

*When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. This story was originally written in small chapters, of which 51-55 are presented here.*

**Chapter 51**

Gemma ended up ordering the Uber this time, and this time the car that showed up was a smaller hybrid thing so you ended up taking the front seat while Gemma and Sabrina took the back seat. The driver, a Pakistani guy, tried to make some small talk with you and you halfheartedly went along with it while you could hear Sabrina and Gemma whispering and tapping on their phones in the back seat.

It wasn’t too long a ride before the driver pulled up at the corner of one of the big entertainment streets downtown, and you all piled back out.

“Come on,” Gemma said, grabbing your hand. “I know where we should eat.”

Sabrina slid in next to you, looping her arm through yours, and the three of you set off. It was… well, it was a little surreal, walking down the sidewalk in broad daylight, holding your maybe-soon-girlfriend’s hand while also arm in arm with your fuck buddy. And other than a couple of annoyed people glaring as they had to move out of your way, no one seemed to care.

Well, no one knew what the situation was either. But still, you had to wonder, how many times had you walked by a small group of people not realizing the weird or offbeat relationship between them?

Gemma led the three of you to a hole-in-the-wall sort of place, crammed between a Popeye’s and another restaurant. Inside was a sports bar-looking area to the left, a fancier-looking dining room on the right, and a pretty hostess dressed all in black. “Hey,” she chirped, giving the three of you a smile. “How many in your party?”

“Three,” Gemma said, not letting go of your hand. “Could we get one of the tables on the bar side?”

“Sure,” she nodded and collected three menus for you.
The bar was busier, since it was happy hour after work, so you assumed Gemma wanted to try and blend in a bit. The thing was, Sabrina also wasn’t releasing your arm, standing and smiling next to you with a twinkle in her eye.

As the hostess led you through to an empty table, you noticed multiple sets of eyes following you. Actually, they were following the girls, and trying to judge you. Gemma was still wearing her conservative business pantsuit, shirt buttoned to the collar, but there was no hiding her beautiful face or luscious platinum blonde hair – or her ass, for that matter. And Sabrina was just Sabrina as usual, just slightly less severe in her business dress and slim and flirty.

“Here you go,” the hostess said, bringing you to a round, freestanding table with a good view of the bar and multiple big screen TVs playing sports channels.

“Actually, can we have that booth?” Sabrina asked.

“Oh, sure,” the hostess nodded, and brought you over and quickly transferred the cutlery as well.

You ended up sitting on one side of the booth with Gemma, while Sabrina sat across from you. Part of you wanted to sit between them or have them both across from you, but that might have looked strange.

“I’m having flashbacks to Monday,” Sabrina smirked.

“I was just thinking about that video,” Gemma laughed.

“I don’t think we’re going to get away with anything like that here,” you said. “It’s way too busy. And half the room is checking you girls out.”

“Good,” Sabrina said. “They can be jealous of our boy toy.”

Gemma snickered. “I like that. What do you think, John? Are you our boy toy?”

“I think Rule One says that I’m your boyfriend,” you said, lifting her hand and kissing it. She hadn’t let go. “And the extra-dirty-minded one across from us is our fuck-friend.”

“Your friend-with-benefits,” Gemma said.

“Speaking of which,” Sabrina said. “Girl, as your friend, and to give our man some benefits…” She leaned over the table and undid a couple of buttons on Gemma’s blouse, then one more, and then reached for another.

“That’s enough,” Gemma giggled, slapping Sabrina’s arm away. “I don’t need half my tits showing to the entire bar.” She shifted, getting herself comfortable, now showing a generous amount of cleavage without flashing bra.

“Whatever you wear, you’re damn sexy,” you said. “But I definitely prefer you like this.”

Gemma blushed. “Thanks,” she said, giving you a smile. “But what about-”

“Hey, y’all,” your waitress said, approaching your table with a notepad out. “You want t’ start with some drinks?”

The three of you ordered, you a beer, Sabrina a cider and Gemma another of those blackberry Brambles she liked.

“We’re going dutch, by the way,” Gemma said once the waitress left. “This isn’t a date, and we’re not trying to make you go bankrupt.”

“Thanks,” you grinned, not bothering to note that you hadn’t considered that, and now wondering what your reaction would have been if the girls had both expected you to pay for them. Your wallet would have started hurting quickly.

“Now,” Gemma said, turning to Sabrina. “As I was saying, if I’m getting more relaxed, what about you?”

Sabrina smirked and shrugged. “I don’t have the same assets as you, but I assure you I’m relaxed.”

Gemma shot her a raised eyebrow.

“Here, give me your foot,” Sabrina said. You were in a darker back corner of the bar, so you didn’t think anyone would see anything under the shadow of the table, but you could only hope you were right.

You assumed Gemma followed Sabrina’s request, raising her foot under the table, and the girls watched each other. There was a light thunk under the table, Sabrina having taken off Gemma’s shoe and letting it drop to the floor.

Then Gemma’s other eyebrow raised, and Sabrina shifted lower in her seat a bit, then Gemma gasped and Sabrina giggled and you could tell Gemma pulled her foot away. “Oh my God,” she said. “She just put my foot on her bare pussy. Where are your panties?”

Sabrina sat back up, a little smirk on her face. “In his other pocket,” she said.

“I can’t believe you’re going commando in a skirt,” Gemma said. “I couldn’t do that, even in a tight pencil like you’re wearing.”

“Well, I usually don’t,” Sabrina said. “But it’s fun, and I bet John is hard as fuck.”

Gemma let go of your hand and placed hers on your crotch, rubbing your hard cock and getting a feel.

“Yeah, but can you blame me?” you asked.

“No,” Sabrina said.

“No,” Gemma agreed, squeezing you a little harder, then letting go and bringing her hand back above the edge of the table.

The waitress came back with your drinks and took your food orders. The three of you talked, trading stories about university life. Gemma told Sabrina about her ex, and Sabrina told you both more about her own though it hadn’t ever progressed as far as Gemma’s relationship had. The food came, and you all dug in. Gemma ordered a cider like Sabrina’s when she finished her cocktail, and Sabrina got a second. You swapped to a lighter beer.

And through it all, the girls teased you. Gemma would touch your arm frequently, or tease her fingers over your hand, or drop hers to your lap – sometimes just onto your thigh, or sometimes copping a quick feel. She would bite her lip as you talked to her, and a few times fanned the front of her blouse as if she were cooling herself down, but always the side further from you so that she was flashing you more of her boob and glimpses of her white, lace-covered bra.

Sabrina, meanwhile, also didn’t let up on you. Her foot travelled. She would wrap it around your ankle, or rub your calf, or thigh. A few times she even slid her toes all the way up to press against your hard cock. Gemma even caught her once when she went to grope you at the same time. Both girls froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

“Are y’all interested in dessert, or more drinks?” the waitress asked you when you had all finished your dinners.

“Mm, I’ve got some dessert back at mine,” Sabrina said, looking at both of you. “We’ll just get the checks – separate please.”

“Sure,” the waitress nodded.

Gemma didn’t say anything to deny she was coming to Sabrina’s, and that was going to make it hard for you to get out of this restaurant without popping a seam on your pants, you were so hard.

**Chapter 52**

Unlike you and Gemma with your roommates, Sabrina had locked down a small apartment with a single room on a summer sublease. She paid for the Uber this time, and you were once again stuck in the front seat as the girls whispered and tapped on their phones in the back. When you all pulled up in front of the apartment building you sort of just got out without saying anything, Sabrina keyed the three of you in through the lobby and you all piled into the elevator.

Sabrina’s apartment was up on the twenty-third floor, and by the time the elevator was rolling past the third floor you were already getting antsy.

“So…” you said.

“Not me,” Gemma said, biting her bottom lip. “Not tonight. You two hooked up first, and I don’t want to hook up before I decide if we’re dating or not. I’m just here to… watch.”

“You’re OK with that?” you asked Sabrina.

“I think it’s kinda hot,” Sabrina shrugged and turned to Gemma. “You can even play Madame Director if you want. Tell us what you want to see.”

“Maybe,” Gemma said, and you could tell she sort of liked the idea.

“Well, in that case,” you said, and closed the distance between you and Sabrina and wrapped your arms around her. She went up on her tiptoes in her entirely sensible work flats and met you in a kiss, tongues quickly getting involved.

The elevator dinged, and Gemma coughed. “Not there yet.”

You and Sabrina quickly separated as the doors opened on the fourteenth floor, standing and trying to look innocent. A guy in what looked like silk pyjamas, wearing big mirrored sunglasses and sporting a mass of a curly perm on his head, sauntered into the elevator followed by a black woman wearing a skin-tight dress. She was beautiful, with blonde braids running down her back to her firm ass, and wearing staggeringly tall heels with straps that ran up her sculpted calves almost to her knees.

They took spots across the elevator from you, Gemma and Sabrina, the guy reaching over and pressing the button for the thirtieth floor.

The doors slid shut, and for a long moment it was just super awkward in the elevator. Then the black woman leaned over and down and whispered something into the guy’s ear. He smirked and nodded, and she turned to you three with a smile. “You three are pretty hot. We’re going to a swinger party in the building, you want to come with?”

Gemma almost choked as she coughed, and Sabrina started patting her back.

“Uh, no thanks,” you said. “We’re just heading up for our first threesome.”

“Nice,” the dude said, grinning beneath those shades and offering you a fist bump.

“John!” Gemma said, slapping your shoulder once she’d caught her breath.

“What?” you asked. “It’s not *not* true.”

Sabrina just chuckled quietly, and then the elevator dinged as you reached Sabrina’s floor.

“Have fun, kids,” the black woman said. “And don’t forget the first rule of group sex – don’t tunnel vision. And lube!”

“Thanks,” Gemma said, somewhere between shocked and fascinated.

The three of you exited the elevator, and the man turned and started kissing the black woman’s chest as the elevator doors closed. You could hear her deep, sultry laugh echo for a moment longer.

“What are the chances?” Gemma asked.

“Well, I don’t know about you two,” Sabrina said, “But now I’m a lot more curious about my neighbours.”

“Rule number three, Sabrina,” Gemma reminded her.

“Oh, I know, I know,” Sabrina said. “Plus, I’m pretty sure based on our fun earlier, this mouth of mine belongs to… Daddy.”

You rolled your eyes and reached over and spanked Sabrina. She yelped and jumped, which set Gemma to laughing, and turned back to you with her mouth agape.

“Call me Daddy, get treated like a brat,” you said. “And if you want me to fill that mouth properly, I think we need to get into your apartment.”

She clicked her mouth shut and then smirked. “Yes, Daddy.” Then she turned and presented her ass to you, leaning forward slightly.

“Well, you walked right into that one,” Gemma laughed.

You rolled your eyes again and spanked Sabrina’s ass a second time, right in the middle of the hallway. This time she giggled and stood, walking down the hall as she looked back over her shoulder at you as she bit the corner of her lip and made ‘fuck me’ eyes at you.

With Sabrina leading, you and Gemma followed and you reached down and took her hand in yours. At Sabrina’s door, as she fished out her keys and started unlocking the apartment, you turned and faced Gemma and took her other hand in yours as well. She was looking up into your eyes.

“This is a little different than normal,” you said. “Or last night. Are you sure you want to do this, like this?”

Gemma didn’t hesitate so much as seriously take in what you were asking, consider it, and then nod. “Tonight is about you and Sabrina,” she said. “I’m just here so I don’t have massive blue balls.”

“That’s not an answer,” you said. Sabrina had the door open and was leaning in the doorway, her cheek pressed to the nearest door jam as she watched us and listened. “Are you sure this is the kind of relationship you want with me, and with Sabrina? Because you’re going to be in the room.”

“John, we’re going into that apartment, and I’m going to watch my two friends fuck. I’m going to watch the hottest, realest live porn show, and my cunt is already wet just imagining it,” Gemma said. “I didn’t even know I wanted something like this until we were at the clinic and they told me how long the results would take. I’m good with this. Very good.”

You leaned down and kissed her, and she kissed you back and slipped you tongue as she put her hands on your hips and pulled you close enough that her chest was pressed against yours.

She was the one who ended the kiss, staying close and looking into your eyes as she whispered against your lips. “Now, let’s get in there so you can fuck that little slut like the horny bitch in heat she is.”

“Look, I can’t help it,” Sabrina chuckled. “I haven’t been able to get his cock off of my mind since I got a feel of it in the restaurant on Monday.”

You took in a breath and stepped back from Gemma, nodding as you exhaled. “Alright. Let’s fuck.”

“Finally!” Sabrina said, throwing the door wide open and heading into her apartment, already starting to pull off her clothes.

You followed her, Gemma following you with her hand in yours.

**Chapter 53**

The apartment was small – a kitchenette to the left of the entryway, with a living room immediately in front. There was a glass sliding door leading out onto the decently sized balcony Sabrina had called you from on Monday night. A door on the right wall of the living room led into a bedroom.

Sabrina was already practically down to her underwear by the time you and Gemma had kicked off your shoes.

“Impatient, much?” Gemma laughed.

“Yes!” Sabrina said. She was wearing a bra that matched the thong she had stuffed into your pocket, though it didn’t look like it was meant to give much support as the thin lace cupped her small breasts. She still had that little exclamation point trimmed into her pubic hair on her mound, and she was shifting her weight from hip to hip. “I haven’t had sex in almost a year, and John was good with his tongue but I’ve had that cock in my mouth four times now and my engine is fucking rumbling.”

“Guess you better get naked then,” Gemma smirked, slapping you on the ass.

You stepped into the living room fully, picking up Sabrina by the waist and raising her to kiss you. She wrapped her arms around your neck and her thin legs around your waist, hugging you tight as she thrust her tongue into your mouth. “Mmm,” she hummed, then broke away and looked over your shoulder. “He tastes like strawberry. Lip Gloss?”

“Oops,” Gemma said.

“No, I like it,” Sabrina laughed, then kissed you again.

You were holding her by her bare ass, palming her pert little cheeks and kneading them, and she started humping her hips at you.

“God, you are a horny little bitch, aren’t you?” you laughed.

“If I don’t get your cock soon, I’m going to tie you to a chair and make Gemma take care of me with a dildo while you’re forced to watch and can’t jerk off,” she said, playfully growling and taking the tip of your nose between her teeth.

“Out here on the couch, or in the bedroom?” you asked.

“Don’t want to mess my sheets and have to wash them,” she said. “Fuck me unconscious and tuck me in after.”

“Fuck, that sounds hot,” Gemma said.

You glanced back at her and found that she’d sat down on the chair close to the couch. She’d already taken off her pantsuit jacket, leaving her in her blouse with the buttons still undone and showing cleavage. She was watching you and Sabrina, leaning forward in the seat.

“Out here it is,” you said, and carried Sabrina over to the couch and set her down, before standing with your crotch near her face. “If you want it so bad, take it out.”

“Gladly,” she smirked and started working on your pants as you began unbuttoning your shirt. She got your cock out of the hole in your briefs and through the zipper quickly, not even bothering to take your pants off. You were already hard, and Sabrina immediately took your cockhead into her mouth as she looked up at you with her big eyes.

“Fuuuck,” you groaned.

“Hmmhmmhmm,” she laughed happily as she slid more of your cock into her mouth.

You got your shirt off, tossing it to the side, and started working on your belt.

“How is it?” Gemma asked. “Is it really as nice as it looks?”

Sabrina came off of your cock with a gasp and immediately started stroking it with one hand as she turned to Gemma. “It really is,” she said. “Nice and fat, but not a monster that would hurt your jaw or something. And he’s long enough to reach back and fuck my throat, but not in an uncomfortable way.”

“You can deepthroat him?” Gemma asked. “Fuck, I’ve never done that.”

“I’ll teach you how sometime,” Sabrina said. “I’ve never done it on a real cock before him, but I practised on a couple of my dildos while watching porn before.”

“Excuse me,” you said. You’d gotten your belt undone and your pants dropped to the floor. “While I think it would be very hot to be your educational tool for that lesson, I think that mouth should be busy right now.”

“Sorry, Daddy,” she said with a smirk and then started sucking you off again.

“Oh, you naughty brat,” you said. You wrapped your fingers in her hair and pulled her in, forcing your way deeper into her mouth and then she swallowed you into her throat, nose pressed to your briefs. “There,” you said, turning to look at Gemma. “Deepthroat.”

Gemma licked her lips and nodded.

“Anyone ever tell you that you somehow get even hotter, the more flushed you get?” you asked Gemma.

“What?” she asked. “No. Is that a thing?”

“It is with you,” you said. “You’re always gorgeous, Gemma, but you get this look in your eyes that just makes my stomach do flips.”

“You sure that’s not your fat cock in Sabrina’s throat?”

You pulled Sabrina off your cock fully, and she came up panting sloppily, but grinning with her mouth still open. You looked back to Gemma. “Nope, the stomach flips are all you. The ball aching desire to blow my first load all over her face is her.”

“Oh, baby, your balls are aching?” Sabrina crooned. “Let me help with that.” Her thin fingers quickly went into the hole of your briefs and scooped out your sack, and she ducked down and started nursing on your balls noisily as your slimy, spittle-covered cock rested across her face.

**Chapter 54**

“Holy mother-” you gasped, your knees going weak for a second as Sabrina went to work, sucking and slurping on your balls.

“Never had that done before?” Gemma asked you.

“No,” you grunted, looking down at Sabrina as she smiled up at you from beneath your cock.

“I’ve never done it either,” Gemma said. “But now I want to. Rub your cock all over her face.”

You did, and Sabrina let you. Her spit started to cover her face as you shifted your weight and hips, flopping your cock against her cheeks and forehead as you groaned and Sabrina worked her tongue and lips around your balls.

“She’s such a cock-hungry whore,” Gemma murmured. She was sitting back in her chair now, a couple more buttons were undone on her shirt and one hand inside, cupping one of her tits.

“You’re not much better,” Sabrina said, detaching from your balls with a final lick. “But also yes.” She took you back in her mouth.

“Bitch,” Gemma laughed.

You took Sabrina’s hair in hand again, and she gladly let you start slow-thrusting into her throat again.

“Hold on, I want to see how far in you go,” Gemma said. “Flip her onto her back on the couch so her head is hanging off the side.”

“Oh, I think I know what you’re saying,” you said. You pulled away and Sabrina pouted at losing you from her mouth, making you laugh. “Come on, brat. Assume the position Gemma wants.”

“Fine,” she said, and rolled around on the couch until she was on her back, her ass pressed into the back of the seat and legs hooked up the back, and her head hanging off the front. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, all upside down.

You crouched down and kissed her, not caring that her face was slimy with spit or that you were the right way up while she was upside down.

“Mmm, spider-man kiss,” Sabrina laughed, which set you and Gemma off as well.

“You’re such a geek,” Gemma said.

“Takes one to know one, Miss Manga-Reader,” Sabrina said.

“I can’t deny it,” Gemma said. She’d undone and untucked her shirt now and was cupping her big tits in her hands, still in the bra. “Now shut her up, John, and fuck her face.”

“Yeah, fuck my face,” Sabrina said with a smile. “Make sure I don’t forget that you own my bratty little mouth, Daddy.”

“I swear, I’m literally going to spank you hard enough that you can’t sit down the next day at work,” you growled. “Stop with the Daddy talk.”

“OK, sorry, baby,” Sabrina said, a little mollified. “I pushed it too far.”

“It’s alright,” you said, exhaling.

“Can I make it up to you?” Sabrina asked.

You slid your cock into her mouth. “You don’t need to,” you said. “But I appreciate the thought.”

It took a couple of shifts in positioning and Sabrina sliding a bit lower on the couch to get the right angle. Soon enough you were sliding slow thrusts into her mouth, treating her throat like a tight, constricting pussy. You reached forward and pulled her bra up off of her tits and palmed them firmly, feeling her nipples slip between your fingers as you squeezed and they firmed the last little bit they could.

“Mmmm, mmm,” she gargled around your cock, rubbing her legs together.

“Hold on, let me see this closer,” Gemma said. She stood up from her seat and came over to stand right next to you. You leaned back a little to give her a better look at Sabrina’s throat, releasing your hold on her tits as you slid your cock in as far as you could, feeling Sabrina’s nose against your wet balls.

Sabrina was laid out before you and Gemma. Her chin, and elegantly thin neck now slightly bulging with your cock inside it. Her chest a little flushed, and her bare tits thrust towards the ceiling with her nipples standing proud. Her taut stomach, and her skinny waist with her cute little belly button, down to her fuzzy mound partially hidden by her thighs pressed and rubbing together.

“Fuck, this is so hot,” Gemma said. She’d abandoned her shirt entirely, standing next to you in her bra – fancy but functional, holding up and pressing her tits to her chest a bit. Not a pushup bra so much as a cross between lingerie and an athletic bra. She was still in her pantsuit pants, but her stomach was bare, showing she was fit, but not nearly as skinny as Sabrina. She had a softness to her stomach that fit her more voluptuous build.

“Hold on,” she said. “I just want to feel…” She reached down and put her hand on Sabrina’s bare throat, and you pulled out and thrust in again a little bit. “That’s so weird and hot,” she said.

“Huurk hurr,” Sabrina tried to say around your cock.

You pulled out of her throat, and she sucked in a breath. “What was that?”

“Choke me,” Sabrina said once she’d taken in a couple of deep breaths. “While he’s in my throat. I’ve always wanted to be choked during sex, but I knew my last boyfriend wouldn’t be into it.”

“Are you sure?” Gemma asked. “I wasn’t-”

“Do it,” Sabrina said, certain, and then she stuck her tongue out again and fished her mouth around until she caught your cock between her lips again.

You shrugged at Gemma and slid back into Sabrina’s mouth a couple of times, not pushing into her throat yet. “Choke her, I guess.”

Gemma reached down and squeezed Sabrina’s neck, and you pushed deeper.

“Fuck, I can feel it,” you groaned.

“So can I, it’s so fucking weird,” Gemma said.

“Herrmheerrgarrruughh,” Sabrina garbled wordlessly, your cock in her throat as she was choked by a beautiful topless Australian girl.

*What even is my life right now?*

**Chapter 55**

You were thrusting firmer now. Faster. Your balls were tapping against Sabrina’s nose over and over as your cockhead remained in her throat. Gemma was squeezing her neck firmly, and you could feel the additional tightness.

“Fuck, it’s so good,” you groaned. You leaned forward and grabbed Sabrina’s small tits again, pinching her nipples between your thumb and forefingers, thrusting into her throat just a little bit more insistently. At the same time, you leaned your lips forward and kissed Gemma’s bare stomach.

“Stop,” she said, though she leaned into you. “This isn’t a threesome.”

“I know, I just can’t resist you,” you shrugged.

She smirked, knowing how much of a line that sounded like but still appreciating it.

Sabrina tapped your leg with her hand, and you pulled out and Gemma pulled her hand from her throat.

While she gasped for breath, coughing a little bit, you rubbed your cock on her face again, smearing her makeup with the amount of spittle she’d left on you.

“Harder,” she gasped, still fighting for breath but not wanting to wait.

“Cock or choking?” you asked.

“Yes,” she coughed, then grinned, and then fished your dick back into her mouth and awkwardly bobbed on it a few times.

“I guess we go harder,” you shrugged.

Gemma took Sabrina’s throat in her hand again and really squeezed, and you pushed your way back into her throat and started thrusting hard, your nuts now bouncing off of her nose with every thrust.

“Hnnnnnnng,” Sabrina keened somewhere in her chest.

You shifted your stance again, shortening your stroke a bit and not achieving maximum depth, but it let you lean forward enough to slap her thighs apart. Sabrina acquiesced, spreading her skinny thighs, and you immediately cupped her pussy and tapped two fingers against her clit firmly. She mumbled a shriek, vibrating her throat around your dick even as it got squeezed by Gemma.

“Fuck, you fucking-” you groaned. You tapped her again, firmer, and then really rubbed down on her clit side to side and your palm pressed against her pubic mound. She was wet as hell.

The keening rose in pitch, and Sabrina’s body seized up, her legs tensing together and trapping your hand on her pussy, and every muscle in her throat constricting at once.

Gemma didn’t let go as Sabrina came with your cock in her throat, but you did stop thrusting for fear of actually breaking her while she was like this.

As soon as she relaxed she tried to breathe, and you pulled out just as she started to gag, and Gemma pulled her hand away.

“Fuuck,” you groaned, wrapping your hand around your cock and pumping it quickly. “Gonna come.”

Gemma slapped your hand away and shifted, standing behind you and leaning down over you, taking your cock in her hand and pumping you herself. Her bra-clad tits were pressed into her back as she looked over your shoulder and spoke into your ear. “That was the hottest thing I think I’ve ever done. You’re such a fucking sex goddess, Sabrina. Fuck. And John, that was so fucking hot. You stretched out her throat and knew just when to beat her little clit up a little. God, I can’t wait for my turn on Friday. Now fucking unload on her. Cover this slut. Mark her as yours. As ours. Sabrina is our sex goddess. Our slutty little friends with benefits.”

“Do it,” Sabrina said, looking up at you from below your cock having caught her breath. “Do it, baby.” She raised her lips and took your balls back into her mouth, sucking on you as Gemma kept stroking you off as fast as she could.

“Ffuuuuuck,” you groaned, feeling your body tensing and your nuts trying to pull up into your body even while Sabrina was teasing them back with her sucking.

You unleashed, spouting your first jet of cum down Sabrina’s body and landing on her hip and thigh. The next one landed near her belly button, and then the next actually in it. The final two had less power behind them and splattered between her little tits.

Gemma slowed her handjob and let you lean back against her as you panted for breath. You ended up pulling back from Sabrina and sitting down on your ass, Gemma sitting behind you and hugging your chest, bra-clad tits still against your back as she rested her chin on your shoulder. Sabrina rotated on the couch, laying down its length as she blew out a long breath and blinked at the ceiling, then rolled onto her side and looked at you both.

“OK. I don’t know how I can ever give a better blowjob than that,” she said. “Fuck.”

“Sabrina,” you said. “That was-”

“Just round one,” she filled in for you. She raised a finger. “You’re getting a five-minute break, and then I’m getting you hard again because I am literally aching for that fat cock of yours to stretch me out. OK?”

“Yes, ma’am,” you chuckled.

“As you were then, soldier,” she laughed. She swung her legs over the side of the couch, sitting up. “H’OK. I need water, and to wipe my face. And my body, haha. You really unloaded on me.”

“You bring out the best in me,” you said. “Did that scratch the choking itch?”

“And I didn’t squeeze too hard at the end, did I?” Gemma asked.

Sabrina stood, stretching her arms and then rolling her neck. “Actually, you could have maybe gone a little harder, I think? I don’t know. I don’t think that was my limit, but I also don’t want finger bruises on my neck for obvious reasons.” As she slipped past you and Gemma towards the kitchenette you reached out and pinched her bum. She flinched and shot you a dirty look, making you and Gemma laugh.

You turned and kissed Gemma on the corner of her mouth, and she tilted a little to kiss you more. “This still isn’t a threesome,” she said.

“I know,” you said. “But I’m excited for Friday.”

“Me, too,” she said, and reached down into your lap and wrapped her fingers around your half-hard dick. “But you owe Sabrina a pounding now.”

You kissed Gemma again as she stroked your slick and slimy cock.

“You two aren’t getting started without me, are you?” Sabrina asked, coming back out of the kitchenette with a glass of water. She’d already wiped the cum from her body.

“Just making sure he gets nice and hard for you,” Gemma said. “You ready for your dicking?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” Sabrina said, and bit her lip as she put the glass of water down on the side table beside the couch. “How do you want me?”

“No, no,” you said. “Gemma can tell us what to do after. I’m choosing the first time, and I choose to make you choose. It’s either missionary or cowgirl. There’s no way I’m not looking into your eyes and kissing you while I take your pussy for the first time.”

“Take it and make it his,” Gemma smirked.

*This marks the point where we’ve caught up to the current written & published chapters – but the story is continuing! Updates will be released periodically here on Reddit, but are first released to my Patrons ahead of time over on [**_Patreon_**]( where you’ll find more OFG, along with lots of other erotica stories in this style!*

*Also, want to see a specific scene happen in one of my stories, or even read an entirely customized story? I am available for **Commissions**, just PM me for details!*



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