Mali’s descent into depravity Part Six [FMf] [MFdom] [fsub] [mature] [control] [tpe]

Mali woke late, having slept soundly for the first time in months. Coming to in the tangle of her duvet she realised that she was still wearing the dress that she’d come home in last night from Freya and Seth’s. She recalled the drive home and managing to get in the front door of her house but after that exhaustion had overtaken her and quite how she’d gotten herself to bed she couldn’t remember.

As she emerged from sleep she became increasingly aware that she was badly in need of a shower. Her hair was a knotted mess and it, and her body, smelt strongly of her own stale sweat and urine. Mali felt herself flush with shame as she remembered her inability to control her bodily functions as Freya had spanked numerous orgasms out of her. Reaching down she tentatively touched her tender pussy, it still felt swollen and was sensitive to the point of painful.. Freya certainly had a fearsome ability to hit the right spot. The dull ache into her pelvis reminded her too of the weight she’d been forced to hold inside herself and later ordered to ‘birth’ out.

Mali thought back to Freya’s comment about her wanting a pussy that looked and felt like it had given birth. It was a definite paradox – last night had been degrading, humiliating and embarrassing but Mali couldn’t deny that in giving away control over her body she somehow felt empowered. Was having her pussy ruined a penance for her past relationships, for choosing a career over children, or ensuring any future partner wanted her for what she was and not what she looked like? Whatever the answer was, and Mali thought it was likely a blend of all three, she knew that her first ‘therapy’ session with Freya and Seth had not only left her feeling ashamed but also so very turned on, and confident that this was absolutely the right thing to do to help her retain her sanity.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a phone alert. Prising herself up from the bed Mali reached down to the floor beside her bed and found her phone still inside her coat pocket. Her phone pinged again as she fumbled to unlock it – her fingers betraying her nerves with the realisation that it was a WhatsApp message from Freya and Seth. What if they had had second thoughts after the first session, what if they’d been left disappointed by her saggy middle-aged body, or her embarrassing lack of bladder control?

Well done filthy girl. You behaved as instructed last night. As agreed, over the coming weeks we will take increasing control over the way you look, dress and behave. As you know we’re not interested in making you into some sort of bimbo, rather we want to strip you back to the raw you..  from here on in you will not wear make-up, you will grow your hair long and it must be plaited for every session. You will dress in shapeless, dull-coloured clothing unless directed otherwise. And you will not shave or use hair removal creams on any part of your body. However after discussion Seth and I have decided to make one exception – in order to accelerate the ruining of your pussy we require as easy access as possible. You will therefore book an appointment for tomorrow to be waxed between your legs only, no tidying up of bikini lines will be tolerated. You are to make this clear to the beautician and will also ask to take away the used waxing strips once the procedure has been carried out… they are not to be binned. We appreciate that this will be a deeply uncomfortable experience for you physically but we also want it to be as uncomfortable as possible mentally for you too. With that in mind you will also be required to record audio from the entire session – from the moment you enter the salon to the moment you leave – on your phone. You will then send us the file as soon as your appointment is finished as proof that you have carried out your task as required. Mistress Freya.

Mali was utterly conflicted. On one hand she was elated, Freya and Seth were pleased with her, keen to continue and appeared now fully bought in to the project to ruin her. On the other, she was now faced with public humiliation – first through the waxing and second through having to make herself as dowdy and unappealing as possible, including it seemed while at work. Before any doubt could creep in Mali swiped to her browser, searched for her nearest salon and called.

Part Seven… soon.


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