Please come again (exhibitionism)(femsub)(bdsm)

You meet me outside the restaurant. I am here to be punished and I have dressed as you ordered. My dark wispy hair is pulled up in a bun. I am wearing my glasses with the black frames that contrast so strongly with the pallor of my face.

My dress is dark crimson. Sleeveless with a high neck. It buttons on the front. Small hidden buttons from the neck to the skirt just below my knees. You made it very clear that the dress must button up at the front. You had me edge myself, my clitoris beneath my fingertips as I repeated the instruction back to you over the phone.

I am wearing black opaque stockings and black ballet flats. You were very clear that I was not permitted underwear. You had me repeat that instruction too. Over and over until I was whimpering and asking you to let me stop.

The restaurant is at the city limits. Quite remote. A classy place where anniversaries might be celebrated and dates taken to impress.

I step from the car. Without a brassiere I am very aware of the movement of my breasts against the close fitting fabric of the dress. I am not the kind of woman who can go without a bra unnoticed.

You remind me of this. Telling me everyone will look as I enter the restaurant. They will see my hard nipples pressing against the thin material of my dress and they will notice the way my breasts move beneath it.

I shudder with excitement and humiliation. In the parking lot I feel the cold air stroke beneath my dress at the bare sticky heat there. You reach under my dress and take your time checking that I have been obedient.

You chose a table at the rest of the restaurant. I am seated with my back to other diners facing you and the rear wall.

You tell me to unbutton my dress to the first four buttons. That exposes inches of my cleavage. It is more than I would usually show but no worse than some others here.

The waiter glances discretely at my chest as he hands us menus. You smile and tell me to undo the dress to below my breasts.

I obey nervously. If I stay still I look perfectly respectable. It is only if I lean forwards does my dress gape exposing the full pale contours of my breasts and the rigid purplish domes of my nipples.

I keep very still at first. While you pretend to look at the menu you ask me to tell you about the last occasion I masturbated to orgasm. You warn me not to whisper.

I tell you about the hotel room. About how I rocked my body against a folded bath towel until I came. I speak as quietly as I am allowed. I blush. I am sure nearby diners can hear.

I forget myself and lean forwards as I speak. You compliment the size and colour of my nipples making me straighten suddenly.

The waiter returns and again I check my posture but he glances at my chest and I know he has seen more this time.

While we wait for our meal you have me hold the two halves of my dress open to the waist fully exposing my breasts. I have my back to the other diners so I don’t think they see.

You use your fork to gently torment my nipples, catching them between the tines and twisting until I shiver and groan.

The waiter returns and I quickly cover myself.
You chastise me mockingly saying that you had not given me permission to cover myself.
The waiter looks at me expectantly. You tell me to show him. I hesitate and you repeat the instruction.
I quickly open my dress flashing the waiter. He grins.
You shake your head and tell me to open my dress and keep it open until you tell me I can cover myself.
To the waiters obvious delight I obey. I feel hot with embarrassment. You invite the waiter to guess my bra size. He is suprisingly accurate.

The waiter leaves and I am allowed to cover my self.
We eat and I relax s little occasionally I forget myself and lean forwards.

You make me display myself again as the waiter collects our plates then brings the dessert menu.

You tell me to unbutton the dress entirely. I obey and now it just lays over my body. I keep my stockinged thighs tight together.

You laugh and say no one can see under the table so you tell me to spread my legs.i spread as wide as the table legs allow.

The waiter brings our order. I have to show him everything now. My pale naked body exposed between the lives of my open dress to the dark hair of my pubic mound.

The waiter takes his time setting out our dessert. You ask the waiter to bring a spoon with a longer handle. He returns swiftly with a long plain metal ice cream spoon. It looks like a surgical instrument. I fight to stay still and quiet as you lubricate it with a freezing blob of ice cream then slide it up inside me under the table as the waiter watches.

I am allowed to cover myself as we eat but the spoon remains protruding from my vagina dripping melted ice cream.

I am desperately aroused. On edge with the fear of discovery. Amazed at what I have done. My excitement is feverish.

When the waiter brings our bill I display myself without being asked. Instead of a tip you offer to let the waiter watch me masturbate. I think you mean in the bathroom or the parking lot.

You have me perform the act there at our table holding my dress open with one hand while rubbing frantically with the other.

I come with a small intense gasp not noticable over the hubub of the busy restaurant.

As we leave I hold my dress closed to the door. The waiter says he hopes we come again soon. I roll my eyes.

In the dark parking lot you tell me to keep my hands at my sides and let my dress fall open. I walk quickly to the car. You make me go back and walk more slowly.

I know the evening is not over yet.



  1. I’ve written a few other BDSM stories but they are kinkier, sillier or just weirder than this one so I was not sure if this was the right sub for them. If anyone is interested in seeing them here let me know…but don’t say I didn’t warn you!

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