What is going on around here? [>18][voyeur][M/F][M/F/M]

I own, or rather I franchise, a pizza delivery shop. It’s one of the national chains, and my location is fairly busy, I do alright. I’ve got a total of 15 employees. This used to be a job for teenagers and young adults, when I took over this spot there was no one over 25 working here. Times have changed, and now my employees come from every age group and demographic. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it’s just a change.

The store itself is small, very small. We have the counter, where customers and employees interact, where the cash registers are.  Behind that is the kitchen, which consists of a long counter where the pizzas are made, and an oven. Behind that is a walk in refrigerator, and the only other areas are a store room, and my tiny office. There is a surveillance camera in every one of these places, there is not a spot in the entire store that is not monitored. There are signs in every area, and on every door stating that these premises are monitored by cameras. The cameras have motion detectors, and start recording for one minute when motion is detected, after a minute, if there is still motion, it continues to record This results in a few hours of video each day, which is incredibly boring to watch. I play back the videos in the morning, while I do other things, not really paying attention to them.

Ashley is 30 something, married, with children, I’m not sure how many, she works nights here, and has a daytime job in a school or something like that. She’s attractive, blonde, freckles, in great shape, and generally well liked by everyone.  Brant is in his late 30s maybe early 40s, married, with children, he works at least two other jobs, and has a crazy schedule that is always requiring changes and shift swaps. But he is a great guy, very friendly, very well liked, always scheming to pick up an extra shift. 

There are two videos from the store room from the night before, about half an hour apart, a little before closing time.  This is highly irregular, as there is no need to be in the store room at that time, we pull stock on the morning of, not the night before.  So, I actually watch these videos, to see who was doing what in the store room. Ashley walks in, Brant is right behind her, he closes the door, and Ashley drops to her knees. Brant’s dick is out, already hard, and into her mouth within 10 seconds of them entering the store room. Ashley’s head is bobbing back and forth, Brant has his hands in her hair, his facial expression changes, her eyes widen, and she swallows, several times. His dick is put away, and they both leave, having been in the store room for maybe 5 minutes. I play the video two more times, noting the time they entered and comparing that to when each of them clocked out. They were both on the clock during the blowjob. I was paying Brant while he was getting his dick sucked.  That pisses me off. The store was still open, someone could have been standing at the counter waiting while these two were literally fucking off in the back. My initial reaction is to fire both of them. But times are tough, I have no idea how long it would take to get two new employees, and besides this incident, they are both good workers. 

Charlie has worked at the store since he was 19, he’s in his late 20s now. He is a full timer, works open to close 5 days a week, and picks up an extra day every other week. He is consistent, rock solid, and I honestly believe the store would grind to a halt if he weren’t here. I need him. So,  when I watch the second video from the store room and I see Ashley bent over a case of olives, Charlie behind her, fucking, I can’t believe it. This is crazy. Two instance of employees engaging in sexual activities, on the same day! Like half an hour apart. None of the books I have read on leadership and management have prepared me this. 

After the lunch rush, I call Ashley and Brant into my office. They are seated beside each other, across the desk from me. I turn my computer monitor around so that it is facing them, and click the mouse to start the video. I watch all the color drain from Brant’s face, Ashley stops looking at the screen, and is staring at me, with a very serious look. I decide that they have seen enough, I stop the the video.

“This behavior is beyond inappropriate. This is your one and only warning, if I see anything like this again, you’re both going to be fired. Any questions?”

They both stare back at me, not saying a word, and honestly what could they say? 

“Brant, you can go back to work, send Charlie in please.”

Brant exits my tiny office, and Ashley continues to stare at me, she’s obviously aware of why I asked Charlie to come in.  She doesn’t look ashamed, or embarrassed, not a hint of blushing. When Charlie sits down, I play the other video, Ashley doesn’t look at it, she never takes her eyes off of me. Charlie starts apologizing before I can stop the video. I give him the same warning, and ask him to leave. Ashley continues her unflinching stare, which makes this feel ten times as hard as it is, and this is a really difficult situation. 

“Do they know, about each other and you, and…. what’s going on?”


“I’m not a relationship counselor, and I shouldn’t even know about this, so I am not going to say anything to anyone.”


“Ok, you can go back to work now.” 

A few days later, it’s pouring rain, and Ashley is running late. She comes into the store like a hurricane, soaking wet, dripping everywhere, generally making a mess. 

“Do you have any extra uniforms, I need to change?”

“Yeah, there are a bunch of different sizes in the box in the corner of my office, help yourself.”

Several minutes later, Ashley emerges from the back of the store, in a dry uniform, and goes about her work. I head into my office, to take care of next week’s food order, and see Ashley’s wet clothes hanging on the backs of the chairs.  Why did she brings these in here? Why did she take off her underwear? Without thinking about it, I run my fingers over her panties, they were dry enough. What the hell is going on around here? I try to forget about it,  and get to work, but every time I look up, I see her panties just sitting there. So, what, she’s going commando while she’s out there making pizzas? Big deal. After several minutes of trying not to think about Ashley’s undergarments, I give up, and call her into the office. 

“Ashley, can you get these out of here, please.  

“No problem.”

She kicks her shoes off, unbuttons her pants, and I turn my back to her before she gets them down. 

“What the hell, Ashley? I can’t see this!”

“Then you might not want to watch that video.”

I turn around in time to see that she was still pulling her pants up as she walked out. Nice ass, what video? What is going on around here?

I sit down at the computer, and start reviewing videos from earlier that day. Ashley enters my office, wet, and finds the box of uniforms, digs one out, and turns to leave. Only she doesn’t leave, she looks directly into the camera, and starts undressing. First her shirt, then her bra, then her pants, and then her panties. She is standing in my office completely nude. She does a full turn, slowly, so that I can see every inch of her. The ass, it is actually fantastic, and she is, I’m not surprised to learn, a natural blonde. Still naked, she sits down in my chair, the chair I’m currently sitting in, throws one leg up onto the arm, and starts rubbing herself while staring into the camera. I can’t tell if she orgasmed, it didn’t appear that she did, she only went at it for about three minutes. What the hell? Why am I having this problem? What is going on around here?

The next few days pass without incident, and I think things are getting back to normal. Ashley, Brant, and Charlie are closing together for the first time since the night of two sex tapes. But I’m not worried, they’re scared I’ll fire them, nothing is going to happen. But nevertheless, I watch the security footage from the night before with rapt attention. 

Nothing out of the ordinary, Ashely goes to the bathroom, the only place not monitored by a camera. When she comes back, she busies herself, cleaning the counter, sweeping the floor, this is all very normal. Brant and Charlie are walking by the camera in the kitchen, as they go about their work, but each time they walk by Ashley they kind of slow down, and stare, and maybe linger a few extra seconds.  I can’t figure out what is going on until Ashley gets closer to the camera. Apparently, while in the bathroom, she removed all of her clothes, except her apron.  I get a great look at her sweet ass when she bends over with the dust pan. And I guess this was the invitation that Brant was waiting for, because he has now moved in behind her, and is plowing away. When Charlie enters the frame, he seems shocked, at first, but then gets over it, and joins in by sticking his cock in her mouth.  Three of my best employees, one being double teamed by the other two, right in the middle of the kitchen. And all of them still on the clock. What is going on around here?

I decide to call them into the office individually. They know they were on camera, they know I know. They are banking on me not being able to fire all three of them at the same time, and they are almost right. 

Brant gets a week suspension, he will pick up more shifts at his other jobs, he will be fine. Charlie gets a week suspension, he’s hurt, he looks like a kicked puppy when he leaves the office. 

I’m going to fire Ashley. It’s hard, and it feels sexist, that the two guys are only getting suspended, and she, the woman, is getting fired. But there is also the whole business of het jilling in my chair. She has more offenses than they do, and once she is gone, this will all be over. 

I call her in and ask her to have a seat. She must have known this was coming, she is so nervous she can’t sit still. She keeps moving around in the chair, shifting her weight, I can’t even think straight watching her squirm about like that. 

“What is going on here? Sit still please!”


She stands, reaches her hand down the back of her leggings, and pulls a stainless steel butt plug out. She tosses it across the desk, and instinctively, I catch it. It’s warm, the fucking thing is still warm, from being in her asshole. I can’t think, I can’t go on, I don’t even know what to say.  I’m just standing there, holding her butt plug. 

“Just, go back to work, please, get out of my office.”

“Yes, sir. May I have that back?”

She takes the butt plug from me, pops it into her mouth, and pulls it back out dripping with her saliva, her hand goes back down the back of her leggings with the butt plug and comes out empty. She never breaks eye contact. 

“And Ashley, you know you can’t wear leggings to work ”

“You want me to take them off?”

She puts her thumb into the waistband and pulls them down far enough to show me that she once again doesn’t have on any panties. 

“Out! Now!”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/x4gu6x/what_is_going_on_around_here_18voyeurmfmfm

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