The answer is always “yes” , light cnc/ masterbation

I just wanted to go for a drink by myself, get dressed up for myself, and maybe catch a few stares and glances, just by myself.
All week I had been traveling, going from one office to the next, training these corporate “Mad Men” type on how to properly approach sensitive subjects and god forbid any one of these men actually listen to me, but it was my job. “When talking with a female coworker, don’t stare at her boobs”, or ” If you find yourself in a situation where you are attracted to someone you work with, don’t text them pictures of your cock” – that one usually got a few guilty looks. I mean, I would be lying if I said I didn’t find any of these alpha type males pretty sexy, kn fact sometimes I would purposely not wear a bra and make sure the training room was extra cold, but my career is very important to me and if I crossed that line, I would be fired.
So, here I was in another corporate office and that’s when I notice him. He wasn’t in the training, so that means he wasn’t an executive, but I could tell people respected him. I first noticed him in the elevator, I was rushing to get to the opening, as this building was over 15 floors, and he held it open for me as I fumbled in. I know, I know the elevator tale as old as time, but not exactly how it’s supposed to go. I was in my normal skirt and blouse and as I stepped in, my heel got caught on a crack and I fell in. Actually falling right into the elevator , and somehow with very little luck my shoe didnt break. After I recover from my embarrassing failure, I regained my composure and chose the 14th floor. He didn’t even register I was in the elevator with him, didn’t ask if I was O.K or needed help, and rolling my eyes I thought “arrogant ass”, but turned out, he was going to the same floor.
We exit the elevator, I go left and he goes right. Nothing said and no eye contact, and we went our own ways, or so I thought.
After a very long day of trying to help a misogynist man for about 8 hours, I was finally back at my hotel. I unzip my skirt, take off my blouse and bra (decided to be naughty and go commando all day) and I get in the shower. The one good thing about work travel are the nice hotels and their even nicer showers. This one had a ledge you could sit on in the shower while the hot water runs over you. I open my legs and feel the water flowing down my nipples, over my stomach, down my mound and over my clit. Ugh I haven’t had sex in 35 days and I was aching to be pounded. I run my hand over my nipples, my huge 34DD boobs, massaging them with my hand. I lean my head down and move my massive tit up and suck on my nipple. I moan as I open my legs more and start rubbing my hand over my slit. I move my fingers down more and finger myself. First one finger, then two , then three as I press the palm of my hand down over my clit. I imagine the guy from the elevator eating my pussy and me grabbing the back of his head so I can grind against his tongue. I keep fucking myself until I feel my orgasm wash over me. I moan loudly, saying fuck me as my pussy squirts a little over my hand.
After my shower and not feeling as horny I decide that hey it’s friday and I want to go for a drink. So, I get dressed up making myself feel good. I’m in a spaghetti black dress, cleavage out, hair done, earrings, bracelets and sparkly sandals to accent my fresh pedicure. My first stop is a dive bar next to my hotel, I overheard some of the men talk about it. They like it because they are usually able to find a “sure thing ” but honestly it was within walking distance to the hotel and I could use a redbull vodka to help me forget about this week.
I get to the bar and about 3 drinks in I’m feeling very buzzed and confident. All of a sudden my favorite Mariah Carey song comes on and I just have to dance. I stand up next to my seat and start dancing by myself. Well, obviously a drunk girl dancing by herself brings attention but I didn’t want anyone that night so I would give the kind smile and reject and keep going.
About 5 drinks in I decide to head back to my hotel, but as Im leaving I bump into elevator guy. I look up and in my drunken state say- “hey! Fancy bumpin into you here tonight!” You look amused and ask me if I’m alright. I slur yes and let you know I’m on my way back to my hotel. You take my arm and tell me that I shouldn’t be walking around drunk and I’m being irresponsible. I roll my eyes and tell you that I’m doing just fine and as I’m shaking my arm from your grip I tell you that he shouldn’t be so rude and walk away.
Back at the hotel, I take another shower, wash my face and decide I’m very horny. I take my pocket vibrator and lay on the bed completely naked. I put some porn on my phone, my favorite girl on girl. I start using my toy up and down on my clit to the same rhythm the one woman is licking the other womans clit. I moan and start talking dirty, drunk and horny. “Mmm yess please, lick my pussy” “I want to feel your clit against my tongue” “Fuck I need your pussy on mine” I change it to scissoring porn, still talking dirty. “Oh god, rub your pussy harder against mine” “Keep fucking this pussy make me squirt on you” Finally I cum, harder than before. I squirt all over my towel (yes a towel on the bed, I’m not gross 😛). Happily I fell asleep… until I hear my hotel door open slightly.
***** My first thought is “I’m drunk and that must be someone else’s door opening”. I lay completely still and listen. My heart pounding, the alcohol mixing with adrenaline making me nauseas, the drunkness weight on my body making me feel like I can’t move, so I just listen. I don’t hear anything else, so I convince myself it was someone else’s room and go back to sleep.
I fall into a deep sleep and I’m dreaming of sex. The feeling of someone’s mouth on my neck, then my boobs and nipples, dreaming very vividly about his mouth all over me. Unknowingly, I moan and stir a little. I’m still naked and the cold hotel air hits my body, making me wake up. I feel something on the bed, and I try and move my arms and legs and realize I can’t! I start to panic and realize there’s something over my eyes and in my mouth. I can’t scream!! You come close to my face and whisper- “Remember me?” That voice, I know the voice… suddenly it hits me, it’s elevator guy! “If you want me to stop I will leave right now, but if you want to be a good girl for me I promise I’ll make you cum harder than anyone ever has. If you want me to leave move your right arm, if you want me to stay move your left” I think about it for a moment, I mean this guy broke into my hotel room! If I say no, is he actually going to leave? I can feel his hard cock along the inside of my thigh and I need it. I move my left arm. “Good girl, the answer is always yes…”
