Running Passions [MFM] [Hotwife]

This story exceeded the character limit, so the last part I’ll post as a comment. Wrote this for my wife, so it’s kind of catered to women. Hope you enjoy!

She eased down the stairs into the darkness, careful to avoid the creak at the top. Kelly was always wary of getting up when it was still dark. She knew in her mind their house was safe and they lived in a safe area, but she was always on guard. She sat on the landing and laced up her running shoes before heading out. The hot humid air of the garage gave way to the cool morning air outside as the heavy door lifted. Kelly stepped out onto drive away and again glanced around in a concerning but unserious manner. She checked her headphones and her Apple watch, leaned back on her calves to get a slight stretch before she stepped off. Everything was good.

The rhythm of her feet striking the ground was muffled under her headphones, but it distracted her nonetheless, reminding her of every step she was taking. She was nearly 9 months postpartum from her and her husband Zach’s second child, but from the looks of it, you couldn’t tell that she had ever been pregnant. Kelly had worked hard to get back into shape, her abs were showing again, arms and legs were looking great, but her feet still felt slightly heavy on occasion. She was working to get back into shape for a fall marathon.

Front door lights reflected in home windows as she passed. Few people were up at this time of morning. Kelly rounded a stop sign in a three way intersection and noticed a figure up the road. She tensed as their distance closed, but then quickly realized it was the man she had seen on her morning runs for the past couple weeks. As they closed the distance Kelly could tell he was shirtless. He had always worn short running shorts and shirt, but on this particular morning Kelly had caught herself enjoying this new view. She ran her eyes down from his chest, past his abs, and she would be lying if she said she hadn’t glanced below his waist before snapping her gaze up to his eyes and giving him their normal morning greeting of a nod and a breathless “Morning!”. As she ran on she glanced behind her and caught him looking back as well. She started to nervously wonder if he had caught her staring. She wasn’t one to normally do that type of thing. But their little morning encounters had piqued her interest in him over the past couple weeks. And, now she was enamored with the whole of this morning’s encounter. For the rest of the run home, her feet felt lighter. The thought of his cute face and fit body ran through her mind. She felt guilty as she couldn’t shake the thought of what was under his shorts. Not until she stepped inside the house and she snapped out of it.

“How was your run?”, Zach asked.

“Felt great,” she replied sheepishly.

Kelly walked upstairs as Zach continued to get ready downstairs. She pulled her shorts and shirt off, and walked to the mirror to admire the progress she had made. Her breasts had returned to their perky shape, although slightly smaller than before. She turned from side to side to see her abs and the v shape that was beginning to show and lead the way down below her waist line. She kept a neatly trimmed landing strip, a request from her husband, that she would touch up in the shower.

The bathroom window had begun to fog by the time she stepped in. Kelly rubbed body wash all over herself and began to massage her breasts, almost without thinking at first. She found herself back to remembering her early morning encounter. But now, she was picturing him in the shower. She wondered if he was thinking about her. While she was playing with her breasts, she thought of him touching himself.

Kelly jumped at the knock of a door. “I’m heading out! Love you, bye!”

“Love you too! Have a good day!” She hollered back.

Kelly could feel her heart pumping, partly from being startled but also from the thrill of thinking about him in the shower. She turned the water off, dried her body, and wrapped her hair in a towel. She rarely felt the urge to use her vibrator, but this morning would be an exception. She laid down and brought to life the hum of the wand. She slowly started to circle her vagina, working up to place the wand in just the right spot. With her other hand, Kelly started to play with her nipples and breasts. Sometimes taking a handful and sometimes tugging on her now hard nipples. She concentrated on how her vibrator felt and the sensation in her breasts, but her imagination was flashing with thoughts of him. She imagined it pouring rain while on her run just as they passed each other, and him inviting her into his house as they passed. She would change into some of his shorts and a t-shirt. They stood in his kitchen and she thought about his strong arms grabbing her by the waist and him pulling her in closer, pressing their lips together, his hand wandering up her shirt. Her hand wandered down his pants. They go upstairs to his parents’ room where he throws her on their bed and pushes into her. Kelly felt a wave building, and her breath began to deepen. She squirmed on the bed. As she pictured him cumming, the wave broke and she let out deep moans allowing the feeling to wash over her.

She laid there for a minute collecting herself. She felt slightly guilty for what she had just done, but she knew Zach would have enjoyed it. He and her had gotten into role playing threesomes lately, and his favorite was bringing another guy into the bedroom for her to play with. Kelly was very apprehensive to the idea at first, but apparently it had been growing on her.

The next morning Kelly got up and picked out some running shorts to show off. She checked out her butt in the mirror, satisfied. She also chose a tank top with the sides cut out and her best sports bra. She was having innocent fun with her running “friend”, she didn’t even know his name. Kelly finished her morning routine and started off on her normal route. The morning sun was just peaking over the trees, right on time she thought. But before she got to the spot where their paths normally cross she ran up on a police car with its lights on. She slowed to a walk and there she saw two officers with their flashlights investigating a broken car window. Kelly stopped and asked if everything was okay, the officers responded.

“Yeah, looks like a break in. This is the 3rd this week. Do you know whose car this is?

“Not really,” she said, “but I think I’ve seen someone walking from that house.” She pointed her finger across the street.

“Thanks!” The officer said. “Pull your cars in at night or at least remove any valuables you have in them. We will send an extra patrol through, but it’s better safe than sorry”.

Before Kelly could respond she was startled by someone walking up to her side.

“That doesn’t look good.” It was her running rendezvous. She couldn’t see him approaching with the red and blue lights flashing in her eyes, but now that he was standing close besides her, she looked him up and down. She took advantage of him being distracted by the scene and chatting with the officers stare. Her pulse quickened faster than if she were running.

“Thanks officers” he said as he finished talking with them.

He turned to face Kelly and extended his hand, “I’m Dylan by the way. Figured we see each other so much, I’d actually introduce myself.”

Kelly extended her hand and grasped Dylan’s. It was firm and strong. He was muscular but not overly, and now that she was standing in front of him, she realized he was fairly tall.

“Kelly”, she responded.

“Well this sure is something.”

“Yeah, it stinks to see. But luckily it’s nothing worse…” Kelly paused. “Would you mind if I joined you on your run back? I think you go by my house. And I’m feeling a little uneasy being alone.”


“Aww thank you!”

They both turned around and started off.

“Are you training for anything?” He asked.

“Yeah, there is a full in Indy in the fall that I think I’m going to do”.

“That’s awesome! I’ve never done a full. Or a half actually. I’m just home from school for the summer and trying to stay in shape.”

“Where do you go to school?” Kelly asked.

“IU, I’m actually in grad school right now for business”.

Kelly and Dylan kept talking the whole way back. It made the rest of the run pass easy. Kelly slowed as they approached her driveway and he followed her lead.

“Well thank you! I really appreciate it”. She turned to go up the driveway.

“Hey”, he called as she turned around. “Why don’t we start running together? We run at about the same pace, distance, and time. And with these break ins, I think it would be better to run with someone else.”

Kelly felt her face go flush. “Yeah! That would be great”. She said it so eagerly it almost made her sound weird.

“Alright, well I’ll see you tomorrow at 530.”

“See you then!”

As she was walking up the driveway Dylan said one last thing before taking off “By the way, you are looking great! Keep up the hard work.” She replied, “I’m working on it, hopefully I can get in as good of shape as you”.

“You already are!” He said as he took off down the sidewalk.

Kelly walked through the garage and into the house. Zach was getting some things together in the kitchen before work.

“How was your run?”

“Well, it certainly was not the norm. I ran up on some cops who were investigating another car break in, and while I was talking with them, the guy I always see on my runs stopped and we chatted. We are going to run together in the mornings, just to be safe.”

“That sucks to hear about the car. But I’m glad you found a running partner. It has been a while since you had a regular person to run with. It wouldn’t be the younger guy that runs by here every morning would it?”

“That’s probably him”.

Zach stood there smirking at Kelly.

“What?” She blurted out.

“Only for safety? Huh.”

“I don’t get it”, Kelly replied.

“Okay….” Zach said. “I guess you just picked a really fit, shirtless running partner by accident”.

“Well…..” Kelly looked at Zach wobbling her head side to side “there can be other perks to it”. She trailed off.

“Okay! Hey, I’m just glad you won’t be alone.

Zach turned to go upstairs and Kelly said “where are you going”. I needed you for something.

“I’m kind of in a hurry”

“Just come here”.

Zach walked over and stopped in front of her, Kelly stepped closer in. She reached her hand down and pulled back the waistband of his shorts. She slid her other hand down without hesitation, grabbing onto his dick. “I need this”. She kept rubbing him and playing with his balls until he was hard. They leaned in and started to kiss. Kelly, more aggressively than usual, kept jerking Zach off as they undressed each other.

“What is this?” Zach exclaimed.

“I don’t know, I’m just really in the mood”.

“Probably your new friend,” Zach replied jokingly.

Kelly gave back a mocking laugh, but in her mind she was on edge from finally getting to speak with Dylan and the prospect of getting to run with him.

She sat up onto the kitchen island and spread her legs. Zach stood there jerking off in front of her.

“You ready for this monster?” Zach jokingly said.

Kelly shook her head smirking, “Yeah. Bring that little monster over here”.

“You really know how to swoon me” he replied as he stepped forward.

Zach pressed the tip of his dick to Kelly’s vagina. She was already so wet he slid right in her. Kelly let out a quivering sigh as Zach pushed in her a second time. Even though he wasn’t big, Kelly loved Zach’s cock. She enjoyed taking him in without any need to build up and she knew he wasn’t self conscious about it.

His pace was slow until Kelly demanded, “Come on”. Zach placed his hands on her thighs and started pulling her onto him as he thrust inside of her. Her hands traced up her rib cage to meet her breasts. Zach could already start to feel he was getting close.

“Keep going! There”. She let out.

Zach said in a breathless whisper, “I’m going to come”.

“Let it go” she whispered as she reached down and grabbed his contracting balls.

With that Zach pushed as far as he could into Kelly and subtly moaned. She could feel his cock throb inside of her as he came. She could feel each pulse and the warmth of him. He laid his head down on her chest. There were two or three more flinches of his dick in her as she ran her hands through his hair. Zach slowly pulled his cock out. Kelly was dripping onto the granite countertop from both of them. He leaned in to kiss her. He then leaned to kiss her nipples and made his way between her legs, kissing her inner thighs.

“Not now,” Kelly lamented.

Zach gazed between her legs, wanting to smother his face in her. “Please?”

“Weren’t you in a hurry?”

“Fine! But I get to do that soon.”

“Fine, but not now”.

Zach walked upstairs as Kelly stayed sitting on the counter for a second. She reached over and grabbed some paper towels that he had left for her to clean up. She hopped off the island and put her clothes back on, turned to the sink and started to do some dishes right as Zach came back down the stairs to head out to work.

“Alright. I’m leaving, love you!”

“Alright, love you too! Have a good day”.

Zach stuck his head around the corner from the laundry room “If you want more of that, maybe you should give your new little friend a call”

Kelly shook her head “His name is Dylan, and maybe I will”.

“Okay, we’ll remind me when hell freezes over”.

“Could be sooner than you think”

“Okay, leaving, by! I love you!”

“Love you too!”

Kelly turned back to the dishes but quickly stopped. She is almost always satisfied after having sex with Zach even though she wouldn’t cum without the help of her vibrator, but this morning was different. She needed to finish. She turned the water off, and dried her hands. No phone calls were made, but she walked upstairs where the hum of her wand quickly filled their bedroom. Followed soon by her deep moans. Dylan was still on her mind.

The next couple weeks Kelly was more dedicated to running than ever. She enjoyed talking with her new running partner but quickly realized the lust she felt for him was just that. Their conversations were easy, but nothing like her and Zach’s. Nothing like the attraction they had for each other. But this reassurance made it fun. This made her feel better about the fantasy’s she had. Zach would sometimes describe the fantasy’s he had about other women, but it was the same. Physical attraction and lustful interest. She hadn’t really understood that about Zach until recently.

One evening, Kelly did her usual move to intiate sex, she coyly moved closer to Zach in bed. He pretended not to notice until she reached down and started to rub him through his shorts. But this time. She stopped.

Zach asked, “What’s wrong?” Kelly looked at him but stayed silent. “Well…?” He added.

It was hard for her to find the words. “I think I’m willing to try, ehhhrrrrr, do something small for…”

“For….?” He led her on.

“You know, like what you like to talk about while we are having sex sometimes….”

“Really?” Zach said incredulously. “You want to try a threesome?”

“I said maybe! And not right now. And maybe just… I don’t know, try some things.”

“Wow…”, he said, kind of stunned. “You know I’ve been waiting to hear that. And whatever you are comfortable with. Whenever. Truly. This is up to you.”

They sat there and stared at each other for just a few seconds but it felt like minutes. Zach climbed on top of Kelly and started to kiss her gently. She forcefully pushed him off of her and climbed on top of him. She ripped his shorts off and pulled her panties to the side.

“Fuck me” she said as she grabbed his dick and pulled him into her.

It would be a night punctuated by multiple rounds of intense sex.

Saturday morning came quickly and it was time for the long run of the week. Kelly’s alarm went off at 4:30 but she didn’t hesitate to get out of bed. She was excited to see Dylan, his careless preference to wear as little clothing as possible during their workouts was such a treat. She had stopped hitting her snooze button. She no longer hesitated when walking down the dark stairs. She had just bought some shorter compression shorts that she was eager to tease Dylan with. The week or so prior, she had been having fun by running in front of him. Kelly would tell him to catch up, and he would respond “I’m enjoying myself back here”. Although that was the extent of their flirtiness, she had a lot of fun doing it. Kelly opened the garage and stepped outside. This morning, the hot humid garage felt better than the air outside. They would be in for a difficult run.

Kelly walked down the driveway, and right on time as he always was, Dylan came running up. Kelly met his stride out on the street.

“Ooh”, Kelly said, as she matched his pace.

“Yeah, we can cut this one short whenever you want”, he replied.

The sun was really starting to come up as they headed into their final few miles. The soft blue morning light of late summer mornings started to dissipate. By the time they turned onto the last straight away before Kelly’s house, the sun was nearly fully risen and starting to beat down on the pair. Their tired legs carried them into the driveway where their feet puttered to a halt. Hands on their knees they gave each other an exhausted high five.

“Wow, I can’t believe this is the coolest part of the day,” Dylan said.

“I bet the pool feels great, why don’t you hop in?” Kelly replied.

“I’m not swimming by myself in your pool”.

“I meant I’d hop in too! Zach is probably making breakfast. I’ll tell him to cook for three and we can eat after that.”

“I’m not gonna turn down breakfast,” Dylan answered.

Without saying anything, Kelly motioned for Dylan to come and she started to walk down the driveway. She rounded the back of the house and opened the gate to the back patio and pool.

As Dylan closed the gate and approached the pool, he realized he didn’t have anything to swim in. He certainly didn’t want to walk home in this heat and humidity in wet shorts. Kelly glanced over at him and realized immediately what he was thinking.

“You can just borrow some of Zach’s shorts when we are done, I’ll ask him.” Kelly slid the back door open and poked her head inside.

“Hey, how was the run?”said Zach.

“Soooo hot! I invited Dylan over to swim and eat” She said it apprehensively but didn’t know why.

“Yeah, that should be fine. He’s gonna have to start paying if he keeps eating breakfast with us every Saturday” Zach replied jokingly.

“Maybe he can pay us in other ways” Kelly replied with a rising silly voice.

Zach gave back a sarcastic laugh. “I’m always ready”.

“I know,” she replied on her way out of the door.

Dylan sat down on the edge of the pool stairs, feet in the water, waiting for Kelly to get in. She looked past him on purpose, and lifted her top off. He watched her intently as her arms came back down to her sides, standing there in her running shorts and sports bra. She walked over to the stairs that he was sitting on and said, “Excuse me”.

Dylan held his arms out to the side to make way and Kelly walked down the steps into the cool water. She walked backwards, her eyes locked with his. Once she got out a few feet, she dipped her head back into the water to soak her hair.

“Ooooh. This feels amazing.” Kelly said.

Dylan slowly walked down the stairs in the pool. Kelly slowly waded backwards, away from him, as he lowered himself into the pool. As he stood up in mid thigh deep water, his shorts suctioned to his body. Kelly felt a lump in her throat as she stared at the outline of his bulge. She snapped her eyes away and nearly stammered,”How does it feel?”

“Great! I really need to soak my leg though. Those sloped streets really strained my IT band.”

“Oh no. Zach had those problems too, let me show you how he would have me push it out, hop up on the edge”. With his back to the wall he pushed himself up onto the edge. Again, Kelly watched his suctioned shorts reveal a not so subtle outline. “Alright” Kelly said as she waded over to him. “This may hurt a bit”. She took her one hand and placed it on the outside of his thigh. Pushing the base of her palm into his muscle. Her other hand, she braced the inside of his thigh but placed it much higher up than necessary. Just barely shy of his bulging shorts. From there, she pressed the palm of her hand up his thigh to work out any knots. He winced, and Kelly told him to stop being a baby. She looked down again and kept working his leg. Through his wet shorts she could tell he was starting to swell. She looked up at Dylan’s face, and he gave her an endearing half smile. She felt empowered she could do this to him. She enjoyed the feeling of control.

“I am going to go see where breakfast is at”, Kelly said.

“Sounds good’, Dylan replied.

Kelly opened the sliding glass door and asked Zach when breakfast would be ready.

“Two minutes”, he half yelled over his shoulder.

Kelly relayed the information to Dylan. “We better get changed she added”

Dylan walked over to her and they both wrapped towels around themselves.

“What’s up Dylan!” Zach said as they both walked in. “How was the run?”

“I was dying. Kelly kicked my ass again. And thanks for breakfast! I hope I’m not being a pain”.

“Not at all”

“Is he fine to borrow some shorts and shirt while I throw his stuff in the dryer?”. Kelly interjected.

“That’s fine”.

“Follow me”, Kelly said

They walked upstairs, down the hall, and into Zach and Kelly’s room. She was suddenly overcome with a feeling she couldn’t put her finger on. She was wet from the pool, with a towel wrapped around her torso. She just brought a man who wasn’t her husband into their bedroom who was also wet and wrapped in a towel. She could feel the tension between them as he looked around the room.

“I would have picked a different color” he quipped.

Kelly responded back with her classic mocking laugh and face.

She walked over to Zach’s dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for him. She then walked over and pulled out clothes for herself and began to unclasp her bra.

“Sorry, I can go change in the bathroom”. Dylan said.

“Oh I was just going to change under my towel. You can if you want. It’s right there.” Kelly replied as she slid her sports bra out from under her towel. And then her running shorts and underwear.

Dylan watched this happening. He was feeling the same tension Kelly was. His heart was pumping. And he had a lump in his throat. He had fantasized about Kelly since passing her the first time on his run.

He replied, ”This is cool.”

He slid his running shorts off and pulled them down and out from the towel. As he slid Zach’s shorts on Kelly caught a brief glimpse of his cock through the split in the towel. It was hard to see in the shadows and just a portion of it, but her mind was going crazy. She kept thinking of just asking him. Or maybe he would ask her. Or maybe it would just happen. But all she was sure of was that she wanted him. She wanted to have Dylan and Zach together.

She grabbed her white Calvin Kline panties to put on and turned away from Dylan. She went to slip her feet in while bending slightly too far for the length of the towel she had wrapped around herself. Dylan was watching without blinking. She bent over just slightly too far and the end edge of the towel just barely revealed Kelly’s vagina. He was quickly getting hard which was bad considering he was wearing Zach’s shorts without any underwear and still didn’t have a shirt on. She bent down to slip on her shorts and repeated the same act. Kelly stood up and spun around, and smiled at him “Can you turn around, I need to put on my shirt.”

Dylan turned around without saying a word. He heard Kelly drop her towel to the ground and wanted to turn back so badly. When he did Kelly had already slipped on a loose fitting tank top. She hadn’t put a bra back on, so the shirt laid softly across her breasts. Her nipples clearly visible. When she turned for the stairs, Dylan watched her chest bounce and the wide arm holes of the shirt left little to the imagination.

“Come on,” she said. “Breakfast should be ready”.

When Kelly had walked into the kitchen Zach’s face went flush. She looked at him and gave a cheesy smile. She would never dress like this around guests. Zach knew this was on purpose and it was driving him crazy. He could feel his dick start to swell.

In walked Dylan, “Thanks man! I really appreciate the shorts”.

“No problem”. Zach glanced down and could see Dylan pressing through the thin fabric of the shorts. There was no question that Kelly was up to something.

They all sat down at the table.

“I didn’t think you guys were gonna come down. I thought I might walk up and you two would be in bed”. Dylan nervously laughed in response as he picked up the bacon and put some on his plate.

“Oh he tried,” Kelly said, causing Dylan to choke on a bite he had just taken. “I’m kidding,” she added.

“Well, I guess you missed your chance.” Zach said. “Anyway. How’s the school year looking? This is your last year of grad school right?”

They talked about school, life, and work after school. Zach has taken a liking to Dylan after a while. And he could see why Kelly liked running with him.

The dryer buzz interrupted their conversation.

“I love some warm shorts,” Dylan said.

Kelly grabbed them out of the dryer and said “Come on, I’ll put Zach’s back so you can put yours on”.

Dylan followed her up the stairs. This time he went into the bathroom to change since he didn’t have a towel on. He stepped out and Kelly was leaning up against the side of their bed. He walked over to her.

“These are from here, right?” He said as he pulled the drawer that was on the side of the bed open.

Kelly wasn’t thinking about it, enamored mostly by watching him, but when he opened the drawer she was mortified. It was the wrong drawer. And not just any wrong drawer. It was the drawer the they kept all of their sex toys in.

“Woooooh!” Dylan said. Kelly slammed it closed. “Hey, hey, hey. I think we are close enough that I can take a look at this. I want to get some recommendations for when I get back to school”. He lifted his eyebrows two or three times like he was a cartoon character. Kelly rolled her eyes and moved her hand off the drawer and he opened it again. He pulled out her largest flesh colored dildo. “Wow, this is a big guy!”

“Hilarious. I don’t even know why Zach would buy something that unrealistically big”.

“That’s not totally unrealistic”.

“Okay! Kelly replied sarcastically. “ Don’t try to flatter yourself. And Just to clue you in, we’ve been running together for a while, and I’ve seen some hints of yours. It may be nice, but it’s not that big.”

“Well yeah. Not while I’m running or in the pool. And definitely not when I’m soft. But I’m about that big when I’m hard.”

“Oh yeah?” Kelly said.

“Yeah!” Dylan retorted.

They were standing less than a foot apart. Their eyes locked. The tension they felt when changing earlier paled in comparison to what they both felt now. Kelly broke their gaze to glance below his waist. Then met his eyes again. She subtly bit her bottom lip and slowly reached her hand over to him and grabbed his cock through his shorts.

“Let’s see it”. She said softly while gently rubbing him up and down.

“What about Zach?”

“He wasn’t joking earlier. About you taking your shot. But, I want him with us if we are going to do this”.

Dylan nervously shook his head up and down.

It didn’t take long for him to be completely erect. Kelly pulled his waistband out and slid his shorts down. His huge cock sprung out from under his shorts. Kelly took a deep sudden breath in. He wasn’t lying. His dick was quite big. She touched her palm to the underside of it and slowly wrapped her fingers around, but they wouldn’t reach all the way. She started to jerk him off as he moved in to kiss her, grabbing either side of her face. Both of them were breathing hard out of excitement. Then Zach entered the room. They stopped and looked at him.

“Well don’t stop on account of me!” He said. Zach walked over behind Kelly without missing a beat and started kissing the back of her neck. He lifted her shirt off and started to play with her breasts. Then he slid her shorts off. He reached around to rub her from the outside of her panties and felt that she had already soaked through them. He slid them down to the ground, stood up, and resumed kissing the back of her neck to give Dylan a chance to play with her. Kelly could feel against her back that Zach was already hard. He slid his clothes off so they were all nude. Kelly sandwiched between the two of them. She closed her eyes to take in the sensation. Four hands gently caressing her body. Lips kissing her lips, lips kissing her breasts, neck, and chest. Fingers massaging her vagina. Two hard dicks pressed against her.

She moved her hand to Dylan’s shoulder and gently pushed him on the bed. He laid down and moved towards the middle. Settling on his side. Kelly climbed in and laid facing him on her side. And Zach followed suit. Laying behind Kelly. She was still enamored by the size of Dylan and just couldn’t keep her hands off of him. Zach started to finger her from behind with one hand and played with her breasts with the other. They all took a minute just to grind their bodies against one another. Kelly allowed herself to be immersed in their warm presence.

She flipped over to her other side, now facing Zach. He took the opportunity to start kissing her. She whispered in his year so only they could hear it “I want him to fuck me” Zach pulled his face back to look her in the eyes. He shook his head up and down, slowly and deliberately. He moved back in and they started to aggressively make out. Kelly lifted one leg up allowing Dylan’s hard cock to fall in between her legs. Pressing up onto her vagina. Zach looked down and watched Kelly move her hips back and forth, rubbing herself on his shaft which was starting to get as wet as Kelly was. Zach’s heart was pounding as he watched this happen. She reached down and grabbed Dylan’s cock and pressed his head just slightly into her. She took a second to adjust and then told him “Slowly…”.

Dylan pressed his cock into her, a quarter of the way at first. Pulled back slightly. And pushed in half way. Her and Zach locked lips, And again Dylan pushed, but this time he pushed himself all the way into Kelly. She tried to hold back, but let out a deep guttural moan as she felt every bit of him slide all the way in. Her chest, neck, and face started to flush. She clinched her hands around Zach’s head. Dylan slowly began to thrust as she adjusted to his size. Zach continued to suck on her breasts and nipples, but her mind was on Dylan inside of her.

Zach inched back from them. He took in the sight of Dylan thrusting up into Kelly from the other side of the bed. He slowly jerked off, watching her whole body rock upwards with every stroke. She alternated between grabbing her breasts and squeezing the pillow behind her. She hadn’t felt a cock this filling ever before. She looked up and backwards so her and Dylan could kiss. Zach moved back in close to play with Kelly some more. They shared kissing her as she turned her head from side to side. She could feel a wave building, just like she could with her vibrator. But this time, she wanted to hold off for Dylan to cum. She leaned her head back and asked him if he was getting close. Dylan responded by asing, “Where should I cum?” Kelly was barely able to squeak out her words as he was thrusting into her, “In….me… Cum..”. A deep moan cut her words off. Dylan’s breath started to deepen. Kelly reached down to his balls and grabbed hold of them, while at the same time whispering, “Let it go” in Dylan’s ears causing him to explode. His thick cock that was already filling her, now started to throb as he came. This sent Kelly over the edge. She immediately started to cum, her vagina contracting on this throbbing cock. She could feel every bit of Dylan. She could feel every pulse. The warm wave that washed over her was exhilarating beyond anything she had experienced. Her chest was heaving. He was spilling out of her. She laid there for a minute gathering herself. Now she wanted something familiar. Something comfortable

From being in the middle of Zach and Dylan, she pushed Zach onto his back and rolled on top of him. She knew he liked her to be in control. With her hands posted on his shoulders she leaned in for a kiss. Making sure to press her breast against his chest. “I need to fuck you so bad” he said.

He could feel her dripping vaginia and raised his hips to meet her. She pressed herself down onto the backside of his cock, sliding up and down on it. Quickly, Zach’s cock slipped into Kelly. With what Dylan had done, it was effortless. Kelly started to ride Zach, and his face said it all.

Then Kelly got what she had been wanting for the last week. Zach flipped her on her back. He let his body rest on top of hers and pushed in as far as he could. He began fucking her harder than ever. There was something about his weight on top of her, something about his face side by side with hers, even something about his unimpressive dick that just made her feel complete.

Zach lifted up a bit so Dylan could join in and he started to suck on Kelly’s nipples. She laid there and soaked it all in. Every sensation she was feeling was extraordinary. They both knew exactly how to please her and they worked as a team.

Dylan grabbed Kelly’s vibrator so she could cum again. He placed it right where Kelly needed it. It did not take long for that feeling to come back. But she was going to wait for Zach. He was already breathing heavily and she reached down to grab his soaked balls. Everything was so wet down there, from her, from Zach, from Dylan. As soon as she pulled down on his balls, they pulled close to his body.

Zach moaned and pushed into Kelly. He came like he had never before. The first huge pulse of his dick, along with Dylan using her wand, sent Kelly into another orgasm. She moaned and pushed herself back into the bed. She could feel Zach’s cock throb inside of her three or four more times. He collapsed on top of Kelly. Dylan laid on his back next to them.

After a few minutes, Kelly sat up in between them. “You two aren’t done yet, take your time, but join me in the shower when you’re ready”.

Dylan got up fairly quickly and followed Kelly into the shower. He was ready for another round after having just watched her and Zach. Him being 10 years younger than them also probably had something to do with it.

Kelly stepped into the steaming hot shower. Zach had just renovated their master bathroom, and there would be plenty of space for the three of them. The hot water felt wonderful running through her hair and down her back. She turned around when she heard the shower door open, and in stepped Dylan. They exchanged smiles and she looked down at his cock. It was impressive even when soft. In reality, it wasn’t much longer than Zach’s dick but at least twice as thick. He stepped so they were face to face, and they started to slowly make out. After a minute he turned her around and started soaping her with body wash. She could feel him pressed against her back, getting harder. Zach stepped in the shower at this moment.

“Glad you could join us”, Kelly said.

“I’m not 25 anymore, Kelly”. He replied. “My guy needs some time to get going again. And even when I was 25, I certainly wasn’t that”. Zach said, looking over at Dylan’s cock.

“But it’s perfect and I love you,” she said as she pulled Zach further into the shower by his dick.

Dylan snaked his hands around her waist and slipped a finger in her.

Kelly turned to face him. And started to stroke him, but abruptly stopped.

“We are here to freshen up, not have sex. You boys are going to have to wait”. Zach groaned and Dylan sighed out a yes ma’am.

“Good.” Kelly said declaratively.



  1. Final Part:

    The three of them spent some time enjoying the hot shower and multiple shower heads. Carefully washing each other. Kelly turned the water off and they all stepped out to dry off. She was the first one back to bed. She laid on her back but propped herself up on her elbows. Zach and Dylan walked over and she welcomed them to join her by patting both her hands on the mattress. They looked at each other and smirked. In the short time that they had been together they had developed a bond based on pleasuring Kelly. They were there for her. So, they took their spots on either side.

    Zach asked, “Sooo, what’s on your mind”

    Kelly replied, “Not on my mind, but your mind”

    Zach looked at her puzzled.

    Kelly retorted, “We are going to TRY, and I mean TRY, DP. If at any point, I say stop, we are stopping.”

    “Got it,” said Dylan. Zach nodded his head, almost too excited to speak.

    “Well who is going where?” Dylan asked.

    “If you think that thing is going on my butt, you’re insane,” Kelly said. This got a laugh out of all three of them. “Okay. I think doing this on our side will be easiest. Zach, get some lube and slowly, and I mean slowly put your dick in me. Dylan, once he is in, you slowly put your cock in me”.

    And so it started. Zach grabbed the lube and laid down a towel for them all. Kelly started to play with Dylan’s cock again as Zach played with her ass, getting it ready. After a few minutes he asked if she was ready. Kelly bit her lip and nodded. With that, he slowly pressed his way into her. It was difficult at first, but once he pushed about a quarter of the way in, his dick slid easier until he bottomed out.

    “Okay Dylan. Slowly”.

    He nodded and pressed his cock head gently inside of Kelly before asking if she was okay. She nodded her head yes. With that, he slowly pushed all of himself into her. Kelly moaned the entire time until he was completely in. Zach could feel him as soon as he slid in. It tightened her even more around his dick. Dylan started to very slowly thrust. Just a couple inches in and out at first. He followed Kelly’s lead. Taking care to watch her face and listen to her. It took a minute or two for her to adjust and after the initial tightness, but she settled into the most amazing feeling. There was so much sensation. She felt so full. And sandwiched between the man she loved and the cock she needed, Kelly was in ecstasy. Dylan’s thrusts became longer and longer. Harder and harder. Kelly was already holding off an impending orgasm. Zach held still in her ass, but felt like he could cum from just Dylan’s movement. Kelly moved from moans to low pitched yells. It was a feeling she had never experienced. She could hardly hold off anymore. In between thrust she said “Cum…. cum… inme”.

    Kelly could barely hear. It was like a scene from a movie after a bomb went off. All she could do was feel. Dylan exploded in her. She was already so full, his throbbing release sent her careening into the best orgasm she had ever had. She could feel every movement, every pulse. She could feel him spilling out of her. He slowly came to a halt. Both their chests heaved together. Zach waited for a minute and slowly pulled out. Another minute went by, Kelly just said, “Wow”.

    She waited for a bit longer and said, “Oh my gosh”, putting a hand to her chest. “I couldn’t stop it… at all. It just came over me.”

    Zach started laughing, “I’m thrilled you enjoyed it, but when is my turn?”, he said.

    “Ummmm, you were just in my butt and I’m not getting a UTI.” She replied.

    Kelly gently pushed his shoulders back on the bed. “You get to do what you have been asking me for weeks to do.” Kelly spun around and got up to her knees. She swung her leg over his head. Zach looked up as Kelly teased him with her dripping vagina. She slowly lowered herself onto his face, barely touching him. Zach reached his lips and tongue up to her before she pulled away. Finally, Kelly slowly and firmly buried herself onto Zach’s face. She ground from side to side, forward and back. For Zach, it was like getting a fix for an addiction he didn’t know he had. He moaned as she put more of her weight on him, and squeezed his head between her thighs. He could taste all of her and Dylan. Zach knew he wouldn’t be able to stop from cumming right away, so he very slowly jerked himself off.

    “Is this what you wanted,” She asked. He let out a muffled “Mmmhhhhmmmm.”

    “Good. I want you to enjoy me getting fucked”

    Dylan stood on the bed, slowly bringing his now half erect dick close to Kelly’s face. She normally wouldn’t, especially after sex, but she he took what she could of him in her mouth, and then caressed his shaft. She teased his balls for just a second before she started to jerk his dick. He was hard again within seconds. Kelly pulled him down to lay the opposite direction of Zach. She pulled his inner leg over the top of Zach’s, bringing their dicks close together so she could jerk them off at the same time. While still sitting on Zach’s she stretched forward so her breasts were hanging right over their cocks. Both of them were breathing heavily. Kelly whispered, “Cum for me”. And again, “Cum for me”. With that, they both squirmed their hips and shot all over Kelly’s breasts. Two or three times each, they squirted on her. She laid back on the bed. Her chest glistened in the daylight.

    They all sat there silently for a minute, until Kelly said, “Well, I guess we need another shower”. They all laughed.

    And so it was, for the rest of that summer. Once a week, after their long run, Kelly and Dylan would hop in the pool, and Zach would eagerly wait for them to come inside for the start of a fun morning. That was until Dylan returned to school. They were both disappointed at first when he was gone, but then one early morning Kelly was running and saw someone she didn’t recognize running towards her in the distance. I wonder who this is, she thought.

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