The Ride Home: Part One 21+ [M34/F32] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Busty] [Oral Sex] [Road head]

Chapter One: Just Friends

“Wow finally!” I said as they passed into Florida. My co-worker smiled back at me. We had just been out of town for her birthday. She wanted to go to a massive concert in Atlanta.

“Just another five hours to go.” she said a bit too loud.

“Shhh!” I shouted back at her. She looked into the back seat of my SUV.

Henry, her boyfriend, was passed out in the second back seat. My SUV had two independent seats right behind the driver and passenger, then a bench seat behind those.

This was Henry’s first time at an outdoor concert, between the sun, loud techno/dance music, and the beers. It was too much for him.

“He is still knocked out.” she laughed.

“Light weight.” I laughed.

“No shit.” she laughed with me.

Gillian and I had worked together for over eight years. Even though we were in our early thirties, we still partied as much as possible.

Gillian was only five foot two but always wore boots with heels, which were now sitting on my dashboard. She always wore short skirts that came down just above her knees.

Gillian was highly busty for her height and weight, which she used to her full advantage. Even when we worked on the night shift doing stock at a large retail outlet, she would show off her massive cleavage. I did not mind because it always got her what she wanted, well, what we wanted.

Gillian was constantly changing her hair color. Today it was jet black with some strands of blue in between.

I stood at a tall six foot four inches, always towering over her. She always called me her big black protector. Or BBP, as she had nicknamed me. I was even saved in her contact with those words. I always wore black jeans and a shirt.

“Surprised he hasn’t woke yet.” I said, looking in the rearview mirror. I could see his feet as he had curled himself into a ball.

“Oh well,” Gillian shrugged. My phone alerted me to a text. “No texting and driving.” she said, grabbing my phone. She looked at it and threw it back into the middle console.

“Who was it? I asked.

“Just one of your sluts,” Gillian said in a sarcastic voice.

“They were not sluts. Just lightly dressed?” I said, trying not to sound like I was making it up.

“You could see everything!” Gillian said, laughing at my feeble attempt.

“Well, not everything but yeah, close to it,” I said.

“The blonde had her hand down your pants after just an hour of talking to you!” Gillian said, now sitting upright.

“Yeah, I can see how that. Can be seen as slutty behavior,” I laughed. It was true. But I was sure both girls I had met were on some kind of happy drug.

“Did you fuck them?” Gillian asked.

“Whoa!” I said, looking at her. “Absolutely not.” I said in an honest voice.

“Well, you three disappeared for a while so I thought,” Gillian said before I interrupted her.

“I am not that easy,” I laughed. “Just made out and well..” I said with a smile.

“They sucked your dick,” Gillian said, shaking her head.

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Without question, just went for it after we were out of sight.”

Gillian sat back and put her feet back up on the dashboard.

“At least you got some action,” Gillian said in another sarcastic voice.

“But you guys had your own room last night,” I said.

“Mr. lightweight. Spent most of the night sleeping,” Gillian said in a scolding voice.

“But all we did yesterday was drive up there and go to the bar?” I said, trying to make sense of the whole thing.

“I know!” Gillian said.

I could see she was getting mad. Under that dark black hair was a redhead. I was probably one of the few people who knew her natural hair color. And she was on the verge of getting really mad.

“Change of subject…” I began to say.

“The thing about it is. This whole thing was his idea!” Gillian said aloud. “He wanted to go to the music fest, he wanted to get out of town for a while. And he said he wanted to stay the night up there so we could fuck each other’s brains out!” Gillian yelled.

She turned and threw something from the middle console back there. I looked to see what was missing. It was just a pair of sunglasses. That was the thing with Gillian. When she got mad, she threw things.

“Feeling better?” I smiled.

She looked back at me.

“Yeah, a bit,” Gillian smiled. “Just been a while since, well, you know.”

They both were living with his parents. Our work did not pay well, and he was in between jobs.

“Told you that you guys could move in with me.” I shrugged. I had my own house. Well, it was given to me after my parents passed. “Could do with the help to pay bills.” I smiled.

“Nah,” Gillian shook her head. “He is jealous of our friendship and living together would just push that into over the top.”

“Us?” I laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Gillian asked.

“We are like best buds, brother and sister. How can he be jealous?” I said.

Gillian sat further back, crossing her arms under her chest. “I don’t know,” she said, looking out the window.

“You did tell him that right?” I asked.

Gillian nodded without saying a word. There was silence as I thought about what Henry could be thinking. Then I realized that if roles were reversed, I could see where he could get that idea.

We did talk a lot on the phone, texting, and over video chats. Hell, I couldn’t remember the last time a single day went by without talking to each other it had been years. Even when we went on separate vacations, we would call each first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

“Shit.” I said out loud.

“What?” Gillian asked.

“We are in a relationship?” I said.

It came down on me like a ton of bricks. Yeah, we had seen other people in those eight years, but we still seemed to be with each other more than the person we were dating.

“No!” Gillian said. I could see her face start thinking. “Can’t be,” she was really thinking now as she put her feet back down. She shook her head. “But you were with Kathy. Just two months ago.”

“And you’re with Henry,” I said.

We both sat there in silence. My mind raced all over the place as I drove.

“Okay, truthfully,” Gillian said, looking at me. “How do you feel about Henry and me being together?” she asked.

It was the first time I actually put some thought into it.

“He’s not your type.” I shrugged and kept thinking. “Shit!” I said as the thought came into my head. “I don’t like it.” I sat back.

“Yeah, and when you went off with those two girls. I got jealous. I thought it was because you were getting some and I wasn’t but now,” Gillian sat back.

Again, there was silence.

“Kiss me,” Gillian said, leaning over to me.

“What?” I asked, surprised.

“You remember in high school if you kissed someone that was just a friend you got that weird feeling?” she said.

“Yeah,” I laughed.

“So, if we kiss. Maybe we will know right away. Or at least one of us will and the other will just have to deal with it,” Gillian shrugged.

I nodded.

“No matter what. Still friends, right?” I said.

“Sure,” Gillian said back.

We both leaned in and kissed. It was just a tiny kiss. Then there was tongue, then we both jerked back simultaneously. Both of us shot a glance at Henry. He was still sleeping.

“Nothing,” we both said in unison.

“Yup felt nothing,” Gillian said.

“Me neither,” I replied. Again, we both sat staring at the road. “Just five more hours.” I said, breaking the silence.

“Yeah, five more hours. Then we will see each other at work right?” Gillian replied.

“Definitely. We can talk about this and laugh at work.” I said.

“Right, work,” Gillian said, tapping her nails on the window.

We leaned over and started kissing again, this time with more passion. We broke apart again.

“Fuck!” Gillian yelled, then put her hand over her mouth.

“My words exactly!” I said, looking in the rearview.

“Okay, no more of that,” Gillian said. Breathing heavy. “We will get back. I will break up with Henry. Then we can see what this is, but no more kissing or whatever that was.” She shook her head.

“Right, I agree,” I stepped on the gas. “Five hours. I mean, it’s a blink of an eye, right?” I said.

“Yup, probably four hours and change, right?” Gillian said, looking at the GPS. It read four hours and thirty-six minutes till we got to her house. “Easy,” she said. “We have raided online longer than that.” she laughed.

She was talking about an online game we both played.

“Absolutely,” I said. “Shit,” I said, looking down at the speedometer. It was passing 90 mph.

“Don’t want to get a ticket,” Gillian shook her head and turned the radio up. She looked back, and so did I hoping it woke him up.

“Maybe I should wake him. You know to keep us honest?” Gillian asked.

“Good idea,” I said. I wanted to kiss her so bad.

Gillian began yelling at him. But he did not wake. I jerked the vehicle by slamming on the brakes, then quickly accelerating. He fell off the seat and to the floor.

“What the?” Henry said. Slowly getting up. He sat upright. Looking around. “Where are we?”

“Come up here sleepy head,” Gillian said, looking back at me. He moved to one of the seats in front. “Just got into Florida.” she smiled back at him.

“Oh great,” Henry said, patting me on the shoulder. “The home stretch, huh?” he said. The sun was beginning to go down. “Dude, I am awake now, so if you want me too…”

“Yes!” Gillian and I both said at the same time.

“Wow,” Henry said. “Okay then,” he smiled. I began to pull over to the side of the road. “I guess you really meant it,” he said, getting himself ready.

I got out of the driver’s seat, and we passed each other. I sat way in the back.

“Think I am going to grab a few winks,” I said as I laid down.

“No prob,” Henry said. I felt the vehicle pull off the shoulder. And then I drifted off.

“Just face it you like him better than me!” I woke up to hear that.

“It’s not like that,” I heard Gillian say.

“What the fuck is going?” I said as I woke up. We were pulled into a rest area.

“Nothing! I tried to make out with my girlfriend, and she pushes me away,” Henry said.

“Yeah, because I want to make out, at a rest area. On the side of the highway!” Gillian shouted back.

“You know what? I am done!” Henry shouted. “We are over!” he said as he opened the door and got out.

“Fine!” Gillian shouted back.

“Hold on!” I shouted. I pulled open the door. “How the fuck are you getting back?” I said to him.

“He is going to call mommy and daddy to come pick him up!” Gillian shouted back at him from inside the car.

“I will get back home. Don’t worry about it, bro,” Henry said, patting me on the arm. “Just take care of her, okay?” he smiled. He came in closer so Gillian couldn’t hear.

“I don’t sleep that hard,” Henry winked at me. The pit of my stomach dropped.

“Henry, seriously. We can take you back. Your like in the middle of nowhere,” I said.

“Nah. I am good,” Henry was tearing up. I could see the beginning signs.

“Okay, but if you change your mind or can’t get someone, call me. I will turn around. Okay?” I said.

I got in the car and watched him pick up his cell phone from his pocket.

“That’s right call mommy!” Gillian shouted.

“Shut it!” I yelled back at her. She looked at me. I began to pull off. She was still looking at me as we merged into traffic. I told her what he said. She looked back.

“Go get him!” Gillian said. I shook my head.

“He wanted this,” I said.

We sat in silence for a while. I was hoping for my cell to ring or chirp, asking me to turn back around, but there was nothing. Gillian texted him against my advice.

“His brother is getting him,” Gillian said as she read the reply. “He lives close to here,” she said, smiling.

I began to feel better. Gillian grabbed my free hand.

“We are okay? Right?” she asked.

“Always,” I leaned in to kiss her. It was much longer this time than the other times.

THUMP THUMP THUMP, the tires made the noise as I veered off onto the shoulder.

“Fuck!” I said, pulling back onto the road. She smiled.

“Yeah, we need to pull over,” Gillian said as she kissed me on the cheek. Her hand found its way to my dick. “Most definitely,” she whispered in my ear.

I looked for a safe place to pull over, but there was either just the wall median on my left or construction on my right. Gillian was grabbing and fondling my dick.

“You are making it really hard to drive,” I told her.

“You have no idea, how hard I can make it,” Gillian said as she lowered her head.

“Bad idea, such a bad idea,” I said, smiling.

Both hands went to the steering wheel as Gillian took my dick out through the zipper. Her lips parted, and a shot of electricity shot through me as she began to bounce her head slowly up and down.

“Fuck me!” I said, trying to concentrate on the road.

“Oh, that’s coming later, but for now,” Gillian trailed off as her head began to bounce faster and faster.

I had many women give me head before, but nothing like this. She was taking all of me into her mouth and back out again. Faster and faster, her head bounced. The noise of her sucking and slurping on my dick filled the vehicle.

“Oh shit!” I said, still trying to concentrate. My eyes kept closing.

“Find somewhere to pull over yet?” Gillian asked.

The truth was I had stopped looking. I was busy concentrating on driving.

“Oh well,” Gillian said as her head lowered again.

“Exit in 2.5 miles then stay right,” the GPS blurted out.

“Thank fucking god,” I said.

I pulled into the lane to exit. Gillian did not stop her head twisting and turning as she took me in, then went to the top of my dick and back down.

“Exit then stay right, then make a right,” the GPS said.

“Oh, I am trying,” I said as I turned off on the exit. And made a quick right. Then an immediate left.

“Recalculating,” the GPS said. “When possible, make a U turn.”

“Oh no!” I said as I pulled in behind a retail business.

I saw only a few cars in the parking lot.

“Exit onto…” the GPS began to say. I slammed my hand onto the off button.

“Shut up!” Putting the car into park, I pulled her head up.

“About time,” Gillian said. Kissing me.

I ran my hands over her large breasts.

“Fuck me!” I said as I squeezed them through her shirt.

“Fucking huge, aren’t they?” Gillian said as she grabbed my other hand and put it on the other one. “Try carrying these fuckers around daily.” she smiled.

“I volunteer,” I said quickly.

“You would!” she smiled.

We quickly rushed into the back of the SUV. I promptly got both rows of seats to lower and turned around to see Gillian pulling her shirt off, showing a green bra. My eyes widened as I took them in.

“Yeah, thirty-six fucking G,” she said. “So, you better like them, or when I get some good insurance they are getting reduced.”

“You better not!” I smiled as I began to peel them out of their confides.

She moaned as I licked and sucked on the nipples.

“Keep that up, and I won’t,” Gillian moaned.

“Damn, you have no idea how much I wanted to fuck these puppies,” I said as I went back and forth on them.

“Well, do it!” Gillian said as she lay down.

I straddled her chest. Taking my dick and putting it between them. I began fucking her big tits.

“That’s it fuck them!” Gillian said as she held her arms across her chest, encasing my dick between them. I began to fuck them harder.

“Fuck, that feels good!” I said, looking down at her.

I reached behind me and began putting my hand up her skirt. She was soaking wet. I pulled my dick out from between her tits. She parted her legs. I lifted her skirt and pulled her thong to the side. She moaned deeply as I slid into her.

“It’s about time we did this,” Gillian said as we kissed. She wrapped her legs around me as I began fucking her hard. “Harder,” she whispered to me.

The whole vehicle began to shake as we fucked. I slammed in and out of her as fast and hard as possible.

Gillian wrapped her legs and arms around me as we fucked in the back of my SUV. We had been just friends so long, and now we were fucking.

“Oh, fuck I am cumming.” I said, trying to hold back.

“Good,” Gillian said, pulling her legs from my back.

I quickly took my dick out. She leaned forward and took it in her mouth. Just in time as I came down her mouth.

“How much further to your place?” she asked.

“Not long,” I said. We hopped into the front and pulled away.

***Author’s Note: The rest of this story as well as many others of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
