Story of my twins

Story of my Twins

Several years ago I found a job at a local company. I was working there for about 4 years. At that place I met the person who would later become my partner. At first we hated each other, she saw me as her enemy, I never understood why. But with time and the way things happen. We were talking and sharing, it should be noted that I am a kind person and I like my job so I seek to help others. So in the first three years we built a serious relationship of friendship. Well after those three years and so much sharing back and forth, we started dating as a couple. We started dating as a couple and everything went very well the first few months, she is a woman 13 years older than me, so you understand she is a very sexy milf, somewhat plump, but with new curves and good face, as I say it was three years of friendship and then three years of relationship. In total 6 years. So going back to the story, the first months were uff, she could have sex with me as much as we wanted and as many times as we wanted, I finished her inside, on her tits and in her mouth. It was all something beautiful and a super feeling of being able to do it with a lot of freedom. The only detail was that because of the age difference she felt insecure about making it formal with her parents and all that. So she told her family that we were just friends and I think that partly contributed to what happened later.
You see one day we went to the in-laws and I didn’t know she was a twin. She had 4 brothers plus two more females and two more males, but one more sister who was her twin and the first time I saw her I still remember my head spinning it was a strange thing because physically identical yes. But inside another totally different being. Then we met and the first few times we shared the most normal with all of them. Trips, meals, visits and so on, even though my ex would tell his family that we were just friends. I always felt that his family already knew everything.

Anyway, after so much sharing and all that, one day his twin told me to get some beers in her business for all of us and I remember that when we went in I was surprised that the place was alone but since she is the owner. I stayed in her office waiting and then something strange happened she asked me you have something with my sister and obviously to support my ex I said no at that moment, then she came up to me hugged me and kissed me and said well today we won’t do anything, but another day we will. A few days later my sister in law started to write me and we talked every day about everything, I can say based on this that the twins are one being, that is always admire something in them for example what my ex and sister in law lacked, to put it in context my ex was somewhat introverted but my sister in law her twin is super daring and without shame, impulsive and more instinctive than her sister, so I think that what one lacks the other has it. She has at least in personality for me is like that.

And well from that moment with the messages and all that one day she told me love you are free, knowing that I was at her sister’s house and I said yes. We went and met directly in a hotel and I must say as soon as I entered the room everything was ufff something very rich, the first time in the hotel we did it about 4 times and I came all those times inside her while I put tongue and. I hugged her against me to feel those big tits she has on my chest. From that moment I had a beautiful picture that we took when we finished unfortunately I erased it when my ex sister was about to discover me once. Then going back to that year we met many times at the hotel and his business. Those were the places, several times I went to his business he made me oral. While on the other side he had clients and workers. It was something uff and she swallowed my milk the very slutty, also when she was driving she gave me oral and she does it very rich, better than her sister. I remember once in the car with people around her she didn’t feel sorry for me and gave me an oral with people watching. However, it is a very rich sensation to have orgasms like that, I had not experienced those things before her. But that year was super exciting and full of many adventures like that. Another time I remember we took a trip to another city and it was the best thing we did I think. I enjoyed every second of that trip with her. And when I came back home with her sister at night. Her sister also had desires so I pulled strength from wherever I could and fucked her so she wouldn’t get suspicious. It should be noted that they were both over 42 at the time and could no longer have children so I could fill them with milk as many times as I wanted because there was no risk involved.

It was a magical experience, but a year later I separated from his sister because of what we had. That we had. Problems and there I moved to another city and for obvious reasons I stopped frequenting my sister-in-law the twin.
But with those two twins I lived through everything and many stories. The Russian girls who made me with their tits, the milk they took from me with their oral sex and the. I’ll never forget the morbid pleasure of fucking a really hot milf.
