The Experiment: Part One [NC] [Stalker] [Drugged]

After many months of planning and testing I’d finally found the perfect subject. She lived alone, was collected and professional, and had a body with quite pleasant curves.

She hired me to remodel her bathroom but she couldn’t take a week off work, so she gave me a key and left me alone in her house.

Having a good reputation really does open so many doors.

Stage 1: Set up.

Stage one was the most practical and mundane but it was also filled with the most anticipation.

The first thing I did was sneak over the night before I started work and hid a gps tracker in the undercarriage of her car. I wanted to know where she was at all times.

Then the next day, in between doing the work she hire me to do, I started doing the stuff I actually cared about.

I searched her drawers and closet. Mostly professional and practical, comfortable clothes. Things that highlighted how desirable her body is while not being overtly sexy.

She had a pack of condoms, missing only two, and a single vibrator in her bedside nightstand. Obviously she was pretty vanilla which was good. It would make the experiment more genuine.

I hid cameras everywhere. Everywhere. I set it up so I could watch her in her bed, her closet, the shower. I could watch her put on makeup in front of the mirror, cook dinner in the kitchen, working on her computer in the office, and relaxing on the couch while she watched tv.

I had complete access to every aspect of her personal life.

The last two things I did were making a copy of her house key – obviously – and making a note of what kind of toothpaste she used.

Why toothpaste? That will come in later.

Stage 2: Observation.

This is where things started to get fun. I watched. I watched and took notes.

Not just during the week that I was working in her house but for six months after as well. I needed a good sample of her regular life. Kind of like a control sample.

She lived her life on a strict schedule. She got up early every morning and went for a job or did yoga before showering and getting ready for work. She made herself breakfast and packed a lunch before leaving the house.

She was always home between 6 and 6:30. She’d kick if her shoes and take off her bra before starting dinner. After dinner she’d change into pajamas, and relax with a glass of wine: watching tv, reading a book, or typing away at her laptop while laying on the couch – I never could get a good angle to see what she was typing.

On Saturdays she’d clean and do laundry during the day, and sometimes go out for the evening, but she never stayed out late. On Sunday’s she’d call her mom.

As I suspected she was really vanilla sexually. She’d masturbate once or twice a week – maybe twice that when she was ovulating – always huddled under her covers with her vibrator pressed against her clit.

It was kind of a shame. A body like that, perfectly shaped to be held and ravished but going unused. What a waste.

Stage 3: The Transition

Finally, after six months, I was ready to begin. All the dreaming, scheming, and planning was about to pay off.

I double checked the app on my phone to make sure she was still at work and used my copy of her key to sneak into her house. I was in and out in less than two minutes. Straight to the bathroom to switch out her toothpaste and out the door.

The toothpaste again?

Yes. It had taken me over a year to find the perfect mixture of drugs. Strong enough to be absorbed through her gums, work quickly and effectively, but be subtle enough that she wouldn’t taste it over the flavor of the toothpaste.

I hid in the bushes outside her house that night, watching her evening routine on my phone. At her normal time I watched her brush her teeth before climbing in bed.

I waited an excruciatingly long half hour to make sure she was good and asleep before sneaking through her back door. I wore a mask the first night, just in case the drugs hadn’t worked, but by the end of the night I knew I wouldn’t need it again.

Once inside the first thing I did was switch out her toothpaste again. If she passed out after brushing her teeth in the morning it would mess up the entire experiment. It would become my daily routine. Sneaking in while she was gone to drop off the drugged toothpaste and replace it with the regular while she slept.

And then, finally, the games could begin.

I stood over her for several minutes just watching her sleep. My entire body hummed with eager anticipation. I desperately wanted to rip off her clothes and relieve my excitement on her body. But I’d worked so hard on my plans and that part didn’t come until later.

She didn’t even stir when I brushed a strand of hair from her face or when I caressed her cheek with the back of my fingers.

Her skin was so soft. She looked like the perfect Angel as she slept.

Carefully I lifted the covers and climbed into the bed beside her. I wiggled my was in close and turned her head so I could feel her breath on my cheek.

Slowly, oh so slowly, I slid my hand under her shirt. I gently brushed my hand over her stomach. Slowly. Gently. I aches for more but I teased myself with the feel of her smooth skin as I worked my hand up higher and higher.

This was going to be such a beautiful experiment. And if I did it right I would change this women’s entire world.



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