Winter break fun with my ex gf, Josie. [MF 21] Part 6

Josie had just finished giving me a very long, edging blowjob/handjob. She was laying naked on the couch next to me with her head in my lap.

Josie said, “Alright, I guess I should head home before your parents get home from work. Your mom is nice but I can tell underneath, she cannot stand me.”

I said, “Josie, it’s not so much you, she just cannot stand any girl she thinks I am having sex with. Also, she probably hates your style.”

My mom was very old fashioned.

Josie said, “Oh, she hated other girls you brought home?”

I said, “Oh, man, I brought home this girl when I was 19 to spend almost a week. They tried to keep us separated, but we were so horny and they left us alone one afternoon. We took a shower together, which led to pretty much anything you might imagine. In fact, that was the first time a girl peed on me in the shower.”

Josie laughed and said, “Certainly not the last…”

Josie was laughing as she was getting dressed. She said, “That is why I need to leave now. Your mom seems nice, but I can tell she doesn’t like me.”

I said, “That’s because you’re sexy as fuck and I probably look at you like I want to fuck you.”

Josie giggled and said, “You do look at me like that. Has she met Amy?”

I said, “No, I’ve been delaying that.”

Josie said, “I bet Amy could charm her. She is sexy, but she also can look like a girl you bring home to your conservative mother.”

We went outside and realized it had snowed a lot while we were up to our shenanigans. There was no way, Josie’s old station wagon was going to make it down this unplowed mountain road.

I said, “Well, fuck, you’re spending the night here. It is not safe for you to leave. My mom is going to be irritated you were here alone with me.”

Josie said, “Fuck, this is going to be sooo awkward.”

Josie and I shoveled the driveway for my parents and she helped me fold and put away my clothes. We were trying to put a good face on this. We were sitting, watching TV, when my mom came in the garage door to the house.

I got up and hugged her and said,
“Hi mom, you remember Josie?”

Josie stood up and gave my mom an awkward move like she was going to hug her and had second thoughts and waved.

My mom said, “Yes, I thought you broke up?”

I said, “We did. We’re friends. She came over here to give me back a CD she borrowed.” I lied.

My mom pulled me into another room, “Why would she drive up in this storm? It’s inappropriate with you two hanging out alone.”

I said, “I’m 21 mom and I have barely been at home since high school. I hang out with girls alone all the time.”

She said, “Not in my house. The roads are treacherous, so she Is going to have to spend the night. She is not sleeping in your room, but she can have the guest room.”

My dad came home around then and said, “Hi, Josie? Right?”

Josie said, “Yes. Hi” and waved awkwardly again.

My mom said to my father with a sour face, “Josie is staying for dinner and spending the night…in the guest room.”

My dad said, “Great, who wants a cocktail?”

Everyone got a little calmer with some cocktails. My mom said, “Is your mother okay with you spending the night here?”

Josie said, “I called her earlier. My mom loves Jack, she’s just glad I’m not driving home. She says thanks for letting me stay.”

My parents mercifully went to bed early and Josie and I stayed up watching TV. Josie and I snuggled up closer under a blanket after they went to bed. After awhile, Josie shoved her hand into my sweatpants and started playing with my dick under the blanket and smiling at me.

I said, “How about a blowjob?”

Josie giggled and said, “But, what if we get caught?”

I said, “They’re upstairs.”

Josie, pulled the blanket partway off me, leaned down and started sucking my dick. About 1 minute into that I heard my dad in the kitchen. I turned my head and saw him standing there, looking into the dark family room. Josie heard him too and popped her head up.

He said, “You should go to bed,” and he headed back upstairs.

Josie punched my arm and said, “He totally saw me blowing you.”

I said, “He couldn’t see that well. It was dark, he didn’t have his glasses, and the couch was in the way.”

She said, “He could tell I was blowing you for sure. Let’s go to bed before they hate me even more.”

We went upstairs and I loaned Josie a tshirt and found her a toothbrush.

Josie said, “Hey, you loaned me this tshirt the first night we met…first time we had sex. Can I keep it?”

I said, “I suppose you’ve earned it.”

She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and got ready for bed. As she walked down the hall to the guest room, she stopped in my doorway, wearing the big tshirt. She looked up and down the hall and then lifted the tshirt, giving me a view of her pussy and her tits. She was naked under the shirt. She put the shirt back down, giggling and scurrying down the hall to her room.

I brushed my teeth and went to bed. The interrupted blowjob and that flashing incident in my doorway left me laying there horny as hell. I eventually heard my dad snoring loudly down the hall.

I crept out of my bedroom and slowly opened the door to Josie’s guest room. She giggled quietly as I crept in there and carefully shut the door. I climbed into bed with her and started kissing her, moving my hand up the back of her tshirt to feel her bare ass.

I slid down her body, putting my face between her spread legs and lifted the shirt up to her chest. I licked and fingered her pussy for a long time. She started making little whimpering noises and moans. I paused my licking and said, “shhh.” She whispered, “sorry but that feels really good.”

She put a small pillow over her mouth and I continued. Then I moved back up and slid my dick into her. She made a little happy noise into the pillow. I had to do that slow fuck you do when you don’t want to be heard. The bed was slightly creaky. So, I was very slowly, gently fucking her, trying to be quiet. Her pussy was soaking wet, and I’d already cum a bunch that day, so this was a long, slow fuck.

I finally came inside her, although there probably was not much cum. I pulled out and started getting up. She whispered, “No, you’re mean, don’t go.”

I said, “I have to, my mom will freak out, if they catch me in here with you.”

She whispered, “Fine, good night,” and kissed me.

I successfully sneaked back to my room without anyone noticing.



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