Guilt Free [NC]

We hadn’t seen each other in years, which I guess is a bit surprising in a city this size. I don’t know. Maybe it was intentional? Maybe you’d seen me once or twice and had left quickly before I’d seen you.

I wouldn’t have blamed you. It was a pretty rough breakup. I know all breakups are messy but ours involved all the fire and explosions that marked the majority of our relationship.

Regardless, I hadn’t laid eyes on you in years and I have to say time had been good to you. Somehow you’d only gotten better with time. Even after a couple years of marriage and having a kid, your body had gotten even more enticing.

Obviously it was something you worked on, considering when I saw you you were running the trail in the park. I’d just finished my run too and was cooling down on a bench, drinking some water.

At first I wasn’t sure it was you. I had to do a double take – really a triple take – before I believed it. But sure it enough, there you were, starting your run, hair up, leggings and a tank top tight enough to show off your curves.

All the old emotions came rushing back. The desire. The jealousy. The need to posses. My head went a little woozy for a moment with the intensity of everything I was feeling.

I didn’t have any specific plans when I snuck off into the woods near the parking lot. I just wanted to be close by so I could see you again after you’d finished your run.

It was the longest thirty minutes of my life. I kind of felt like a creep hiding in the trees like that but it was starting to get dark and no one was around to see me. I tried to make myself be still and quiet anyways but I had too much nervous energy and ended up pacing the whole time.

Finally you came back around. God you looked good. I watched you walk to your car. My heart skipped a beat when you took a water bottle off the hood and walked back toward the park.

You were barely twenty feet from where I was hidden in the shadows. You’d take a sip of water then pace around, trying to catch your breath. You kept putting your hands on your head and arching your back, trying to take a deep breath. It was … appealing.

I didn’t mean to sneak up on you but you were still panting so hard you must not have heard me. I was just going to say hello, maybe make small talk for a minute, but I was able to get so close without you even knowing I was behind you.

I wrapped my arms around you, one arm around your shoulders the other around your waist … it just felt right.

You froze – like a deer in headlights, your breath caught in your chest.

“Did you miss me?” I whispered in your ear.

You must have recognized my voice, or maybe the feel of me pressed against you? You gasped my name.

“Mhm,” I said. “Do you still think of me? I think about you all the time.”

I curled my arms in, like a python wrapping around it’s next meal. I pulled your body hard against me. I don’t really know why I did it. I wasn’t going to … I mean I didn’t plan on … I just wanted to feel you against me again.

The movement must have broke the trance for you. You started to push against me, trying to pull my arms away, trying to escape from my grasp.

I didn’t mean to turn it into a struggle. It was just instinct. The more you fought to get away the tighter I clung to you. It was like we had naturally fallen into familiar patterns.

“What the fuck?” You cried. “Get the hell off me.”

I tried to cover your mouth with my hand. The sun had completely set by then and no one was around but I didn’t want you drawing attention and have someone come interrupt us before we had a chance to talk.

I had to take my hand off your shoulder before I could cover your mouth. And in that split second you twisted and pushed off me with all your strength. Your skin was slippery with sweat from your run and I almost lost you.

I fought to keep my hands on you while you scrambled to get away and in the struggle we tripped on each other’s feet and fell to the ground. I quickly scrambled to get on top of you, hoping to calm you before things got out of hand. You pushed at me wildly, kicking your legs and flailing your arms wildly.

I pressed my weight into you and fought to grab hold of your hands. There was a line of fiery pain where you’d caught my cheek with your nails. I grabbed hold of your wrists and jerked your hands above your head. I held your wrists in one hand and pinned them to the ground.

I forgot about talking then. Forgot about trying to calm you down. You were squirming to get free and all I could think about was how good it felt to have your body beneath me again.

I kept hold of your wrists and grabbed your throat with my free hand. I held your head still and pressed my lips against your ear.

“You always liked it like this, didn’t you? Being overpowered. Being reminded how weak you are compared to me. Being shown how easy it is for me to take you whenever I want.” I leaned my head back to look you in the eye. “You were always so beautiful when you fought”

I pressed my lips against yours. You didn’t exactly kiss me back but your body relaxed just a little. I kissed my way down your cheek to that spot on your neck that you love, just below your ear.

“Stop it, you asshole. Get off me,” you said.

I kept kissing your neck, moving down to the little V in your collar bone. I could taste your sweat, your skin. God I missed the taste of your skin.

I slid my hand from your throat, down your body and grabbed behind your knee. I pulled your leg up to my hip so I could settle in better against you. I started grinding myself against you as I kissed down your chest.

You kept trying to wiggle out from under me – which felt amazing by the way – but you kept your leg up beside me when I moved my hand to your side. I pushed your tank top up around your neck and pulled your sports bra down out of the way.

I kissed down between your tits before taking your nipple in my mouth. I always loved running my tongue in circles around your nipples – loved the way you reacted when I did it.

I shoved my hand between your back and the ground and started pushing at your leggings, trying to get them off your body. You kept fighting me, and you almost broke free of my grip before I managed to get your pants down to your knees.

I leaned into you, kissing your neck again, and using my weight to keep you in place while I pulled my shorts down.

“Stop it! Stop!” You demanded.

I pressed the tip of my dick against your pussy. I could feel how wet you were. You always got so wet when I held you down like this.

“Keep fighting,” I growled. “You can tell your husband you didn’t want it if you fight the whole time.”

You closed your eyes tight when I pushed myself inside you. You were so tight I had to thrust hard. But I didn’t have to slam my way inside you. You took my dick almost easily. Your body was ready for me. Your body wanted it.

I thrust into you, hard. Again and again. Not brutal or violent, just rough and aggressive the way you like it.

“Fuck I’ve missed your body,” I groaned as I fucked you.

I got caught up in the moment and lost tract of your arms. You were able to jerk one hand free. You slammed your hand into my face and kicked your legs. You twisted and somehow rolled me off you.

You scrambled to your hands and knees, but your pants were still around your ankles and you couldn’t move fast. You tried to crawl away from me but I grabbed one of your legs and jerked.

You fell to your stomach. I pulled your body back toward me and climbed onto your back. I wrapped an arm around your throat and used my knees to shove your legs apart. I burning my face into your cheek as I used my free hand to line my dick up with your pussy.

“That’s right, keep fighting,” I said as I pushed myself inside you again.

This time I kept my arm wrapped tightly around your throat and my weight firmly pressed into you back. You kept struggling as I thrust into you again and again – at least at first.

After a couple minutes you stopped your struggle. You curled your fingers into the the thick grass and just grunted along with every thrust. I even felt you roll your hips up to take me the way you liked it.

“Fuck. Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I honestly don’t remember which one of us said that.

We came at the same time. I exploded inside you, my cock filling you with my cum, as your body quivered beneath me.

I kissed the back of your neck as I continued to grind inside you for a few minutes.

“Fuck, I’ve missed that,” I said.

“Get off me,” you sneered. “You’re a fucking asshole.”

I nuzzled my lips against your ear. “It’s ok,” I said. “You fought me so it wasn’t cheating. You don’t have to feel guilty.” I took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of her. “And if you need more exercise, I’ll be here tomorrow too.”



  1. I honestly thought the last sentence was gonna be something like, “Wow, that was fun! I’ll see you at honey. I’ll start dinner.”

    I’m sorry, I can’t upvote this without something declaring consent. I missed the [NC] in the title—my fault. It was very well written, and your style provided clear visuals.

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