(MF) Travelers… PT 1 (Apocalyptic, consensual)


The underbrush crunched under his feet, he pulled the wrinkled map from his pocket kneeling down in the shade of a dead tree. Well that wasn’t very specific, all the trees around here had died long ago. This particular part of the wasteland was the target for one of the first attacks between great nations, leaders had long threatened a scorched earth policy, for once a politician kept their word. Everywhere he looked it was gray and dismal, he focused back on his map the tip of his finger sticking through the worn gloves as he traced his path. 

“I can make it to the river today, yeah thats a decent day. God I need to keep an eye out for water.” He smacked his dry lips together, reaching back to check the weight of his canteen before indulging in a small sip. Like everyone who roamed the wastes he was in a constant battle against the elements, struggling to find food and water consistently. He trekked on through the Arkansas hills, heading south following the tales of a stable and livable future in Central America. 

It was easy to let your mind wander when you were alone, which for him was almost constantly. The thick blondish red beard was beginning to fill with gray, the wrinkles surrounding his blue eyes growing deeper. His mind turned to a time when things were green, when the trees were filled with the sounds of birds and the pastures were filled livestock. The smile brought on by the memory was quickly stripped from his mouth as he smelled smoke on the breeze. 

The bow swung down off his bulky shoulder, an arrow falling into its knock with guidance from his hand. Looking down he cautiously stepped into the wind, following the scent and listening closely for danger. A few hundred meters ahead he spotted the campsite, a few embers were smoldering as he searched the area for tracks. The only set he found were small, probably size 8 or 9 women’s, based on the imprint into the dirt he guessed she was on the small side. Heavy imprints only meant one thing, cannibals. No one could keep nourished enough to gain weight, there just wasn’t that much meat around, unless of course you consumed your fellow man.

She was heading south, he followed her trail, pulling the pack onto his back before putting away his bow and heading out right on her heels. He wondered if this would change his planned route much, following her like this was dangerous but he hadn’t seen anyone in weeks and he needed to trade. She was moving quickly, he hadn’t caught up to her all day, and as the sun began to fall he gave her an approving nod, “Good work girl, not many can outpace me.” The wanderer stepped off the trail, covering his tracks before setting up camp.

He unfolded the flimsy metal firepit, no bigger than his hand it was one of his best finds in his travels. After a few broken twigs and a small bit of tinder the small fire was going. His dinner was simple, hot water and dehydrated bits of rat, some pine needles boiled together to form a nutrient dense drink. With a half full belly he leaned back against the trunk of a tree, the bow across his lap and fell asleep. 

Little blinding rays of light burned against his eyelids, the familiar aches and pains greeting him as he stood up and stretched. “Arghhhhhh…” he yawned and stretched once more before checking his pack and heading down the strangers trail again. The man came upon her camp, stopping in the brush a safe distance out before removing half of a pair of binoculars to inspect who he was following. She was lucky enough to have a tent, battered and patched but a tent nonetheless. He kept his distance as he waited for her to emerge, finally the zipper of the tent fell down and she stepped out. Her brunette hair fell midway down her shoulders out from underneath a bal cap, a filthy pair of jeans and a baggy sweatshirt showed her slender frame as she moved around packing up. 

“Morning to the camp!” He shouted from cover, she ducked quickly and put her back to a tree, “Don’t approach! I’ll drop your ass!” She yelled back, grabbing the homemade scatter gun from her side and loading it.

 “I mean no harm, I picked up your trail yesterday, you left a fire smoldering, a dangerous thing to do for a single woman.” His voice was loud, but not threatening as he stuck his hands out from behind the tree, “I’m coming out, don’t shoot. I’d like to trade with you.”

“What do you have? You keep your distance, and move slow.” Her hands kept their grip on the weapon as he slowly made his way closer. 

“I’ve got some dried meat, a couple chunks of soap, and a 12 gauge shot shell. I’m going to take off my pack now.” He knelt down, adjusting his oversized clothes before slinging down his pack. The back opened up and he removed his wares, laying them out before her. He looked up from the ground, his gaze meeting her brown eyes.

“What do you want for the shell?” She said, her shoulders relaxing a little as she leaned over and inspected his lot. 

“I need a new water container, all I have is a canteen now it isn’t nearly enough for traveling.” 

“I’ve got an extra milk jug.” She said quickly the idea of actually having ammo for her gun sparking her interest. 

“Thats not all I want, the shell is good, it doesn’t even have rust it’s worth more than an empty jug.” His head cooked as he stared her down, “If I wanted to hurt you I wouldn’t let you hold me here with an empty weapon.”

“Wha, well, well you don’t know that!” She said pointing the barrel at him again. “Okay what if it was full of clean water?” 
Little did he know there was a spring just a few hundred yards away where she could get her fill after he left. 

“That sounds fair. Give me the water and I’ll toss you the shell….” They stayed motionless for a moment, both afraid of trusting the other to fulfill their end of the deal. 

Finally she moved the gun from her shoulder and backed away to grab the gallon of water, “I’m Jay…” he said reaching out with a flat palm as she sat down the water. “Maria..” she replied quickly snatching up the shell and dropping the container into his hand.

“Can I pack up my stuff without worrying about getting shot?” Jay was trepidations but he turned and gathered his things and let Maria do the same, both well used to traveling alone by now. “Are you heading south?” Maria asked, “Isn’t everyone?” He said securing his new gallon jug to the pack.

“Do you want me to find a different path? Or can I travel with you for a while?” One of Jay’s eyebrows raised with his hopeful question, looking forward to a potential travel companion at least for a while.

“I’m not sharing food with you, and if you’re thinking about trying anything don’t. I’m never out of reach of a knife.” Her words were fierce, but who could blame her. Very few were decent people anymore, most of the decent folks got killed right after it all went to shit. As reluctant as she was, the thought of a man with her on the road was both terrifying and soothing.

Several near silent days passed, both of them carrying on their normal routines, just with someone else close by. They finally found a deep flowing stream to refill their water reserves, and cleanse their filthy skin. 

“Oh thank God!” Jay called out, quickly kicking off his boots and stripping down before running into the clean, cool water. Maria scoffed at his enthusiasm, taking her time and carefully taking her clothes off and folding them neatly in a pile before walking nude into the pool.

The water felt so good they didn’t let any semblance of shame enter their minds, all either one cared about was washing up themselves, their clothes and their minds. That wasn’t to say they didn’t both sneak their fair share of glances. Her eyes taking their time moving up his form as he hung his clothes to dry, watching as his arms tensed wringing out the fabric before finding a limb to hang them from. He couldn’t believe the body she had hidden under those tired old rags, her curves captivating him as he watched her wash, taking extra time to stare at her gorgeous ass.

Jay stepped out of the water for the last time, using his hands to wipe the water away he looked up and caught Maria mid stare. An unhideable blush washing across her face as Jay smiled and walked back to lay out his blanket. The warm day quickly drove the moisture from their clothes and skin, regardless they both took the time to enjoy this rare experience and took a short nap. 

Jay’s clothes hit him and stirred him awake, Maria was getting dressed and Jay quickly got up and started gathering up their things. “We’ve only three, maybe four hours til dusk, we should get going.” She said as she held her hand up to the sky measuring the distance between the sun and horizon. 

After he was dressed Jay pulled out his map, studying it again, “We may be able to make it through this valley, but if we don’t there’s not much cover.” Jay’s brow furrowed as he spoke, obviously concerned about being exposed overnight. Maria placed her hand over his, taking his finger and pointing to a cavern just up the hills from their path, “There’s always this to try if we don’t make good time.” 

He felt himself warm under her touch, as innocent as it was he couldn’t help but grin as her hand guided his across the map. “Yeah that sounds good, as long as someone else isn’t already in it.” 

It was completely dark by the time they made camp, their tents had progressively gotten closer and closer each time they set them up, at this point they were side by side. They decided it was too risky to start a fire and opted to share some clean water and some fresh field rats they had caught.

The tension between them was building greater each day, a passing joke or a flirtatious comment being met with welcome now instead of rejection. With camp set up and dinner finished, the silence between them only aggravated the tension. 

They both stood up simultaneously, trying to get around one another to get to their tents each one accidently blocking the other. The both giggled at themselves, Maria smiling warmly and looking up as Jay stroked his beard and smiled back. 

He stepped forward and her hand shot to his shirt collar pulling him towards her as she lunged at him. Their lips collided, tongues fighting against one another in a mess as they moaned into it. Her hand shot to his trousers, jerking at his belt buckle roughly before unsnapping and unzipping him. He helped his pants fall down, puddling around his feet as she took him into her hand, immediately milking a solid moan from him as she smiled with his cock twitching in her palm. 

“Maria, oh god…” his words were quickly cut off as they kissed again, her grip moving slowly up and down while her hips tilted up letting his fingers dip below her denim to find her slit. He leaned over and moved his mouth to her neck, giving her a firm bite while his warm lips suckled at her flesh. She felt the tip of his middle finger part her length, her slick coating it before he began to circle her clit. Jay felt her hand gripping his arm hard as he toyed with her, both of them knowing they couldn’t last long in the heat of this moment. 

Maria pushed him back into her tent, letting him fall back into the blanket, his proud manhood standing at attention as he leaned up to help her unzip her pants. There was such a rush neither one was completely undressed, Maria’s pants hanging onto one ankle and Jay’s still pushed down around his boots. Neither one noticed or cared as Maria climbed onto Jay, grabbing him as she sat back and engulfed him completely. Groan coated breaths filled the small tent, his hands on her hips as she controlled the tempo for them both. 

Maria gripped his shirt hard across his chest, her knuckles turning white as her breaths grew short, her eyes clenched tight as she sat down hard and rolled her hips. The small bucks against him grinding her clit into him, drawing wave after wave of her climax from her depths. She almost gushed around his girth, their skin sticking together with the mess, squishing and squelching as she began to make long movements over him. She paused for a moment, moving her feet higher, letting her squat over him, putting his hands on her plump ass. 

She grinned and flipped her hair aside as Jay tossed his head back and hissed through his teeth, “Fuck, fuhhhhhck Maria, I can’t, I’m going to cum like this.” She planted her hands on his ribs as her pace quickened, “I want you to cum, don’t cum inside me, just tell me.” Her words quivered, the post climax hypersensitivity beginning to set in as she bounced. He knew it was coming soon, his balls tightened, his shaft ached and he could feel the warmth of his seed creeping up from the depths. 

“Maria, Maria,” he hissed, his teeth clenched, “I’m cumming!”

She pulled herself quickly off as his mass jumped, her hand moving to grasp him, forcing the length of herself against him as he came. With each forceful flex of Jay’s member more of himself coated her fingers, until in a last few sporadic thrusts he was empty and quivering against her touch.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wuxss3/mf_travelers_pt_1_apocalyptic_consensual

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