18+ My Girl Gift, II

Weeks go by and then a month, still no calls or messages from the phone after a month. I’ve been keeping it on me always where ever I go fully charged. And then one night. The phone buzzes with a text message to go to a place and tell no one. I’m giving directions that will take me out of town. And I am told to come alone. I quickly get ready just throwing on my clothes and bringing the old ‘Saturday nite special’ the robber left behind as well as the phone and the charger, as I was told to bring it. I did write down the directions as to where I was suppose to go. The directions seemed alittle weird but I thought I may be watched & followed as I assumed that I was as I go out of my house door & go down to the car. Luckily it had more than enough gas to get me there & back so I didn’t need to stop for gas. I drive the route being extra careful to drive perfectly. Coming to complete stops and using my turn signals and waiting for all the traffic lights & driving the speed limits. I may be followed, but not sure?

I get out of the city limits. I don’t see any other cars following me but thinking, what if my car was already tagged with a homing device? They could be following me that way and I wouldn’t know it? I just keep driving being extra careful until I get to the place they wanted to meet me at. Some old abandoned roadhouse on the back road that was marked for demolition. I see a guy dressed in what looked like all black and a full ski mask as he waves to me to follow him until he tells me to stop the car, turn off my headlights and get out with the phone & charger. I just do what he says. Seeing the small mini machine gun hung over his shoulder on his side.
He tells me to “stop & raise hands up and fingers open” as he pats me down like he knows what he’s doing. Another uses a small metal detector all over my body from head to toe. I tell him about the small gun in my back pocket and the other guy just takes it and then I’m told to go inside.

Once inside they bring me to a room that looks like the manager’s office. It was old and stale smelling and lit by lanterns. Guys talking in that foreign language again as I see the ‘cousin’ from that night over a month ago. “Good to see you my friend!” he says surprised his English was so good. I didn’t realize that before? “Yes, good to see you too.” I just say respectfully. He comes and shakes my hand again. “Any trouble finding the place?” “No, no trouble.” Really meaning if I told anyone or was I followed. “Don’t be nervous he tells me as he lites up a cigarette and waves his other hand and he tells his man something in the foreign language and he leaves the room as he says. “I found the girl you wanted. It took more time then was expected.” “Oh, sorry for the extra complications.” “No problem, my friend. I see you are a man who knows what he wants.” I see what looks like a girl’s shape covered in a type of old sack almost down to her waist. A man takes it off of her as the cousin tells me the particulars. “This girl is an orfan from the country, has no family. Not much schooling but is house trained and is good with children. She can cook & clean and has had no children.”

Waving me to come close to her as she just holds her head down, looking at her feet. Seeing the old looking clothes she’s wearing that looks like she’s been in them for days. Dirty and soiled and not fitting too well. “See, see! Hair color of honey. It’s her natural color and her eyes are ‘hazel’ as you say in English. She comes from good stock.” As I look at her. I can see those classic Mediterranean & Eastern European type features in her. And the skin tone was an almost alabaster type. Not sure if it was from lack of good food, clean water & sunlight or a combination of all the above. He tells her to strip, and she does so while still looking down. The body was nice, with nice curves and about 5’2″ or 5’3″ or so even with her old flat sandals that look cheap and maybe not well made. Really nice tits, no stretch marks, small waisted but with a nice hips & ass that was in proportion with the rest of her shape. Not much body hair with a few very small beauty marks here & there. Her legs were nice after she took her shoes and pants, now standing in just panties and her bare feet. Surprisingly she has been ‘well trained’ by not covering herself with her arms & hands. Even though the room was alittle less than room temp. “The girl is 20/21, clean and unmarried, no kids.” He waves for me to come close her an take a closer look at her. “See, she has good skin.” As I look at her arms seeing no track marks. “Clean girl my friend, no drug addict here. Though a glass of wine or beer is ok once in a while.” I hold her head up to look at her eyes, “See, light color eyes, hazel. A rarity back home. I was also checking to see how clear they are and her pupils were fine. Not sure If I believe that or not but not really sure exactly where she actually comes from? “She has good vision in day but not so well at night, I check her teeth. Not too bad but she needed to brush them. But none were broken or chipped and her fillings were almost none existent & no cavities that I could see. I feel her face and check her bones in her face. Not noticing anything wrong and no signs of plastic surgery. “She had good treatment, eats & sleeps well. No medical problems. She had shots before leaving the ‘old country’. I check the back of her head and her back. Seeing some very small marks that could have been from being whipped but it wasn’t that noticeable in the room lit by lanterns. I check the back of her legs and her feet. Yeah, she’ll need a ‘Lady Bic’ razor shave & a pedicure but still not bad. I have to bit my own lip the keep myself being really surprising myself while I give this ‘girl’ the once over. I do reach inside her panties from the back and yeah, she feel nice down there. “Low mileage, good condition all clean down there. No diseases, she’s good, fresh & healthy.” Surprised still by her silence she never spoke. And I’m quite sure it wasn’t the first or second time she had a ‘going over’, either.
“You like the girl, you can have the girl. She belongs to you. She knows her place.” Saying something to her, in native language from what I can make of it must be for her to get dressed.
I move over to him and ask, “what do I call her?” “Call her anything you like? Names really don’t matter.” He hands me some papers all printed in their native language and had some old, simple black & white pictures of her with the official government stamp partially on them & what looks like a passport, it could be all fake printed? I couldn’t make heads or tails out of any of it.
“Can she speak English? “Some but try some French or German” since you can’t speak our language.” Laughingly

After dressing and she gets the little things that she has, more old clothes and a pair of old basic track style shoes of an unknown brand we are both shown the way out of the old roadhouse. We were told to walk to the car & not look back in both languages so we both can understand what was said. We got to the car and she speaks to me in a low, weak voice, while still looking down for the first time ‘food, please’. Yeah, she probably hadn’t eaten in God knows how long and I know the next town further up ahead will still have drive throughs still open & I gotta find a Blue Star super store to get a few things before we head back to my place.

End of part II

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wuynm6/18_my_girl_gift_ii

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