She will let herself in

It was 7:30 in the morning, the sun had mostly risen, along with everyone else, preparing for their day. Mat, however, had finally finished his 12 hour night shift, and was just getting home. Mat didn’t mind being up all night and sleeping during the day, he like how peaceful and quiet the apartment was, and he enjoyed having some time to himself. He walked into the one bedroom apartment that he shared with Cora, his perpetually late girlfriend. And, just like clockwork, she was in a frenzy trying to get out the door on time.

 “Mat, Lauren is coming by this morning to pick up these books. I told her you would be sleeping, and not to bother you. She will let herself in, and out.”

“So, do I need to do anything?”

“No, just go about your morning like normal, anyway, I’m late, again, bye, love you!

“Love you too, no speeding.”

Mat and Cora exchanged a quick peck on the lips as she whirled out of the apartment, leaving a mess of half finished breakfast in her wake. When the door shut behind her, Mat just stood there, staring, waiting for the calm to come. It always took a few minutes of just motionless silence, but then, gradually, he began to hear all the soft sounds in the apartment that usually go unnoticed. The ticking of the clock in hallway, the compressor in the fridge kicking off, and even the faint sound of traffic from 10 floors below. This was the first step, the calm, the next step was the clean. A nice long shower. No Cora needing to get in to do her make-up, or worry about using all the hot water, just peaceful water, washing away the grime that being up all night seems to coat you in. Mat turned on the shower, and began getting undressed. 

Lauren lived in the apartment directly below Mat and Cora. She could faintly hear their footsteps, if she made her apartment completely silent, and really tried to listen. And that was exactly what she was doing now. Cora had mentioned that Mat would be getting home, and going to sleep. She was trying to hear that he had gone to bed, so she wouldn’t have to worry too much about her appearance. Mat is hot, he obviously works out, but he’s not super muscular, he’s at least 6 feet, with dark hair that he keeps cut short, and he’s very polite, and funny, he’s all around a great guy. Cora is lucky. Lauren has been working from home for a while, and in her own words she has “let herself go a little.” She’s still quite thin, if anything the extra pound or so has gone straight to her ass and breasts, giving her a more shapely, and appealing figure. But she only sees the number on the scale, and she hasn’t had her nails done since forever, and she’s wearing that frumpy t-shirt and shorts combo, and really would rather not have to face him like this. When Lauren is certain she doesn’t hear anymore movement, she darts out of her apartment and into the stairwell. The elevator will be full people heading to work, and will take forever, and everyone will give her a dirty look for trying to go up, when it is clearly time for going down. She takes the steps two at a time, only then realizing that she hasn’t bothered to put on underwear, again. No one will see her, it doesn’t matter. She arrives at apartment 1002, and turns the handle like she is afraid a bomb will go off. No noise, in and out, it will just take a second. As she closes the front door behind her, and makes the right into the hall, she hears water. Fuck! He’s up. As she stands there, frozen, listening with every part of her body, she realizes Mat is already in the shower, and her plan is back on. 

Something, and it’s more than just curiosity, draws her towards the open bedroom door. Through the door, just to right is the bathroom door, and as she approaches, she can see that it, too, is open. Inside the bathroom, the glass walled shower stands directly opposite the sink. Above the sink is a wall to wall mirror, about four feet tall. Lauren holds her breath as she tiptoes down the hall. The sound of the water on the glass wall and floor changes as Mat moves around, she knows he is in the shower, so she creeps closer, and closer, not worrying about him stepping out and surprising her.  Now she is standing in the doorway of the bedroom, she leans, and tilts her head, looking for that perfect angle to see the reflection of the shower, and it’s occupant. 

Mat’s morning shower routine is basically a ritual at this point. He always washes his hair first, then bathes, beginning with his arms. Then he washes his face and chest, then legs and feet. And now it’s time to really relax. He lathers up his crouch, getting plenty of extra soap on his hands, and puts the loofah down. With his left hand he begins lightly rubbing his balls. He lets his fingers explore as far back as they want to go, some mornings they slip in a little, today they stop short, just cupping and releasing his balls, gently massaging them until his dick begins to thicken. Now, with his right hand, Mat strokes his dick all the way up to the head, and slowly, all the way down to the base. He will repeat this motion until he is rock hard, and ready to really start getting after it. 

Lauren watches this scene unfold, unaware that she has been pinching and pulling at her nipples through her shirt for at least a minute. She turns, places her back against the door frame, and lets her hand do some exploring of its own. She’s not surprised to find that she is already wet when she parts her bright orange bush with her ring and index fingers. She presses her middle finger down hard on her clit, and then slides it in as far as it will go. She pulls it out, grinding it back across her clit, and then all the way in again. Back and forth, pushing harder and faster with each stroke. 

Mat, eyes closed, is oblivious to the finger banging that is going on right outside the bathroom door. He’s stroking his cock faster and faster, squeezing tighter, he has take his hand away from balls to steady himself on the wall. His legs tighten, his ass cheeks clamp up, his whole body is getting ready for the great release. Lauren has to bend her knees to keep them from buckling, her legs spread wider now, she shoves a second finger into her throbbing pussy, using her whole palm against her clit. She sees Mat tense in preparation, her body starts to tremble, like a heat wave of vibrations, she is overtaken by one of the strongest orgasm she has ever had in her life, and she must endure the agonizing pleasure without making a sound. She has to tighten her whole face to hold it in, but she can’t close her eyes, she wants to see it, she needs to see it. And as if he could hear her begging for it, Mat gives in to the feeling, and cums in one explosive shot after another, shooting wads of cum into the warm running water. 

Barely able to walk, Lauren scurries down the hall, checking to see if she’s left a wet spot on the floor where she stood watching Mat jerk his fantastic cock for her. Sure, he doesn’t know she was there, but she doesn’t care, he came for her. That’s what she was thinking as she slips silently out the door. 

“Fuck, the books!”
