My [F23] Life [Non-fiction] as a pleasure girl for a wealthy family

Hello Internet world, My name is Sarah and I am a Pleasure Girl for a wealthy family after having replied to an “Adult” job ad on a website that I won’t name, 4 years ago! I wanted to share how I ended up where I am. for those wondering I live in eastern Europe.

The post I replied to it was stated that details would be given in person. wanting to know more I arranged a time to meet with the poster.

1 day later I met with an older man let’s call him “brad” at a coffee shop, he was a perfect gentleman and bought me a drink, after which we went for a walk in the part where he gave me the detail of the job.

He wanted to hire me to be his family’s “Pleasure Girl”, I would be expected to see to his and his family’s sexual desires whenever they wanted, I was also expected to be naked 24/7,

in return he promised me my own room in his large victorian era manor home, food on the table, and a very generous monthly pay of 100K.

It seemed too good to be true, but I accepted without hesitation and asked for a week to clear out my flat, He quickly told me not to worry about it and to give him the address, he’d send movers over to get my stuff.

I was super excited, having been orphaned at 13 years old, I was jumping at the chance to live with and be accepted by a family again, even if it was under a strange circumstances
On the ride to his place we had a long talk about my sexual history and any health concerns, once we arrived He showed me to my new room, to say that I was astonished was an understatement, the room was luxurious and even had its own ensuite.

Brad asked me if I was absolutely sure this was what I wanted, he also told me that if I wanted out all i’d have to do is let him know.

Brad escorted me to what would become my room, He explained to me that once I showed and cleaned myself up I was expected to stay naked from that moment going forward, He explained that by entering the service of his family, I will no longer be allowed to wear clothing and that I must allow my body to be touched however any family member saw fit. There was no obligation on my part I could have easily said no and turned around and walked out. But I didn’t I simply nodded and said I understand and I agree to the terms.

he smiles and just before he left he asked me to join his family for dinner that evening to introduce me to everyone, he also encouraged me to explore the manor after I had gotten cleaned up, And said he’d send Richard to give me a tour of the estate.

I explored my room for a few minutes before jumping in the shower, must have spent at least 20 minutes in the shower. when I finished I dried myself off and was working on my hair when I heard a knock at my door.
I answered the door and in front of me stood a naked man no taller than I am (5,8) slim build, this must have been Richard.
He smiled before introducing himself and He offered a handshake.

“I am Richard The pleasure boy of the house”.
I smile shaking his hand.

“I’m Sarah the new pleasure girl”

“I was asked to give you the lay of the land so to speak. are you ready?”
Richard extended his arm like a gentleman. I gladly accepted and we set off on my tour.

Richard held my hand almost as if we were star-crossed lovers.

“how long have you been here Richard?”

“Three years”

“oh my god!! three years? I can’t imagine. and you have been naked for all those three years?”

Richard smiled
“yes I have. when you have multiple women to service it makes things a lot easier”

we rounded a corner
“this is the library”

he opened the door to what looked like a fully functional library. it was staffed, there were about 10 people in the library looking for book, studying and so on.

“this way”
Richard lead me to the main counter were a woman was sitting. the woman looked at both of us a grined

“may i help you?”

“I believe you have a contract for my colleague here”

Richard remarked,

“Yes, I believe so”
the woman motioned for me to follow her. I followed her to a desk where she pulled out a brown envelope from a desk drawer, she pulled out a document and opened it up

“please sign on the yellow highlighted marks”

I signed on the lines where i was told. as I was reading through some of the details, I felt a hand touching me. the Liberian had her hand on me almost as if she was studying it and me.

“Excuse me, please take your hand off my body”

she laughed before letting go.

before leaving I had to ask a question.

“no one batted a eyelash when Richard and I walked in. everyone is in suits or casual wear, yet we walk in naked and no one reacts eh?”

“we are all staff members, despite some people being uncomfortable, with seeing naked people all day. we are all being paid to live and work here.

“Are there any rules I need to be aware of?”
“Plenty, by signing the contract you agree to the following.”

1: you already know, You must be naked 24/7, no exceptions!
2: You are never to give any pleasure to the house staff, you are never to allow the house staff to touch your body!!
3: The Understand that your body is no longer your own, your body belongs to the family now!! They own your body!!
4: The pleasure girl and the pleasure boy are not allowed to have sex with each other, which relates to a point I already made, simply the family owns your body!”
The news that I would no longer own my own body worried me a little
“what do you mean? I no longer own my own body??”

the woman quickly rebuked
“you have agreed to provide the “services” to our lords family and these are part of the terms”

I got up and left i thanked the librarian and went on my way rejoining Richard. I looked at Richard with a slight panicked look, I whispered into his ear
“my body no long belongs to me?”
Richard quickly hushed me.

“Hold on it is nothing horrible I assure you! they won’t do anything to cause you pain or discomfort, If someone does something that causes you pain, or if that was to happen you can call off the encounter You are not powerless here”
Richard stood in front of me and took my hand, looking me in the eye.

“Sarah, I will make a deal with you, Stay here with me for the next 6 years, we can build up our wealth and move in together to start a family, We will have more than enough money to live comfortably”
I smiled agreeing with Richard’s proposed idea.

we continued the tour where I was able to see all the wings of the estate, the helipad with a helicopter sitting there. shooting range, car garage.

I wanted to see the helicopter so Richard and I went over to take a look. the helicopter was marvellous, I opened the door to the cockpit and sat in the pilots chair. just then I hear a mans voice shout

“excuse me what are you doing in there? get out!!”

my head darts over to see a man wearing a pilots, uniform.

“im sorry I was just checking out the controls, I use to fly.”

“you are?”

“Sarah pleasure girl of the house”

the pilot scolfed

“no wonder you are naked”

“Can I take her up for a quick flight?”

the pilot nodded

“just bring it back in one piece”

I look at Richard and nodded

“lets go”

Richard got into the right side seat, I got into the left seat. I fiddled with the controls, started the engine. we both put on our headsets.
“how much time before dinner?”

“not for another 4 hours, we have time”

I did one last check of my flight systems and check my fuel level.

“I have 90 minute of fuel”

I strapped myself in and ran up my engine. once it was ready I pulled back on the joystick and increased the power. we took off. he scratched his head. honestly I don’t know what was funnier, the fact that he was watching a naked woman pilot his chopper, a naked man in the next seat.

we flew around for around 30 minute, as I didn’t want to use up all the fuel, we return to the helipadd.

Richard escorted me back to my room where he bid me fair well.

“see you at dinner Sarah”

with about a couple hours until dinner I figured I would gather up all the clothing I had arrived with and all the extra I had and get rid of it. I disposed of my clothing in short order making sure not to leave anything to chance.

later that evening it was getting close to 6 pm, I decided to make my way to the dining room for dinner, I left the comfort of my new room and began exploring my surroundings, I felt out of place walking the halls of the manor completely naked, it also felt extremely exhilarating feeling the air blow over my body, I spent about 20 minutes.

I eventually found my way to the dining room, I opened the door to enter, there were 10 people at the table, 7 women, 3 men,

“Ah Sarah come in and please sit down”
Brad called out to me, I made my way to the table and took a seat, and looked around, to my shock 6 out of the 7 women at the table were completely naked, The other woman was dressed in 3 piece suits, The only man that was dressed was brad sporting a 3 piece suit,

“Sarah I’d like to introduce you to my family, This is Victoria my wife (she was the only one dressed), My Daughters Valerie (Naked), Veronica (Naked), and Vanessa (Naked), Bridget (Naked), Maria (Naked), Abigail (Naked). This is my son Eli (Naked), You have already met Richard (Naked)

I blush with a big smile

“Nice to meet you all”

They each get up to come over and greet me, Eli shakes my hand, Victoria gives me a motherly hug and kiss on the cheek, Valerie, Bridget, Abigail, give me sisterly hugs, Veronica hugs me tight and kisses me passionately, Vanessa, Maria
also hugs me tightly, and give me passionatr kisses.

once dinner is served conversation I can’t help having a curious question answered

“Brad, may I ask why everyone here is naked except for you and your wife?”

Brad nods to Vanessa to answer, she quickly speaks up

“It was a freedom of choice decision for us, we have always been far more comfortable naked then we have been wearing clothing. so we all stop wearing clothing as much as possible. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we all absolutely hate wearing clothing.”

I look around the table seeing the seeing the nods of approval from the other siblings. so I has to know.

“What about you’re education, you’re hobbies, and work and so forth? how did you all become so well educated and knowledgeable.”

Vanessa looks around the table before commenting

“Everything we need is provided here on the grounds of the estate, from our teachers/tutors, even our driving lessons are provided here, so we have no need to go anywhere.”

I look around the table noticing all of the siblings nodding in agreement

“And when you have friends visiting?”

Valerie chimes in

“all of our friends are among the house staff, but we do have a few friends from the outside world that visit us. we do let them know ahead of time what to expect.”

I raise an eyebrow

“Has any of the house staff ever complained about everyone in the family being naked?”

“Some do but we tell each staff member that complains, that they are more than welcome to leave”

“How long has it been since any of you have worn clothing?”

Valerie answered

“I am 41 and I stopped wearing clothing at age 11.”
I looked around the table at each of the siblings, they were smiling, each of them answered the question with shocking similarities.

the conversations continue throughout dinner. when dinner finally wraps up everyone departs for their respective rooms, The women congregated by the door. The sisters beckon me over.

“We are going to the summer house, want to come with us?”

I wanted so much to go with them

“I can’t I have to remain at the estate in order to be naked”

The girls smiled in a reassuring way

“don’t worry about that, we are all just as naked as you are, so it is no problem”

“How are we getting there?” I asked curiously
Vanessa smiled
“Helicopter, I am a pilot”
We all make our way to a helipad just by the courtyard.



  1. “non-fiction” what a fucking joke. not to be r/nothingeverhappens, but let’s get some things straight.

    you’re 23 years old. you can pilot a helicopter, and another pilot let you use his with no idea who you were? i particularly like “i [used] to fly”, and him just trusting you off the bat. if you can pilot a helicopter wtf are you doing here

    your monthly (MONTHLY) salary is 100k. so your YEARLY is 1.2 million euro (presumably)

    you met a guy off some shady website who offered you a €1.2 million salary to be naked, and you went “sounds terrific, i’m in”. even if this were true, that would undeniably make you the world’s biggest moron. i dont care how snappishly dressed a dude is, if you meet him on a fuckin sugar daddy website or whatever and he gives you that sort of offer you’re 100% getting murdered.

    >”Sarah, I will make a deal with you, Stay here with me for the next 6 years, we can build up our wealth and move in together to start a family, We will have more than enough money to live comfortably” I smiled agreeing with Richard’s proposed idea.

    this entire paragraph of interaction between two people who met maybe an hour ago

    look, girl, if you wanna write fiction go ahead. but don’t go pretending this happened to you cause it didn’t

  2. Am I the only one who noticed that the naked guy house boy she kept calling him Richard…. I mean come on… it’s dick for short … oh yeah and also I do think it’s kind of ridiculous that the girl just immediately excepts the “job” Without investigating the guys background or anything like that I’m with you guys I think that equals murder I mean I’d probably do it but I’m an idiot lol A broke idiot at that

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