The OnlyFans Girl, Part 8 (MF, Slow Burn, Lots of Tease, Ongoing Story)

*Part 1 can be found [HERE](*

*When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. This story was originally written in small chapters, of which 36-40 are presented here.*

**Chapter 36**

Gemma’s laugh – the real one, louder and more boisterous than the one she used in the office – was electric to you. She was always a little playful in the office, teasing and smirking, matching wits. But as you both slowly made your way through your beers and roamed the arcade part of the bar, popping a coin in here or there to play the different games, it was like Gemma came to life.

First, she was weirdly good at games she’d never played before, but terrible at ones that she knew. This obviously frustrated her, but she took it in stride and laughed her ass off as she fumbled classic Pacman, or went 0 and 10 against you in air hockey despite actually trying. Then she crushed you in Street Fighter 2, just mashing buttons, and she was scary good at the games where you aimed a fake gun and shot whatever was flying at the screen. She was even better at the fake hunting ones.

Eventually, you ended up at the bank of skeeball machines. You both fed a coin into side-by-side machines, and Gemma gave you one of her patented teasing smirks as the music started playing and the lights started flashing. “So, I’ve got to admit something,” she said.

“Oh, yeah? Are you about to shark me?” you asked.

“Well, yes. My Uni student centre had a few of these, and I’ve been in a beer league for a couple of years,” she said. “I’m… well, I’m gonna crush you.”

“Then let’s make a bet,” you said. “What do you want if you ‘crush’ me?”

“No, no, no,” she said, shaking her head. “You’re suggesting it, you say what you want first.”

“OK,” you said. “If I win, I need a redemption kiss. You surprised me with that last one, and I want to leave a better impression.”

She rolled her eyes at that. “Well if that’s the case, I guess I shouldn’t bet a kiss as well, huh?” You chuckled as she thought for a moment, and then her eyes lit up with an idea. “I know!” She leaned in a bit, whispering over the sound of the games around you, “If I win, I get to take a sneaky feel of your bulge. Just to check if what I caught a glimpse of was what I thought it was. But then no matter what happens on this date, it doesn’t make an appearance on this date.”

Your eyebrows had gone up as she spoke, and she had a teasing smile as she pulled back to watch you think. “I think to keep things balanced when I win, my kiss is guaranteed with tongue, and light groping.”

“Define light groping,” she smirked.

You pursed your lips as if thinking, and pretended to push up imaginary glasses before miming writing out a contract. “I believe in this instance, we’ll define Light Groping as the touching of sides, the sides of breasts, hips, and ass, but lacking in significant squeezing, honking or otherwise firm pressure.”

“I think we can agree in principle,” Gemma said, also stepping into a mimery of formal legalese. “But for clarity, it should also include the male chest, and light over-the-pants nudges to the penal region.”

“You want to nudge the prison in my pants?” you asked her.

“You know what I mean,” she chuckled.

“Alright, it’s a bet,” you said, holding out your hand, and she shook it smartly with one firm pump.

You both turned, hit the blinking ‘Start’ buttons on our skeeball machines, and started rolling balls.

Gemma began strong, hitting some early high points, but the thing was that while you may not have been a Secretary or Bartender Whisperer, you had some excellent hand-eye coordination. You quickly caught up to her, and she may not have been great practice considering she’d just spent an entire semester not competing in her beer league.

You were both down to your final balls, and we were neck in neck when you rolled. Gemma nailed a 9000-point ball, spiking ahead, but you hit an 8000-point one with a lucky bounce bringing the scores to… dead even.

Gemma burst out laughing, and took the last swig of her beer and set it down. “OK, I admit, you were a lot better than I expected. Now what?”

“I think we’re both winners here, how about that?”

“Mmm, I like that idea,” Gemma grinned, then slid forward and wrapped her hands around your waist. First, you leaned over and picked up the yellow flower she had been carrying around with her purse through the bar. You broke the stem in half and you placed the flower over her ear, tucking her hair around it, making her smile brightly. Then you leaned forward, bringing your lips to within an inch of hers, breathing in the smell of her – a soft fruity smell from her shampoo, a light note from perfume, and the warm undercurrent of alcohol. You placed one hand on her hip, taking one of her hands from your with the other and holding it like you were about to dance salsa.

Gemma broke the anticipation, leaning in and up into the kiss, and you tested her lips with your tongue as you pulled her just a little closer, chest to chest, and eased your right hand down to cup her ass lightly. She kissed you back, eagerly testing your tongue with hers. Her hand on your hip rose up to your side, and then your chest, and then higher to hold the side of your neck. Your other hands entwined fingers.

“Hey, get a room!” someone in the arcade yelled, and you broke apart giggling and flushed.

“You ready to go grab some food?” you asked.

“Just one more game,” Gemma said, your hand still in hers, and she pulled you towards the coin machine. “I need to beat your ass in Dance Dance Revolution before we leave.”

“Oh, God,” you groaned. You had hand-eye coordination and decent rhythm, but hand-foot?

**Chapter 37**

You played two rounds of DDR with Gemma and got absolutely stomped. It wasn’t even because you were bad at it – it was because she was really fucking good, and you were distracted. Even with a bra on, the quick-stepping movements of the game had Gemma’s sizely natural tits jiggling and bouncing, her cleavage surging in the summer dress as she laughed and had her hands out for balance as she played on expert.

After the second round, while a good ten people around the big DDR machine were clapping having watched the show, Gemma grabbed your hand with both of hers, leaning forward as she bit her lip and grinned playfully. “I told you,” she said.

“You did, that was pretty amazing,” you said, and leaned down and pecked her lips.

“Want to see me really compete?”

“Uh, sure,” you said. “That wasn’t at your best?”

She shook her head. “This was my favourite way to exercise back in high school. I had my own mats at home and everything. Watch this.”

You stepped down off of the Player 2 platform, and as Gemma put in another token and started pressing the pads with her feet to cycle the song choices another woman stepped up onto the platform you had vacated. She was a slight girl of Asian descent – Chinese, you thought, but you really weren’t sure – and was dressed in shiny black hotpants that showed off just a little of her lower butt cheeks beneath fishnet stockings. Up top she was wearing what looked like a men’s t-shirt with the arms ripped off, the hems still frayed, with the waist tied up to show off her abdomen like a crop top.

Gemma and this woman started talking to each other, quickly devolving into some sort of jargon for the game as they both were apparently very good at it. The Asian woman kicked off her black pumps like Gemma had when she first took to the game, both of them playing in their bare feet.

Then they both selected the hardest difficulty on their song choice, and the show started.

The Asian woman was a little better than Gemma, though you couldn’t really tell by how much. What was the difference between a chain of 30 ‘perfects’ and 32 ‘perfects’? You weren’t really watching the screens much anyways.

Gemma ‘danced’ with wild abandon, grinning like mad as she twisted her hips and touched her toes or heels to the arrow pads under her. The Asian woman was the same, and she looked over at Gemma and they made eye contact, laughing as neither of them watched the screen and the prompts, playing the song by memory.

The crowd of watchers started growing and cheering. And then they cheered even louder when the Asian woman spun around and started playing the game backwards.

You had no idea how she did it, but it was that weird mixture of extreme skill in an extremely niche thing that probably would have made a great TikTok. Gemma couldn’t keep up, but she started to take the lead on points as the other woman was fumbling a few steps with her disadvantage.

As the round ended, everyone including yourself clapped and cheered, and as Gemma turned to you with that mad grin you held open your arms and she jumped into them. She wrapped her arms around your neck and gave you a firm, closed-mouth kiss as you held her up and she kicked her feet behind her. You set her down and she turned, going to the Asian woman and shaking her hand and talking to her for a bit. You waited, unable to stop grinning at how happy she seemed, and you picked up her shoes and purse for her from the machine before they disappeared.

Eventually, Gemma said goodbye to the woman and skipped around the machine to you. Others had now taken to it, not as proficient as the previous competition, and the crowd was quickly dispersing.

“Thanks,” she grinned, taking her heels and slipping them back on.

“I take back what I said before. You were holding back on me, that was amazing,” you said.

“Maybe I was,” she winked. Then she kissed you again, another one of those firm, extended pecks, and she pressed her body close. Then you were surprised as you felt her hand firmly on your cock through your pants. You were only slightly chubbed but immediately responded as she traced the outline from root to tip.

She stepped back, smirking and shrugged. “I was still owed for the bet.”

“I guess now you have your payment,” you said. “Happy with the result?”

“I am hopefully optimistic,” Gemma said, using the phrase that one of the firm Partners liked to throw around when something good had happened in a case.

“So, I’m guessing you’re definitely hungry now,” you said.

“God, yes,” Gemma agreed, and this time she took your hand and led you out of the bar and onto the street. “Which way?”

“This,” you said, nodding down the street towards where the park with the food trucks should be.

“Hold on,” Gemma said, stopping you for a moment and opening her purse, pulling out the flower you’d given her and handing it to you. “I took it off to play DDR. Put it back for me?”

“Gladly,” you smiled, and did so as she smiled at you. You couldn’t help it and kissed her again, cupping her cheek. No tongue, just sweet and clean.

“Now, food,” she said, again taking your hand in hers.

“Whatever the lady wants,” you laughed.

“Damn straight,” she said, and you started to walk hand-in-hand.

**Chapter 38**

You only needed to backtrack once, realizing you’d made a wrong turn, and the night remained warm even though the sun was nearly gone – though it had disappeared behind the buildings of the city before then. You and Gemma laughed and bantered, and you managed to only mention Sabrina once while talking about the silly things from the office.

Gemma was enjoying being an intern in a US law firm. She’d wanted to be a lawyer since she was a kid and watched A Few Good Men.

“So it was ‘I want the truth!’?” you asked as you walked down the street, doing your best Tom Cruise impersonation.

“You can’t handle the truth!” Gemma responded, doing her Jack Nicholson and then chuckling. “Yes, definitely. Then I watched every Lawyer movie I could. Rainmaker, My Cousin Vinny, Philadelphia – pretty much anything from the ‘90s.”

“Not Legally Blonde?” you asked.

She actually turned and punched you in the arm, hard.

“Ow!” you said.

“That movie actually made me cry, I hated it so much,” she said and sighed roughly. “Seriously. Everyone in high school called me ‘Legally Blonde’ when they found out I wanted to be a lawyer, and I fucking hated it. I almost went to school for journalism instead.”

“OK, but would you rather they called you Vinny?” you asked.

“Yes,” Gemma chuckled. “At least then it would be a good story for a nickname.”

You could see the park ahead, the lights bright in the evening air as a festival-like atmosphere was lit up by the dozen or so food trucks. “Well, Vinny, I’m sure you’ve heard this while you’ve been here, but-”

“If you’re about to say you love my accent, I’m going to punch you again,” Gemma smirked. “It’s a line every guy uses when he’s trying to pick me up.”

“-but I think you would have made an excellent journalist,” you finished, quickly pivoting what you were going to say.

Gemma narrowed her eyes at you. “Well played.”

In the park, you browsed the various food trucks, arm in arm, until Gemma settled on an artisanal taco truck. You chatted in line, and ordered a 6-pack bundle of various tacos to try together, and once you’d gotten your food you went and found a bench to sit on. You snagged it as another couple were just leaving, and you noticed the guy eyeing Gemma. His date wasn’t bad looking either, but Gemma was- well, she was Gemma.

The tacos were made with hard shells made of purple tortillas but had white soft-shell tortillas around them, and each one had either a different meat or vegan protein and accompanying toppings.

“Mmm, I’m starting with this one,” Gemma said, immediately taking the standard ground beef taco and crunching into it, trying to catch the spillage in her other hand. “Mmmmm- fuh dis i’ goo’!” she groaned.

You picked up the next one in a line, a chicken taco with a spicy kick coming off of it, but Gemma put her hand on yours to stop you. “Mm-mm, I wan’ tha’ one ‘oo,” she said, still chewing.

“Wait, wait,” you said. “Are you trying to claim the meat ones and make me eat the vegan ones?”

Gemma swallowed and got a mischievous look on her face. “Maybe,” she said.

“Why didn’t I just order more meat ones then?” you asked.

“Because I want you to tell me what the vegan ones taste like?” Gemma said, giving you a wincing smile.

“Well, I want the second half of that beef one,” you said. “And then you have to eat the second half of a vegan one I think is best.”

“Deal,” she nodded, and she took another bite of the beef taco before holding it out for you to bite. You did, letting her feed you as you both giggled, and as you were enjoying the warm rush of the food in your mouth she popped the last of it in her mouth.

“Hey!” you said, and she giggled into her hand, trying not to spit out taco.

You both ate, playfully bantering, and you ended up getting her to try the ‘Jamaican jackfruit’ taco, which had a sort of jerk chicken taste. She tried it gamely but didn’t like it. To be fair, you didn’t much either. It turned out you were both very much carnivores.

As you were polishing off your last taco (black beans and avocado) and she was hers (shrimp), Gemma put her hand on your thigh and leaned back against you, resting her head on your shoulder comfortably. “This has been a good date, John,” she said.

“I couldn’t agree more,” you said.

“But that means I need to tell you something,” she said, “And I don’t know what you’ll think.”

“Are you currently pregnant with Andy’s baby?” you asked.

She barked a laugh. “God, no.”


“Eww, definitely not. I’d rather Andy over Eric.”

You laughed and felt her laughing with you. “So just say it,” you said. “I doubt it’s as big a deal as you think.”

Gemma reached back and pulled your arms around her so you were hugging her from behind. “Well, to be clear, we’re not having sex tonight,” she said.

“That’s it? I already figured that, it’s-”

“That’s not it,” she said. “See, I’m… excited to do things with you. But I grew up in a pretty religious family, and even though I’m not like a virgin or anything, I kind of developed a coping mechanism with my Ex, and even after we broke up I’ve stuck to it.”

You stayed quiet, letting her take a breath. Gemma was clearly hedging on whether she wanted to tell you this or not. You just leaned down and kissed the top of her head lightly, letting her know to take her time.

She took in a breath and sighed. “OK, so my family might as well be a rabbit colony – I have sixteen aunts and uncles across both sides, and over fifty cousins, and twenty-four nieces and nephews at this point and I’m in like, the older half of my generation. And I am fucking terrified of ruining my chances at a career by getting pregnant, and because my family doesn’t agree with abortion and I agree with them. So I’ve only ever done actual penetration with my Ex, and all my other… escapades we just do oral and anal. So if we do get to sex, it’s gonna be anal. And I know that’s fucking weird and you might not be into it or whatever, and I wouldn’t blame you cause I mean it kinda makes me a freak and-”

You squeezed her. “Stop,” you said, and she stopped rambling.

Then you took her hand and put it on your thigh, where your cock was rock hard and straining against your pants.

“When we’re ready,” you said. “I would be very happy to fuck you any way you want. Especially that delectable booty.”

She turned her head back and kissed you, her hand still on your thigh and tenting dick. “Good answer,” she said.

“Tell me this, though,” you said. “And I feel like it’s a fair question considering earlier. Was that a test?”

Gemma quirked her mouth into a playful smirk. “I guess you’ll need to find out.”

**Chapter 39**

The date was coming to a close, and you found that you didn’t want it to.

Gemma in the office was fun – witty, sometimes a little snarky, and focused without being a hardass about it. Gemma out of the office? She laughed more, and you could see her smile in her eyes when she would look at you in the middle of a conversation. She was also more touchy in general, touching your hands and arms, hugging you, giving you those delightful firm pecks on the lips.

“This is me,” she said. You hadn’t wanted the date to end so much that you’d ridden the bus uptown with her instead of offering to get her an uber. You’d sat together, and she’d held your hand in her lap with both of hers as you both laughed through her trying to explain the plot of an Australian soap opera that you’d never heard of before.

You were now standing outside of an apartment building, no nicer or worse off than your own, and Gemma had taken one step up towards the door and turned, now standing even with your height.

“I had a really great time,” you said.

“I did, too,” said, and looked down at your lips and back up to your eyes. The streetlights were reflecting in them.

“You never really told me if I’d kissed you any better after skeeball,” I said. “Any notes?”

“Don’t hesitate,” she said.

So you kissed her. She raised both hands, holding the sides of your head and running her fingers into your hair, while you pulled her to you by her waist. You teased your tongue against her lips, and she reciprocated, and your bodies pressed close as you breathed each other in.

“I want you so bad,” Gemma finally breathed out when you stopped for a breath. “In all the worst ways.”

“Any speed you want,” you said, and she kissed you again.

“Ahem,” you were interrupted. Breaking apart, you and Gemma realized an elderly woman was trying to get past you and into the doorway of the apartment – without realizing it you and Gemma had stepped up and she was leaning back against the door.

“Sorry,” Gemma blushed, taking your hand and pulling you out of the way.

“Horny teenagers,” the lady muttered, keying into the building and scowling at the two of you.

“Well, she got one thing right,” you laughed.

Gemma chewed on the corner of her lip for a moment, then reached forward and put her hand on your hard, tenting cock. “I know,” she said. “But not… tonight?”

“Alright,” you nodded. “When can I see you again?”

She smirked. “Pretty sure we’ll see each other in the office tomorrow.”

“You know what I mean,” you said, and kissed her on the nose.

“Friday?” Gemma asked.

“Friday works,” you said.

“Then Friday,” she nodded. “Now kiss me goodnight.”

You did, and she pulled your hips towards her by your belt loops, and you made out on the stoop of the building for another five minutes while you both ground your pelvises together. The kiss finally ended with both of you breathless, and you stepped down back to the sidewalk.

“Night, Gemma,” you said.

“Goodnight, John,” she replied, and opened the building door but didn’t go in.

You grinned and walked backwards, looking her up and down in her cute summer dress, her cleavage so tantalizing as her chest rose and fell with her deep breaths.

Finally, you turned and walked back to the end of the street, going to wait at the bus stop for the next one to come by.

“John!” Gemma called, trotting down the street after you. You turned and she was in your arms, kissing you again. Then she stood on her tiptoes and whispered in your ear. “Oral only. I want what Sabrina had and more.”

She leaned back, looking you in the eyes for your response. What else could you do but nod?

Gemma broke into a grin and led you back to her apartment.

You both managed to control yourselves on the elevator, but Gemma fumbled her keys several times at her apartment door as you hugged her from behind, pressing your hard cock through your clothes against her ass as you kissed her neck.

“Stop,” she giggled and whispered. “For real, stop. We need to be quiet for my roommates.”

You stopped kissing her but still held her by the waist as she finally got the door open and you both stumbled inside.

“Well, well, well,” said a woman leaning in the doorway of the apartment kitchen. “Look what the cat dragged in.”

*“Oh, shit,”* Gemma said. “Hey, Charlotte. This is John. We’ll just be…”

“Oh, no,” Charlotte said, stepping forward and grabbing Gemma’s hand. Charlotte was maybe a year or two older than you and was a tall woman with broad shoulders and a decent-sized bust currently barely trapped in a black tank top. Her hair was short on the sides and dyed a vibrant, almost highlighter green. She pulled Gemma deeper into the apartment. “You’re not getting out of this that easily,” she continued. “Ladies, tribunal time! Gemma is home from her date and brought him up.”

Gemma threw her head back and sighed, then turned and motioned for you to follow. “Hey, guys,” Gemma said, ahead of you as she stepped into the living room. “This is-”


Oh. Shit. “Lucy… hey…” you said. “I didn’t know you were in the city.”

“I didn’t know you were in the city,” your ex-girlfriend from high school said. “And dating my roommate.”


**Chapter 40**

Charlotte, Lucy, and another roommate were all sitting on a couch facing the TV, whatever movie they were watching paused. The room itself was nicely decorated if a little overproduced in your opinion. There were a half dozen plants, ferns and the like, hanging from the ceiling or positioned on rustic-looking stands. Someone had covered the walls with the sort of girl ‘inspirational quote’ stuff that didn’t make all that much sense when you really bored down on them, but at least they seemed to be painted nicely.

The third roommate was almost as confusing as seeing your ex all of a sudden – she… she? You had to guess they were non-binary since they were dressed like a guy, and had a guy’s haircut and biceps and forearms that looked like a guy’s. Overall they were just trying really hard to be a guy, even though they might have had one of the prettiest, most striking feminine faces you’d ever seen.

You didn’t even have time to consider any of this, however, since Lucy was in the room and looking at you as surprised as you were at seeing her.

“You two know each other?” Gemma asked, as surprised as the rest of us.

“John and I dated in high school,” Lucy said. “We broke up, obviously.”

“Well, I broke up with you,” you said. “You didn’t have the decency to do that before you slept with Brent Wolverton at that party.”

“Hey,” Lucy snapped. “I didn’t sleep with Brent at that party. I told you it was just a blowjob, and it only happened because I was drunk for the first time.”

“I mean, with hindsight, that still doesn’t make it any better,” you said.

“Oh, fuck off,” Lucy said.

“Hey, don’t talk to my guest like that,” Gemma said.

“Alright, children, alright,” Charlotte said. She held up her hands between Gemma and Lucy, warning them both. “I thought we were going to have fun doing a little grilling of John, but apparently that might get a little too heated.”

“Gemma, why would you waste your time with a guy like John?” Lucy asked.

You opened your mouth to say something snarky back at her, but closed your trap instead and just closed your hand. You noticed Charlotte and the third roommate both see you do that. Lucy, however, was busy with Gemma.

“Seriously, Lucy. You need to shut your mouth before I actually get mad,” Gemma said. “You’re being a right cunt.”

Lucy seemed shocked that Gemma had used the C-word, though you couldn’t imagine Gemma hadn’t used it around her before – you’d even heard her mutter it at work under her breath. You knew ‘cunt’ was a pretty standard swear word in Australia. “Don’t you fucking talking to me like that, you bitch,” Lucy scoffed. “I live here, you’re just subleasing. I’ll get you kicked out so fucking fast-”

“No you won’t, Luse,” Charlotte said.

“Whatever,” Gemma scowled. “We’ll be in my room.” She grabbed your hand and started towards the door.

“You’re dating a loser,” Lucy called after her. “Have fun not getting off.”

“You *literally* dated a guy who told you, to your face, he had ‘yellow fever,’ Lucy,” you said. “Am I seriously the ex that you regret the most?”

That one shut her up, as she gawked at you. Lucy was a pretty girl, half Japanese and half Chinese, though it looked like she’d gotten a boob job since you’d last seen her at high school grad. The problem was that on the ‘Crazy/Hot Scale,’ her crazy definitely outweighed the hot.

Gemma pulled you down a hallway and into a room, shutting the door behind you. It was sparsely furnished and decorated, without even a closet. Her clothes were hung up on free-standing metal cross beams on wheels, or piled in luggage stacked as neat as they could be against one wall.

“Fuck,” she said and punched the pillow on her bed. “God, that girl is such a cunt sometimes.”

“You don’t need to tell me,” you said.

“I can’t believe you knew her and dated her,” Gemma said. “I had no idea.”

“Neither did I,” you said. “If I had, I wouldn’t- well, actually, no. I still would have come up here with you.”

Gemma sat on her bed and sighed, flopping back onto it. “The mood is killed, isn’t it?”

“Kinda,” you agreed and sat down next to her. “Do you want to try and get it back, or just hang out, or should I go?”

“I don’t know,” Gemma groaned, putting her hands over her face. She kicked off her shoes and stretched.

“How about you pick a movie, and I’ll massage your feet?” I offered. “You were walking a lot in those heels.”

Gemma sat up, looking at you through slightly mussed hair. “Are you for real offering that?” she asked. Her cleavage looked particularly inviting in that position, but you tried not to glance at it.

“I don’t remember you mentioning being grossed out by your own feet, but if that’s too far…”

“No. God, no, not at all. It sounds amazing,” Gemma said. “Hold on, let me get my laptop.”

Soon she was sitting up near the head of her bed, and you were sitting across from her with her feet in your lap. She’d started up Netflix and started on the first episode of that anime she’d been telling you about in the park.

“Mmmm,” she groaned. “That feels good.”

You smirked, pushing your thumb along the sole of her foot, slow and deliberate. “I’m not a professional or anything, but I learned a thing or two from a friend back in college.”

“He or she?” Gemma asked.

“She,” you said. “But nothing ever happened between us. She liked basketball players, I wanted someone emotionally available, and we both needed a study buddy for the first-year English 101 prerequisite.”

“If she taught you this, she must be a good friend,” Gemma sighed.

“She is when she isn’t chasing athletes,” you nodded. “What about you? Any secret attractions I should know about?”

“Other than being good with your hands?” Gemma grinned. “Tall, dark hair, mostly polite but a little naughty, too.”

“How naughty?” I asked, plying my fingers between her toes.

“Hard to define,” Gemma said.

You lowered her foot and pressed it against your resurrected hardon in your pants.

“You might be getting somewhere,” Gemma chuckled.

*This marks the point where we’ve caught up to the current written & published chapters – but the story is continuing! Updates will be released periodically here on Reddit, but if you’d like to stay more up to date (or soon even read ahead) make sure you check out my [**_Patreon_**]( where you’ll find more OFG, along with lots of other erotica stories in this style!*

*Also, want to see a specific scene happen in one of my stories, or even read an entirely customized story? I am available for **Commissions**, just PM me for details!*



  1. You’re a brilliant writer! I’m not in love with the POV, but the quality overshadows the perspective. Hot stuff. Thanks for sharing with us!

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