Finally found you m25 f 25

John was bored. As he flicked through all the pictures of the pretty women on Tinder. He had failed to find as yet, a woman that truly intrigued him. He wanted more than just a one night stand or a casual relationship. He was a hopeless romantic. A typical Pisces.

Jenny was a Leo, a typical lioness when it came to love, she was quite a tiger in the bedroom. Outwardly charming, long blonde hair, blue eyes. And a lovely toned body. She had grown tired of men with their shallow outlook. It seemed they were only after one thing, her body. But she was looking for something deeper. A connection of the soul. Something deeper emotionally . Though she enjoyed sex, she craved an intimacy that mere sex couldn’t give her.

As chances would have it, john and Jenny came across each other’s profile at the same time. John was no longer bored as he looked at her profile pics. “ How come I’ve never seen her before?” He thought. They both lived in the same town. The place where they lived was only 30.000 size population.

So just as destiny would have it, just as he was about to send her a text message. Jenny beat him to the punch. John’s romantic imagination was already starting to work over time. He was the kind of guy, who loved romantic classic movies, like Sleepless in Seattle and the note book. He craved romance, and the deeper, physical intimacy that runs with it.

Because Jenny had never met John she decided to meet him in a public place. They talk and meet each other for the first time, and it’s like they have known each other forever. Something happens in her heart, she makes that emotional connection with John. And she can tell, by the sparkle in his eye, he feels the same way too.

Jenny feels so comfortable with john, she does something she never thought she would do. She invites back to her place. As they get to her apartment, john is impressed by her decorating. The place definitely has a woman’s touch. Something he’s been missing in his own place.

They sit, at first with a distance between them. As they chat they laugh. She gently touches his leg in mid conversation. And his heart flutters within him as he feels her gentle touch. She keeps her hand on his leg and Jon sees this as a signal. He moves in closer and he wraps his arms gently around her as their lips connect. At that moment their romantic longings are released and beginning to be fulfilled. John is feeling all the emotions he has ever felt, when watching the romantic movies, but this time he is living it in reality.

Jenny feels such a lunging in her soul. The flames of their hearts become as one as their bodies become lit up and consumed by their emotional attraction. It is hard to describe, but it was more than just sex. It was like their souls became one as their bodies were joined. If you have ever been fucked in your soul, you will know what I mean. Jenny’s soul was drowning in the love she felt for john and when his cock entered her, it was an ignition to her deep emotional longing. It was like her soul took possession of her body, expressing herself through it. Her body was all in flames as she was being taken so deeply.

John’s cock was feeling all the emotions he was feeling inside, like his soul was telegraphing itself through his thick pole. The precum being released as he was fucking her deep, we’re an expression of the live he was feeling for her in his heart. When the time came for the ultimate release. As john released his warm liquid love on the inside of her, he was pouring all his soul into her. As Jenny was giving herself to him, it was like she was offering up her soul to him. Mingled together they had never felt such deep pleasure. The final orgasm was like an explosion of fireworks going off in their souls. A deep celebration they had finally found each other. In that moment they knew the vast difference of just being fucked and making love. Though there’s a place for both, making love is far deeper!


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