Diaper girls Part one

This is a world where all girls are slaves of various ranks to boys for their entire lives. Collage is a important time where girls earn their slut certification and boys get normal education to either work or go to a higher university. The girls wear diapers and if they keep them clean it helps their rank and grades in school making them dirty however… invited punishment from their masters

All characters are collage students and over 18 etc etc.

Emma walked down the halls of her collage carefully trying to not rub her pussy too much. Her diaper was clean so far today and master was going to reward the harem if they all made it through with no incidents. She looked over and saw her friend Jessie in her harem looking tired her tits red and sucked on a punishment Emma had helped deliver. It was because of Ilsa from Jessie’s harem, she had peed in English so her master, a strong strict master named tony had put his entire harem in the milking depot. Emma licked her lips remembering sucking down the milk for lunch earlier while Jessie and her harem moaned and were sucked dry. It was prop by why Emma had seen Ilsa being fucked by a strap on earlier. Emma started to get wet thinking about it and stopped if she wet herself she would be downgraded and she didn’t want that.

The harem reached their next class and master ordered them to take their seats on the benches near his desk. Alice was the mule for the harem and master collected his books from her rewarding her with a squeeze on her breast Alice squeezed and quickly quieted down.
This was masters ed a honors class on properly raising girls after they graduated and got their slut certification. The topic today was transporting your sluts from their hometown to a masters university where you would continue their training and your education. Emma quickly got bored of the class and started to doze off dreaming about the strap on shipment master had ordered earlier this week. She looked over to see Katie staring at her in shock. She shifted over to Katie as Katie whispered “you blonde bitch, you just got us all in trouble “ Emma surprised at Katie’s anger said back “What’s wrong? it’s the last class” “You pooped” Emma shook her ass enlarged by special training and felt the squish of her poop. As the blood drained from her face she stood up and walked to master intent on telling him about her mess as a good whore should. She moaned near him and he said “Emma shut up I’m trying to pay attention to this lesson I’ll see to you later” This was met with glances from the other nine sluts in training.

They met outside the classroom and master called role Katie “here”, Emma “here”, Brooke “here”, Kim “here”, Izzy “here”, Paige “here”, Val “here”, Alice “here”, Megan “here”, Kayla “here”, and Haley “here” all of this was done with plenty of tits bouncing and asses shaking as each of them tried to charm their way to being number one with the exception of Emma who hung her head in shame. “Alright Emma, what’s your problem?” Emma blushed hard as she turned around and bent over “master I’m so sorry I pooped myself please just punish me I deserve it for being such a bad girl” Master started to tense up and spanked Emma’s ass. Hard. Emma screamed out as the others stood in line waiting for what was about to come. “Emma you are the first girl of the senior class to poop yourself do you have any idea what this means?” The master said sharply Emma whimpered “To correct this error Brooke and Haley will change you and you will all be public use Whores for the day” They all stood still and then Haley and Brooke went over to escort Emma to be changed while the other filed after master to the public use locks.

When safely in the bathroom both Brooke and Haley started lashing Emma with insults “Stupid whore” “Can’t ever be a good slut” “Blonde dumb bitch” “no control over your ass” “Waste of a diaper” Brooke quickly ripped her diaper off while Haley shoved cleaning tubes inside her ass and pussy filling them with cold water and flushing them out Emma moaned and Brooke slapped her and twisted her tits until she screamed and then silently bore the pain. After her cleaning Haley put a new diaper on her and they all joined the others in the public use stocks.

The stocks were near the lobby of the school and any girl or master could go and use the whores stuck there. Mostly it was inexperienced whores with bad masters but today was special Emma’s master was near the top of the class and had some of the finest whores in school they were sure to be used up fast and would have to go to breeding later. Emma hung her head in shame as all ten of them got locked in to the stocks. They were adjustable from the outside so they could give blowjobs be fucked or have anal or even all 3 without being able to move. About 5 minutes later another harem came up and their master told them to go “use the quality whores learn a thing or two” a year one whore walked behind Emma with a very very thick strap on and started penetrating her ass. It was a size bigger than she was used to so Emma groan and moaned along with the other girls as the whore behind her left another one flipped over the stocks and started fucking her with a vibrating strap on Emma came and came and eventually it ended. To round off her public session Emma was used by two masters one for a blowjob and she got a mouth full of cum and the other came inside her. Great Emma needed to go to breeding. Master let all the girls out and picked out who needed to go to breeding Izzy, Kim, Paige, and Emma all needed it the others got off lucky. Master took them home and sent them to breeding where they would be picked up the next day.

At breeding the four got checked in and got put into the accelerators which developed the seed they had been filled with into a baby much faster than normal pregnancy. They all got out after a few hours of experiencing pregnancy pains Paige in particular looked bad tears down her face, she had been bred many times and often had pregnancy issues. The four waddled over to the beds and each gave birth within a few more hours the baby’s, always girls were taken to a nursery to
be raised until collage while the mothers recovered and were pumped of their excess milk. Their diapers covered in fluid and breath heavy they all fell asleep quickly. The next morning master picked them up and had them changed and Emma was given a brown diaper signaling her downgrade. Well she thought better starting working back up.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wranmu/diaper_girls_part_one