” Take on the Heavens. ” Chapter 1 [F4billion M18, Monstergirl, Creampie, Masturbation, Wholesome]

“Reupload because I forgot to specify the ages.”

Now, There’s a prologue, but it’s not pollished. It also has no nudity or anything sexual so I doubt I’ll be posting it.

This is the first story i publish, mostly to see the reactions. I appreciate feedback, and please let me know of any spelling errors. English is not my first language and also it’s difficult to self-check.

Now please enjoy!

xx The First Chapter. xx

After realizing what happened Luci looked to the sky, Cursing god for what he had done. She noticed the sun setting. The allfather was powerful, but alas he was not able to do more than banish her. Soon she found a spot where she could rest her body, but her mind was not yet at ease. Over the tree in which she slept loomed the stars like searchlights tediously trying to survey her. Heavy thoughts were on her mind when she finally managed to fall asleep, not in a cloud but on a tree branch.

Luci’s dreams were not filled with the mellow landscape it used to. There instead was war. Horrible massacres of innocent people, with ideas not totally unlike her own. Off course at the hands of the heavenfolk. The main antagonist of her life at this point. The pitchforks flying down from the sky pinning the people were breeding grounds for violent fire. Fire that was lurching ever closer to Luci herself. The sky turned red as her body started to give way to the fire. Red death draining her life essence was the last thing she saw.

Violently she snapped awake. Vibrant green leaves were the first thing she saw. Followed by the contrast of her own now red skin. For a second she freaked out trying to rub it off, before giving up. It seemed permanent. Just another reason to get back at the chief. He deserved everything bad, she thought. If only she wasn’t depowered here on earth. She inspected herself. Seeing if the color was the only change that had been made. That was when she found the small horns protruding from her scalp. She was surely going to stab a certain “someone” with these. The coarse texture of the bark on which she was sitting and leaning on had made small marks on her skin, slightly more red than the rest. She grabbed a branch for leverage and spread her legs to sit more comfortably on the larger branch she was sitting on. The portion of space her groin was making contact with was peculiar to her however. She slid back and forth a couple of times to find the culprit.

The branch under her was slick. Slick with the liquid emanating from her vagina. She caught herself continuing to slide back and forth on the branch. It felt good. She leaned back and caressed her naked body. Feeling the wetness between her legs and massaging one of her supple breasts. It felt different, taboo. Like something the heavens would never allow. Her needy hole craved more, oozing out more sticky slick liquid. As she looked to the sky once more the sun grazed her face. Luci held up her hand toward the sky as an insult, letting the sweet nectar drip down on her stomach. Out of curiosity she also led the hand to her mouth to taste the warm fluid. It was a weird taste, but one she found she liked.

She rubbed herself for a while. Closing her eyes and reveling in the pleasure. Feeling the course bark on her neck and back. She opened herself with her fingers, spreading her labia. She then slowly plunged her wet finger into the opening of her eager pussy.

Suddenly! She heard the sharp sound of a twig snapping.

She slowly leaned over the edge of the branch and saw what had caused the sound. A boy, no. A young man sat under, reading. He was totally oblivious to the entire situation. His curly brown hair and slim but muscular body. He looked so peaceful, she thought.

For some reason she felt as though she had to touch him. She needed to touch him. She needed to let him feel what bliss she was. She slowly leaned further over the branch, keeping her eyes securely fastened to him. Not thinking of the consequences she let go of the branch landing on him.

She instantly pinned his legs so he couldn’t get up. He started yelling but Luci was quick to shut him up. Keeping her hand over his mouth and pressed to the tree until he calmed down somewhat.

– I’m going to make you feel real good sweetie, she said with her most seductive voice.

She pulled him towards her and undid his belt. While doing that she saw what he was reading.

– You know that’s all crap right?

The boy who hadn’t dared speak up to this point opened his mouth.

– How so?

Luci started to explain but trailed off once she got his pants off. She bent over, resting her head in his lap. She started to stroke his cock lightly.

– Most of his rules are bullshit, she said not looking away.

– Like premarital sex?

– Yeah.

She licked the tip of it. Slowly moving on to wrapping her lips around it. After a while she found herself rubbing her crotch against his leg. The cool strands of grass also rubbing her legs contrasted the feeling of his warm body.

– Will you please fuck me? she begged.

She didn’t wait for an answer as at this point she couldn’t resist the temptation. It didn’t matter what he wanted.

She sat up pinning his legs higher up. Juice dripped down on him from her now aching pussy. She NEEDED to fuck him. Right here right now. She caught her tongue slipping out between her sharp little fangs. She was obscenely horny, both figuratively and literally. She lined up his raging member and slid herself down onto him. She felt so naughty as her labia spread open letting his dick into her most delicate stop. Impaling herself on him was the best thing ever, she thought. She felt squishy and wet and warm. So good, and she’d only just begun. Rocking back and forth, grinding their bodies together was the quickest way to build up the pleasure within her. “Fuck yeah!” she thought to herself. A soft moan escaped her slightly parted lips. Suddenly she felt his slightly cold hands on her hips. Her nipples perked up. In the moment she realized she wanted to go faster his hands were there to grant her wish.

At some point she just let go. He started to take action so she didn’t need to act on her own anymore. She went limp in his arms and fell on her back, spreading her arms out. Like Christ on the cross she laid there splayed out. Before he resumed he was already eating her up with his eyes. And who could blame him? She looked delicious. Her black hair scattered around her scalp like rays from the sun itself. Her limber arms stretched out. Her devilish red skin. Bouncy smooth breasts glistening and moist. Her mound was exposed and also glistening with moisture. Her face was blank, but her eyes told a different story. One of lust and pleasure. After the pause the young man lined himself up again and slowly thrust inside. Her labia slid easily to the side, letting him inside without any hassle. He grasped her hips again and used them to gain leverage. He pushed himself deeper and pulled back. As he continued Luci felt his hand gently caress her chin. She had given in mostly, letting her arms lay motionless over her head. At the spikes of her pleasure he could see her fingers twitch. She realized her partner was close when he started panting more and more. At first she wanted him to pull out, but before she could act she changed her mind. She didn’t know how he would react, but also didn’t want his climax to feel meaningless. Luci’s senses became more attuned. She could smell everything, hear everything, taste everything. She could taste the precum accumulating in her nethers. She could hear every bit of the wet slapping between them. Suddenly came the climax she had been waiting for.

As the first spurt of cum shot out inside her she gasped in pleasure, not necessarily her own, but definitely his. She closed her legs around him, holding him tight and deep. At the point of the second spurt she had all but guaranteed that every single drop of his valuable cum would enter her and stay there. As he lost himself entirely to the pleasure she reached up and hugged him. Keeping him close as she gyrated her hips, getting it all out.

Afterwards Luci decided to rest under the tree with her recuperating partner, still feeling the cream inside her oven. She rested her head against his chest and slowly drifted off to sleep.

When saying that angels had the means of reproduction, that was only half the truth. They could reproduce, just not with humans. They seemed the same, but were in fact not. However as Luci could attest the experience of interspecies lovemaking was nothing to scoff at.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wqkd4n/take_on_the_heavens_chapter_1_f4billion_m18