Nude hot spring with my mom – Part 1a (Incest/public)

I had an experience with my mother that was interesting and has brought up unexpected feelings for me. I wanted to share in case anyone else has had this experience or has advice for me.

**Some background:** I’m a 23 yr old male, and my mom is only 40. She obviously had me very young, and I’ve never known my dad. I guess he didn’t want anything to do with a child at that age, and they just went their own ways. My mom actually admitted to me once that she probably would have gotten an abortion, but her ironically much older conservative parents wouldn’t have it. She was too young to go about it without their permission at the time. Both my grandparents died a while back, so my only family is my mom and her younger sister (my aunt) who moved far away and we rarely see.

My mom’s done really well for herself given the events of her life. Her parents were well enough off and supported her as a young single mother. I could go on and on, but to get to the point, she’s really great, and I’m really proud of her. She’s dated off and on and was even in a serious relationship for a few years when I was in college, but nothing stuck.

We live in an area where there are a lot of outdoor activities. The main one that we share is skiing. We’ve been skiing together since I was a kid. At this point I definitely ski more with my friends, but I do still go with her sometimes. Now that I’m out of college, I decided to move home with her to take it easy for awhile before taking the next step whether that’s more school or career or whatever. She doesn’t live far from where I went to school so it’s not a big deal really but saves me a ton of money.

Which brings us to my story. We decided to go skiing somewhere that’s new to us that’s farther away than we usually go and make a whole weekend of it. We got a room with two beds and went skiing. It was all good and normal. The second day, we were both physically exhausted from skiing so hard the first day and trying to get our money and time’s worth out of the trip, but we’re just really fuckin beat. She suggested we go to a hot spring that’s nearby that she had heard about. I told her fuck yeah that sounds amazing, but I didn’t have swim trunks and where can you find those in the winter. She told me it’s actually a nude hot spring so you don’t need any.

My heart stopped. I wouldn’t say I’m shy, but being naked in front of people is still a really crazy concept to me. And being naked in front of my mom? And my mom being naked in front of me???

I must have looked shocked because she laughed and tried to reassure me saying, “it’s ok! We don’t have to go if it’ll make you uncomfortable! I just thought it sounded nice and interesting and our muscles could use it. We could also try to buy some shorts somewhere if you really want?”

I didn’t want to look like a wimp and didn’t want be an inconvenience especially since she went out of her way to plan and pay for this awesome trip. She also seemed excited about the nude hot spring, so I told her it’s fine and I don’t mind. I expressed I wasn’t really sure about it, but I’d try it out.

So we went, checked in, and went to our separate changing rooms. I got naked, wrapped a towel around myself, and stashed my stuff in a little cubby. I waited for her by the entrance to the actual hot springs. She came out in a towel as well, and we gave each other awkward excited nervous looks before going out.

The hot spring is outside and it’s January so the air was fairly cold, but the sun was bright which helped a lot. We took a walk around the place first to check it out. There are different pools, some hotter, some cooler, some deeper, some more shallow, some large, some small, and a sauna. We decided on the larger one where most the other people were as it was pretty hot, and it wouldn’t feel so much like it was just us two. The whole area was really beautiful actually.

There were like 10 people in there. I’d say about half had swimsuits and half were naked or I couldn’t tell under the water. My mom said, “alright lets do it!” She turned away and tossed her towel on a nearby rack and walked in. I only saw her from the back but that’s the first time I’ve seen my mom naked. From behind, she looked like she could be much younger and looked really good actually. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was surprised. I guess I’ve just never thought of her like that before. She was always just “mom.” I took my towel off and followed her covering myself with my hands.

[Part 1b](
