Accidental Summoning Pt 2 [F21/F8311, Demon, Oral]

Part one can be found [here](


Kassandra woke up on her bed with a start. She remembered being in her shower, and the strange figure, then nothing. Checking herself over she was naked and completely dry.

“That was some crazy dream. I’m more pent up than I thought.” She sighed and turned on the light to find her phone. As the light flooded the room, Kassandra saw her. The woman from the shower was standing in her room, purple skin nearly glittering in the soft light. The only movement she made was her tail softly swishing back and forth. Kassandra opened her mouth to scream, but faster than her eyes could follow the woman was next to her, a hand across her mouth.

“Shhhh darling, I’m not going to hurt you. You called me here after all.” The stranger’s voice was low and sultry, each word nearly dripping with the promise of pleasure. A bolt of arousal cut through Kassandra’s panic. As the stranger removed her hand, Kassandra swallowed and then the questions poured out.

“Who are you? How did you get here? WHAT are you? Are those wings…”

Kassandra was cut off by a chuckle from the woman. “Mortals, always the same. You may call me Lily; my true name will take too long to teach. I am what your kind would call a demon. Yes the wings and tail are real. No I’m not here to steal your soul. No this isn’t a dry spell fueled dream. As for how I got here, you summoned me here.”

Lily held up the wooden tablet and continued, “To properly summon one of my kind, you need three things. Blood, which you kindly left splattered across the runes. Desire, which you had in abundance judging by your fantasy while you were carving these runes. Finally, power, the force of your will made manifest. You my dear have more latent power than I’ve felt in decades. It’s delectable.”

Kassandra’s mind reeled with the information being presented to her. There was no way any of this should be real, but the evidence was standing in front of her. Worse was the effect this woman was having on her. Every word hung in the air like a promise of pleasure. Her body was proudly on display, perfection given form. Her eyes wandered from Lily’s perky tits, past her toned abs, and lingered at her wide hips and neatly shaved crotch.

Lily fully laughed at the girl before her. “Enjoying the view?” At Kassandra’s hurried excuses Lily held up a hand. “I’m teasing, that is why you summoned me in the first place. Now, lay back and let me give you what you need.”

Kassandra’s heart hammered in her chest as the demon crawled onto the bed, the anticipation palpable in the room. When her fingers landed lightly on Kassandra’s leg, the last of her panic melted away into desire. Lily started slowly, gently massaging her way from ankle to calf on one leg. Working over sore spots Kassandra didn’t even know were there. Stopping with a light brush against her naked mound, Lily moved her hands to the other leg and repeated the process. Groans fell from Kassandra’s mouth as she relaxed fully into the soft bed beneath her.

Lily’s teasing hands finished their work on her leg and gracefully danced past Kassandra’s needy crotch, instead moving up. Across her stomach, around her breasts, and to her shoulders and neck. Her fingers never landed where Kassandra wanted them most, and patience was not one of Kassandra’s strengths.

Right as she was ready to start begging, Lily’s mouth closed around one hard nipple. The warm suction was divine, but then the flicking caress of Lily’s tongue started. A deep moan spilled into the room, and it felt like Lily purred while latched around her nipple. After a few seconds Lily pulled her mouth away with a satisfied grin, leaving Kassandra gasping below her.

“Please, more.” She begged. She was met with laughter and an impossibly strong grip closing around her throat.

“I don’t think you’re in charge here sweety.” The growl in her voice riding the edge between devious and dangerous. Her grip held firm as her mouth lowered to the other nipple. Kassandra was overwhelmed. No one had taken control of her like this before. She was completely helpless, and that poured gasoline on the fire raging between her legs. As Lily sucked and nibbled on her nipple, Kassandra seemed to float, lost in a sea of sensation. She felt her body bucking upwards, wanting more. The only thing grounding her was the firm hand around her neck, pinning her to the bed with ease.

Lily pulled her mouth off the oversensitive nipple and released Kassandra’s neck as she planted kisses slowly down the helpless girl. Kassandra almost let out a sound of disappointment as the grip released her but was quieted by the feeling of thin muscle wrapping around her neck. Lily’s tapered tail had replaced her hand, its strength clear as Kassandra squirmed against the teasing.

Kassandra jerked and gasped as Lily’s mouth met her dripping pussy. Lily’s skilled tongue greedily lapped at her prize, but expertly avoided her clit. Kassandra nearly screamed as the impossibly long tongue entered her in one smooth motion. Her hips bucked wildly as it explored every inch of the inside of her pussy. Lily’s hands gripped her hips and held her down, two more points of stability in Kassandra’s rapidly fading perception. She was lost to the pleasure of being used. As she felt her pleasure cresting to its peak, the tongue withdrew completely.

Kassandra nearly screamed in frustration, tears springing to her eyes. “So close, don’t stop. Please.” She begged, babbling her need.

Lily smiled, “Trust me sweety, it will be worth the wait.”

Kassandra lost track of time as Lily brought her to the edge over and over again. Each time Lily seemed to change up her technique. Sometimes fucking Kassandra deeply with her tongue, sometimes sucking and nibbling her clit. Each time she withdrew right before Kassandra could find release. Kassandra was reduced to a moaning, begging mess.

With a new fervor Lily lowered her mouth to Kassandra’s clit, sucking lightly as her tongue flicked across the tender nub. Kassandra felt her orgasm rapidly approaching and was waiting for her cruel lover to withdraw again. Instead, Lily doubled down on her movements. One hand left Kassandra’s hip to move lower. As Kassandra reached her peak, Lily shoved two fingers deep into her, mirroring the memory she had been dwelling on earlier.

Kassandra screamed her pleasure into the bedroom as her world went white. A few minutes passed as she collected herself and regained her breath, the tail uncoiling from her throat. With a tired smile she looked up at her demonic lover and whispered. “My turn.” She scooted down the bed and laid back, patting the bed beside her head.

Lily growled “Ohh you are delightful sweety.” She moved towards the offered seat and straddled Kassandra’s head. Kassandra grabbed her ass and pulled Lily’s shaved pussy down onto her mouth, plunging her world into darkness. The instant her tongue touched the wet folds above her, she was overcome by the taste. Lily’s juices were sweet but with an edge, like a smokey honey, and she couldn’t get enough.

She began licking fervently, wanting as much of the sweet nectar as she could get. Above her Lily moaned softly, it was so rare for someone to focus on her without being told. Kassandra was working with abandon, licking and sucking on Lily’s clit before moving her tongue back to her pussy to lap up the juices now flowing freely. Buried beneath the demon’s crotch, her world was reduced to only the musky smell of her prize and the soft moans of Lily above her.

Kassandra continued her assault, her own pleasure mounting as the moans above her increased in frequency. She was so caught up in her work she didn’t notice Lilys tail trailing down her body and positioning itself near her still dripping pussy. Kneading the soft ass planted on her face, Kassandra was determined to finish off the demon panting above her. As Lily reached her own orgasm, she thrust her tail deep into Kassandra’s pussy. The two women rode the waves of their orgasms together, Kassandra’s tongue working on autopilot to keep the demon going as long as possible. For the second time that day Kassandra passed out.

When she woke up she was alone, still naked and sprawled across the bed. She was worried she had dreamt the whole thing until she saw her project on her nightstand. Next to it was a note in an elegant handwriting.

*“Sorry to dine and dash, but all good things must come to an end, at least for now. Hold onto this design for the next time you’re seriously in need and perhaps we’ll see each other again. XOXO, Lily. – P.S. Next time try imaging a threesome while you carve the runes, I have some friends that would love to meet you.”*

With a contented sigh, Kassandra rolled over and drifted off to sleep, imagining the next time she would call on her new lover.



  1. So incredibly well-written! Absolutely adored reading this story! “Every word dripping with the promise of pleasure” is one of the greatest pieces of writing I’ve ever read 🙌🏽

  2. Well, to say I’m happy you posted part two is an understatement because I loved that.
    I’m keep everything crossed for the next one.
    Thank you.

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