My Friend’s Daughter part 2

Two days later and I could not get what happened out of my mind. I’ve known Lacey for several years. I had spent countless days hanging out with her and her family. I had attended her school performances to cheer her on. Jim (her step dad) asked me to teach her how to drive a stick shift a few years back. I came to celebrate her high school graduation. She in my mind was innocent Lacey, but now this… I had stayed away from my office window where I could see their house. Because I needed to clear my head. I couldn’t believe the conflict in my mind and the desire in my loins.

That morning I decided to go to church. It has been a while and this felt like a good time to do it. I’m walks him and his wife Amanda. I felt awkward around my friends but I hugged them as they went to their normal seats. Suddenly, Lacey walks in with a friend. Lacey’s infectious laugh filled the space. I couldn’t help but admire her slender yet toned ballet trained body. She was wearing a tighter top that while modest, hugged her body beautifully. Her legs were highlighted by a beautiful lacy flowing skirt that followed as she walked. Each step she took was softly highlighted by click of her high heels that accented her calves w a silky strap that wrapped up her body like ballet wraps.

As we catch each other’s eyes, my heart races as my blood begins to rush through my body.But something was wrong. Lacey nods her head and in a mousy voice says “hi Joe” and then looks away with rosey embarrassed cheeks. She and her friend quickly walk away to sit with Jim and Amanda.

“What the hell happened to all that confidence and bravado that she had two days ago!” I wondered. It bothered me all morning long. Two days ago she had all the confidence to walk on to her back patio and position herself in such a manner that I would be sure to see her pleasure her body. Then, to get up and wink at me as if to try and summon me. Yet today… She will barely look at me.

After church him asked me to find over for a late lunch with the family. I tried to refuse but he insisted. I decided to oblige him. One part of me didn’t want him to think something was wrong… Another part needed to find out. As we walked out Lacey once again in her small mousy voice said bye and walked away with her head down. However her friend,in a smirking manner looked me dead in the eyes and said ‘looking forward to actually meeting Mr. Joe.” I was so distracted with Lacey I didn’t even bother to ask who this girl was. I’ve never seen her before. She was about Lacey ‘s age. Was she a college friend?

That afternoon I went next door. Things seemed normal. Amanda had made a huge roast that smelled amazing. Jim, Amanda, and I sat in the kitchen / dinning area laughing and joking. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lacey and her friend come bouncing down the stairs. Lacey was now wearing tight fitting leggings, some flip-flops and a baggier shirt that had the neck modified so that it would fall down her shoulder some. Her friend was wearing tight shorts that accented her ass nicely and a crop top that highlighted her firm belly and c sized breast. Her long flat blond hair came down to her shoulders and was still in a tight braid from that morning.

“oh girls,” Amanda said, “We need some ice. Can you run down to the gas station and grab some? Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.”

The girls agreed and left promptly.

“Ok, who’s the blond” I asked one they were out.

“She’s a bit young for you isn’t she?” Amanda responded I’m a joking sneer.

“What… No? I mean… Uggg that’s not what I mean Amanda”

The three of us chuckled for a moment.

“That,” Joe breaks in, “Is Ashley. She’s one of Lacey’s friends at her college. I don’t particularly care for her..”

“Oh stop Jim she’s fine girl,” Amanda butted in. “Lacey says she’s a good friend. They were roommates this past semester. She came into town to hang out this weekend. She’s been good for Lacey. She’s given Lacey a different perspective on things which is good for her.”

“Ah I see,” I said.

“she’s leaving out tomorrow morning to go back home…” Jim spoke when suddenly Amanda blurted out “So sorry Joe this is the only night your gonna get to make a move!”

One again we laughed at my expense. A few minutes later the girls got back and we sat down to eat it was a fun time. Lacey was a bit mousy but was somewhat normal. Ashley was a bit loud, but was polite. I couldn’t put my finger on it but something wasn’t right about her. Towards the end of the meal Jim got up to use the restroom leaving me there with the ladies.

“So, Mr Joe, where’s Mrs Joe?” asked Ashley. I unfortunately brought the room down as began to explain how my wife had died many years ago. I just haven’t been in the right space to be in a serious long term relationship since. The room felt heavy. Amanda quickly tried to change to subject and bring things back up.

As we talked and things lightened up I didn’t felt something unexpected… A foot sliding up my leg. I looked up and couldn’t tell who was. Was it Lacey? Or was it this Ashley girl. I tried to ignore it, but it was difficult as I felt the bare foot with it’s eat to my groin. As it begins to press into my hardening cock I caught eyes with Lacey. She was red again. She bit her lip as soon as she realized it knew she was the one touching me.

She paused for a second and then continued to rub my manhood gently with her toes. She slid her toes up my loose fitting shorts. Her ballet training did her well as she pointed her foot straight out. Her bare skin begin to tease the head of my cock through my underwear. I bit my lip trying not to respond to her touches. It was difficult to keep a straight face and continue the conversation

After a few seconds she slid her foot back down.

What the hell just happened! Where did this come from suddenly!?

“Lacey, are you ok, you look flush” asked Amanda.

“I’m ok, just don’t feel well” she responded.

“I have done meds in my bathroom, go grab some.”

Lacey quickly got up and went towards her parents room. I hear Jim talking with Lacey and directing her to the correct drawer as he walks back to the kitchen. We continue our meal in, thankfully, an uneventful fashion.

What the hell was happening… I needed to find out. I needed to confront her.



  1. Promising story, but please: proof read and correct spelling and grammar, there are so many errors in here that it will be offputting before long.

  2. wait this is erotica right? Because this is way too much drama for a guy that accidentally fucked a friend’s daughter, so lame if this is true

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