The OnlyFans Girl, Part 2 (MF, Slow Burn to FWB, Romance, Polyamory/Polygamy)

*Part 1 can be found [HERE](*

*When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. This story was originally written in small chapters, of which 6-10 are presented here.*

**Chapter 6**

“Well hey there,” the secretary said, turning and beaming you and Sabrina with a big smile and splash of Southern drawl. She was blonde, with a bob haircut that was just starting to get too long, and when she smiled she showed a real set of chompers, beaming bright white.

Sabrina, who had started the conversation, abruptly turned to you with a smile instead of answering.

“Oh, hi,” you said, stepping forward. “We’re interns with Blake, Meyer and Associates. We’re supposed to have an appointment to perform employee surveys?”

“Ah,” the secretary said, her smile dropping a bit. She gestured over to “Alright. Well, why don’t you two grab a seat and we’ll see about figuring things out for you.”

“Thanks,” you said, and she nodded a reply and began typing on her computer.

You and Sabrina moved over to the bench seating off to the side of the waiting area. “That wasn’t so bad,” you said quietly to her.

Sabrina rolled her eyes as she took a seat. “Ugh, really?” she asked. “That was terrible. No wonder Becks doesn’t give you the time of day.”

“What? I was polite,” you said.

“Typical guy,” Sabrina sighed. “John, that woman spends her entire day stuck behind that desk and doing menial work for people who get paid more than her. She’s an eternal intern. The only time she gets to feel important is when that monotony is broken by people coming in that door. She wants to talk! She doesn’t want to just usher you on to whoever is waiting for us.”

“I guess that makes sense,” you whispered. “But we’re at work. Aren’t we supposed to be… business-like? Professional?”

“That’s not how you get ahead,” Sabrina said. “Take us right now. Did we get this day out by just keeping our heads down and being professional, or did we take some risks and stick or heads up?”

“I don’t feel like we took many risks to get here, Sabrina.”

“Fine, OK. Bad example. But just- Do you agree it couldn’t hurt to get to know this lady more?”

“I guess not,” you said.

“Good, OK. Now just watch and listen,” she said, then stood up and smoothed her skirt before walking up to the secretary. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but I just had to ask where you got that necklace. It is just *fab*.”

*Fab?* You’d never heard Sabrina talk like that before, in school or at work, or online. The thing was, somehow it worked. The secretary lit up like a kid on Christmas morning as she turned on that megawatt smile again.

“Oh, you noticed it? O. M. G. It’s so beautiful, right? It was a gift from my boyfriend,” she said.

The conversation was inane and, honestly, some of it went over your head. But the lady was fully engaged with Sabrina and grinning like a fiend as they talked. Sabrina, for her part, was leaning over the front of the desk. Your mind quickly drifted from the conversation to Sabrina’s ass, pointed back at you. Her skirt was hugging her hips but fell loosely in swoopy black drapes down to the tops of her calves. As she leaned over, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other – she was wearing her usual work shoes of simple but elegant two-inch pumps, and as she shifted favouring one foot then the other, her ass slowly rocked back and forth.

Clothed, Sabrina had a relatively petite body with just enough curve to make her stand out as womanly in her slenderness. From your online ‘research,’ Sabrina had a booty that wouldn’t quit even if it was carried by her small frame – her two cheeks were tight and plump at the same time, and she had that delightful diamond gap at the top of her thighs. Not that you could see it now, but you could definitely day dream.

Your reverie was broken when Sabrina glanced back over her shoulder, flashing you a smile as she caught you staring. No, you weren’t staring, you were watching, right? She’d told you to pay attention, so that’s what you were doing. But she smiled at you, and when she turned back to her conversation she lightly kicked her leg up, bouncing it in an almost playful way for a few moments.

She was flirting with you, right? Was she?

Yeah, she had to be.

Holy shit, Sabrina was flirting with you!

“Ah, yes, you two must be our guests from BMA, yes?” a woman said, stepping into the lobby area from the open office beyond.

“Yes, we are,” Sabrina said, as you stood and joined her. “Terry sent us over to gather the employee survey data.”

*Terry?* You wondered, then remembered that was Garrison’s first name. Usually you just called him Sir, or Mr. Garrison. The way Sabrina said his first name felt weird, like she knew him as a colleague instead of as a boss. It made her sound- Oooh, right. She was making a good impression.

And you had gone and introduced yourself as an intern. Lowest of the low in an office – even the nightly cleaning staff were more important and more trusted than you.

For the first time, you thought maybe you were starting to understand ‘Fake it till you Make it.’

“Great. Glad we’re finally getting rolling on this,” the woman said. She was dressed in a smart, bright red pantsuit and looked like she was in her fifties, with dark wavy hair that was starting to show heavy silvering under the lights. “Follow me, we’ll get you set up in the back conference room.”

You and Sabrina followed the woman into the main part of the office. You gave the secretary a smile on the way by, and she responded with one that didn’t hit half the wattage as what she’d had plastered on her face while talking to Sabrina.

The office looked like it was about two-thirds that open space – desk pods were crammed into the area, while architectural drawing desks were lined up along the bank of windows looking out at the open air between the downtown skyscrapers. We weren’t high enough up to really see skyline, and not low enough to see the street, so while it was a view, it wasn’t much of one. The back third of the office looked to be private rooms, headed by a large, fancy conference room with a heavy oak table and all sorts of projector and television equipment.

You were not led to that room. You and Sabrina followed the woman to a short hallway, led past a staff kitchen area, a janitor closet and a pair of staff washroom, before arriving at an oak door. Inside was a squat room crammed into some forgotten corner of the building. It had several windows looking out at the side of a different adjacent skyscraper, but was otherwise bland in every way. There were a few old office chairs, a flimsy square table and a cheap, white mug holding a half dozen pens.

“It’s not fancy, but it’s what we’ve got for you. We’re a little short on space right now,” the lady said.

“It’s fine,” you said. “We’ve got everything we need.”

“Good,” the woman nodded. “I’ll give you a few minutes to set up, then start sending folks back.”

She didn’t wait for a reply, turning and leaving you and Sabrina in the cramped little conference room.

“Well,” Sabrina said, “At least it’s not in the same building, right?”

“Yeah,” you said.

It was exactly like your regular shitty little room you had escaped working in back at the office.

**Chapter 7**

The woman – who you later found out was the Officer Administrator – was a little off in her offer of a few minutes to get set up. You and Sabrina had barely arranged the chairs and pulled the survey sheets out and there was already a knock on the floor.

“Uh, hey?” asked the man at the door. “This is the survey thing, right?” He was dressed business-casual, which seemed to be the norm out on the office floor. He was also utterly forgettable in almost every way.

“Yes, it is. Please come in and sit down,” Sabrina said, taking charge.

“Sure, sure,” the guy said. “Is this going to take long?”

“Not unless you have a lot to say,” you said, trying to take Sabrina’s suggestion to be more friendly.

“Oh, uh, OK I guess,” the guy said. He settled in and the surveys started up.

What then occurred was the biggest waste of time you could think of. You and Sabrina took turns taking notes and reading out the questions, and crossing out employee names on the master list as they came in. Doing the survey probably would have taken each person five minutes if it had been sent out by an email – but classic BMA, they went the extra mile and wanted to make sure all of the employees of Chambers (aka. the owners) knew the firm was taking things seriously.

“I bet they’re still going to bill hours as if Darryl is doing this,” you muttered to Sabrina during one of your infrequent breaks.

“You’re probably right,” she sighed, looking over the short stack of responses you’d already gathered. It was all fairly simple stuff; questions about current practices, questions about where each employee thought the company could better their practices, or where the company was lacking. Questions about bosses, which no one ever answered truthfully.

Each interview took about ten minutes, and by 11:30 you had gotten through about eleven of the suckers when the Office Admin lady poked her head back in.

“That’s all for now. We’ve got a big staff meeting at 12:30, so everyone’s out for an early lunch. We should be good to pick back up at 1:30, maybe 2pm at the latest. Does that work for you?”

You and Sabrina looked to each other, and then both turned and said, “Yes.”

“That works great,” Sabrina followed.

“Alright,” the lady said before leaving. “See you at two.”

“Holy crap. We’ve got a two and a half hour lunch?” Sabrina said under her breath.

“This day just got so much better,” you said, standing up and offering her a high five.

Sabrina accepted, clapping your hand softly as if in a daze. “What do we do for that long?”

“Let’s go eat somewhere and actually, like, sit down,” you said. Usually you and the other interns got a half hour for lunch, which usually meant grabbing something from the crappy little bodega next to the firm building, or if you wanted to risk it running down the street to the sub place.

“Yeah,” Sabrina nodded, then got a look on her face. “Actually, that’s a *really* good idea. Come on, I saw a place on the walk over that we should try.”

“Sure,” you agreed, quickly packing up your papers.

You two hit the street, backtracking a block, and Sabrina led you to a pub-like place that was probably a trendy bar at night. You two entered, and since you were there before noon the place was still fairly empty.

“Good morning,” the hostess said as you met her at the little podium near the front door.

“Hey there,” you said, putting on a grin and trying to show Sabrina that you’d been paying attention to her silly scolding over your business relation skills. “Beautiful day out there, isn’t it?”

“It is,” the hostess agreed. “It’s supposed to be a hot one, though.”

*You’re a hot one,* you thought, then immediately afterwards, *Nope, that’s too much.* Thankfully your internal filter caught that one before your mouth blurted it out.

“I can’t wait,” Sabrina said. “Maybe I’ll get some tanning in after work.”

“Ooh, that sounds good,” the hostess said, then winced. “Too bad for me, I’m working a double.”

“Aw, that is too bad,” Sabrina commisserated.

“Well, come on back, let’s get you a table. Are you expecting anyone else?” the hostess asked, waving you to follow her as she led you into the pub.

“No, just us today,” you said.

“Actually, can we grab one of those booths back there?” Sabrina asked, pointing towards the back of the pub, away from the front window.

“Sure,” the hostess said, practically chirping. She led you to a back booth, tucked into the corner, and you noticed Sabrina maneuver so that she grabbed the closer bench seat, leaving you in the corner and looking out at the rest of the room. “I hope you don’t mind me asking,” the hostess added, as you and Sabrina slid into the seats, “But just the two of you, and wanting some privacy, is this a lunch date?”

“N-” you started, but Sabrina cut you off.

“Something like that,” she smiled, crinkling her nose and then giggling for a brief moment along with the giddy hostess.

“Oh, that’s so cute,” the girl said. “Well, have fun, and let me know if you need anything. Theresa will be your waitress, she’ll be around in a sec to grab your drink orders.”

“Thanks,” you said, giving her another smile.

The waitress returned your smile, and then backed away and, out of sight of Sabrina, mimed pointing at Sabrina and then gave me a thumbs up, a wink and a mouthed ‘Nice job!’

I snorted and shook my head.

“What?” Sabrina asked.

“Nothing, nothing,” you said. “So how was that, am I doing any better with being friendly?”

“A litte,” she said. “Careful not to make a girl jealous though, flirting with cute waitresses.”

“Well, I mean there’s still a little mystery with her,” I teased, testing the waters back towards the elephant in the room between us.

“Oh-ho,” Sabrina said, eyes widening at my dig. “Woooow. Well, at least you know exactly what you’re getting under the packaging.”

“True,” you laughed with her. “Though, the packaging is very nice today. Is that OK, me complimenting you? I’ve wanted to more than once over the summer but it’s always felt weird in the office.”

“Thank you, and no. But you’re right, until today it probably would have come across as a bit creepy, and I would have lumped you in with Eric,” she said.

“And today?”

“Today, you’re acting very cool for a guy that’s watched me-”

“Well, hey there folks,” a waitress interrupted.

You and Sabrina quickly made your drink orders – you splurged and both ordered a draft beer for lunch, planning to cut off at one even if it would be a couple hours before you needed to work again.

“So about that,” you said once the waitress had gone to pour your beers.

“About what?” Sabrina asked.

“About you know,” you said. “I just – and believe me, I’m not judging or complaining. But you were so worried as soon as I brought it up this morning. So why do it?”

**Chapter 8**

Sabrina twisted her lips into a half-pout, half-consider expression as she sat back into her booth bench. “I- Well, it’s hard to say,” she said. “I guess it kinda came down to just… I want more, faster? Like, I could go through school while working some minimum wage job and hating it, and all that effort would take away from my classes. And then at the end when I have a degree I would still be broke with a mountain of student debt going into law school, piling up more debt. Doing this, after the first couple of weeks I made enough to cover my rent for the month and books for the semester. I’m a month in now and I’ve already paid off my rent for the summer.”

“So it’s all about the money?” you asked.

She smirked. “Well, no,” she said. “There’s some perks that I wasn’t expecting. I get a little thrill every time I post something dirty. It’s like posting something cute on instagram and seeing a lot of people like it, but way, way more. And sure, some of the comments I get are weird and gross, but a lot of the people who message me are super complementary and super… I don’t know, they just really want to make a connection with someone, and when I give them just a little bit of attention I can tell it’s made their week. And that makes me feel good, knowing I’m doing that.”

You nodded slowly, trying to absorb everything she was saying. Your assumptions about OnlyFans girls had always been rudimentary – they were slutty girls who wanted to make an easy buck off of their looks. Yeah, sure, Sabrina was in it for the money, but the way she talked about it, it was like she’d made a calculated business decision instead of just doing it on a whim. And she wasn’t a slut, at least not openly. She dressed relatively conservatively compared to most college girls you knew, she was friendly but not overly flirty with people. As far as you knew she didn’t sleep around, or you probably would have heard something from your social circles back at college.

“Thanks,” you said.

She quirked an eyebrow with a little smile. “Really?”

“Yeah,” you said. “I mean, you didn’t need to give me a real answer like that. You could have just brushed it off. I appreciate you being candid.”

“Well, you’re welcome,” she said.

Your beers were soon delivered to the table, and you both gave your orders, giving you a chance to tease her about ordering a salad while you ordered a chicken burger and fries. Sabrina excused herself after going to the washroom, and you took the opportunity to adjust your dick in your pants. The conversation hadn’t even been that sexual, but just being with her, knowing what you knew, was getting to you.

Pulling out your phone, you glanced towards the little washroom hallway quickly before loading up your web browser and opening Sabrina’s page. You scrolled a moment, then selected one of the photo sets she’d posted. It was a classic schoolgirl outfit tease, and in the first couple of photos she played the part – she wasn’t even being a slutty schoolgirl, her kilt was down almost to her knees, and her shirt was tucked in with a little bowtie matching the pattern of the kilt. Then she was playing with the kilt, then she started undoing blouse buttons.

You had just scrolled down to the moment Sabrina was flipping up her skirt, showing off her lacy panties and ass as she smirked over her shoulder, when Sabrina came back out of the washrooms. She’d taken off her sweater, leaving her in her button down blouse and long, black knit skirt. You quickly slipped your phone back into your pocket.

“Getting comfortable?” you asked.

“Sort of,” she said, giving you a soft, playful smile. She sat down and you two started talking about work, of all things. Sabrina found the work as boring as you did, and had formed a lot of the same opinions about your fellow interns other than Gemma. Sabrina thought Gemma was a bit sneakier than she came off, a bit more like Eric and his entitled background. You hadn’t seen that out of her, but then you also had to admit you might have had some blinders on because of her looks.

Eventually, Sabrina drained the last of her beer and she reached into her little purse and pulled out her phone, putting it on the table in between the two of you. “So, I had an idea,” she said.

It was your turn to give her the raised eyebrow. “Alright. Are we talking ‘take a picture to make Eric jealous about lunch’ idea, or something else?”

“Something else,” she said. Sabrina leaned forward, dropping her voice a little bit. “I need something to post tonight or tomorrow, so I was thinking since you’ve already, y’know, seen everything… do you want to be my cameraman really quick?”

You blinked, and then looked around the restaurant. It was coming up on noon and more people had entered, but they were all getting seated near the front. The hostess seemed to be trying to do you two a favour with some privacy.

“Really?” you asked.

“Sure,” Sabrina said. “Usually I have to try and figure out how to do it all by myself and it takes a million tries to get things in frame the way I want. You already know how I frame things, and you’ve been really, weirdly good and supportive about it, so why not? I mean, if you’re into it.”

“Uhm, yeah, sure,” you said.

“Cool,” she said. “Let’s just wait for our food, then we can make it look like you’re taking photos of me for instagram or something. You can use my phone – I upgraded to the Pixel when I was thinking about doing all this.”

“Yeah, OK,” you said.

*Holy shit. Holy shit!*

For the next couple of minutes, Sabrina leaned over the table and showed you the various features on her phone she wanted you to use. She tested a couple of soft filters for the lighting, passing the phone back and forth with you.

Then the food arrived, dropped off by your waitress, and you sat back as Sabrina gave you a smile.

“Well? Are you ready to give this a try?” she asked.

**Chapter 9**

“Alright,” you said. “I’m ready.”

“Just remember to keep the framing right,” she reminded you.

You lifted her phone and pointed it at her, adjusting just slightly so that the upper limit caught just the bottom of her nose, and her smooth, expressive lips. She was smiling just a hint lop-sided, giving her a touch of playful personality even before she’d started doing anything, and this camera position both hid her identity and managed to put her entire torso in frame, along with her food.

“Got it,” you said. “Whenever you’re ready.”

She nodded, and you started the recording.

“Hey baby,” Sabrina whispered lowly, using the voice she put on in all of her videos. It was soft and sultry, but didn’t hide her usual earnest pep. “Thank you so much for coming to meet me on this lunch date. It was so nice of you to come all this way, just for little old me.”

Sabrina played with the buttons of her blouse as she did this, running her fingers over them softly, then down her sides, subtly accenting her form under the tight shirt. It was opaque enough that you couldn’t see what sort of bra she had on, but it hugged her form as tightly as the sweater she had been wearing before.

“Look at this delicious salad they made me,” she continued. “I know, I know, you’re not big on salad. You’re a manly guy, and I think that’s kind of hot. And look, I’m already done my first drink! I swear I’m not trying to get tipsy in the middle of the day. I’m just building up my courage to thank you properly even though we’re in this busy restaurant.”

She started unbuttoning her shirt from the top button, one at a time. She wasn’t going slow, since we weren’t trying to get caught by doing this for too long, but she didn’t speed through it either.

“Do you like my outfit? I was ready for a long day in the office before you called. I promise I wasn’t trying to flirt with anyone else, baby. I just like to look cute, especially if you might call for drinks after work. Of course, I know your favourite way for me to wear my outfits is not at all. I can’t really do that here, baby, but maybe I can just tease you a bit? Is that alright?”

Sabrina had unbuttoned her shirt down past her bustline now, revealing her small set of cleavage and the center point of the little black bra she was wearing. You couldn’t see much yet, but she started leaning forward, letting her shirt gape open a bit, and subtly pulling each part to the side as she talked.

“You like that, right? When I’m willing to take some risks to make you happy? When I show myself off to you, and only you? When I give you peeks at things no one is supposed to peek at?”

Her bra was entirely visible now. It was a thin lace, partially see through, and you could see the dark, ruddy pink of her nipples. By now your mouth had gone a little dry – this surreal experience was like watching live porn. *No, it is live porn. You are filming live porn!*

“I know I’m being naughty,” Sabrina continued. “But I know you like that, too. I can’t go much further than this, baby, but maybe? Just a little peek?”

She pulled one of her bra cups aside, letting one perfect little tit peek over the edge, revealing her nipple to open air. At the same time she bit her lower lip, framing a beautiful shot of her being equal parts naughty and naively innocent.

That, unfortunately, was when you saw the waitress heading over to check on you two.

You gave the signal, wiggling your finger above the camera, and Sabrina sat up straighter, pulling her shirt closed as she turned and smiled as the waitress came down to the side of the booth.

“Oh, is everything alright? You folks haven’t even started yet.”

You held the camera down, but didn’t stop recording. The shot was more of the table now, both your food and Sabrina’s, but there was still some of her torso in the shot.

“Yeah,” Sabrina said. “I’m just a bit of a foodie. Taking pictures for Instagram before we eat.”

“That’s cute!” the waitress said. “Just make sure you start that burger sooner than later, alright? Don’t want it to get cold.”

“Will do,” you said. “Just gotta keep my girl here happy.”

“That is too cute. Hey, make sure y’all tag us in the photos, alright?”

“Of course,” Sabrina smiled, and the waitress sauntered away.

You raised the camera again and circled your finger, telling Sabrina that you were still filming.

“Oh my god,” Sabrina whispered, going back to her performing voice. “We almost got caught. I’ve got goosebumps on my arms, and my chest. We should stop, but you called me *your girl* to that waitress for the first time ever, and that got me hot. Am I your girl now, baby? Mmm, maybe I should reward you for that .”

Sabrina pulled her shirt aside again, flashing her tit one more time before fixing her bra and buttoning up a couple of buttons. Then she gestured with a finger pointing down and mouthed, *‘Under the table.’*

You tried, as best you could, to make it look like you were casually lowering the phone while also keeping her face mostly out of frame, before it dropped below the line of the table and the camera auto-adjusted for the dark lighting. On the screen you could see that Sabrina was sitting with her legs spread about a foot and a half apart, and her long skirt was pulled up over her knees, but drooping between her thighs. Slowly, she started pulling the skirt back more, shifting her butt forward on the seat and spreading her legs wider, revealing inch after inch of her perfect, smooth thighs.

**Chapter 10**

You glanced up from the phone screen, but Sabrina was looking away and watching to make sure no one was watching what was happening. Her face in profile had the same striking simple beauty, slim with a defined jawline and curious eyes. She was biting the corner of her lower lip.

Below, recorded in her phone in high def, her skirt came up and revealed that Sabrina had removed her panties along with her sweater in the bathroom. Or maybe she wasn’t wearing panties all along, you wondered mindlessly for a moment as you watched the public flashing on the phone. You had seen her pussy before, seen a lot more of it really, in the videos on her OnlyFans page. But this was different. You were here, the camera in your hand. It was practically across the table, eating lunch with you.

Her pale skin carried down to her pussy, which was smooth and bald except for a small dot of trimmed pubic hair sitting a couple inches above her clit like an exclamation point. Her out lips were smooth and slightly puffy, and her inner lips were a soft, pale pastel pink that led up to her button of a clit hood. The whole thing was simple and attractive, and even her ass cheeks made a delicious cleavage hinting at even more forbidden zones.

Sabrina giggled softly, and slowly closed her legs, then opened them again. She did it a few times, hiding and uncovering herself playfully, as one of her hands slipped under the table and trailed her fingers lower and lower, over her skirt and down until they were playing at her lips. Fingertips sliding along those quickly flushing folds, touching lightly into the cleft, spreading them apart ever so slightly until the camera caught the dark center of her hole.

You wanted her to slide a finger in. Fuck, you wanted to slide a finger in her, or more. But instead Sabrina giggled again and closed her legs.

“Was that too much, baby? I know you like to be teased so bad, but we can’t do anything to relieve you for hours yet. Or maybe I want you like that, building and building pressure until you just ravage me after work today. Does that sound hot to you, if I push you all the way to the edge?”

You glanced up again and Sabrina was chewing on her bottom lip now, watching you. She let her lip slide free and flashed you a pouty smirk and a wink, then motioned and mouthed, ‘Follow my lead, pull back a bit.’

Back under the table, one of her fingers was still resting lightly on her clit hood, lightly tapping it while her legs remained mostly closed, hiding anything lower. Slowly she lifted one of her feet, running it up and down your leg. You almost jumped at the feeling, surprised that this had gone from visual performance to real life.

“Maybe I can push you a little further, baby. Maybe a bit more teasing, to really get you humming.”

She slipped out of her shoe, and now you could feel her bare foot playing up the inside calf of your slacks. Her bare foot was on the camera screen, her pussy now an out of focus background, and as she rubbed back and forth her foot inched further and further up your leg, passed your knee and up your thigh.

“Mmm, can I make you feel good, baby? Can your girl just get a little feel?”

You pulled the phone back out from beneath the table, but kept it pointed down as her foot firmly slid into your crotch, her bare toes passing up one of your thighs, across your groin and finally curving around the hard rod of your cock running down your other thigh.

“Ooh, I think all my teasing is working, baby. You feel really hard. Is that all from me, or have you been thinking about our pretty waitress, too? Or maybe that blonde little hostess who sat us here? I bet if they knew what was going on, and what you had waiting in your pants, they’d be interested too. Who knows, maybe I’ll ask them for their numbers and invite them over as a surprise some time, baby. You know I’m bi-curious.”

She was rubbing her foot up and down your dick now, and the camera was easily picking up the shape of your dick in your pants.

“Would that be something you want to see? My first time with another woman? Maybe I’ll make that a reality for you, baby.”

By now, after all this, you were worried you were going to be leaking enough precum that you’d start leaking through the leg of your slags. God damn she was pushing your buttons. Sabrina seemed to know that though, and she slowly pulled her foot away, back into the darkness underneath the table, and you raised the camera from your crotch to look across at her again, framing her from her salad on the table, up her torso and her barely-buttoned shirt, until her pursed, pleased smile was in the top part of the frame.

“I think that’s probably enough for now. I hope you enjoyed that, baby. Just a little tease for now, so that you’re really ready for me later. God, I can’t wait for you to make me pay for all of that.”

She made an air kiss at the camera, and you let it sit for a moment before you turned off the recording.

“God damn, dude,” you said, letting out a heavy breath. “That was-”

“That was super fucking hot,” Sabrina said. “Her, let me see it. I can’t believe we did that in one take. Did you get everything in frame?”

You two actually, finally started eating your lunch as Sabrina watched back what you had recorded. She mostly liked it, and after her first watch she actually got up and sat in the same side of the booth as you so that you could both watch it back again and she gave you a couple notes on your framing, and how you could make use of her phone’s top of the line camera.

By the time the two of you had finished lunch, your cock had managed to stop doing a steel bar impersonation in your pants, and you were both laughing over entirely unrelated gossip about people from back in your college classes. Theresa the waitress came around and collected your dishes, but Sabrina asked to delay the bill and ordered coffees for you both, along with a fudge sundae for you to share.

As the waitress turned, offering you both a grin and a wink, Sabrina turned back to you. “So, I was wondering…”

*The OnlyFans Girl is an ongoing story with about 35 chapters completed so far. Make sure to let me know if the slow burn and teases interest you readers and I’ll continue to reformat and post here to Reddit.*

*If you simply can’t wait for more posts here, **Breakthebar** erotica is powered by [**_Patreon_**]( where you’ll be able to find all 35 chapters currently posted for free. You can also PM if interested in making a Commission.*



  1. I dun fucked up the Title and needed to repost quick -.- Sorry anyone who was reading the previous posting!

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