Don’t pick up strangers

There is something about being on a road trip alone. Is the need for space, or the chance to find yourself. Either way, the windows are down, the air is warm, and I have another 50 miles to my designation. I don’t feel lonely, well I might tonight when I am laying in my hotel bed, all alone, rethinking my life decisions. For now, I feel alive. Cursing down the highway, the ocean on my right, I follow the bends and curves of the road. The music is off, letting me take in the sounds of the passing cars and the wind in my hair. My mind begins to drift when I see a man flagging me down. He is wearing typical cycling gear, making me grin at his cycling shorts. They are either really padded, or he has been given a huge gift, literally. Pulling off the road ahead of him, I back my truck up framing his body in my passenger window. I am taken back by this beautiful man. His body is solid. His gear does not leave much to my imagination as my mind goes wild at the thought of touching him. “Is everything ok?” I ask, trying to play it cool and not let him know I am currently squeezing my legs together. “I’m having some bike problems, and I am not getting a signal on my phone right here. Do you mind giving me a ride?” purrs out of his god like face. “Yea, sure. Let me help you.” Turning I jump out of my truck and walk around the back of my rig. Grabbing the tailgate, he steps closer to me. I can feel his eyes on me, looking down at my legs, then back up, making me grin at the idea of turning this man on. As I pull the tailgate down, he is still standing next to me. I turn towards him, more like into him, and he stands a good foot above my head. I can smell sweat, salt, and sex. My breasts harden at the thought of pressing my body into his. “Uh,,, do you need me to grab you,, um, your bike?” I stammer my words out like a complete idiot. ‘Pull yourself together!’ going through my head. “No, I can get it.” still not moving. Standing in front of you, I feel like I am being evaluated, but for what I have no idea. God, you smell so good, my mouth is watering at the idea of running my tongue on your chest. Turning away from me you grab your bike and gear and slide them into the bed of my truck. Closing the tailgate, I avoid your eyes and turn to get into the truck. Hopping on in, I hear the passenger door open, and I cannot help myself, and look over to see your lean body gracefully climbing in. I can feel throbbing now between my legs and I do my best not to reveal my current state of mind to People Magazine Man of the Century next to me. Starting up the truck, I pull out onto the highway. “There is some water in the back seat, if you are thirsty.” I calmly offer this stranger, that I want in me. “Thank you.” You lean over and I feel your body against my side, pretty sure you are doing this on purpose. Feeling you sit back down, I can see you out of the corner of my eyes, taking a long drink, but looking my direction. I feel exposed to you right now. My thin flannel shirt is unbuttoned too low, and my jean cutoffs are coming up too high. I had not planned on picking up anyone, I wanted comfort. But right now, I feel like he is sizing me up, and I love it. “So, um,, what happened? Wheel come off?” I try to begin small talk in hopes you take your eyes off me. “Nothing a $10 spoke wrench can fix.” You turn and look out the window. I feel your mood change as if annoyed. “Oh, ok. Well, I am heading into Brookings for the night. They should have a place there to help you.” Taken back by the mood change, I let the sounds of passing cars take me over once more. After about 20 minutes, you turn to me once more, “So, what’s your deal?” feeling annoyance in your voice. “Excuse me?” not sure where this is coming from. “I am a complete stranger, you are a woman traveling alone, why in the fuck would you stop?” Sounding angry, I process what you just asked me, and calming answer, “Well, you were flagging me down. You looked like you could use some help. It is a busy highway, and if you were some crazy dipshit, I know what to do.” Confident in my answer, you still stare at me. Fuck, I have my Smith & Wesson less than an inch from me right now, I can take care of myself, dick. Turning away again, “Don’t be an idiot.” Wow, makes me want to drop this ass off at the next turn. We drive in silence the rest of the way, feeling irritated with myself because I am pissed at him for being a dick, but I also want to ride his hard body into a massive orgasm. As we make one final turn into Brookings, I clear my throat, “I am staying at the Best Western. I am sure they will know of a place that can get you the tools you need.” Turning into the parking lot, I shut off my truck and begin to gather my things. “Can I ask you a question?” turning towards me once more. “As long as you’re not a dick about it.” Grinning slightly at me, “Why are you traveling alone?” Sitting back, I take a deep sigh, “Because sometimes I just need to get away.” Opening the door, I jump out and grab my bag from the back seat. I can hear you getting out on your side, and I try not to look your direction, but fail miserably, I can see you stretching your body, tall, lean and that ass in those shorts remind me once again I am sleeping alone. Shutting the door, I come around the back of the truck and take the tailgate, pulling it down. I turn towards you and our bodies touch. Fuck me, goes through my head as I moan out loud. I see you grinning at me, making me wonder if you are doing this on purpose to torcher me. “Uh,, when you are,,uh,,, done here, just put the,,uh,, tailgate up.” I find myself grabbing words to make a sentence. “Thank you for the lift.” Still standing there, inches from my body. And those shorts! I turn and head to the lobby doors, turning once to see if you are enjoying my awkwardness, and you are. Nodding your head at me, I snap my head back and go into the lobby.

Hearing the click of my door as it shuts is sweet music to my ears. Walking over to the sliding doors, I push them open to let the sounds of the crashing waves fill the room. The air is cooler here, but not enough to shut the doors. I step out onto the balcony and lean on the railing. Closing my eyes, I feel my hair flying in the wind. Taking a deep breath, I pull my body back up, and open my eyes once more. Across the hotel, I see Mr. Lance Armstrong himself. Bending over his own balcony, looking out over the ocean, I wonder if had seen me there yet. Backing up into my door, I slowly step just inside, hoping my movements didn’t bring his attention my way. As I stand there, he leans back up, stretching out his long arms, my skin warms at this beauty. He then reaches down and pulls off his shirt, revealing rock-hard abs, making my mouth water again, wanting to taste the salt from his skin. As I watch from my door, I begin to run my hands over my breasts, feeling my nipples aroused, moving them down my stomach. My eyes open to see him standing, looking straight at me. Stepping inside quickly, my heart races, wondering how long he he been there watching me. Did he see me watching him? I flop down on the bed, doing my best to calm myself, when a loud violent knocking hits my door. Startled, I jump up and look through the peephole. Fuck! It is you! Gathering my thoughts, “Uh, hello?” I asked, hoping my tone sounds normal. “Open this door.” Commanding me. “Uh,,, no.” Bringing my eyes back to the peephole, hoping my last defense of standing my ground works. “Open this door now.” Taking a deep breath, I lock the sliding lock, and open the door. “Uh,, can ,, I help you?” stammering my words out. Leaning in more, your face inches from mine, “Open this door now.” Closing the door, I slide the lock open, and reopen the door. Pushing through, forcing your way in, I feel vulnerable. The door shuts behind him as he steps right up to me. Standing my ground, but can not bring myself to look into your eyes. “You play a dangerous game. Picking up strangers, traveling alone. You need to be careful, especially with men like me.” Shaking from the dominance in his voice, a moan comes out of my mouth, feeling his eyes burning into me even more. Taking his hands to my shirt, I hear buttons flying as he rips my shirt apart. Another moan escapes me, as he runs his fingers across my chest, tracing the lace. Moving his hands to my waist, unbuttoning my jeans he pulls them down to the floor. I feel exposed, and try to move, standing up quickly, grabbing my face with your firm hands, “Do not move.” Standing straight up, looking down, you move your hands across my collar bones, down between my breasts, down my stomach, then begin to trace the lace on my black thong panties. I feel your fingers follow the seam between my legs, and I lean my head back and moan once more. I am snapped out of my trance when I feel a sharp slap on my ass. “Do not move.” Turning me around, one arm goes around my chest, and your other arm go around my waist. Pulling me in tight, I feel you rubbing your hard cock on my ass. I want to move, and part of me wants to defy him to feel the sting of his hand once more, but I can’t. You grind on me more; I can feel my wetness now going down my legs. “What do you want?” hissing in my ear. “I want you, please,,” almost unable to speak. “I am going to make you wait, you will beg.” The sound in your voice sends me over the edge as a wave of passion rolls through my body, and cum is now flowing out of me. Your fingers go between my legs, collecting my juices on your fingertips, then to my mouth. Without hesitation, I open my mouth and taste my hot cum as you force your fingers into my mouth. “Take it.” As you push your fingers deeper. Feeling your fingers in my throat, I feel my body reflexes kick in. “Good girl.” I am shaking now uncontrollably. Feeling your hard cock still moving on my ass, I am not sure how much I can take. Pulling me back around, stepping back, I am in a daze. You begin to pull your shorts down, revealing a very large, very hard ready cock. Standing in disbelief of what is about to happen, you begin to touch yourself. Moving your hands along your own hard cock, I stand watching, blood rushing to my groins at this sight. “Lay down on the bed.” I move to the bed as if you are controlling my every move. My head is at the top of the bed, my legs at the base. You move over and pull my upper body to you, swinging my legs out. Pulling more, my head comes over the edge of the bed. Stepping forward, you tease my mouth with your hard cock. Moving the head around my lips, you then push yourself all the way into my throat. The pleasure rolls through me once more, and I reach down to rub my throbbing swollen clit, but again I feel the sting of you hand on my hip. “Do not move.” And you begin to move into my mouth, filling my mouth, leaving me holding my breath. Delaying withdrawal, you pull out and allow me to take in air. Gasping for air, looking down at me, you insert your hard cock back into my mouth. This time moving in and out more. I can hear your moaning, as you say “Yes” sending me over the edge as an orgasm rocks through me. Pulling out, you flip me back around. Holding my body down, staring into my eyes, “Did you just orgasm without being touched?” when I did not answer, you look at me with a hand on my ass. “Yes, yes I did.” I moan out in pure lust. Reaching down, pulling off my panties, you pull my legs up and force your cock deep into my wetness. Filling me up, you begin to fuck me hard and fast. Pushing my legs higher over my head, I feel you all the way in me, pumping me harder and faster. I cannot control myself as another orgasm rocks me. Stopping you flip me back around, putting your hard-wet cock back into my mouth and do the same to my mouth. Moving your hips, you thrust into me. Without notice, you empty into my throat. I begin to gag, but you still hold tight in me. Keeping your cock in my mouth, makes me swallow every drop. Pulling out, I don’t move, feeling a small drop of your cum coming out of my mouth. You watch me as I use my tongue to lick the drop off and closed my mouth. Squatting down, looking into my face upside down, “Very good girl.” Picking up your shorts, slipping them on, I can see you walk to the door. Turing to me once more, you say “Be careful who you pick up.” And the door shuts.
