The Paint Job [bbw] [femdom] [f4m] [male, age 20] [female, age 45]

“Dude, please! I need your help!”

It was Kevin. At least, that’s what we called him at the college. He had migrated over to the states from somewhere over in Europe, so Keveon was his actual name. But, being the lazy assholes we were, me and my other buddies had just kind of Americanized it.

“What’s up, man?” I asked groggily. What the hell time was it anyway?

“Sorry for calling you so early,” Kev said. “But I’m really in a bind here.”

“Wait, aren’t you supposed to be in Mexico?”

“Yeah, I’m here. In Cancun. It’s great, man!”

“Then, what’s the problem?”

“It’s my aunt! She found out I’m down here, and she’s coming for me man!”

“What? Why?!”

“Cuz I promised her I’d stay with her for a couple of weeks, help her out around the house while we’re on break from classes.”

“Awww, you ditched her, and she’s hunting you down like the T-1000, huh?”

“Dude!” Kevin sounded genuinely panicked. “You don’t know my aunt! She doesn’t take no for an answer.”

“Let me guess. She’s got a very particular set of skills, skills she’s acquired over a very long career. She will find you. She will kill you.”

“Dude! I’m serious here! If I don’t make arrangements for someone to help her out this week, she’s gonna come down here and drag me back with her.”

“Wow! Your aunt does sound like the T-1000. I don’t know if I want to get involved though…..”

“Dude, I will freaking pay you if you go over there and stay with her! Please!”

“Well, I do like money……” Dammit, I was starting to cave. “How long would she need me for, a couple of days?”

Kevin was quiet a moment.

“I’m thinking at least a week, maybe two,” he said at last.

“TWO WEEKS!” I yelled, fully awake now.

“Dude! I’ll pay you! Up front!”

Damn. I did like money.

“What would I be doing exactly?”

“I don’t knowwwww…..” Kevin complained. “She’s always got a list of stuff for me to do. It never ends with her.”

“Huh…..” I pretended to be considering it.

“Dude, she’ll feed you. And you can stay there. So, free room and board. Plus, I’ll pay you up front. What’s there to think about?”

“Alright, I’ll do it,” I gave in finally. “But only because I love you.”

“Gross,” Kevin said.

“I meant that in a strictly platonic college brotherly sort of way.”

“Gross,” Kevin repeated. We both laughed, and then Kevin got serious again.

“Listen,” he said, “I’ll work out all the details and let Aunt Gianina know you’re coming over.”

“Aunt who?”



“Christ, man! Just call her Gina. I’m sure she won’t notice. Listen, though, I’ve got to tell you. She can be a bit intimidating.”

“It sounds like it. But hey, I’m sure I can handle anything your Aunt Gina dishes out.”

I generally tried to roll with the punches anyway, choosing to go along with whatever people said rather than ruffle feathers if I could avoid it.

“Good,” Kevin said. “Thank you so much, man. I’ll throw some money in your account today. And again next week. Let me know if it’s not enough.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I assured him. “Now get the hell off of here and enjoy some fucking Mexico! And let me get some damn sleep!”

Several hours later, I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my dorm room floor, right where I’d dropped it after getting off the phone with Kevin.

I snatched it up and was surprised to see I had like four missed calls and several text messages from an unknown number.

“Hello? When are you coming? Hello? Where are you? Are you on your way? Hello?”

Shit. Kevin’s Aunt Gina had already latched onto me like a piranha.

“I’ll be right over,” I texted her back. “What’s your address?”

She immediately wrote back with it. Damn, she must have been watching her phone like a hawk!

“What kind of work will I be doing?” I asked her, wanting to dress appropriately.

“Painting,” she said.

Fuck. I was a terrible painter! I hoped this Aunt Gina knew what she was getting into here, letting me try and take the place of Kevin.

Being that I was probably fixing to ruin whatever clothes I wore, I threw on some junk clothes, packed some others in a gym bag and headed out.

Almost at once, I thought of about a billion things I needed to do before I headed over there. I mean, I had to eat! But the longer I took, the more I started to realize I was putting it off. I don’t know. Something about slaving away for someone I’d never met before just left me with a feeling of dread.

Of course, Kevin’s aunt was texting me the whole time.

“Where are you? When are you getting here? What time? Hello????”

At last, I got to a point where if I didn’t head over there, I was definitely going to blow her off completely. Kevin had already dumped some money into my account by then, and I just imagined him chilling out down in Mexico only for his aunt to show up like the Predator and ruin his good time.

Shit! I had to go.

I cruised over that way, surprised to discover that “Aunt Gina” lived in a ritzy, secluded part of town, well away from the college. Her home was surrounded by a tall white privacy wall and had a locked, wrought iron gate with an intercom beside it, effectively barring any outside traffic from entering the grounds without being let in first.

Walking up to it and peering through the metal bars, it seemed like overkill. The house was large, but it wasn’t a mansion by any means.

“You’re late!” Gina’s voice came over the intercom. And then, the gate was swinging open.

Shit! Why had I taken so long getting over here?! First impressions were everything, and I had fucked this one up royally. Dreading meeting the woman who was now essentially my boss, I continued my walk of shame toward her front door.

Before I reached it, the door popped open and out strode “Aunt Gina” stopping me dead in my tracks with a scowl and harsh, piercing eyes that scrutinized me from head to toe.

Gina was a bigger woman but beautiful with long, dark curly hair and plump, full lips. She was moderately dressed in capris and a white top, both of which strained to contain her curvy, plus-size figure. Her feet were bare, and her nails, both fingers and toes, were painted a dark and menacing gothic black.

Her green eyes studied me for a long time, her disapproving, almost disgusted scowl making me wish I had worn nicer clothes. My ripped, stained up shirt and shorts probably made me look like a homeless person.

“I’m Kevin’s friend,” I said, immediately realizing how dumb that sounded.

“I know who you are,” she said, fixing her eyes on mine at last. The green in them seemed to burn with a heat of their own.

“You are a liar and a waste of my time!” she spat. “Saying you’ll be right over, then taking all day to get here! Now, I have you for a week, two if I’m lucky. And I intend to make up for lost time. Now, follow me before you waste any more!”

Ouch. I probably deserved all that. My tail between my legs, I nodded reluctantly. The large woman spun around on her bare heels and stormed off into the house. I followed after her so subserviently, she might as well have had a leash about my neck.

My eyes were immediately drawn to Gina’s backside as she moved through the house, her curves swaying so hypnotically that I found myself grateful for being forced to follow so closely behind. Her bottom especially latched onto my eyeballs as she squished and squeezed her way through the house, moving past various pieces of furniture.

I got so lost in her posterior that I very nearly crashed into her when she abruptly stopped to point out a side room with a sectional sofa and a large tv on the far wall.

“You’ll sleep here,” she said, motioning toward the couch, then planting her fierce green eyes back on mine. “After work. Work first, then sleep.”

“Alrighty!” I said, tossing my gym bag lightly onto the couch. “No sleepy-sleepy, got it!”

I was hoping to break the ice a little, but instead, Gina just glared down at me until I averted my eyes. This woman’s defenses were impenetrable.

She led me the rest of the way to the back of the house, and, by then, my mind was blowing up over just how big the place really was.

“Must be some sorta time-lord technology.” I said, meaning it for my own ears.

Gina heard though, and this elicited another glare from the bigger woman. Thankfully, by this time we had arrived at a set of double-doors that opened up into a large master bedroom.

She motioned for me to go inside, and I began to survey the luxurious room. Completely devoid of anything save for a clutter of painting supplies in the far corner, the bare room was overwhelming to look at. There was a large portrait window on the wall opposite where the bed should go, and intricate yet delicate trim lined the walls and doorway.

Yeah, I was definitely going to fuck this up.

Someone had already laid down drop cloths and put up blue painter’s tape on all the outlets.

I was still processing just how fucked I was when Gina began prying the lid off of a can of paint and pouring the bright yellow goo into an empty tray. She grabbed a couple of brushes, dipped them in the paint, and handed one to me.

“Paint,” she ordered me.

Nervous as hell, I took the brush from her, walked over to a random wall as confidently as I could, and began slapping the yellow stuff all around, trying to get as much coverage as possible. It looked a lot like a Rorschach test when my brush ran dry.

As I turned to get more paint, Gina was staring at me and absolutely seething.

“You can’t paint?!” she asked through gritted teeth.

Worried she’d kill me if I let on that my painting skills were sub-zero, I chose instead to give her a “so-so” hand gesture as I re-wet my brush and immediately drizzled yellow paint all the way from the tray to the wall I was working on.

“What the F—!” Gina roared, and immediately began cursing loudly in what I could only assume was her native tongue.

I probably shouldn’t have turned my back on her at this point, but I was seriously doing my best just to play it cool, hoping if I stayed calm enough, it would in turn calm her down.

It was a bold strategy, Cotton. But, it unfortunately did not pay off.

The bigger woman barged over to my side, her anger flashing hotter as I continued to apply paint to the wall much the same way a kindergartner might if given the same task.

In my defence, I never claimed to be a painter.

Gina cursed again and snatched my wrist up in her hand, squeezing it so tightly it hurt, then began moving my hand up and down, up and down on the wall, showing me how she wanted it done.

I had to admit, there was a noticeable, some might say drastic, improvement in the quality of my painting. As my brush ran dry, she swapped it with the wet one from her free hand, then continued to work my hand up and down, up and down on the wall.

It was a surreal, mildly humiliating experience, having this older, bigger woman working my wrist like I was some kind of puppet, but at least we were making progress.

My god, it suddenly hit me. Gina was my Mr. Miyagi!

This caused me to laugh out loud, which was bad since Gina was still obviously pissed. She glared so hard at me, I couldn’t help but laugh even harder at the absurdity of it all.

And then, something worse happened.

Somehow, I forgot who was holding the brush, me or her, and I relaxed my hand. It dropped right into our paint tray with a ker-plunk! And suddenly, yellow paint sprayed up and down our legs and feet.

My clothes were junk anyway, so I didn’t care, but Gina took one look at her ruined capri’s and just kinda lost it.

She began ranting and raving in her native tongue again, giving me the finger and cussing me out.

I didn’t know exactly what she was saying, but couldn’t help agreeing with her nonetheless.

Ohmygosh, I was such a fuck-up! Not that I was ashamed of that fact. Rather, I just kind of felt bad for Gina. And for Kevin, who was definitely gonna get snatched from Mexico after this. No, I had to do something to fix this! For Kevin’s sake!

So, I recovered my brush, tried to pretend Gina wasn’t still going off on me, and resumed painting.

I think it must have shocked her, that I could just turn and ignore her like that, because her curses died down to soft mutters, and then she just got real quiet and watched me work.

I turned to see what she was up to and about fell over when I saw she was stripping out of her capri’s.

Then, the bigger woman was just standing there in her underwear, a dark blue silky thing, and watching me intently.

“What?” she asked when she noticed me staring. “Is like swimsuit bottoms, no?”

Technically, I couldn’t argue with that. It wasn’t like the underwear were lewd or anything, and her pants were definitely ruined with yellow paint.

As if to close any further discussion, Gina reached into her discarded pants pocket, retrieved a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, and lit up while I returned to the work of painting.

This turned out to be a fresh distraction for me as I found my eyes falling on her soft, full lips as they wrapped tightly around the cigarette, her cheeks as they sucked inward, and on the resulting O-faced puff of smoke as she blew it outward.

Somehow, I actually managed to finish the wall. Just one wall. And probably the smallest wall in the room too, but it was still a major victory for me.

It deserved a victory dance. Gina be damned.

“Woot-Woot!” I cheered, and did a short little jig.

Gina wasn’t impressed and shot me this disgusted glare which had the unfortunate effect of egging me on. Suddenly, I was more determined than ever to break through this woman’s walls. So, I proceeded to dance harder and faster, and harder and faster, and harder and faster until all I could hear was the sound of Gina yelling at me to knock it off and get back to work.

That was about the time I stepped on the paint tray. Turns out, if you step on a paint tray just right, you can actually catapult paint pretty far.

Gina was covered from head to toe.

“Holy. Fuck.” I guess that was me that said that, but I don’t remember being able to breathe.

What I do remember was Gina suddenly shooting me this look, a lot like the one that girl off the Ring movie gives you right before she jumps through your tv set. And then, next thing I knew, Gina came launching at me like some kind of paint-splattered demon, bellowing with fury as she very nearly pushed me through the wall we’d just been working on.

“Gina! You’ll mess up my paint job!” I cried, which was pretty insane seeing as we were well past painting at that point.

Gina somehow summoned the strength to lift me up on the wall so I was eye to eye with her. She had me pinned in place by my throat, her nostrils flaring with rage like a bull about to charge. Except, she’d already charged.

It took me a minute to realize she was saying something, speaking in a low and guttural tongue, as if she were trying to summon up some ancient (European probably) demon to manifest itself and take vengeance on this horrible, no-good, worthless painting fool.

“I’m sorrrrrry!” I croaked, and she loosened her grip on me, allowing my feet to slide down and touch the ground.

Looking a lot like Stephen King’s Carrie but with yellow paint instead of pig’s blood, Gina bored twin holes in my skull with her furious green eyes.

“You are a shitty painter!” she said in English at last. “A shitty, shitty, SHITTY painter!”

I’m not gonna lie. That stung a little.

She continued her verbal assault though, really working herself up again, and drawing a balled-up fist back as if to strike me. My eyes went wide. Was I about to get my ass kicked by a woman?

“Think about Kevin!” I cried, worried she was going to go full WrestleMania on me.

“Keveon?!” she screeched. “Keveon?! Poor, fucking Keveon! Down in Mexico, drunk and partying?! While all this work goes undone? Is that who I should think about?!”

By this point, she was shaking me in her anger. Fearing I might succumb to a bad case of shaken painter syndrome, I pleaded with her.

“Please!!!” I wailed. “I’m just a child! I have so much to live for still!”

It was an odd tactic, and yet it worked.

Gina was panting with anger, her body heaving as she dripped yellow paint in great splotches down her sides, down her near naked thighs. Her previously white shirt was now barely half that. She studied me, and there was a hint of pause in her eyes, as if she were considering some new idea.

She drew her fist back further, and I clenched my eyes shut. And then….. the oddest sensation. She was kissing me!

Kevin’s aunt had decided at the last moment to push her face to mine, to plant her lips on my lips, and to begin kissing me ferociously, passionately.

As I became fully aware of what was going on, I began to struggle against her. This was Kevin’s aunt! Kevin’s fucking aunt!

She held me in place though, and began pushing her tongue into my mouth, moving her lips over mine and sucking and biting and licking and then repeating the process.

I was instantly hard as a rock, but this was Kevin’s aunt dammit! I pushed against her, grunted out my protests, trying hard to get her to see this was a really, really bad idea.

Plus, she was getting paint all over me!

She pulled away suddenly, and I thought at last she had begun to see reason. But instead, in the next instant, she was pulling her shirt up and over her head before coming at me with a fresh wave of hunger in her eyes.

The older woman’s chest was stacked, her enormous breasts practically crying out to me from the cleavage of her bra. And the next thing I knew, that’s exactly where my face was.

Gina cradled my head to her, burying my mouth and nose in her tits.

“Mmmmph!! Mmmmmph!!!” I tried to complain, but my cries were easily muffled by her melons.

I began to get winded as she smothered me there, but then she brought my mouth back up to hers where she once again began drowning me in hungry kisses. Her free hand meanwhile reached around to the back of her bra, which she easily unclasped.

Damn, she was good at that!

She stepped back, allowing her bra to fall free, and suddenly Gina’s breasts were just out there for me to see, huge and beautiful and intoxicating to look at. My eyes were naturally bulging. Perfect mammoth beauties with large areolas and bump-bedazzled nipples that made me instantly want to touch and taste them.

Except this was Kevin’s fucking aunt!

I couldn’t help it. I was mesmerized, and Gina knew it. For the first time that evening, the older woman smiled at me. Except, it was a devilish, predatorial smile that I really didn’t trust.

Suddenly, I was feeling very much like a mouse stuck in a cage with a cat and the cat was about to pounce. Only instead of a cat, it was Kevin’s aunt. And instead of pouncing, she was going to have her way with me. And by that, I mean….. oh, you get the idea!

“Hey…..uh, hey. We really shouldn’t…..” I started to say, and then Kevin’s aunt was pulling me to her, pressing one of her tits to my mouth and popping a nipple past my lips as adeptly as if she were feeding a baby.

I couldn’t help but suck on her. What would you do? You don’t get a tit in your mouth and not taste it, touch it, feel it with your tongue. So, I squeezed it between my lips, caressed it in my mouth, and suddenly I was hooked.

I don’t know. Maybe she had beer-flavored nipples. But, as quick as that, I was a lost cause. Gina began passing my mouth back and forth from one tit to the other, really smothering me in her boobs as she forced me to suckle her.

I barely even noticed as she pushed me down to the floor into a laying position so she could really get on top of me.

In the back of my mind, I knew this was a bad idea, a really, really bad idea. But the older woman had me. She was the spider, I was the fly. We walked in the garden. We planted a tree. Or something like that.

“Hey, let’s talk about this!” I managed to say as she straddled my waist.

Her green eyes were fire again as she began moving her groin up against mine, then lowered her chest down to my face.

I was buried in her tits, and she was pulling my head up into her as she began really riding me, grinding her pussy on my dick through what little clothes we had on.

Fuck, it’s hard to resist a woman when she’s ravaging you…… even if she is your friend’s aunt.

“Gina!” I cried out.

She drew back from me, just a little, peered down at me with a firm look on her face.

“It’s Gianina,” she said. “Not Gina. Jaw-Nee-Nuh!”

“Gia nee-nuh, got it,” I said. Task failed successfully.

She glared down at me, but there was a mischievous smile buried in there too. Just a little.

“You talk about as well as you paint!” she said. “Do you need help learning to use your mouth? Do you? I can help you with that……”

What? Was she gonna teach me how to kiss?

I was a little naive. A little slow on the uptake. Even as she slid up my chest, her hips and crotch bearing down on me like a Mack truck, it wasn’t until she had my head braced between her thighs that I realized what she was getting at.

Suddenly, her panties were the only thing between my mouth and her lips. Her lower lips. The lips of her kitty cat. You know, the one that was doing all the pouncing earlier.

“What’s my name? she asked.

Oh god.

“Uh, Genie-no?” I tried.

Gina smiled down at me triumphantly, then ground her pussy into my face. All at once, I could smell her, taste her. My face was soaked even through her panties, her juices hot and sticky as she massaged herself with my mouth and nose.

Unnnnghhhhh!” I cried out, worried she wouldn’t stop.

When she did let up, her panties were all but wasted. Her fat, wet pussy lips clearly visible through the now transparent cloth.

“What’s my name?” Gina taunted.


“Janey-naw?” I tried weakly.

She laughed and quickly sat her full weight down on my face, smashing her pussy against my mouth, digging her clit into my nose.

She began pumping her hips, humping me with her crotch, all the while smirking down at me like the predator she was.

“I think you’re guessing wrong on purpose,” she said. “You must like my mouth lessons, no?”

She wasn’t paying attention to my breathing, wasn’t watching to see how long I’d been under her. She didn’t even have a damned stopwatch!

Shit! Shit! Shit! I began to panic. Was she gonna suffocate me with her crotch? Was this how I was gonna die? Did anybody even know I was out here? Why hadn’t we established a safe word?!

Gina raised up at last though, and I drew in a haggard breath.

She allowed me a moment to recover, then said, “What’s my name?”

Dammit, I struggled to remember the pronunciation. The exact pronunciation.

My lungs were burning though. And I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

“Jonny-nuh!” I tried.

She threw back her head and laughed. “That was really close,” she teased. “Why do you Americans struggle so much with our names?”

I did my best to shrug beneath her. I really didn’t have a fucking clue. We were all morons, I guess.

She touched her crotch to my mouth, her panties hot and wet, her juices stringing from my lips as she came away.

And then, without a word of warning, she reached down, pulled the cloth to the side, and plopped herself down on my face.

My mouth squished between her lips, my nose buried in her snatch hole.

I instinctively reached up behind her and began flailing at her backside, trying to get her off me.

This just egged her on though, and Gina began rocking back and forth on my face, moaning and crying out as she worked her pussy against my mouth.

My tongue had nowhere to go, so I thrust it up inside her, and this really made her cry out.

“Ohhhhhh fuck!” she wailed, followed by a string of other words in her native tongue as she continued to ride me.

She reached down and began to diddle her clit with her fingers, never once letting up on my mouth. She was fucking my tongue as if it was a dick, bouncing her crotch on my mouth for a bit then going back to rubbing her pussy out, draping it across my mouth in a feverish attempt to cum.

It didn’t take long.

Gina moaned and yiped and called out loudly as an orgasm rocked through her. She fucked it out, hopping up and down on my face, then slowing down to a crawl as it began to subside.

Afterward, she held me in place between her thighs. Swooned over me with a loving, almost drunken gaze.

“I think it’s time for bed…..” she said, breathlessly.

I looked around as best I could.

“But what about all this work?” I asked, as if the older woman hadn’t just finished practically fucking my face off. “I thought you said no sleeping until the work was done. We’ve still got all this painting to do……”

Aunt Gina just batted her eyes at me, squeezing me between her legs.

“Oh, I’ve got lots more work for you to do,” she said. “In my bedroom. On my couch. But mostly underneath me, just like this.”

I groaned from between her thighs, wondering if she’d give me a chance to weasel my way out of this somehow. Wondering if there was any escape at all.

“But first,” she said, ignoring the troubled look on my face and giving my cheek a playful slap, “we’re going to take a bath, and you’re going to clean every inch of my body, get all this paint off me and clean up the mess you made.”

Shit, I sighed in resignation. I had to clean up after myself now? This was turning out to be a real fuck job…..


1 comment

  1. Sorry, I had to stop reading because Aunt Gina nagging via text was too similar to my mother & I prefer to not think of how naggy she is. Great writing from what I did read though 😅

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