[F21][M20][Incest][Femdom] – Blonde, Bright Mind, Dark Fantasies: Part 1

Her perfect butt wiggled to the beat. When he thrust into her, she let out a little *oh*, discreet and yet powerful, just like her. When he pulled out, her wet hole wouldn’t let him go yet, and she let out a long *mmmh*. His dream, Allie. In her black curls he wanted to sink his head when he met her, to smell her, to experience her.

*There was a knock at the door*

Stefan startled. Had he locked the door?

Never mind, no one would come in yet.

With wet hands, he gripped the masturbator tighter so it wouldn’t slip out of his hands. Where was he?

That’s right, Allie. Stefan and Allie, the dream couple. Sweet at school, dirty in bed. She would be his, begging him for his love, kneeling before him saying, “Stefan, I-”

“Stefan, what the hell are you doing?”

Hastily, Stefan opened his eyes. Standing before him was Natasha, his sister.

“Did it take your breath away?”

“N-no… I just… You know- Every boy does that.”

” I get it, I’ve had enough boyfriends already. But is that Allie’s Instagram there?”

“No, no!” He was already about to grab the phone, but Natasha was already holding it.

“My little brother, such a pervert. And she’s not even naked, just showing some ass. You can do better than that!”

Stefan wanted to answer. But the air had gone out of his lungs, what could he say? He could not lie. And Natasha was friends with Allie, surely, she would tell her! His caramel dream would be gone forever, just because he has been too damn *stupid* to lock the door.

Then something completely unexpected happened: Stefan felt someone moving the masturbator further. Then he looked up and looked into the blue eyes of Natasha. Mischievously she grinned back.

A thousand thoughts raced through his head. “Stop Natasha, you mustn’t do that!” he pressed out breathlessly.

“Why?” she teased, “aren’t you looking at my pictures? Did you think I wouldn’t see your history?”

“That was different! This is illegal!” he protested as the pumping around his shaft continued. His sister knew where men were sensitive.

“Why? Are you inside me? Would you like to be, huh?”

Abruptly she stopped moving when she was at his base.

Panting, Stefan caught his breath and looked up. He was *so* close.

“You want me to keep going, hmm?” provoked Natasha.

Stefan just lay there stiffly. Yes. No. A battle was raging inside him.

His older sister took the decision from him. “Imagine grabbing that ass!” she told him as she shifted position. Now kneeling backwards on top of him, she reached between her legs, and grabbed the masturbator.

“You’d like to slide your cock between my wet lips, wouldn’t you? Which do you prefer, the top ones or the bottom ones?”

Again, she stopped and looked between her legs so that her ass was within inches of his face. Only the thin denim separated them.

“Oh yeah, you can’t tell. Never had a girl before, after all. But I can tell you about it, as a sibling help.”

Now she began to pump again. Stefan felt the pressure inside him, it was so good, but so wrong….

“It’s tighter around the bottom,” Natasha continued to describe. “And when I climax, you can feel it. How everything moves and tightens, it feels something like this-”

She gripped the masturbator with an iron grip, pumping faster and faster, more and more intensely….

“When I really want someone, I get all wet down there, so wet that-”

That was all Stefan could take. Gritting his teeth and straining his legs, he squirted his entire load while his sister laughed gleefully.

Finally, she finished her attack on his manhood and turned around. Thick drops of cum covered her cleavage and stained her black T-shirt.

“Someone had a need,” she commented coldly. “Warn me next time! By the way, Mom wanted to look at the photo album from the last vacation with all of us. Come on down!”

With these words, his sister walked out of the room as if nothing had happened. But something *had* happened. Something unspeakable.

When Stefan came into the living room in a daze, Natasha was already sitting next to Dad and had put on a new top. It was just big enough to cover the most necessary, and Stefan was sure to see a glint in her cleavage. Before them lay the big photo book, and mom was just opening it.

“Sit down Stefan, you’re late! You won’t want to miss those memories!”, she commanded.

While the family looked at the photos, Stefan only had eyes for Natasha.

“Look at our Nattie,” mom commented, “How professional she looks on the surfboard!”

“Yes, professional,” Stefan agreed dully. And how tightly her surf suit was cut…. You could already see the redness between her legs.

“Why don’t we watch a movie tonight?” suggested Natasha suddenly. “Like a really nice one?”

“Yes, good idea!” agreed Dad.

“Okay, but not one of those stupid Boom Boom Hurrah movies,” Mother laughed. “You know, the ones where there’s no story at all and just random explosions!”

“I already have an idea!” interjected Natasha. “What about your favorite movie?”

“Is that okay with you guys?” mom asked.

“Yeah sure, we’ll have a lot of fun!” said Natasha in a soothing tone. “Right, little brother?”

“Yeah yeah, sure,” he mumbled absently. What was his sister up to? She hated Titanic, their parents’ favorite movie, with a passion!

He would soon find out.


Hey there! Feel free to leave constructive criticism down below, in my profile, or in my messages. What you just read was a work of fiction and all persons are fictional, as well as of legal age. Cheers!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/wl57e5/f21m20incestfemdom_blonde_bright_mind_dark


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