After Happy Hour, Part 1 [BDSM] [femdom] [kidnap] [torture] [real] [F40/F34/F36]

She burst through the front door of her apartment and collapsed onto the couch. It was already a few hours later than she was used to getting home from work, but it had been so long since all of her co-workers got together for a Friday happy hour, and she felt as though she couldn’t miss it.

She enjoyed the time out of the office getting to know everyone in the office a bit, and knew that it was both the only way to move upward at the company, and be able to keep any questions on her life outside the office to a minimum. She was pretty sure tonight’s bonding time with her millennial manager would go a long way to earning her a promotion. They both bonded over the fact that their post-pandemic-lockdown Friday nights usually consisted of sitting at their apartments alone with a bottle of gin swiping left and right on their smartphones. She didn’t let the fact that she was a bourbon drinker and never even downloaded one of those apps get in the way of creating a good connection.

She checked her watch again, 7:55PM. She had an hour and five minutes to get herself together before her weekend really began. Slouched on the couch with her backpack still over one shoulder, the lead graphic artist started to go over a mental checklist of exactly what she needed to do. She walked down the hallway to her bedroom, grabbing a glass of water from the fridge along the way. She had laid everything out on her dresser that morning, just like every Friday; black pleather bra and panties, white t-shirt, black vegan leather skirt and black leather slip on sneakers. As she left the room, she grabbed her thin black leather jacket, put it on and looked in the mirror – she liked what she saw and knew Michelle would be pleased when she picked her up.

She packed a few items in her purse, just the basics; toothpaste, a toothbrush, a travel sized mouthwash and a bottle of Poland Spring Water from the fridge. She put out an extra bowl of food and water for her cat and headed for the door, it was 8:45PM and only a 10 minute walk to the liquor store. As she turned her back and put her key in to lock the door from the outside, she heard a familiar voice.

“Leah! Where are you going? I thought maybe this week you would like a drinking and swiping buddy,” her manager Jessica shouted as she walked towards her holding a had empty bottle of gin. “You didn’t tell me you had other plans.”

“Oh, hey, yeah, I was just running to the, a store,” Leah said, clearly flustered. “I just have some errands to run.”

Jessica insisted on coming along and Leah felt like she didn’t have time to waste. The two nervously chatted along the 10 minute walk, but Leah didn’t hear one word as her mind was racing trying to figure out how to ditch her new bestie.

“Well, here we are Jess, I have to run in here. It was really great seeing you tonight,” Leah said as she reached for the metal door handle of the liquor store. “I guess I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Are you kidding me bitch, we’re hanging together tonight. Even if you’re just running errands, I’m coming along,” Jessica laughed and awkwardly hugged Leah – she was clearly drunk. “Let’s go. The best kind of errands always start at the liquor store.”

Leah nervously opened the door, the man behind the counter gave her a sly smile and a nod, but then had a somewhat confused look on his face when he saw that she wasn’t here alone. Luckily, her newly found friend was too inebriated to notice any of it, and she was more focused on what bottle of Rose would make for a good chaser for everything they’d drank so far.

While Jessica stumbled around the Sweet Wine’s section, Leah headed to the Whiskey aisle and took a deep breath. She was now in a situation she never faced in any of the past 65 weeks. She knew what she was supposed to do, but knew by doing it, she would probably be looking for a new job on Monday morning. On the other hand, she could grab her friend, head back to her apartment and probably end up being promoted in just a few weeks. Although that decision would probably mean that there would never be another weekend like the ones she’d come to know for more than a year now. Her head was completely spinning as she reached for the top shelf, grabbed an expensive bottle of booze and shoved it in her purse, leaving the neck of the bottle completely exposed.

The man at the counter watched intently, he looked as nervous as she did, and paused for just a moment before hollering out, “security, security! Stop that woman! She is stealing!”

Jessica’s eyes widened as she looked over and saw a female security officer pull out a stun gun and rush towards her graphic design star.

“Get on your knees now! Hands behind your head,” she screamed as she ran towards her. “You’re under arrest for theft, don’t resist! Don’t resist!”

As she knelt down behind her, she jammed the stun gun into her back sending her to the floor, face down, convulsing.

“Hey! What the fuck! This is America! We don’t just taser people – innocent until proven guilty,” Jessica belligerently protested. “That’s my friend your assaulting pig!”

The woman with the taser looked confused as she put handcuffs on the perpetrator. She looked at the man behind the register and he just shrugged.

“Ma’am stand down, this doesn’t involve you,” the aggressor spoke clearly to the woman. “She broke the law and there are consequences, you don’t need to get involved.”

As Jessica continued to berate the woman, her friend was unconscious on the ground from a second jolt with the stun gun. Finally, the woman, who was perceived to be a police officer snapped.

“That’s it bitch, you’re coming too,” she said as she lunged at her and held the black stun gun against her lower left abdomen, pulling the trigger. “You’re charged with – something.”

As Jessica’s body stopped convulsing, she laid on the floor motionless – unconscious.

The officer walked to the counter where the man explained that they came in together and he’d never seen the other girl before, but the two clearly knew each other. She handed him back the bottle from Leah’s purse and asked if he could help. The two of them drug the two unconscious girls through the stockroom and into the back of her waiting 745 BMW. They sat them upright in the backseat, both cuffed with seatbelts on. She thanked him again as she hopped into the driver’s seat and pulled away.

The drive was short, less than 10 minutes; and as she pulled into the garage she was still trying to play out how it would go when the new girl woke up, but also just how far she would go in punishing Leah for allowing someone to infiltrate their regular game. But right now Mistress Michelle had a bigger problem, just how was she going to get the two of them inside.

To be continued…

[ For more of my work, please visit my [profile page](]
