The Princess, the Prince, and the Witch. Part 1

The Witch had hatched a master plan. She had seen the Princess and the Prince together. What looked like real love, wasn’t real love from her perspective. It was all pre/arranged. Pre/scripted. So predictable. The Witch was ambitious over two things. She was desirous off ruining Princess Moriah’s perfect world. As far as she could see, the Princess was so phony, with her fake smile and false humility. Long blonde hair beautiful blue eyes . She could sing and the birds would be drawn to her . It was all too good to be true.

But her real interest was the Prince. I’m not sure at this point of the story, if Witches are capable of love? But let’s call it a deep infatuation she had with Prince Nikolai . He was strongly built, handsome. The body that most women would not refuse. His piercing blue eyes, revealed an intensity of soul. It was this intensity that drew the witch to him. For if given the opportunity, she would like to tap into that and explore. She could read souls very well and she could sense the Prince felt trapped inside. That he was doing what was required of him. The veneer of his perfect world was about to come crashing down.

The Witch was not ugly at all. She hard dark raven hair, and deep dark eyes like the deepest pools. Full of dark, evil mystery. The likes of which, even she herself had not yet tapped into. Her long elegant fingers with dark finger nails, her beautiful black lace dress, and the lovely white pasty texture of her skin only added to this evil beauties looks. Long legs with thigh boots, and clinching her waist perfectly, a black belt, and a black girdle. She looked so gothic with her dark make up.

She had made up her mind! She would kidnap the Prince. Take her to her torture chamber and examine his soul. This way she could satisfy her own infatuation over the Prince, while at the same time ruining Princess Moriahs life .

Kidnapping Prince Nikolai, she whisked him away to her chambers. As Nikolai awakened from the deep enchanted sleep, his arms and legs were in chains. It was a four poster bed with dark meshed curtains, the room was somewhat warmed by the oil lamp next to the bed. He felt a mixture of anger and fear and helplessness as he tugged against the chains, but it was useless, for they were enchanted.

In comes Esmeralda for that was her name. “ wake up sleepy head! I’ve been studying you for some time!” He sees walking towards him a beautiful dark figure. Her voice cold and controlled. For the first time he sees her pale creamy skin, her lovely dark raven hair. The sweet smell of her magical perfume. He looks over with her in anger. “ let me go you evil witch! Or I’ll swear I’ll …” hush!” She said with an air of authority, “for I only want to ask you a few questions.” To lie to me is futile for I am operating in magic that can read your mind.

The Prince senses this to be the case as he looks into her deep dark eyes. He knows they are peering into his innermost being. “ Are you truly in love with Princess Moriah?” The reality is he wasn’t, and as soon as she asked him the question, she knew immediately by his slight hesitation, he did not! “ well I care about her a lot!” “But what does a Witch know about love!” “More than you know! “ she said. “ I have studied it and recognize it when I see it! And you my Prince, do not love the Princess!”

She was right. It had been an arranged marriage, and the Prince was about to fulfill his duty and live a script that was already pre/written for him, and he felt a serious discontent within. The Prince realized he was supposed to hate the witch, but he realized inside, she was right! He felt an inward relief. The Witch being the first person he had ever shared this with. It was a strange, but deeply intimate moment, and his heart was strangely warmed. “ oh no!” He thought! “ The Queen can read my mind with her magic! I will hide these feelings!” But it was too late! He looked over at the witch and she had a satisfying smile on her face! “ it’s alright my Prince! It’s important you see your own heart! And I’m here to show you, things are not what they seem!”

Part 2 upcoming
