Part 8 Unexpected Developments (FF FMF Inc)

The next week dragged for Emma, Dad was due home Thursday and he was home when she arrived from school. The next morning, Emma told Tim that she wanted to spend time with her Dad, so please don’t be upset if she didn’t see him over the weekend. She’d let him know what happened on Monday.

Friday evening was just a normal family dinner. Dad filled them in on his doings for the last three weeks and Mom caught him up will the latest events, doing Zoom and phone calls were often just not enough. Mom was rostered to work the next morning, she couldn’t get out of it with the staff shortages around the pandemic. It was an early night for them and Emma masturbated to the sounds of their lovemaking. Mom went off to work and Emma and Dad were alone, at the breakfast table.

“So,” Dad asked, “How’s it going with Tim?”

Emma told him as much as she thought he should know, but then stopped, silent. Dad was not entirely obtuse, and said, “Okay, what is it you’re not telling me?”

Emma just looked at him, then said, “It’s Mom.”

Dad shook his head and asked, “What about Mom?” Emma shook her head and left the kitchen. She went up to her room then, grabbing her towel, headed for the shower.

“Emma,” Dad said, “You can’t make a cryptic comment then leave. You want to talk about it?”

“Yeah,” she replied, reaching her hand to her Dad, “But not out here.” She led him into the bathroom, closed the door behind her. She then stepped closer to her Dad and hugged him, “She’s been … when you’re away.” She turned and, opening the shower cubicle, she turned the shower on, waiting for the water to run hot. She went back to her Dad, hugged him again then stepped back, shrugged her dressing gown off and was quickly naked before he had a chance to say anything. Dad stepped toward the door, but Emma got in front of him, “No, you can join me in the shower and I’ll tell you all about it.”

“No, I can’t do this”

“Of course you can, so come on, get undressed and you can wash my back,” Emma pleaded, “And I want you to. Very much want you to!”

“Emma, what’s come over you?”

“You, I hope!”

“What the fuck?”

“Yes Daddy, I do.”

“You do what?

“I do want you to fuck me!”

“EMMA, you’re my daughter! I can’t-

“Of course you can.”

“No, this isn’t something that happens in real life, Emma!”

“Of course it does Daddy, incest is a family thing. Besides, you really can’t expect me not to notice what happened last night.”

Jack shook his head, “What happened? And what’s this about your Mom?”

“I heard you guys at it,” she said, “Really making a lot of noise, sounded like fun.”

“What about your Mom?” Jack insisted.

“Well, come in the shower and I’ll tell you all about it,” Emma said and paused, “Come on Daddy, get undressed and join me in the shower.”

“NO!” While Jack’s mouth was saying no, his eyes were roaming all over he body, Emma shimmied, jiggling her bare breasts, at him. She also noticed a slight swelling in his track pants, so she smiled.

“Oh daddy, I know you don’t really mean that-” Emma stopped as they both heard the front door bell. “Oh dam.. that would likely be Emily.” Emma sighed and said, “Can you get that please, daddy, I won’t be too long.”

Jack turned and left, his heart pounding, his cock swelling then shrinking. She’s a beautiful girl, he thought, just like her mother, and just as heard to resist. Fuck, what is wrong with me, thinking of fucking my own daughter? Nah, can’t happen.

Jack went downstairs to the front door, opened to see a long haired beauty in front of him. After what just happened, Jack thought, God tempt’s me with this morsel? Fuck me! “Hi!” She’s grown in the last year or so.

“Hi, Emma’s Dad,” Emily said, “Emma’s expecting me.”

“Oh yeah, she’s in the shower,” Jack replied, as he stood aside waving her in, “You’re early then?”

“Yes,” as she passed close to him, “Like to come early, just not too early.”

Jack breathed her in, then realized what she had said, did she realize it? he thought. Fuck it, “You’re welcome to come here any time, I’m sure.”

“Thank you, I hope I will,” Emily replied, just looking at him, right in the eye.

There wasn’t a lot of pretense now, thought Jack, but she’s the same age as Emma. Do I? Jack ushered her into the lounge, saying “Emma won’t be long.”

“Thank you, but she can be as long as she likes.”

“Can I get you anything?”

“Mmm, no, not really thank you, but if you like, we can sit and talk.”

Jack looked her over, nice tits, big, innocent, eyes, long hair, smells nice, not really tall, but casually wrapped in a long, flowing dress that seems to accentuate her boobs and her hips. Buttons up at the front too. This is not a kid’s dress, he thought, she’s on the prowl.

“But you don’t really have to feel like you need to entertain me,” Emily went on, “I could entertain you- if you like?”

“Sorry, how could-”

“I can dance.”


“Yes, I love the can-can, don’t you?”

“The can-can?”

“Yes, I’m not very good at it, but I promise, I’m not wearing panties, so I hope you don’t embarrass easily.”

“What the fuck?”

“Well yes, if you like.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, you asked if I wanted to fuck and I said yes, if you like. But first, can I suck your dick?”

“Jeez Emily! You come in here and want to fuck! You don’t even know me! I’m old enough to be your father!”

“Yes, I know, but you have to be a lot better than boys my age, you’ve had a lot of experience they are just pump and shoot. I said I like to cum, lots!”

“No, no, I think you better just leave!”

“Why should she leave Daddy?” Jack spun around and saw Emma, naked, standing in the doorway. “Hi babe,” She said to Emily, “Lovely dress, be better spread on the floor don’t you think?”

Emily grinned, “Hi, good looking. Nice and fresh, yum!”

“Daddy, we’re going to have sex now, and we would like you to come and join us. Will you please? Or at least come and watch!”

“Oh yes, please,” cried Emily, “I’d love to have you watching.”

Jack stood, his heart pumping, his dick screaming yes, his head screaming NO. “I asked you to leave,” as quietly as calmly as he could to Emily.

Emily was shocked! Her face telling it all! “NO!” cried Emma, “She’s my guest! She’s my lover! We’re adults so we’ll please ourselves.” Emma went to her and hugged her, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“What is your mother going to say?”

“She already knows and she’ll likely-,” Emma stopped.

“Likely what?” Jack asked, maintaining his cool in, what was for him, an impossible situation.

“Tell you the same,” Emma decided quickly she would shut up about Mom’s expanded sex life, let her tell him. “Come on babe, let’s go.” Emma took Emily’s hand, leading her out of the lounge, to her bedroom. “Come on, I’ll make you feel better.”

Jack had no idea what the fuck had just happened! He was stunned by the behavior of the two gir- women now. He knew that Emma and her last three boyfriends were having sex, but Emma? A switch-hitter? When did that happen? And fucking her father? What was that all about? But a little twinge of a memory hit him. He remembered getting wound up by his friends as a 13-14 year old. One of them started it by telling the crew that Jack’s mom was a really hot babe and how he would like to fuck her. No such thing as a MILF, then, it was just ‘Jack’s mom’. He knew straight away that if he said anything like he would like to fuck her too, that would have been the end of him socially. Instead, Jack ended up with him getting a black eye for taking a swing at a kid bigger than himself. Jack knew his mom was a hot babe. He was certainly jealous his father was having sex with her whenever he wanted, but he grew out of it. He thought Emma would have by now, she should have! Then noises penetrated his cloak of confusion.

He knew those noises! The noises June was making last night as he ate her pussy! Sounds of Emma and Emily having sex! The moans and gasps! Fuck, he thought, feeling his own lust driving his hardening cock. Jack followed his ears and found himself standing in the doorway of Emma’s room. They hadn’t bothered to close the door. The wanted him to know, to see, to look. Emily was on her back, legs spread with Emma lying between them, her face pressing into Emily’s pussy.

Emily’s moans and gasps were all Jack needed to know she was being seriously pleasured by Emma, but his daughter’s tongue. Jack had a clear view of Emma lying down, legs parted, displaying her own pussy, glistening with her excitement. How was he supposed to resist this? Jack thought, NO, I can’t, she’s my daughter! Just then, he saw Emily had opened her eyes, saw him in the doorway and lifted her hands, beckoning him to join them. Her mouth opened, and she pursed her lips, pointing a finger to it. Fuck! She wants to suck my dick? He very nearly lost it then, but the slight movement to go into the room, to strip off and fuck them both was enough to jolt him back into his reality. Jack stopped, then shook his head, confused, and turned, closing the door behind him.

Jack went into the main bedroom, sat on the bed, thinking of what he just saw, Feeling what he just felt. Oh he wanted to join them, he wants to fuck both of them, but what sort of sick asshole would that make him? We can’t help feeling what we feel, Jack rationalized, but we can take responsibility for how we act on it. Even with the doors closed though, Jack thought he could hear them, listening to the sounds of their love making. Jack froze into immobility, his mind numb.

Some time later the bedroom door opened, “Get out!” He cried.

“What?” As June walked into the bedroom. “Why would you say that?”

“Oh, it’s you,” the relief in him was strong, he was afraid it was Emma and Emily coming in to tempt him again. He stood and wrapped himself around June. She pushed him gently, towards the bed.

“Okay, what’s wrong?”


“Don’t even try to lie to me, I know when something is wrong!”

Jack sat on the bed and mumbled something, June just looking at him with that “Come on buddy, tell me,” look that all wives and mothers develop.

“Emily came over this morning.”

“Yes, I know, Emma told me.”

“Oh. And- and-,”

“Oh, you found out that Emma and Emily are lovers?”

“Well, yes.” Jack looked up, “Wait- what? You knew?”

“Yes, I found out last weekend- well Emma told me.” She did, but June was being a little sparse with the truth here, not telling him the whole story.

“And you didn’t say anything to me?”

“I wanted to, but if Emma wanted you to know, it would be better she tell you herself.”

“But, but,” he stammered, “That’s not all!”

“Oh?”June asked, “There’s more?”

Jack took a breath, started to say something, stopped, sighed, took another breath and couldn’t quite get it out. “Come on, let it out, it’s not that bad, is it?” June asked.

Jack told her what happened earlier. He told her of Emma’s bizarre approach, of Emily’s brazenness, their leaving to door open, their invitation. June was silent for a moment.

“What did you see?” June asked. Jack blinked, like the question was unexpected. “What did you see when you were in the doorway?” June asked again, softly, more gently.

“I saw-,” Jack hesitated, “I saw, Emily, on her back and Emma was-” He stopped.

“Emma was what?”

“They were both-”

“They were both what?” June encouraged him to continue.

“Oh fuck June, it was embarrassing!”

“For whom?” June asked.

“They were naked, on Emma’s bed and Emma was eating Emily’s pussy!” Jack cried, “And Emily was holding her hands out, wanting me to come in.”

“And you did what?”

“I came in here!”

“I see,” June replied, “Bit confrontational was it?”

“Yeah, sure was, I just wanted-” he stopped.

“You wanted to what?”

Jack looked up at her, June, his wife, the mother of his child, and she seemed to be taking this an awful lot better than he was.

“You were tempted to join them?” After a moment, Jack nodded, “Oh, but you didn’t.” Jack shook his head. “But your dick was saying yes?” Jack’s eyes shot open in surprise at that question. “I’ll tell you what,” June said, “Why don’t you tell me everything, everything you saw while I suck you. Would that make you feel better?”

“June!” Jack was shocked now, “What’s come over you?”

“Nothing…yet,” June replied, “Just being tempted by two, not one, but two, beautiful young women has got to be causing you a great deal of frustration. I’m just suggesting I can relieve that for you.”

“WHAT? What are you talking about?”

“Obviously you want to get laid, and that’s okay, that’s pretty normal.”

“Emma’s our daughter!” Jack cried, “She is not supposed to make me feel like this!”

“You remember Grace and Bill’s going away party?” June asked, “We, well you, were as high as a kite. Remember what we were talking about?”

“Vaguely.” Jack replied, somewhat mystified at the reference to his sister.

“You said two things that I’ll never forget,” June said, “One was that Emma was growing up very nicely indeed. I wasn’t sure what to make of that, but it was the other thing you said that really made me laugh.”

“Oh, What was that?”

“How much Grace was like your mother and when you were thirteen you fantasized having the both of them in your bed, together, and would masturbate all the time over that.”

Jack’s face turned a very bright red as his embarrassment grew, “No! I would never had said that!”

“You did and I remember that because it was the only time you ever admitted to spanking the monkey!” June laughed at the absurdity of the statement and Jack’s obvious discomfort. “Now, get undressed, coz we’re going to have sex, lover boy.” She laughed.

“Yes ma’m,” Jack replied, knowing she was really hot for it right now.

“Back in a moment,” June said, “Using the bathroom.”

Jack lay back on the bed, after stripping off, waiting for June. A few minutes later, June came back in the bedroom, Jack was lying, naked, on the bed, watching June as she quickly stripped. His cock grew just at the sight of her, her ripened breasts, still proud, with largish nipples, a more or less flat stomach, no flab on her, and a thin strip of pubic hair, a mohawk. “Lay back,” June said, “Think of your sister and your mom, fantasize fucking them both while I suck your luscious dick.”

June loved Jack’s cock, seriously loved it. It wasn’t overly big, but then it wasn’t small either. She could deep throat him easily now, after a lot of practice, yet she always felt full when he was deep inside her, in her pussy or mouth. Jack caressed his balls as June crawled over the end of the bed, making her way up his legs, kissing the inside of his thighs until he could feel her hair cascading over his dick. He loved that thrill of her soft hair on his cock, the moments before her lips engulfed his knob. She always let his dick push her lips open, just like it does when he pierces her fuck tunnel and she did it again, another real thrill, always signifying her willingness to pleasure him.

Jack closed his eyes and pictured his sister, two years older than him, as he remembered her at just 15 years old. Her developed tits, broad hips her fair colored fuzz over her pussy, as he imagined it. Then his mother, Sally, not tall at all, but curvy, big tits, wide hips, full ass. He always wanted to watch them fucking each other, lapping each other’s pussies. He imagined fingers plunging inside each other, tongues lapping. juices flowing copiously. He fantasized them kneeling in front of him, passing his cock between them, one sucking on it, the other kissing and licking his balls, then swapping, a smooth rhythm, well rehearsed and practiced over and over, every time he had his cock out and was rubbing it. Only this time, it was better, he had the images in his mind and a hot mouth wrapped around his hard cock, not his hand.

Something made him open his eyes and look up. FUCK! There at the end of the bed stood Emma. She was watching June sucking his cock! “WHAT THE FUCK!” he cried, jumping up, surprised, dislodging June, grabbing a pillow to cover his raging horn.

“Oh Jack,” said June, “Relax! Take it easy.”

“Take it easy?” Jack retorted, “Emma’s in our bedroom!”

“Yes, I invited her.”


“Yes,” June replied calmly, “And would you please stop yelling! We don’t want the neighbors to know!”


“Because darling, Emma wants you. She wants to have sex with her dad and I know that in your heart of hearts, you would like to fuck her. So why not?”


“No ‘buts’, there is no reason for you not to have a sexual relationship with Emma if you wanted one. She’s on birth control, she wants to, and more.”

“Why?” Jack was both excited and horrified at this turn of events.

“Ask her”

Jack looked at Emma and without saying anything, Emma just replied, “I’ve wanted to for years, but you were never home and I was too embarrassed to ask. So now I’m eighteen, I’m an adult and I’m asking.”

“And you’re going along with this?” Jack asked June.

“Darling, as long as it’s kept in the family, I really have no problem with it,” June said, “Besides, look at it this way, instead of your mother and sister, you’ll have your wife and daughter to look after you and your cock, for real, not fantasy. Does it get any better?”

Jack felt the uncertainty, the desire, the outright lust building, the temptation was strong, so strong. “The law!” He said as he felt the last walls of his resistance crumbling.

Emma stepped closer, “What law? If you don’t tell, I won’t.” She shrugged her gown off, naked, she stood alongside the bed. “I want you. I want you inside me, at both ends. Pregnancy is not an issue so…” she said as she got onto the bed. Her hand reached out and grabbed Jack’s dick, stroking him. “I may not be as good a cock sucker as Mom, but I will be if you help me learn.”

Jack felt Emma’s lips wrap around his cock head, and he knew he was lost, there was no more fight in him. Oh, he wasn’t “cooperating with the inevitable”, or “lay back and enjoying it” he just realized that it took two to make a relationship, and the old rules no longer applied. June straddled his face and he breathed her musky pussy in, his tongue licking his lips in anticipation of what was beginning.

“Mom!” he said to himself, “Grace! You’re missing out!” He laughed.
