Yes Sir (FM) part 2

She was ready to call it a night and live on cloud nine with just this one interaction. He pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly. “Thank you” she managed, albeit a little shaky.

He led her to his car and opened the door again for her. The songs they had shared over the last several months were loaded on his phone and he began to play them. Carefully paying attention to his driving. She tried not to think at all but her mind started to wander. Somehow he sensed it. “You doing okay?” He checked in on her.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, very much ssssss…..” her words trailed off in a sudden rush of pleasure. She hadn’t noticed his hand on his phone as he casually hit a button and her underwear vibrated again. He let it linger a bit longer than the first time as her eyes closed and head arched back. Her legs involuntarily squeezed together sucking the vibrations in deeper as her skin erupted in goosebumps and nipples contracted. He watched this from the corner of his eye as he drove them ever so closer to the restaurant. “Fuck, that is hot.” He told her.

She giggled as it turned off. “I don’t think that’s very fair, it’s very much a distraction.”

His hand moved to his phone again “are you giving me sass?”

Her eyes widened in realization he was going to “punish” her with another jolt of pleasure for what she said. She smiled her best smile at him and answered “no sir” with a small chuckle in her voice. “Good girl.” He cooed back to her. She looked down at his crotch to see his bulge pressed against his dress pants. She was extremely proud of herself for that accomplishment. He noticed her gaze and commented “yeah, that is what you do to me.”

They pulled into the parking lot. Ever the gentleman he opened the door and offered her his hand yet again. She took it and arm in arm they walked into the restaurant to eat. She had never had such treatment before and still was very much in awe of him. As he stepped up to the desk, he gave his name for the reservation and at the exact time the host looked up to meet his gaze he had pressed the button on his phone in his pocket again. She gasped audibly and squeezed onto his arm tightly trying to keep herself upright and still. His smile broadened as he stared straight ahead at the host. “This way please” the host replied. She took a few wobbly steps before he turned the vibration back off. She pursed her lips together as he pulled out her chair to sit.

“Shouldn’t we establish rules for you using that on me?” She asked once the host had disappeared from the table.

“Hmm, well, the vibrator is mine, and you are mine, and therefore I believe I get to use it when I see fit.” He confidently yet almost in a cocky tone said back.

“But what if people see?” She answered back… “what if….” Her voice dropped to a hushed whisper “I can’t control myself when you do that?”

“Mmmm and show everyone what a sexy hot fuck you are?” He growled back in a low whisper. Her face flushed. She couldn’t hide her excitement at this game she was playing. She hadn’t felt hot or sexy in such a long time. And he wanted to put her on display. He smiled back at her and knew he had her. But it wasn’t in his nature to be mean or cold. “Do you want it to stop?” He asked with sudden seriousness.

She paused. Mostly for dramatic effect. She knew she could tell him yes and he would not activate it again tonight. He was not using it to abuse her. He was using it to dominate her. But she already knew her answer. “No, please don’t stop”. The heat suddenly flashed in his eyes and she swore he smiled so broadly she saw a dimple come out. So it was no surprise to her when the waitress came to take their order he had turned on her panties as she tried very hard to maintain her composure. He ordered the dinner for both of them as she fought to keep her face as neutral as possible. He coyly played with the intensity levels. Sitting next to each other and not across from each other, she saw the perfect opportunity to exact her revenge as he was finishing answering the questions about their meal.
