The Unrepentant Sinner [M40F19] [taboo] [public]

“Bless me, father, for I have sinned! It’s been three days since my last confession.” Upon hearing these familiar words, uttered by an even more familiar voice, Father Wallace couldn’t help feeling a rush go through his body, from his handsome, leonine head to his toes and, then, to the very tip of the one part of his body that should be the last thing on any priest’s mind and, of course, it never is.

The voice belonged to Mary Sarah, the 19 year old novice who had arrived at the convent just a few weeks before. Father Wallace knew little about her past, but what he did know, from the first time he lay his eyes on her, was that he wanted — no, not wanted, needed to get her out of her nun-in-training overalls and onto his perpetually restless cock.

Because Father Wallace, though a believer — not necessarily in God, he was too smart for that, but in the power of good — was also human, and one who’s sexual urges surpassed the level society considers “the accepted normal”. In a nutshell, he was an utter lecher and a consummate pervert. Also, atypically, maybe, for a Catolic priest, he loved the opposite sex and, as he was an attractive man — almost middle-aged but not looking it, tall, fit and tanned — he had no difficulty in finding women to assuage his indelible urges.

Still, the first time Mary Sarah entered his field of vision, he was dumbstruck. She couldn’t be a nun! Not with those grey-green lustful eyes, those puckered lips, the large, perky breasts or that protuberant ass that her overalls failed miserably to conceal.

And, as it often happened to him, Father Wallace was right. Mary Sarah was, for lack of a better term, a slut. Appalled at her promiscuousness, her disgustingly rich, but bigoted parents had compelled her to join the convent — it was either that or she would be cut out from the family money. Thus, the free-spirited April Thomas relinquished her Guccis and her Manolo Blahniks, donned the black and white outfit of sister-in-training and became novice Mary Sarah.

What Mary Sarah didn’t relinquish though was her unmitigated debauchery. During the first week at the convent she had fucked two deacons, seduced an older nun and tried to do the same with the archbishop — to no avail this time, as he was only partial to choir boys.

Father Wallace knew all this because he had made sure he would become her tutor and, consequently, her confessor. And Mary Sarah observed the ritual of confession right down to a T, though Father Wallace was aware that it was less out of a religious compulsion and more out of sheer exhibitionism.

Thus, to Father Wallace it was apparent that 1) Mary Sarah wanted him to know of her exploits and 2) she needed to be disciplined, one way or another. And this was right up his alley.

And with this we return to the present day. Father Wallace was now separated by his object of desire by just a few millimeters of plywood and fabric.

“Bless you, child,” Father Wallace responded, in a low, masculine murmur. “God forgives the ones who repent and are true to their hearts. At least so I hear. What sins weigh upon your shoulders these days?”.

Mary Sarah’s answer came fast and impudent. “Father, I have desecrated a crucifix for my own earthly desires. Also, I have shown images of people having illicit intercourse to one of the sisters in the convent and then used the same crucifix upon her… womanly parts.”

Father Wallace could feel his pulse fasten, together with that familiar feeling in his pelvic region. During his years as a priest, he had heard some crazy things during confession, but this was by far the most brazen one! Still, it appealed to his dirty mind and it opened the door for some mutual gratification.

“Child, to receive forgiveness, one must first repent for his or her unholy deeds.”

“Yes, Father! Sorry!” The priest could almost see the roguish smirk on Mary Sarah’s lips, but this time he was ready to meet her challenge.

“Sometimes repentance needs an act of faith, child”, Father Wallace said, almost in a whisper. He then lifted his cassock, revealing his hard, meaty cock, and then inserted it through one of the holes in the confessional window. “Now, child, repent!”

Mary Sarah needed no other incentive and took Father Wallace’s member into her mouth, quite matter-of-factly.

Mary Sarah sucked with great gusto, making the church walls echo with the sounds of her rapture. On the other side, Father Wallace tried hard to pace himself. He didn’t want to come too soon, but it was as if trying to swim up a waterfall. Eventually, he had to give in.

“Are you ready, child?” he asked in a husky voice. The only sound from the other side was a muffled “Mh-hm”, as Mary Sarah refused to let the priest’s cock out of her mouth, even for a second.

“Aaah!” exclaimed the priest, as he let out spurt after spurt of hot, slimy cum into Mary Sarah’s mouth. Or so he thought, because after the initial moment of explosion, he felt her let the cock out and stroke it, letting the rest of the semen spatter freely.

Then she spoke again. “Oh, father, look at the mess I’ve made. My face and my wimple are full of your seed. Surely this is a major sin, isn’t it?”

Taunting, even now. The lesson hadn’t been properly learnt. Father Wallace thought hard.

“There is a way to clean yourself, and your garments. Get down on your knees, child, open your mouth and be ready to receive my holy water!”

One minute later, drenched to the skin with the priest’s golden water, Mary Sarah went out of the confessional smiling, licking from her lips the remnants of Father Wallace’s cum. She wanted more, and she had to sin some more to get it. Double jeopardy wasn’t for her.

Hope you enjoyed my story. For more of the same, I invite you to check on my profile at

Also, for longer reads, check out my series on the sexual exploits of Robbie, the BBW Goddess, at
