Suggestions for a Femdom story?

So not long ago I wrote an erotic story for my fiancé, and she absolutely loved it! Her reaction inspired me to whip up another one for her. As the title of this post suggests, I want the themes to revolve around femdom and F/M corruption. Specifically, it’s in a fantasy setting where a thief gets caught by a dark Paladin who proceeds to dominate and corrupt him into becoming her mindless sex toy/pet. However, every time I try to brainstorm what I want it to look like, I come up blank. Are there any experienced readers or authors here who are willing to give me some suggestions?


1 comment

  1. Here’s some questions that may help.

    What’s normal in this fantasy world? Is the dark paladin a fallen paladin or just follows an evil diety? Is it normal that a caught thief be enslaved or is this unexpected? Is the theft significant? Is the thief special to the paladin?

    Is the fantasy setting window dressing or are you going to flesh it out? Who’s pov do you want to write from? How non-con do you want to go? Do you want to write about the relationship between the two characters or is the focus on one of them taming the other or being transformed.

    What does the paladin want and why can’t they have it immediately? What does the thief want and why can’t they have it immediately?

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