Bath Time Stories For The Dreamers: Part I

*This is my first time posting a story publicly, please be gentle? I have loads of these in my head, should I write an erotic fiction book of these? Is that even a real career? Would you read Part II to this story?*

When I first met her, I had no idea that it would be only a few short hours until I felt her body tense against mine, muscles quivering against my legs, abs, and chest. Quickly followed by the spreading warmth of her cum all over my cock. We clung to each other for dear life, our heavy breathing in sync with each other, interrupted by breathless “holy fucks,” until my cock returned the favor deep inside of her, pulsing and wet and tight. Cum dripped down the inside of her thighs and onto the tile floor.

But I suppose I should probably back up here. My name doesn’t matter, but what does matter is that I am a straight man in my 30’s, recently single after a long, sad relationship, and I go to bed with literal chest pangs when I notice how cold the other side of the bed is now. In other words, I’m lonely. Just like any of us are in our own ways.

Long story short — I work a lot. And as a newly single man, I recently have had nothing but time to work. It’s probably some form of coping mechanism for me. So once again, at the end of a particularly long and hard week at work, I found myself parking my car in front of my neighborhood’s go-to coffee shop around 6pm, just to pop in for a little while and respond to some work emails so I could try to spend the rest of my weekend in peace.

That’s when it happened. Have you ever met an attractive stranger where you both hold eye contact with each for an extra second or two, smiling like idiots, and some kind of invisible, primal lightning bolt passes between the two of you that nobody acknowledges out loud? It’s unexplainable, isn’t it? And filled with an electrifying possibility. I still don’t even know her name, but she had olive skin, short dark hair, light eyes, and a figure that I did my best to ignore. I was there to work, after all.

So I ordered my latte from her at the register, and she made it. We smiled at each other, intense eye contact and dumb smiles included, when she called it out and I picked it up at the coffee bar. No one else was waiting for a drink.

I promise I then sat down at a table, cracked open my laptop, and reluctantly got to work. Again. On a Friday night. I had no further intentions, honest.

A couple hours later I was shaken out of work when I noticed another employee locking the front door to the shop. I was a regular so they simply let me know that they’d be closing soon and would let me out once I packed up my things. Fair enough.

As I started to shut down my laptop, I heard her tell her coworker that they could leave for the night, she’d finish up closing since they were almost done. After a minute, I heard the back door slam. And that’s about when she walked past my table, as I stood to put my computer into my bag. She dropped a napkin onto my table as she passed by, quickly scrawled with the words, “Follow me.”

That’s when she walked into the bathroom and shut the door. She only looked back at me as the door was closing, a devilish smile on her face.

“Shit,” I thought to myself. I mean, seriously, what would you do in that situation? I had one of those pivotal moments: I looked around, thought about my Friday night if I went home right then, and imagined how it would probably end the way most of my nights do recently — stroking my cock to some sad, nondescript porn that I won’t remember later in a desperate attempt to lull myself to sleep.

“Fuck it,” I actually said out loud to myself, and walked toward the bathroom door, my mind suddenly buzzing with possibility and my cock starting to wake up.

*Should I write Part II to this? Let me know if you like this in the comments, please.*


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