The Research Corporation: Specimen #2

Feel free to *ahem* “report” any findings of miscellaneous creatures intent on reproducing with humans, preferably including a description and a means of reproduction and the corporation may see to it that we apprehend and capture said creatures, now that being said, let’s get into the document!

#Specimen 2: “Worm Weed”
Status: Contained, potential stragglers, monitor W.W.W. for warning signs
Specimen 2, is a floral entity that consists of a network of a larger entity that emerges from the ground in multiple adjacent locales, akin to a fungus, the network is a direct analog for mycelium, the protrusions from the ground are stalk like appendages that end in a perfectly rounded end, underneath the soil of the stalks like a sack for youngling as well as a gland for semen production engaged in reproduction, few of the tips may morph into a selection of 2 different shapes, either a tip more phallic in nature though what design of phallus may differ per individuals desire or capacity, or a tip more akin to an insect’s ovipositor, what determines this shall be discussed in the reproduction segment of the document.

###Life Cycle: 1-2 Decades
The Specimen matures in 2 ways:

– Lain as an alien form of seed, the parent will instinctively bury it in soil, if the opportunity presents itself, from then the capsule opens, and thousands of spores are released into the soil, from there the mycelium pervades the nearby soil in an average radius of 10-20 feet over the course of a month, before halting spread. Once growth has reached a certain percentage, the stalks will sprout over the course of a week, yielding anywhere from 5-8 stalks total

– Implanted in a host incompatible to bear seed, a clutch of 5-10 juvenile stalks are typically implanted into a host’s intestinal tract, or rarely stomach. These mature over a month, acting as a form of parasite, even though a reasonable portion of the hosts nutrients is absorbed, the host is rewarded via secreted aphrodisiac, the rapid maturation of the juveniles leads to stomach growth. When they inevitably outgrow their environment, they will influence the host to lay themselves atop soil, they then exit through either end, then burrowing into the ground, spreading spores & mycelium to root themselves in the ground before emerging within the week.

###Capabilities: Non-threat
The Specimen seems to be capable of mild psionics, as it can probe its hosts mind to ascertain their preferred phallus shape, it uses basic photosynthesis to maintain energy, it also seems to have many different ways of supplying aphrodisiac, even ingesting the flesh of the stalks causes moderate arousal even in those with low libido. The Specimen is capable of understanding a creature’s entire genetic code, and is able to understand its physiology from that alone, with that so long as the prey produces eggs, it can produce sperm that perfectly matches the egg, in such a way that it acts as a mother for the species reproduction purposes. The stalks can also act with immense strength as well as above average intellect in order to capture or strip a host for reproduction, but consequently never use more force than necessary.

The Specimen is housed in site 1 in a 45 by 45 ft square room 10 feet high, with a cylindrical hole in the center filled with dirt measuring 25 ft across, and 5 ft deep, soil is watered with over head sprinklers, and subject is supplied with grow lights to ensure life, 4 seeds are kept in a cryo unit incase of eventual death. 2 guards keep watch to prevent unintended copulation and for host recovery. A host is to be supplied every month to ensure the plant remains healthy and docile.

###Reproduction: Variably painless
Scenario A: Human female
The subject is lured into the vicinity of the stalks, they emerge from hiding and immobilized the subject in air, by grasping the wrists and ankles, a free tentacle develops a needle like appendage and absorbs a sample of DNA, detecting a viable host, it produces semen in the underground gland and attempts gains access to the reproductive entrance, stripping whatever necessary. It alters its tip the the hosts desire, and penetrates the host, it begins slowly, secreting its aphrodisiac, which both acts as a lubricant and will cause the host to supply their own lubricant, after time has passed, enough semen has been produced, and the host is edging on climax, they will then drive deep and deliver a payload to impregnate the host with a seed, more if luck wills it

Scenario B: Human male
The subject is lured into the vicinity of the stalks, they emerge from hiding and immobilized the subject in air, by grasping the wrists and ankles, a free tentacle develops a needle like appendage and absorbs a sample of DNA, detecting a non-viable host, it will then typically gain access to the anus, or much more rarely to the mouth, through whatever means necessary. They will then properly lubricate the area for penetration with their signature aphrodisiac cocktail before gently thrusting inside their host. They will begin slowly and gently before picking up the pace to match with their host’s desire. When enough time has passed for younglings to be produced, if they aren’t already, and the host is edging an orgasm, they will begin to pipe the youngling into the hosts digestive tract, for them to feed on the hosts nutrients.

##Experiment log #1
Host: Sasha Goodrun

*Log was developed from a mix of personal accounts from host as well as an account of the events from a observing perspective*

Sasha is a twenty one year old fresh college graduate. She has a well trimmed build, well fit in most areas, with fat concentrated in her breasts and her posterior. Her wavy amber hair runs to her shoulders, and she is just under 6 ft. She was suffering financial issues and looked to scientific trial websites for funding.

She happened upon the false ad put out intended to receive new voluntary subjects. Claiming to be a drug that could have the potential to boost immune response, allowing for the body to detect more cancers with ease. She set an appointment and a short few days later drove to an offsite compound given by site recovery staff. As she sat in the mock reception area she felt the familiar pit in her stomach that came with every doctor visit.

Sasha’s heart leapt as her name was called by a man wearing a pristine lab coat, they sat her in a chair and then laid her back, she was injected with low level tranquilizers and everything went dark. She came back to consciousness slowly, feeling a cool metal wrapped around one of her wrists, she opened her eyes to see what looked to be an interrogation room. Complete with a table just ahead of her, and a 2 way mirror just past that.

Just as she was wrapping her mind around what all transpired there was a rattling of a doorknob a door that was apparently behind her, followed by the squeal of the door swinging open, ahead of her a lithe woman in a lab coat with brown hair walked in, she sat down, resting the file on the table ahead of her.

“Morning Ms…Goodrun, I’m Doctor Hazel MacKenfree, i’m sure you’re very confused and concerned, so let me address what scenario you’re in right now. You are in the primary research base of The Conglomerate, our mission is to contain various beasts, creatures and items of sexual nature, lest they endanger humanity through abuse of power or over production” she said coldly

“Youve been lured here under false pretenses, but this is not prison, if you wish, you may leave here and be administered low class amnestic, the other option is that you may be a voluntary subjects of one of our few selections of creatures,” she continued, her voice beginning to sound lightly empathic

Sasha considered her options, and after being informed the creatures available would pose no harm to her she relented, and asked what her choices were, she was only given 2, one was a cluster of long worms embedded in the dirt, the other looked like if a plant fucked a piranha, she chose the former.

As Sasha entered the testing room she looked around befuddled seeing only a square room and a round circle of grass in the center. A voice over the intercom demanded she step to the center of the room, so she willingly complied.

Right when she was around 7 feet away from the center, she felt a flurry of wind, just moments before she was hoisted into the air by her wrists and ankles. She hovered a good 2 or 3 feeling in the air, as she began to struggle against her floral bindings, however as she struggled, the pressure exerted on her appendages increased three fold, so she went slack, hoping to prevent harm or worse.

As she lied there, wracked with nervous anticipation, she felt a painful prick in her leg, as if she were stabbed with a needle. She laid there, suspended mid air for another 45 seconds as the creature analyzed her DNA. Then, something nobody expected transpired. The creature used 3 free appendages to fully strip her of clothing.

“What the FUCK!” She exclaimed

The exclamation fell on deaf ears as all 3 stalks began to glisten with a large amount of the aphrodisiac gel, proceeding to spread the gel on every square inch of the woman’s voluptuous body. It is still unknown what possessed the creature to do such an action. The host looked around in confusion, before allowing it to take place and giving into what she initially assumed to be an oil massage. However, then the sensitivity and arousal set in, she began to twitch as her respiratory rate increased to nearly hyperventilating.

Sasha was stifling moans and biting her lips, while rhythmically thrusting her hips, aching for relief, thankfully relief would soon come. The three free stalks placed themselves in front of her mouth, vagina and anus, the one hovering in front of her pussy then morphed into the form of a mare’s cock. Whereas the two others took the form of an insect’s ovipositor.

The subject then gladly opened her mouth accepting their offers, before squealing in surprise feeling the cold tip of the stalks below preparing to penetrate, the stalks jerked back in surprise until Sasha relaxed once more, wherein they continued their trek forward, slowly the tentacles entered all three orifices, testing the limits of her capacity, as they crawled inward the subjects began to moan muffled by the stalk in her mouth

Taking this as encouragement they began to explore further at a quicker pace. The one in her vagina was the first to bottom out, then the one in her oral cavity then lastly the one in her intestines. they then began to thrust in and out in sequential order, eliciting a choir of moans from the subject.

After around 3 minutes of this, the subject seemed near the peak of a powerful climax, just then, they all paused and began to thrust quickly and simultaneously. Moments thater they dove deep and delivered two clutches of juveniles and delivered a liter of semen before gently setting Sasha down and going dormant as security staff collected her.


16 total juvenile tentacles, a quadruple eggnancy, resulting in massive gestational growth for the host, before the offspring were all collected and appropriately contained or disposed of.

##Potential options to produce profit:
Collection and bottling of aphrodisiac fluid can be sold on the vlack market to garner profit. Juvenile stalks may also be sterilized and sold to highest bidders.
