Mind controlled and subdued [mental domination]

Patricia Lavalette was hard at work in her office, arranging the paperwork for a new deal she was about to close for her company. The office was of modern and elegant design. Patricia was a very much ambitious character.

Only in her mid-twenties and already owner and CEO of a major brain-machine interface company was the commendable result of having dedicated most of her waking hours to furthering her career; it was her passion and life’s work.

As she was completing the final signatures in the forms suddenly something strange happened. An alert flashed in the computer screen warning that cameras in most departments had been disabled. This was highly unusual, and she tensed up.

Before the woman could figure out what went wrong, a man who was not of her staff entered the office unannounced. He stepped towards her and Patricia noticed he had short dark hair and eyes and a stubble, and on his face was a roguish smile.

White shirt, loose collar. Immediately she knew who this person was, indeed, there was no doubt it was him, the person who had wanted to buy this business, but she’d naturally refused.

“Hello Patricia,” spoke Godwin in his deep voice. Though fear plagued her heart, the girl maintained her composure. Her resolve was steeled by all the years she’d spent dealing with chaotic situations and solving conflicts running her business and would not break facing this bully’s attempts at intimidation.

“My decision is final. I’m not selling you anything.” Godwin couldn’t help himself from laughing. “No, no you aren’t. You’ve had your chance.” He pulled the phone from his pocket and pressed a few buttons on the screen.

“Brave of you to refuse a Michaelson, girl. Brave but stupid.” The screen on the computer went dark. “I’ve uploaded a virus into your company’s mainframe, hijacking your systems. The technology is now under my control.”

He met her grey eyes, which were no longer able to conceal the dread crippling her. “And now I’ll take control of you as well.” Terrified, Patricia took a few steps back and cried, “Back off. You will never get away with this intrusion.

Like the common criminal you’ve exposed yourself to be, my lawyer will see to it that you spend the rest of your days working in Alaska!”

Godwin responded by pressing another button on the screen of his phone and with this it started emitting a rhythmical buzzing sound. It rang in Patricia’s head and there was no escaping it, no tuning it out.

She started to feel very relaxed and her thoughts seemed like a chirping of birds in the distance as tension left her body. It was suddenly inconceivable to experience any other feeling than a comfortable floaty daze, let alone take a proactive action.

Godwin noticed her eyes becoming glazed over and dreamy and was pleased. Then he stepped near her, moved aside the platinum blond strands of hair covering her ear and pressed his phone just next to it.

Now Patricia’s mind was swooned completely and she sighed in ecstasy, her attention solely focused on his every word. “Easy, that’s it. I find this one of my most brilliant inventions,” he exclaimed delightedly, clearly satisfied with himself.

“You see, this frequency is specifically catered to produce a few wonderful effects on the female psyche. And by the way, I’ve made sure we won’t be disturbed.” He started rubbing one of her legs over the black skirt.

Patricia became increasingly aware of an aching need for attention festering in both her body and mind. “In normal circumstances I have so few people ready to listen who would be so attentive and immediately concerned as you are now.

The vibrations I programmed awaken the darkest primal urges in a woman, cravings to be possessed and molded, and they distinctly arouse and accentuate the deep desire for male validation.”

By then, drool had been dripping from the corners of the helpless business woman’s mouth and slowly slithering down her chin. Her breathing was slow, failing to match the pounding of her heart.

“The sound also disarms any defenses, biases or inhibitions you may normally have and quickly puts the conscious part of the mind to deep sleep. You would do anything at all for me, wouldn’t you?” Patricia nodded enthusiastically.

“Good girl,” said Godwin. Those words sent a surge of desperate pleasure through Patricia’s entire body and she shivered and moaned, her panties already drenched with wetness.

“But back to the science of it,” he said, now putting the phone on the table by the computer and using his other hand to grope her ass. “You’ll be happy to know you’ll be spared from realizing how pathetic you look now…” She gave him the happy puppy look.

“That’s right,” he said, “after I’m finished with you and the device is turned off you will slowly start regaining your normal consciousness and these effects will go away; but there will be no memory that any of this happened and even the day before might feel fuzzy”.

He continued to speak while taking a step back and softly caressing her cheek. Every touch sent electric jolts down into her pulsing and quivering holes.

If she had any agency left she would be shamelessly begging Godwin on her knees to fuck her brains out, but she didn’t.

“Of course it would be very much far fetched for you to realize it now, considering the state you’re in. But wait, the lovelist revelation is yet to come.” He began lightly massaging her breasts with both hands and spoke in a low and deep tonality.

It felt to Patricia like every cell in her body desperately lingered on each word spoken. “This beautifully submissive and programmable part of your psyche I’m currently speaking with can take over your body to remember and execute my commands, unconsciously.”

A drop of drool dropped from her chin to the ground. “Now, whenever I ask something of you I want you to respond with “yes sir” if you intend to follow it through to the letter, do you understand?”

“Yes sir!” The answer came slavishly rushing out of her mouth at once.

“Good, good, laughed Godwin. I think we’re starting to find a common language, you and I. Tomorrow you will sign the full ownership of your company and operations over to the Michaelsons.”

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/whydxf/mind_controlled_and_subdued_mental_domination

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