So my youngest brother maybe my son (Part 3)

So my youngest brother maybe my son (Part 3)

So for those who need a bit of catch up here is

[Part 1](

And [Part 2](

So recently within the past month I got to talking with my mom and the topic of my younger siblings came up. Small side note, I’m really close to my mom and we are both very open with one another. So I made a one off comment about my youngest brother, AKA my and my mom’s bio son, and she got quiet.
Now when I say me and my mom are close, we talk about everything. Anything from something as small as the weather all the way to our sex life’s and death itself. So when she got quite I knew there was something she knew. And so I ask her what up, and she shocked me by confessing that she’s known since she was first told she was pregnant that my youngest brother was indeed child!
I asked how she knew. And she asked me if I remember anything at all. Any dirty dreams, any midnight walks through the house, anything. I told her no.
Now I’m gonna pause a second and give a few more details so I don’t have to say them later. My dad has a weird work schedule. He gets weekends off from work but me and my mom don’t. My dad also works night as well. And back around the time my mom got pregnant with my youngest brother, my dad worked both day and night alot and was home for maybe 10-12 hours a day but most of it was sent sleeping. My dad is an amazing man, a wonderful husband and lover to my mother and an awesome father to me and my other siblings. And one more thing I sleep walk/eat/fuck/ est.. I do alot of things in my sleep, but I also sleep naked. As in no clothes what so ever. Make it kinda easy to get into trouble at time . But ether way I’ll get back to the story.
So my went into her room and came back out with a little video tablet and handed to me with a night vision video ready to be played. And before playing it I looked closely as I see the video is of a full view of my parents room. My mom laying in bed,naked, passed out,dildo in hand and my dad was gone and I looked at her and before I could ask she said, ” Id make videos for you dad from time to time while he was away at work, a few nights I would pass out and forget to turn the cameras off but here’s one of the reasons why I know your brother is yours and not your dad’s. Well besides the few tests I had done make sure of how the father was. And before you ask. This video you are about to see us the other ones that are just like it I’ve never shown your dad or anyone else.”
(Also before anyone asks no I will not be uploading the videos do to privacy reasons. I’m gonna do my best to describe what happened in the one I watched then though, I hope y’all can respect that)
So I looked back at the tablet and I hit play. It started to play and I can hear light foot steps walking towards the bedroom and the door and opening so quietly and slowly. All the sudden I see a younger me come walking into the bedroom and just stand there looking as my moms lovely and beautiful naked body on the bed. I watch as I slowly and carefully climb into the bed and start to eat own mother out. In my head I’m thinking there is no way this is real and the fact that I was turning me on was adding to it. My mom shifted a little and let out a lower but pleased moan but remind asleep. As I’m eating her about I reach one hand up and begin to massage her beautiful breasts. The hand work and teasing of her nipple cause my mom to stir a bit more before I really started going at it. By the time 2minute of the video was passing my mom had let out a load moan and came all over my face and as I’m watching with every passing second my eyes get wider andy dick just keeps getting harder.
In the video my mom is laying spiralled out on the bed and panting and I slowly come up and begin rubbing dick against her lovely pussy and I begin sucking on her heart and pulling gently on her nipples with my teeth. My mom set out another mom followed by, “s-son?! What a-are you-..”. But that’s all she can get out as I thrust the my whole hard on in and she lets out a great moan of pleasure cause as I thrusted in I had both her nipples in my teeth and I pulled hard. It’s about then as I repeat repeatedly began to slowly pull out to the very top of my dick before slamming in all back in at once did my mom realize 2 things. One being, I was asleep, and you should never wake a sleep walker, and two, my dick was way fucking bigger then my dad’s dick. One more things she realized was that I was starting to gain speed, and she was strapped in for a long ride
As the video went on I glanced up at my mom and could see her fidgeting in her seat with one hand down the first of her pants but looking back down at the video I could see my mom having a hell of a time taking my young dick inside her pussy. Hearing her scream, ” when and where the hell did you get such a big fucking dick!?!” And ” God! I can feel It throbbing inside me, please if you can hear me, pull out !!!”
Finally, after a good 40 ish minutes of me fucking my mom’s brains out my paces started to slow and my thrusts starter getting harder and she realized what was coming. She tried to push me off but I hard a hard hold of one of her legs in one arm and a firm grab of a tit in the other hand. With one how hard deep thrust I came inside my mom. Then I started fucking her again and she was already looking so tired and worn out from the first time by the time the second cumming came she looked so tired and sore she couldn’t even fight it. After an hour and a half she had to of orgasmed 7 or 8 times.
As I watched myself finish for a second time and slowly and carefully pull out, my guess was so not a drop was spilled, he gently kissed mom on the forehead and carefully left the room closing the door quietly behind him as mom passed out and the video ended.
I looked at my mom and not only saw a wet spot formed in my mom’s chair but her face beat red. I asked how many videos were there like this and how many people know about this. She told me only her and I know about this and there were 6 videos all through the course of her pregnancy with my youngest brother/ son.
After that me my mom swore never to tell my dad or anyone of my siblings especially not my youngest brother.

Welp that’s the end for now.ill keep y’all up to date if you have any questions or if anything changes. If you don’t believe me then that’s on you but every bit of all of these are 100% true store.


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