Two Strangers Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 4]

**Chapter 8**

The sun had set and it was getting dark outside. The bathroom light was our only source of brightness at this point. I told Queen that I would go to sleep now as my routine has me sleeping at sunset and waking up at sunrise. I said that and then used my shirt that I had taken off as a pillow and lay down on the floor. In reality, I wasn’t really much tiered much, I just wanted to let Queen relax a little knowing that I was asleep.

Queen looked down at me as I slept. She wanted to be sure that I was totally asleep. As I lay on the floor with my shirt off and the top half of my body naked Queen examined my body. She looked at my chest, my abdomen, and the muscles of my arms. She then looked down at my lower half where I had jeans. Queen found herself imagining me without pants.

She repeatedly kept thinking of the image of my penis that she had gotten from a slight glimpse and the warm feeling she felt as drops of my urine touched her hand. It made her feel so womanly. Her heart desired more but she knew that being a mother she can’t let her desires guide her. She had to resist her dirty urges. The heat and sweat was making thinking hard for her and she couldn’t take it anymore.

After she was sure I was asleep I heard a ruffling sound and saw a black cloth land next to me. It was her Burqa. She took a huge sigh of relief as she took off the burqa. I wanted to look up and finally see her face and body so badly but I couldn’t otherwise she would know I’m awake.

Queen then slowly walked away towards the bathtub where she turned on the water. I took the opportunity to slightly look up and saw her from behind. She was wearing a kurta with floral patterns on it however her entire dress was soaking wet and was stuck on her body like wet tissue paper. The best part of all was the fact that her lower garment was so wet that it was literally stuck between her ass crack and Queen made no effort to pull it out. At that moment I really wished I was in that lower garment.

I touched the Burqa, it was wet too. However, with it, I was greeted with a strong pungent smell. It was not a pleasant smell but it made my blood warm and I wanted more. I slowly pulled her burqa near and smelled it and then I realized it was the smell of Queen’s sweat.

The smell of her sweaty was stinky yet at the same time so intoxicating. I loved it so much. All her body’s pheromones that she had been releasing the entire day were in this fabric and I was so happy she left it next to me. I could spend the entire night with this smell near me.

Things would only get better for me. When I saw Queen’s footsteps turn back. This time a floral kurta dropped followed by a shalwar bottom garment. My heart was racing when I realized what was happening. She was stripping naked. I patiently for her to move to I can touch her other clothes and smell them.

When I saw her feet move I looked up slightly and saw one of the best sights I have ever seen. She was walking towards the bathtub with the back of her underwear stuck tightly between her ass crack. This must have been the longest ass crack I have ever seen. The line was pretty long. I liked that since it had me wondering at what point her anus must be. Usually, with girls with small butts and short cracks, u would easily tell where their assholes are located but with Queen’s ass, it was a different story. The flesh of her buttocks were shaking up and down as she walked toward the bathtub.

From behind, I could see her bare bums, thighs, and legs. I could also see her curving back where towards the top was her bra strap. Under her protruding buttocks were her thighs and beath them were her legs. I was surprised to see how hairy her legs were. I didn’t find them gross rather looking at them made me wish I had to chance to shave them for her. At the very top, her hair was tied in a bun. If the smell of her pheromones didn’t make my penis erect the sight of her naked back definitely did.

She tested the water of the bathtub with her hand bending over. This made the underwear sink, even more, deeper into her ass. Before unhooking her bra and entering the bath. She kept her underwear on inside the bath and put her bra close by. I was guessing this was probably in case I woke up.

Regardless my penis was rock hard in my pants. Not only had I smelled the scent of her body I also saw the back of her nude. Unfortunately, I was neither able to see her breasts nor her face from my angle but what little I saw was enough for me at that moment.

The bun of her hair was pretty fluffy. I guess she made it after undressing since I would have noticed it if she had in underneath the veil while we were both awake. The hair bun’s fluffiness also told me that she had long hair. Though I wouldn’t mind if she kept her hair in her bun because keeping her hair tied would keep the focus on her face when the time comes for me to see it.

After I made sure that she wasn’t looking in my direction while in the bathtub. I reached for the rest of the clothes that she had dropped and started smelling them. The smell was, even more, stronger in these new clothes and they were even wetter. This made sense since the clothes were closer to her body than the burqa and they soaked all her sweat from the entire day being locked in this hot damp room.

I started rubbing the wet sweaty cloths on my face being lost in the aroma. I kissed the wet fabric every now and then thinking about how it would have been stuck to the skin of her body. The salty taste in my mouth made the experience even better as I was theoretically tasting her body.

At that point I got an idea, I opened my mouth, took out my tongue, and squeezed the fabric and some droplets of salty sweat fell in my mouth and I drank them. I knew that I was about to cum so I took the black burqa, turned it inside out, and put it in my pants to act as a cum rag so my clothes don’t get a cum stain.

Unknown to me at that time was that while I was jerking off, Queen was in the bathtub doing something similar. Though she intended to have a bath at night after I slept to wash away all the stench and sweat from her body that had accumulated the entire day she couldn’t help but think about the predicament she is in and everything she had done so far.

She was thinking about how womanly she felt napping in my arms and crying in front of me. I didn’t take advantage of her instead I comforted her. This realization made her rethink our sexual interactions. The image of my penis kept flashing in her mind. It was longer than her husband’s and much veinier. She thought if a few drops of warm piss on hand made her feel so good how good could a load of semen feel?

At that moment in the bathtub, she wanted to forget everything bothering her. She wanted her mind to run wild. She wasn’t the modest housekeeping mother right now. She was a naked woman in a bathtub locked in a room with a shirtless man. Her breasts were uncovered, though she kept her underwear on and kept her bra close by in case I woke but at the same time while fantasizing in the tub she kept thinking about how she would act all ashamed if I saw her bare breasts but her mind would love it. The looked down had her breasts. Around her white skin were dark brown areolas with puffy brown nipples in the middle. I thought of a man looking at her breasts which made her so horny that some drops of milk leaked from her nipples.

She was lost in pleasure at the moment. She didn’t want to think about her husband, her children, her shame, her duties. All she wanted to think about was her nakedness. She was very horny. She started touching her vagina while her eyes were closed. In her state of extreme horniness. She even considered for a slit second standing up but luckily for her, she hit orgasm. She discharged so excessively that she even opened her eyes and checked if she hadn’t peed but luckily she didn’t it was all orgasm. She obviously realized how silly it was for her to want to stand up naked in her state of post-nut clarity.

By this point, I had also ejaculated, even in my post-nut state I was happy with the salty taste in my mouth left by her sweat. We both didn’t know it at that time but we were masturbating while thinking of each other. I find it kind of I put the clothes back where they were right on time because I then saw a pair of feet come towards me. She was dripping in water.

I put my head back down. I saw her come up to her clothes, luckily she didn’t suspect anything since I was long done sniffing and tasting them and had put them back. She picked up her clothes, dipped them once in the bathtub, drained the tub, and then put it in the cloth drier nearby.

After this, she picked up her burqa and wore it directly over her undergarments. I was wishing she doesn’t notice stickiness in her burqa because I didn’t know which part of the burqa I had ejaculated in however luckily she didn’t notice.

She took the towel she had dried herself from and made it into a makeshift pillow and lay down on the floor some feet away from me.

I watched her fall asleep while feeling happy that I choose to remain awake til this time. I had to allot of things added to my to-do list. But out of all the things added I wanted one thing more than anything else out of them all.

That was that before we are able to get out I wanted her to be in that bathtub once again but this time not alone and definitely without underwear. For one day I had made enough progress. I knew after tonight things will be only better from tomorrow morning onwards.




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