Jessica’s First A.S.S. Job, Part 2

[Link to part one.](

Inside the first floor bathroom, I peeled off my black capris and slid up my red tanga. My instructor told me to always keep it simple, that guys were driven by sex. That there was no such thing as too many signals. If your body pulled the target in your muscles wouldn’t have to. The only limit was what you could get away with, and teenage boys would let you get away with a lot.

I adjusted myself in the mirror. I’d only get one shot at the easy way and for it to work I had to work it.

The bottoms were the easy part. I pulled the capris down until they rode across the widest section of my hips, then pulled the tanga so that the red lace showed all the way around. They weren’t the most revealing underwear I owned, but they threw mad signals.

The top was trickier. My instructor had a saying, “Perky nips equals best tips.” That was for my waitressing gig, but it still applied here. Unfortunately since junior year my breasts were a little large to go unsupported. My spaghetti strap shirt did good work showing off my flat stomach, button and all, but I still needed that extra kick. So instead of going to flop city I pulled down one of the shirt straps off my shoulder, letting the left side of my purple bra open for Taylor’s consumption.

For the final trick, I started to massage my left breast. I thought about how showy I was already being, and what was in store for the rest of the evening. With my free hand I grabbed my own ass, imagining it was Mr. Chase. I watched myself feel my body in the mirror. Damn I’m sexy. I wish I could sleep with me.

That did the trick. I relished the familiar feeling in my panties, like the first few rain drops running down a car window, pooling in the gap below. More importantly my nipple proudly poked through my bra. No doubt Mrs. Chase would kick me out for looking like this in front of her son. No doubt Mr. Chase would thoroughly discipline me.. with his rod. I shivered with excitement.

Alright, now or never. I left the bathroom and went to Taylor’s room, the sounds of gunfire echoed down the hall. I knocked on the door.

“What is it? Come in,” he said, disinterested. I went in.

“Look, I’m Jess, your parents had me over to watch over things tonight.”

He scoffed, his eyes glued to the screen in front of him. I couldn’t tell if he was doing well or not, only that the game had sucked the emotion out of him.

“I can watch myself. Go do whatever.” Still no eyes. I’d have to resort to a different plan if I couldn’t unlock them.

“I think they wanted you to be able to relax, focus on your school work.”

“Yeah, more like they hired a spy.” More right than he knew.

Time for emergency measures. I picked a model submarine off his dresser. “Did you make this?”

“Yeah, well sorta – hey! Put that down!” He glanced over at me just long enough to shout.

“It’s pretty big, you know, for something you made.” Sassy, but fuck him for giving me attitude. He turned to look at me fully. My instructor said if you want a target to attack, expose your flank..As soon as his eyes were gazing I turned my full attention to the submarine.

I ran my finger down the length, taking in the details so he could take in mine. I hooked my thumb in my capris, showing him an extra half inch of the front of my privates. You know, absent mindedly.

“Why pick a submarine? It’s kind of, you know, like a dick.” Lesson two. If you want to inspire sex, don’t shy away from sexual lingo. “You’re not compensating, are you?” I turned to look at him and forced a laugh. He pulled his eyes up suddenly in an attempt to hide where he was staring. That’s a good sign.

“Only kidding. Look, you have whatever fun you want. I’ll tell your parents you did your book report. I’m going to wash up.” I kissed the tip of his submarine, then set it back on his dresser. I took my jacket off as I turned to leave. Lesson three: forget clues, leave giant flashing neon signs. I tossed it on the hallway floor, then started pulling off my shirt just as I stepped out of view.

I thought I could hear his chair move as I left a trail of clothes back to the bathroom. With any luck he was watching. I took my time wiggling out of the red tanga underwear, leaving them on top of my capris at the corner of the bathroom door. When I shut the door they prevented it from closing all the way. Darn.

I adjusted the small makeup mirror then started the shower, keeping the water cold. Steamy showers are better, but I needed to keep the glass and mirror from fogging up. I stood with my back to the door, but made sure to keep an eye on it off the reflection of the two mirrors.

There were three possibilities. One, he comes onto me and I performed the handy work. That was the simplest, but would make the second and third parts of my job more difficult.

Two, with the inspiration provided he performed the handy work himself. That made collection harder, but let me move more freely for later tasks.

Three, I would have to come onto him. That was the worst case. It had all of the complications of one, but with the added risk that Taylor would tell someone. Or worse, that he would rebuff my advances and I’d have to take extraordinary measures. It was a remote possibility; teenage boys were the most excitable creatures to ever walk the earth. But that didn’t stop me from worrying.

I didn’t have to wait long for the first signs. The door moved ever so slightly, and I could just see the smallest outline of an eye. I started my show, caressing my own body, starting with my shoulders and working my way down. The erotic movements served two purposes. The obvious was to excite Taylor, to let him think he was getting away with his spying. The second was because I was cold.



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